Cassandra Austin (3 page)

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Authors: Hero Of The Flint Hills

BOOK: Cassandra Austin
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Lynnette thanked God she wasn’t prone to blushing.
could be debating between scarlet and crimson. She resolutely turned her attention to the countryside. Their route wandered a little through rocky hills, climbing ever higher, and Christian’s leg pressed against her own. She was sure she felt its heat soak through her heavy skirt. She tried to scoot farther away, noticing how the trees seemed greener and fresher here than in the city.

She took in a deep breath of the summer-ripe air. She identified the scent of wind-tossed dust, growing vegetation, a faint hint of horse, soap and sun-dried clothes. She wanted to groan. She had never been so preoccupied with a man before.

She only noticed everything about him because she was a writer, she told herself. She looked for details. She liked to try to describe what she saw and touched. Possible descriptions of the man sitting next to her made her fingers tremble.

She would block him out. It was much more useful to describe the countryside. The…hills…grass…

Christian cleared his throat.

Lynnette closed her eyes for a moment. She had to get her imagination under control. It was fatigue, of course, that made it so difficult.

“Arlen should be back sometime tomorrow,” he said.

Lynnette turned toward him; she really had no choice without being rude. My, but he was attractive.

After she’d gazed for a moment into sky-blue eyes,
his words found their way to her brain. Arlen. Tomorrow. He expected a response. She wasn’t sure what she should say. That she was dying to see Arlen again? When she couldn’t remember what he looked like except he
have full lips or dimples or blue-blue eyes? Besides it didn’t sound quite proper.

“I’m grateful to your family for letting me visit this summer,” she ventured.

He eyed her oddly for a moment then turned his attention back to the team. Lynnette supposed it hadn’t sounded particularly romantic.

“How’s Papa?” Emily asked. “Catch me up on everything.”

“Well,” Christian began, “Papa’s fine. Nothing much slows him down. Perry broke his leg last winter, but he’s healing.” He turned to Lynette. “Perry’s our hired man.”

Lynnette nodded, too rattled by their earlier exchange to think clearly. He must have taken her lack of response as lack of interest. He made no further effort to include her as he described the health and activities of several people whom she did not know. She hung on every word, trying to associate each name with each situation. She wasn’t merely captivated by his voice.

When Christian mentioned Elayne was due to foal in a few weeks, Emily leaned forward to inform Lynnette, “I named her. Elayne was Sir Lancelot’s mother.”

Christian turned to Lynnette. “You know what she was reading the summer we got the mare.”

“It’s a great name,” Emily said, scowling at her brother.

“I suppose if the foal’s male we’ll have to name it Lancelot.”

Lynnette thought he spoke to Emily, but his eyes were still on her. It was easy to gaze into those blue pools and forget to speak. She thought of a mouse hypnotized by a snake. Emily rescued her by mentioning Tyrant, pulling Christian’s attention away from Lynnette. Tyrant turned out to be a cat who had the run of the house.

They had been steadily climbing into the rocky hills and at the top of one, Christian stopped the wagon. “I thought you might like to stretch your legs.” He reached across Lynnette to set the brake and tie the reins. He stood and, placing one foot on the dashboard in front of Lynnette, leaped to the ground.

Emily didn’t seem particularly surprised by this rather athletic feat. “You’re the one with the stretched legs. Lynnette and I are fine.”

Christian grinned and offered his hand to Lynnette. She knew she hesitated a moment before taking it and hoped he thought it was because of his sister’s words. He held her hand no longer than necessary and stepped away. Still in that one moment she had felt his strength and warmth. And his calluses, she reminded herself, as if that would make a difference.

The wind played with Lynnette’s heavy skirts as she turned and stared. “You can see forever up here.”

The green hills tiered below them to the valley and the cottonwood trees that hid the river. Hazy hills were visible beyond, complementing the pale blue sky.

“This is the worst part of coming to the ranch,” Emily said.

Lynnette turned toward her, laughing in surprise, then realized what Emily was talking about. The girl had pulled her hair together and held it at her shoulder in one fist while tendrils whirled around her face. Lynnette could feel her own small hat being tugged loose from its numerous pins. “We have wind in the city, too,” she offered.

“Not if you don’t go outside.”

Lynnette turned to Christian and caught his playful grin. “She should have let me braid her hair.”

Christian’s conspiratorial tone disconcerted her. “Perhaps we should go,” she suggested. Christian pulled a basket out from under the seat and handed it to Emily who balanced it on her lap. After one last look across the valley Lynnette let Christian help her aboard and waited as he resumed his former place.

As soon as the wagon was moving again, Emily opened the basket It contained three pint jars packed in straw. “Tea,” Christian said, handing one to Lynnette. “It isn’t hot, but it’s wet.”

