Cassie (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #3) (21 page)

Read Cassie (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #3) Online

Authors: Virginia Hunter

Tags: #Top 10 Paranormal Romance, #sorcery, #Sex, #Dark fantasy, #Demon, #Paranormal Romance, #Steamy, #Urban Fantasy, #Warlock, #Thriller, #shapeshifter, #fantasy, #Wizard, #Magic, #Witch, #shifter, #mage

BOOK: Cassie (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #3)
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Cassie’s mouth went dry. For some stupid reason she thought that this would be easier to talk about than it was turning out to be. She found herself at a loss for words.

“Miranda has some concerns now that you know she and her friends are witches,” Caleb stated bluntly. “She wants to alter your mind, so you won’t remember what they are.”

“What the shit?!” Brody jumped up again. “Are you kidding me?”

“Way to ease into it,” Cassie said, narrowing her eyes at Caleb. “Nobody has decided anything yet.
need to find another solution.”

“Running for it sounds pretty good to me,” Brody pointed at the windows.

“That’s not an option, and I’m pretty sure you know that,” Caleb said. “Cassie’s right, we need to think this through.”

“Easy for you to say!” Brody yelled. “You’re not about to get the ‘Total Recall’ mindswipe!”

“That’s not what she said,” Cassie retorted. “She just wants to remove the part about you knowing they are witches. And most likely that I’m one too.”

“Well I’m glad it’ll be that easy,” Brody snipped. “I mean it’s not like anything could go wrong, like frying my brain!”

Cassie sighed. He was right. She had no idea how Miranda’s power worked, or how much danger was actually involved. “We need to come up with some alternative solutions.”

Brody spread his arms. “What are the options?”

“I think she wants us to come up with some,” Cassie answered.

“Fabulous.” Brody flopped back down in his chair.

“I’m not going to let them hurt you, man,” Caleb promised. “We come up with a solution, or we fight our way out.”

Cassie cringed at the thought. She’d seen the witches in action, and knew full well the three of them wouldn’t stand a chance against the coven. Not to mention she wanted to stay, and be a part of this place. “It won’t come to that. Miranda seems reasonable.”

Brody shifted in the chair, and scratched his chin in thought. Caleb did the same. Cassie couldn’t get her mind to stop racing. She kept going back to a fight between the witches and the three of them.
Think, dammit,
she chided.
It can’t come to that

“They need to make sure I don’t spill the beans, right?” Brody finally asked.

“Yeah,” Caleb answered.

“Don’t they have a spell or something that would stop me from saying anything?”

Caleb shook his head. “We brought that up, and she said it could mess up your mind.”

“Well that’s out then,” Brody replied. “What if I pinky-swear not to tell?”

Cassie gave him a deadpan look, while Caleb snorted. “You know her better than we do,” she said. “You think she’d go for that?”

“No,” Brody shook his head. “Probably not.”

“Would you be up to staying on the grounds for a while?” Cassie suggested. “You said she offered a place for you to stay while you were working. Maybe if you could build some trust with them, they would be willing to forego the mind tampering.”

Brody pondered her words. “I’m practically here all the time anyway. It wouldn’t be that big of a stretch.”

“Okay, so that’s a start.” She was glad he felt comfortable enough to at least try it, but she still didn’t feel right about the whole situation. She didn’t think she could be part of the coven if they ended up altering his mind anyway.

“We need to include Miranda in this discussion,” Caleb said. He stood, and started pacing. “I think the main thing we need to get straight between us, is what happens if she decides to mess with Brody. I’m not going to let that happen.” He looked at Cassie.

“We won’t stand a chance if it comes to a confrontation, but I’m on your side.”

“Hey guys,” Brody said. “Miranda’s always been cool, even though what she’s proposing is kinda freaking me out right now. I don’t think we’re going to have to fight our way out.”

“As long as the three of us are agreed that she’s not going to be jacking with your mind, I’m up for whatever happens,” Caleb said.

