Cash (Sexy Bastard #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Cash (Sexy Bastard #2)
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He grabs my breasts, kneading my tender
flesh, making my nipples harden. I sigh in bliss, already feeling my
pussy getting wet again. He bends his head and pulls my breast to his
mouth. Fisting my hands in his hair, I hold on for dear life. I’ve
had my fair share of lovers, but he’s the first who demands
everything and gives just as much.

His hand travels down and finds my
pussy. Circling my entrance, I whimper and buck my hips against him.
That is not what I want.

I reach for his belt, feeling the stiff
length of his cock beneath. Now that is what I am looking for. His
hand grabs mine, stopping my progress just as he sinks two fingers
deep inside me. I inhale sharply and can’t help but thrust my
breasts out ready for more.

He’s right: he is an expert with
his mouth. As he teases my clit, he sucks my nipple with just the
right amount of pressure. “Hmmmm, your technique could use some
work.” I try to sound convincing when all I want is for him to
continue. He blows on my wet nipple and I arch into his face.

Slowly, he brings his fingers to his
mouth and sucks my juices off them. Then he kisses me, and it drives
me wild. I can taste myself mixed with whiskey.

“My technique could use some
work? Are you lying, Savannah Sunday? It’s bad to tell lies.
Tsk, tsk.” He clicks his tongue at me. “Are you being a
bad girl?” I tilt my pelvis toward him, pressing myself against
his erect cock. Time to show him just how bad we can be together.

“Around you? All the time.”

He pushes me down onto the bed and
lifts my legs up around his neck. The rough stubble on his chin
scrapes against the sensitive skin of my thighs.

“Keep them there,” he says.

“Or what?” I can’t
help but challenge him in this.

“Oh Savy, you don’t want to
find out. You think I was teasing your clit back on the rooftop? If
that’s how you want to play it, you haven’t seen teasing

“Ok Cash. I will play by your
rules for now.” Fuck, I am ready for him.

“Pinch your nipples for me.”

He guides my hands to my breasts and
leaves me to toy with myself.

His tongue pierces my pussy and I want
to scream. He sucks on my lips, and then finds my clit, sucking it
into his mouth. I see stars. I stop teasing my breasts, trying to
catch up with the sensations pooling within me.

But his tongue stops.

I look down my body at him and he
arches an eyebrow. Right, how foolish of me to stop. Slowly, I pluck
at my nipples and his tongue repeats the process. A moan escapes my
lips and his tongue misses a beat. So he does have a weakness.

Just as I’m ready to be pushed
over the edge, he stops again. Cash is going to drive me mad before
the night is through.

Cash gets up, leaving me wet and
wanting on the bed, and quickly loses his jeans. After rolling a
condom on, he slides into bed next to me and pulls me back against
him. His cock presses into the crack of my ass.

His hand runs down my leg, cupping my
knee and pulling it up. I suck in a breath as I’m spread. His
cock teases my opening and I try to press back against him, wanting
more. But in this position Cash holds all the cards, and he’s
an excellent player.

After what feels like a lifetime, he
slides into me in one smooth thrust. It fills me completely,
stretching me in ways I wasn’t sure was possible.

I twist just enough to take his mouth,
his tongue strong and demanding against my own. Cash does nothing
half-way. He bites my bottom lip as he pulls back only to thrust back
into me. Held open, I can’t do anything but let him do all the

Hard and fast, each stroke going deeper
than the last. I try to wiggle around. Cash gives my ass a smack,
forcing himself deeper into me. I groan, my world completely focused
on the steady rhythm of our bodies.

“Next time I should tie you
down,” he says, nipping at my ear. “Would you like that?”

I clinch my pussy tighter—sounds
like a plan to me. Snaking an arm around his neck, I pull him closer.
The move only forces us further together. He moans in my ear and
pulls me down and holds me there, his free hand finding my clit,
sending all systems haywire. We both come at the same time.


Perhaps I should report Cash to the
some sort of UFO trackers, because I’m definitely having an out
of body experience. I haven’t been this relaxed in months. It’s
like the weight that’s been crushing me has suddenly lifted. He
was right; all I needed was to let off some steam—not that I’ll
ever tell him that. I’d never live it down.