“Why didn’t she send lemonade?” Emily was clearly disappointed.

“Martha seemed to think tea would be more proper.”

Emily snorted her disagreement but soon began plying Christian with questions about the summer activities planned for the neighborhood. Lynnette opened the jar, grateful it wasn’t full. She was afraid she would spill it on her dress and look a fright when she met Arlen’s father.

Perhaps Emily was used to drinking from a jar in a moving wagon. Her conversation never faltered. Lynnette was only half-listening when a tall rock house became visible. It dropped from sight as the wagon dipped into a valley then reappeared, looming over the countryside.

“Thank goodness.” Emily sighed. “We’re almost home. I’m so-o-o tired of traveling.”

“Poor little Em,” soothed Christian. “Didn’t you get to nap on the train?”

Emily’s elbow landed firmly in Christian’s ribs, causing him to jolt into Lynnette. He gave her an apologetic smile, but he didn’t exactly look repentant.

“I slept some,” Emily said, “but there were two little girls giggling the whole way.”

Lynnette felt a twinge of apprehension. She hoped Emily didn’t relate the source of the girls’ giggles. Even if Emily had seen the book, even if she remembered the title and author, no one would guess it was hers.

She stole a glance at Christian and found his eyes on her. Had he sensed her unease? She concentrated on breathing slowly, willing her hands to remain still in her lap. She didn’t want her reaction to make him curious enough to ask Emily why the girls had been giggling.

Another glance told her he still watched her. Perhaps he was vain enough to take credit for her nervousness, to believe his leg pressing against hers made her heart beat loudly enough for him to hear, to believe his arm against her shoulder made her fingers tremble.

And of course, that wasn’t it at all.

Chapter Two

he wagon was almost even with the house before Lynnette was able to relax. And it wasn’t because of the man sitting so close beside her. Or at least it wouldn’t have been if she wasn’t certain that

“Mostly we live in the top two floors,” Emily said. She seemed to take Lynnette’s effort to keep her face turned away from Christian as interest in the house and leaned around Christian to talk as the wagon jostled up the slope. “The bottom floor’s for entertaining, which we don’t ever do.” She scowled at her brother.

Lynnette stole a glance at Christian. He was smiling fondly at Emily. Deep dimples in his cheeks made her long to test the texture of the fine blond stubble visible where the sun struck his face. Shocked by her thoughts, Lynnette turned her attention back to the house.

It had been built into a hillside, allowing ground-level entrances to the bottom floor in front and the middle floor in back. The first floor sported corner bay windows and a porch at the front door. These became
three balconies for the rooms above. The top floor consisted of a mansard roof with two large dormers, each with its own smaller balcony.

Christian drove the wagon past the house and turned up a graveled path that led between it and the barn. Lynnette had been so enthralled by the house that she had scarcely noticed the barn. It too had ground-level entrances on two floors and a ramp that led to the third. She looked forward to a chance to explore the massive structure.

The wagon turned again, and Lynnette got a glimpse of a wide valley below before her view was blocked by the house itself. The back had the same quiet grandeur as the front, though it was less imposing with only two stories visible.

The two gables had the same small balconies, and she turned to see what their view might be. The ground sloped upward gradually from the house for barely twenty yards then rose sharply. A trail meandered up a hill that dwarfed the house, and Lynnette could only guess what the view would be from there.

“Welcome to the Prescott Ranch.”

Lynnette turned to find Christian regarding her quizzically. Was she acting like a city girl, studying her surroundings so intently? There was no need for her to feel defensive. She
a city girl. Besides, she had no reason to impress this man.

“Thank you,” she murmured, hearing the chill in her voice.

Emily had already climbed down from the wagon and run around it. Christian jumped down from the dashboard and turned to offer Lynnette a hand. She
was about to grasp it when Emily’s shout caught their attention.


A tall thin man with fine gray hair had come through the door. Emily flung herself into his arms, and he swung her around much as Christian had done. “It’s good to have you home, Em,” he said once she was back on her feet. He sounded slightly out of breath. “Help the lady down, Christian.”

In a moment she was on the ground, and Christian’s callused hand was slipped out of hers. Instead of stepping away, he took her arm lightly and led her forward. “Miss Sterling, let me introduce Hugh Prescott. Pa, Lynnette Sterling.”

“We’re happy to have you, Miss Sterling,” Hugh said, his arm still around his daughter. “I’m sorry Arlen isn’t here to make you feel welcome. The rest of us will do the best we can.”

Lynnette smiled. “That’s most kind of you.” He looked so much like Christian she had to turn and compare their faces. But Christian wasn’t smiling. She turned back to the elder Prescott quickly. “Please, call me Lynnette.”