Cassie nodded. “Agreed.”

“Okay,” Brody said. He glanced at Cassie and Caleb. “I’m glad you guys are here.”

“Considering we got you into this mess in the first place, I really appreciate the fact you feel that way.” Caleb patted Brody on the shoulder.

Cassie got up. “Let’s get it over with.” She was hating this. One minute she thought she’d found a place to call home, and the next, she found herself poisoned against it.
No easy answers
. A lesson she’d learned several years ago. It was unfortunate that hope always seemed to make her forget.

The three of them went downstairs. Cassie could still feel the pull to stay when she looked out on the great room, but it was tainted now with an edge of regret. Alix and Troy had moved to the large granite bar, enjoying each other’s company. The thing could seat over a dozen people easily, and was crafted from the same wood that could be found throughout the rest of the house.

The matriarch was nowhere to be seen.

“Where did Miranda go?” Cassie asked, as she approached the pair.

Alix smiled from behind the bar. “She’s putting that dagger away. No worries, she’ll be right back. Drink?”

Cassie declined, as did the rest of her party.

“Hey Brody,” Alix said.

He gave her a nod. “Hey Alix. How’s that new headboard holding up?”

The crimson that suddenly brightened Alix’s cheeks actually complimented the purple in her hair. She bit down on her lower lip, but didn’t quite suppress the chuckle she was trying to hide.

Troy barked a laugh. The redhead glanced over his shoulder at Brody. “Much better, my friend. Thanks for replacing it.”

“Glad to hear it,” Brody said with a grin. “Let me know if you have any more...trouble.”

Heat burned Cassie’s cheeks now as well. “Maybe I
have a drink. You got a Corona back there?” She plopped down on one of the padded bar stools.

Alix shot her a thankful look, and reached under the bar. There must have been a fridge under the counter, because the bottle she pulled out quickly covered with condensation. “Lime?”

“There’s no other way,” Cassie replied.

Out came a small container filled with limes. Alix popped the lid, and slid the container over to Cassie along with the beer. “All yours.”

Cassie dressed her beverage, and took a long pull off of it. The cool, burning sensation that rushed down her throat, was a welcomed relief. “So, since we’re kind of on the subject, there’s been something I’ve been wondering about.” She looked at Alix and Troy. “Do you guys get a tingling feeling whenever you touch each other?”

“Wow,” Brody said, laughing. “And I thought I was getting personal.”

Alix nodded, knowingly. “Yeah, you guys too?”

Cassie signaled an affirmative with her bottle.

“Hannah calls it Atingere,” Alix said. “It lets us know when we’ve found a suitable companion.”

“That must be nice,” Brody quipped.

“It isn’t a bad thing,” Caleb said. “Inconvenient maybe, but definitely not bad.”

Cassie eyed him, and mouthed the word “
”, before taking another drink.

Caleb rolled his cloudy blues with a sigh.

“Glad to know that it’s a ‘thing’ with all witches, and not more weirdness only associated with me,” Cassie said.

Alix laughed, “You can relax, you’re not that special.”

“Cheers to that,” Cassie held up her drink.

Alix and Troy did the same, and the three of them drank.

“How long have you all known each other?” Cassie asked, pointing back and forth between Alix, Troy, and Brody.

“Brody was working here before we arrived,” Troy answered. “So, a little over a year.”

“So you know he wouldn’t tell anyone about this place, right?” Caleb asked, as he stepped up behind Cassie.

“Yes, we know he wouldn’t intentionally put us in harm’s way,” Miranda said from across the room. Everyone jumped with a start, and turned to watch the beautiful woman in white, as she glided over to them. “Even if he let something slip, the likelihood of anyone believing him would be slim. The issue is that people like that cult leader are hunting for us, and they have means to force the information out of you, Brody. There is also a good chance that they know where you live now.”

Brody swallowed. “What if I stayed here on the grounds, twenty-four-seven? You’d offered that once before.”