Cash dozes next to me; I place a hand
on his heart. Underneath my palm, the beat is strong and steady. Cash
may be a whirlwind, and I may be caught up in his wake, but there’s
no place I’d rather make my home.

It’s going to be impossible to
give him up. His hand comes up to grab mine and he holds me to him,
and that’s when I realize.

I’m done for.






“Fuck a cuntwaffle,” I say.
And for good measure, I add a few more swears that would make even
Cash blush. Balancing against the wall, I tug on my heel. It’s
eight fifteen in the morning and I’m late. On any other day I
would already be out the door. But on most days I’m not waking
up from mind-blowing sex.

Cash is slung across my bed as casually
as a pair of well-worn jeans. His blond hair falls into his eyes as
he studies his phone. I lean against the doorway, and my eyes scroll
down his body— toned arms, a strong chest, and his abs march
straight down to my favorite part of his anatomy. The man knows he’s
sex on a stick and he’s definitely not wrong. He looks up at me
and grins lazily, a cat just waiting to be fed. It looks like he
wants me to be the main course.

I curse my phone and the job I’m in an abusive relationship
with. I should probably turn my regular green tea latte into a triple
shot latte, but I enjoy the languid feel in my muscles and the
sluggish way my mind doesn’t want to think too hard about
anything. Cash was right: sex was just what I needed. No, sex with
Cash was just what I needed.

I’m barely dressed and am not
going to leave this apartment for at least another half hour. I’ve
texted Rob already that we’ll need to go over the issues with
Tanner. That’s still going to be a big mess of a situation. One
I’m not particularly looking forward to.

Running a hand through my hair, I wince
and can already feel my curls starting to rebel. I’m going to
need more hairpins today. Cash looks up from his phone and cracks a

“I’ve got a great view,”
he says.

“Enjoying my ass?” I ask
and don’t resist giving him a shake.

“Maybe. But I like it better

I hear the duvet slip to the ground and
he comes up behind me. He’s naked and still warm from sleep,
and on any other day I would want to crawl back in bed with him and
forget the list of tasks I have for the day. But I want this
promotion, and crawling back in bed and letting Cash wipe my mind
clean again isn’t going to help me get to the top of my

His arm wraps around me, his fingers
already toying with the row of buttons barely keeping my shirt
together. He’s warm, and all thoughts go straight to my groin.

Department? What’s that?

Law—not a real thing. All that
mattered at the moment was the man behind me and where his fingers
were headed.

“Do you have to go?”

“That what you say to all your
girls?” I tease as his fingers toy with the red bow on my

“I’m working on some new
material. How am I doing? Asking a girl to stay the morning after is
definitely not something that EVER comes out of my mouth.” His
lips connect with my neck, and my pulse jams into overdrive. I twist
in his grasp, running my fingers through his hair. I pull him up and
nip at his lip. His eyes burn into me. He’s ready for round
two, three, and beyond. Another kiss, and I ease myself out of his

“Hmm, I think I need to hear more
of this ‘material’ you’re talking about before I
make a ruling.”

“Come back to bed.”

“Hmm, not a Cash Gardner
original. Try harder.”

He makes an advance toward me again,
and I grab a skirt from my closet and slip out of his reach. Not so
fast, mister. I’d hate for him to think he can treat me like
any other girl he pulls out of the bar-going crowd.

In the bathroom, I take the skirt off
the hanger, waiting to put it on to torture the man in the doorway
just a bit more. Both arms braced on the doorframe, he stares me
down, blue eyes pinning me to the spot.

I pop a come-get-me smile in the mirror
and dare him to put up a fight for this. It’s what he needs in
his life. Girls willingly drape themselves at his feet in the club.
It’s time he put in the effort. For added effect, I leave the
skirt off a little longer and lean into the mirror so he has a
perfect view of my ass as I carefully apply another layer of
lipstick. His eyes darken, going for midnight blue.

Take the
I will him. I could spare a few hours away from
work. I should treat myself—and teasing my reward is just part
of the package.

“Play hooky with me today.”

