CarnalPromise (8 page)

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Authors: Elle Amour

BOOK: CarnalPromise
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“Oh, God.” Her eyes flew open.
. Her brother was
already here.

She slid to the edge of the bed to flee then was yanked back
against Drakkar’s strong chest. “You will not get away,” he croaked, holding
her arm.

Still groggy, she moved to break the grip he had on her wrist
then realized what he’d done. He’d chained himself to her. “You baseborn son of
a bitch!” Rising to her knees, she beat against his chest with the fist of her
free arm. “Damn you.”

Drakkar reached to stop her but she twisted and avoided his

“Jinn?” Her brother still yelled but this time with a hint
of concern.

“She’s fine,” Drakkar shouted back. “She…”

“The hell I am.” She cut him off and tried a nerve pinch to
his arm, thinking if she could debilitate him for a slight moment she could use
his fingerprints to undo the touch lock. But he was too fast for her. He
blocked the assault and grabbed her bunched fingers.

“You bastard.” She heard the doorknob being tested as she
wiggled her hand free, “You handcuffed me to you!” She struck him again in the
shoulder, the only open spot she could reach, and pulled against the binding as
she slid away, trying to take him with her but his big body didn’t budge.

The jiggling from the doorknob stopped and she heard Rurik’s
low chuckle from the other side. “Well, I guess that’s one way to keep her

Drakkar growled and rose to meet her. His lips thinned in
anger. He tried to grab her hands but she was having none of it.

“We’ll meet you in the parlor,” Drakkar yelled over his
shoulder. “Just give us a—few—moments.” He stammered between breaths with his
attempt to subdue her.

“Like hell. Ohhh!” He jerked her to him again, throwing her
off balance but before she landed against his chest, she punched her mate-to-be
in the ribs with everything she could muster.

“God.” He grunted then sucked in a breath. “Dammit, woman.” He
struggled to inhale as he grabbed her wrists and pulled them around her back,
holding her too close to be able to strike him in the scrotum.

“Let—me—go!” She used her torso to push against him but his
arms were like a steel trap around her. Still, she fought him, knowing she
wrestled against the inevitable. Drakkar had his defenses up and he was much
too powerful to overcome, especially with such little space between them, but
she couldn’t help herself. She continued her fight. At least this way she could
vent her anger against him. She bit his pec—as close to his nipple as she
could. Hard.

“Shatz!” he roared.

Rurik howled with humor. “Oh, most mighty captain of the
Vulgarian fleet, are you sure you don’t want my help?”

“No,” Drakkar yelled even as he winced from the pain.
“Dammit, woman, you didn’t need to bite me. You drew blood.”

“Then let me go, you lowborn shatz!”

Rurik pounded again. “Drakkar, I would not take it well if
my sister was hurt.”

“I’m forsworn to protect her, Rurik. I—will—not…” He clamped
his arms around her again as she twisted in his grasp. “Hurt her. Damn!”

She got an elbow free enough to manage an upward strike to
his ribs again.

He whipped her around completely and clamped his arms over
hers, jamming her lower back into him. She kicked her legs out and pushed
against the bed, shoving him off balance and knocking him off the
platform—effectively taking her with him.

“God’s teeth, woman,” he cursed then grunted as he took the
impact of the hit against the hard floor.

His hold loosened for the split moment she needed. As she
fell against him, she elbowed him as hard as she could in the gut.

“Damnation.” He tightened one arm around her and rolled to
his side with her in tow, gasping.

“Let me go or I swear, Drakkar, I will not stop fighting
you!” She worked to get away from him so she could strike him anew. She’d be
damned if she’d give in.

Drakkar latched on to her and pushed her to her stomach then
lay on top of her, locking Jinn’s legs together with his knees. She tried to
twist free but he had her in too tight a hold.

Rurik rapped on the door again. “Jinn, stop the damn
foreplay. I have things to do. Besides…” He laughed so hard he began to cough.
“I…I think you’ve beat up your mate enough for one morning. Wait until you’re
bonded. You’ll enjoy it more.”

“Oooof.” She tried to move but Drakkar had her now.
“Brother, I—hope—you—choke. Rrrr.” She was pinned and the new headmaster of
Svendia royally pissed her off. How could he think this funny? “Damnation,
Rurik.” She wedged her elbows underneath her to push up but Drakkar pulled her
arms straight out to her sides and her face slammed into the floor.

“Shatz!” She tried to throw an evil glance at Drakkar over
her shoulder but his head kept hers nailed to the planks.

“I’m your sister,” she gritted out, pleading to Rurik. “You
could have at least listened to me before you passed judgment.” She struggled
again but she was tiring.
. She never took that well. She felt the
water pool behind her eyelids.

Rurik’s humor died. “We’ll talk.” He paused a moment. “But
stop fighting. If you don’t, I’ll throw everything I have against you. Up until
now, we’ve pretty much been able to keep the things about you and the nice
captain here quiet but if you don’t stop this nonsense I’ll make sure you get,
at minimum, a dishonorable discharge from the corp.”