“Christian, get Jake to help you with the trunks. I’m sure the ladies would like to get out of the sun.” He turned and walked Emily to the house, releasing her only as they came to the door. He held a hand toward Lynnette, encouraging her forward.

She resisted taking a backward glance at Christian. Why had he been watching her so seriously? Was he judging her suitability to marry his brother?

She decided to put Arlen’s strange brother out of
her mind and walked resolutely through the door. Emily had crossed a small room lined with benches. Hooks on the wall held coats and rain gear. Several pair of boots were shoved under the benches. At the end of the room, the door stood open.

“That way’s the washroom and the kitchen.” Emily pointed to the left when Lynnette had caught up with her. “This is Pa’s study,” she said, indicating the room to the right of the entry.

Lynnette followed Emily through a door across the hall and stepped into the living room. There was a rock fireplace, groups of comfortable-looking chairs, small tables, shelves and an open stairway leading to the top floor.

Across the room stood double glass doors. The view of the valley beyond was breathtaking. Lynnette walked toward the doors trying to think of words to describe the shades of green in the grasses and trees, the sheer distance that one was able to see.

She opened the doors and stepped out. The round balcony was larger than it had appeared from below. With the breeze on her face and nothing in sight to ground her on the hillside, Lynnette felt as if she were floating over the valley. Her fingers and toes tingled with adrenaline, and she gripped the rail.

“I’ll tell Martha to bring some lemonade.” Hugh had spoken softly, and Lynnette turned in time to see him leave his daughter’s side. As she walked back inside, he disappeared around the stairway. A large black and white cat entered from the same direction and sat inspecting the new arrivals.

“That’s Tyrant,” Emily said, motioning Lynnette
into a chair. “Don’t try to be his friend.” At Lynnette’s raised eyebrows, she continued, “He’ll make up his own mind, and you’re better off ignoring him. He loves Arlen and Papa, but barely tolerates the rest of us. Martha despises him, but I think he loves her the best, maybe because she smells like the kitchen.”

Tyrant walked past them as if they were unimportant and sprang into a brocade-covered chair, making himself comfortable. “Come here, Tyrant,” Emily coaxed. “Don’t you remember me?” Tyrant gazed at her, blinked and proceeded to wash his paws.

Christian came through the door backward, carrying one side of Lynnette’s trunk. The other end was supported by a boy only slightly older than Emily. “Welcome home, Miss Emily,” he said, giving her a smile that could only be described as teasing.

“That’s Jake,” Emily said to Lynnette. “He works in the barn and does
tasks around the place.”

Lynnette bit her lip and tried for a pleasant smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Jake.”

Christian gave an exaggerated sigh. Jake, of course, had stopped walking as soon as he saw Emily. Christian set his end of the trunk on the floor, causing Jake to drop his, then seated himself on the trunk, crossed his arms and watched his younger sister. Her hair was a most unsophisticated mess around her shoulders, making her look younger than her thirteen years. In contrast, she sat demurely on a wingback chair, modeling her pose after Lynnette’s. Miss Sterling, he corrected himself.
hadn’t been invited to call her Lynnette.

Emily cast poor Jake a twinkling smile. “Miss Lynnette
doesn’t really mean it, Jake. She’s just being polite.”

Christian turned his attention to Lynnette as the young people continued their teasing. Her eyes traveled from one to the other, amusement evident in the soft curve of her mouth. If he wasn’t mistaken she deliberately avoided looking at him. Fine. It gave him time to study her.

Arlen’s “china doll” came to mind, but it didn’t quite fit There was too much life under those porcelain features. That, more than her beauty, made her attractive. She had perfect manners, as Arlen had said, was quiet and reserved—reserved to the point of being embarrassed by his display of affection for his little sister, a sister whom he hadn’t seen in nearly a year.

Once or twice he had found himself trying to measure her reaction to this land, his home. What did he care whether she liked it here or looked down her nose at their way of life?
wasn’t looking for a wife. And if he was, a woman like Lynnette wouldn’t even be in the running.

But that wasn’t why he studied her. He felt a need to protect his brother. Arlen was young and could be easily taken in by promises from those pretty lips. And she didn’t love Arlen. He was sure of it. She hadn’t asked about him once, not when Arlen had failed to meet them at the station, not during the long ride to the ranch.

Had she committed herself to Arlen out of desperation? Arlen had indicated that she was practically destitute. Was that the truth? Her dress certainly
seemed older than the latest fashion, but had she chosen it carefully for effect?

Christian gave himself a mental shake. Her actual situation wasn’t the point What kind of a wife would she make Arlen? His eyes narrowed as he watched her laugh softly at one of Emily’s quips. She was a beauty, all right, just as Arlen had said. What was inside, however, remained to be seen.

He stood abruptly. “Are you two done bickering?”