Miranda raised her brow. “An interesting proposition.”

“There’s something else,” Cassie said, as she slid off the bar stool. “I can’t stay if you do something to his mind. That may not mean much to you, but I hope it does. Brody took us in—just like you guys did—and I can’t sit here and watch while he suffers consequences that should be mine.” The tension in the room cranked up a few notches. She could actually
Caleb’s heart rate increase. She wondered if it was the bond between them that allowed her to sense his anxiety.

Miranda smiled. “I had hoped as much. I’m glad to see such loyalty given to a friend.”

“So you want me to stay?” she asked unsure.

“Yes. I do,” Miranda answered. “And it just so happens that I have need of Brody as well.”

“The cottages,” Brody said.

“Exactly,” Miranda nodded. “I will need twelve in all. The quicker you can build them, the better.”

“I think I missed something there,” Caleb said. He seemed calm, but his heart was still thumping like a hammer.

“Part of the job,” Brody replied. “I’ve built four of them already, while doing touch up work on this monstrosity.” He waved his hand at the great room. “If I’m here all the time, then it’ll get finished that much sooner. And she can keep an eye on me.”

Cassie held her breath, hoping Brody’s offer and her threat were enough.

Miranda eyed the two of them. “I accept your terms.” She pointed at Brody. “You stay, starting immediately. And you”—she pointed at Cassie—“will join the coven with Alix this spring.”

She sighed in relief, and looked over at Brody. “I’m good with that.”

He nodded, “Me too.”

“I’ll take that drink now,” Caleb said. His heart rate had dropped back to normal.

Alix pulled a couple bottles of wine from the handcrafted wrack on the back wall. “Let’s celebrate!”

Hannah, Rhea, and Dominic, came back to find wine and high spirits waiting for them. Cassie couldn’t have been more pleased with the outcome. Finally she would get a chance to figure out what her power was about, and possibly make an actual home out of this place. But there was still one thing looming over her head. As the drinking continued and conversations deepened, Cassie pulled Miranda off to the side. “Can we talk? In private?”

Miranda nodded. “I’m going to show Cassie my study,” she announced to those that listened.

Caleb looked at Cassie with a touch of concern. She gave him a smile, signaling that everything was okay. Miranda led her down a hallway just off the great room, and into her study. It was essentially a library, which Cassie had never really had any use for. It was nice, just not her thing. Miranda offered her a seat next to the massive stone hearth on the far wall.

“Would you like something else to drink?” Miranda asked.

“No, I’m fine,” Cassie answered. She wasn’t sure how or where to start, especially since what she wanted to say might ruin her chances of joining the coven.

“We don’t have to do this now,” Miranda said, breaking the lengthening silence.

“Yeah, yeah we do,” she replied. “My past isn’t so great. There are some things you need to know before you decide if you want me in your coven.”

“I’m listening.”

This isn’t getting any easier
. She shifted in her chair. “I have a warrant out for me in Canada.” She hadn’t realize how hard it was going to be for her to say the next part. She’d lived with the mistake for so long, that she’d shielded herself from it. Hidden her emotions away in the dark where they wouldn’t be seen or felt. Tears blurred her vision as she spoke in a rush. “I killed someone when I was seventeen.” The building tears overflowed, and ran down her cheeks. “I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to kill him.”

Miranda came out of her chair, and knelt in front of Cassie. She brushed the hair out of her face, and gently wiped her cheek with a soft thumb. “Horrible things have happened to all of us, dear. Do not fear the past, it will not affect your future here.” Her warm smile was comforting and knowing. “We will talk more on this, but for now be at ease. You will join the coven.”

Cassie couldn’t help from hugging the woman. She wept on the matriarch’s shoulder like a child needing a mother’s reassurance. For the better part of five years she had been without guidance or direction, and now she had found a pillar of strength to cling to; someone to help her understand the mysteries she couldn’t unravel herself. A protector that would not abandon her, and a sisterhood that she could call family.

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