My tube of lipstick clatters to the
sink. That was not the answer I expected. Enticements for more
sex—absolutely. Maybe even another one-night stand—sure.
But this…

I turn to face him, hip cocked.

“Give me one good reason why.”
But I don’t need his reason, because
I already have five or six or a dozen of my own. When it comes to
Cash Gardner, I’m a complete goner.

“Because I asked you.” He
stalks toward me and I hold my ground. Not that easily intimidated.
We stand toe to toe, and it’s all I can do not to lean in and
jump him. He takes my wrist in his hand and kisses the inside of it.
Every part of my body yells at my brain to just fucking give him what
he wants.

Not yet. I’m playing for keeps

“Because there are a million
things I’d like to do to you and I asked nicely.”

I snort. “The hell you did.”

Cash looks up at me, trying his best
impression of innocent. On him, it’s just mischievous and
deadly for my sex drive.


“And would we be going out or
staying in for that fun?”

“Going out,” he says, “Most
definitely going out.”

I’m a little bit disappointed.

“I’ll have to make a call.”
Rob might lose his head and I’m sure I’ll
hear about it from Briggs, but I look once more at Cash—this is
going to be worth it.


After calling into the office and
feigning an illness, a quickie with me riding Cash on my sofa, a few
secretive phone calls by Cash and instruction that I cannot wear a
suit, he pulls into an almost empty parking lot of Atlanta Motor
Speedway. My stomach instantly drops. Not exactly the date—day—I
had in mind.

“What exactly are we doing here?”
I ask, confused.

For real, though, what are we doing

He shoots me a winning smile. “You’re
just gonna have to wait and see.”

I’ve never liked being on the
receiving end of those words. He hops out of the car and has my door
open before I can do it myself. We cross the parking lot and he takes
my hand. For today, we can pretend.

“Just a hint?”

“Exhibit A is: four wheels, goes
fast, and needs a strong hand to guide. How’s that?”

“Objection, evidence needs to be

“That’s all I got,
counselor. Sue me.”

“You’re a terrible lawyer.”

“I have nothing worth getting.”

He leans in to whisper in my ear.

“But if I did, it’s a good
thing I have you, isn’t it?”


We enter the raceway and, to my
surprise, it’s empty. Thousands of seats, and it’s just
us and the pit crew on the speedway. Two cars shine in the sun, and a
man leans against one.

“Cash, my man.”

“Luke it’s been ages.
Thanks for coming out.”

“Don’t think for a second
that I did it for you—I wanted to see the girl who snagged the
professed bachelor Cash Gardner’s heart,” Luke says,
focusing just on me.

“It’s taken some work, let
me tell you.”

“Over dinner?” Luke offers.

“Thank you dickhead,” Cash
says, slapping him a little harder on the shoulder than probably
needed be. Way to make it more awkward, Cash. “I’ll
remember that next time you need a favor. Luke was a bartender while
he tried to get his racing career off the ground.”

“And clearly it did. So if you’re
ever looking to trade up…”

His hair is brown and thick hanging
over his grey eyes, giving him a rakish look. If Cash is a manwhore,
this man would be a step above. I’m halfway surprised there
isn’t a line of ladies waiting to drop their panties for him.
“Ignore my friend there, I’m Luke
Stein. Race car driver. Millionaire. Available.” He says
with a wink

There’s a wild side to him that
makes me think he’s more dangerous than Cash. I could survive
with Cash, but Luke, no way. The stories these two probably have to
tell would make a sailor blush.

“Dude, I am right fucking here,”
Cash laughs with a hint of warning.

“Savannah,” I say, taking
Luke’s outstretched hand.

“Anything else with that?”

“Nothing you need to know.”
Luke holds his hands to his heart like I’ve mortally wounded
him. Right, because that’s likely to happen. “So are we
here to race or just shoot the breeze?” I ask.

“Feisty. I like a girl who can
cut to the chase, but are you sure you can handle a car by yourself?”
Luke asks. “Because I will be more than happy to ride with

happening, Luke,” Cash interjects.

“I think you both are insane if
you think I’m not driving,” I say, hopefully with enough
conviction they both know I am serious.

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