“I believe so, sir,” Jake replied. “The poor girl’s starting to repeat herself.”

“Only because it’s so hard for you to understand things,” Emily replied airily.

Christian and Jake lifted the trunk as one and headed for the stairs. Christian stepped aside at the bottom, allowing Jake to back up the stairs, taking most of the weight himself. Jake was strong, but he was seventeen, a boy yet.

A grinning boy, at present. The grin didn’t leave Jake’s face all the way up the stairs. They put the trunk down and Jake opened the door to the room Lynnette would be using. “This is one heavy trunk.” The boy grunted as he lifted it again.

“I think the lady plans to stay awhile.”

“You reckon she’s got a different outfit for every day?”

Christian chuckled. They walked down the stairs and met Martha at the bottom with a tray of lemonade. Christian reached for a tall glass. “Why thank you, Martha. You read my mind.”

She carefully swung the tray out of reach. “These are for the young ladies.”

Christian threw his arm around Jake’s shoulder as they walked through the living room. “Fine thing, Jake. We do all the work, and they get the refreshment.”

“It’s the way it always is, boss. The way it’ll always be.” Christian noticed he cast a sidelong look at Emily as they passed. These two had been teasing each other since they were babies. Eventually, one of them would outgrow it. He hoped.

By the time they came back with Emily’s lighter trunk she, Lynnette and Hugh had taken their drinks out on the balcony. Christian noticed Jake’s disappointment and wondered if an end to their childish relationship was a good thing after all.

“You know, Jake,” he began as they set the trunk on the landing and opened Emily’s door, “you can tease my sister all you want, but remember she’s a child. And remember whose child. I’m afraid if you lay a hand on her, your father and mine will take turns making you wish you hadn’t.”

Jake shuddered. “Not to mention what
would do.”

Christian laughed. “Let’s get those bags up here, then find our lemonade.”

A few minutes later Christian, lemonade in hand, stepped out onto the balcony. Martha had insisted Jake stay in the kitchen and not “interfere with the family.”

Emily and Lynnette were sitting on folding chairs while Hugh leaned against the rail. Christian took a place on the far side, not wanting to block the ladies’ view of the valley.

“In spite of all that, school isn’t too bad, Papa,” Emily said, smiling an acknowledgment of Christian’s arrival. “I have lots of friends there. None so nice as Rose, of course. Will Rose be able to stay sometime this summer?”

“I’m sure she’s planning on it, dear.” Hugh had nodded a greeting to Christian but hadn’t interrupted his daughter’s chatter. She was evidently catching him up on the past year.

As he sipped the lemonade, Christian reflected on his family. They had remained close in spite of Felicia. Did she ever miss this sense of belonging or had she found something she valued more? Of course, Felicia had Emily nine months out of twelve. And Arlen nearly half the time. What Christian really wondered was if she ever missed her husband or stepson.

He shook off the thoughts and studied their guest, Arlen’s addition to the family. She appeared to relax, dividing her attention between Emily, Hugh and the view below.

Perhaps sensing his scrutiny, her eyes turned in his direction. He knew he should give her a friendly smile and turn his eyes elsewhere, but it wasn’t that easy. She was lovely to look at. Small perfect features were surrounded by shining chestnut hair, upswept and anchored so securely only a few stray wisps had come loose during the wagon ride. Hazel eyes, almost green in the sunlight, watched him questioningly, as if she tried to read his thoughts and failed. If she was after Arlen for his money, he was the one she needed to worry about. Had she recognized that already?

“Did you put Lynnette’s trunk in my room, Christian?”

Christian pulled his gaze from Lynnette to Emily. “Arlen’s room,” he answered.

“Arlen will be gone a great deal,” Hugh interjected. “When he’s home, he’ll share his brother’s room.”

“I didn’t know which bags were whose so they’re all on the landing,” Christian said.

“Thank you,” Lynnette said. “For moving my things and for making room for me.”

Christian caught himself gazing at her again. He drank the rest of the lemonade quickly, setting his glass beside Emily’s chair. “Great to have you home, little sister,” he whispered, bending close to her ear. He kissed her temple, stealing a glance at Lynnette over the top of her head. As he expected, she averted her eyes, embarrassed that he would kiss his sister. Poor Arlen, he thought, as he left the balcony.

Lynnette chewed on her lower lip, trying to quash her reaction to Christian’s presence. The atmosphere had changed the moment he entered the balcony. He was different from the businessmen she was used to. His manner of dress, his long hair, these made the writer in her curious.

She had been trying to explain away her interest in him when he kissed his sister. The sight of those full lips as he bent toward Emily sent butterflies loose in her stomach. She couldn’t remember when she had ever had such a reaction. Surely it was the long trip, the upsetting change in her situation.

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