“Nonsense? A dis…” She tugged against Drakkar’s hold.
“For—what? Standing up for myself? Besides you already stopped my wages.”

“Jinn, you made a promise. And it isn’t just our family’s
honor at stake. It’s our people. Brother or no, I won’t let you blow this.” He
paused again. “Drakkar, I’ll meet you both in the parlor. Sophos is waiting.”

? God, with Sophos here Jinn knew she was in
deep. The Nyphosian negotiator wouldn’t tolerate much more, she was sure. The
woman had tried for eons to broker the peace. Now, with Craddock out of the way
and his subterfuge revealed, Sophos had nothing to stop her from getting the
peace treaty signed—except Jinn’s agreement to be bonded. And Drakkar couldn’t
bond with her until she said yes in the ceremony—at least not officially.

That was at least some comfort.

Drakkar’s chest heaved in a rapid pace against her back. He
had to exert himself to keep her caged. At least that made her efforts worth
the fight.

He dragged her arms to her sides. Straightening them, he
held them against her as firmly as he could. “Are you done?” he snarled in her

She jerked as best she could against his hold, knowing
physically she was finished but her spirit refused to accept the fact. Burying
her head against the floor, she bit her lip to hold back her bitterness.
will not cry.

But her damn body wasn’t listening to her again.

She swallowed, hoping to delay the tears, hoping that her
weeping wouldn’t be heard. She needed to think. She’d gotten out of tough
scrapes before. Maybe worse than this.

But not many.

Time. She needed time. She could at least buy that.

A lone drop traced a path along her cheek. She bit her lip,
sniffing as quietly as she could to stop the rest of them from coming.

“Jinn.” Drakkar’s tender voice brushed her ear. “Talk to me.
Tell me what the problem is. Is it me? That fact that we were enemies?”

She pressed her eyelids shut, wishing she could trust him
but she could not. Not with her deepest secret. He, like her brother, would
only try to thwart her and if they did, they might as well kill her, because
the essence of who she was would die. It had been her fault the war waged on.
She had to do what she could to fix that—without putting someone else in

“It’ll be all right, Beloved.” Drakkar’s sweet words
threatened to undo her. “I promise. We’ll work this through. I have no
intention of harming you. I swear.”

She glanced at him from over her shoulder. “I never thought
you would.”

His brows arched. “Then why do you fight me?”

She understood his confusion but she couldn’t tell him the
truth. “You want to change my life. What did you expect?”

He grimaced. “I ask for only that which makes sense. As I’ve
said, besides the fact we will be living on Vulgaria and you have taken an oath
to protect all Svendians, we will have children. I cannot, in my position, be
there at all times for them. You must be. We have no choice.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Yes we do.”

His eyes narrowed and he exhaled sharply. “Let’s dress. The
others are waiting. We can discuss this then.”

“And how can we clothe ourselves when you have locked us

His gaze softened. Bending to her, he kissed her temple.
“I’ll take your word, if you will give it, that you won’t fight me now and will
come with me to talk to your brother.”

“The man you’re in league with,” she spat out bitterly. She
faced the floor again, not wanting him to see her pain.

He sighed against her skin. A part of her ached for the
tenderness he’d shown last night. “If you want to put it that way, then yes. We
both want peace.” Drakkar’s breath caressed her cheek.

“You don’t need me for that,” she protested but she knew her
words fell on deaf ears.

“Jinn, our bodies need each other. You said it yourself last
night that I complete you. The drive is too strong, even now with the damn
infusions we’re taking. I don’t want anyone else and I don’t think you do
either. You can’t lie about it. I’ve seen how you react to me when I’m not on
this drug. You can barely function with want of mating with me. I am the same.
You need me as much as I need you. Besides, if we bond, others will follow our
lead. So why not include our bonding with the peace? It strengthens the
agreement and our people will be united once more. Not in the same way as our
ancestors, we will still be separate peoples, but at least we will live as
brothers.” He gently nipped then laved her earlobe. “Hopefully as brothers who
like each other.”

She wanted to let her tears breach her fragile façade—but
she couldn’t. Instead she nodded her agreement. “I’ll go with you to speak to
my brother,” she croaked.


She felt his body tense again, knowing he would want her to
state her complete promise after she tricked him when he’d claimed her. “I will
not fight you, for now. I swear it.”

He sighed as he relaxed against her. “Thank you,” he
whispered next to her back. He held her a moment and inhaled deeply then she
felt him let go of her hands and the cuff released.

He slid his arms underneath her waist. “I need you, Jinn,”
he whispered against her ear then kissed the strands of her hair. “For much
more than the peace. Please trust me.”

They were said as words of endearment, verbiage meant to
placate her, she was sure. Yet she wondered, how much had her mate-to-be
suffered from this war himself?

Perhaps the time had come to find out. She needed
ammunition. She could take a leaf from his book and use any information she
could glean in her battle against him.

Thing was, would it help in the fight against herself?


Chapter Six


Drakkar didn’t want to release her, not when she was this
weak and exposed. He wanted to hold her, make things right, but without knowing
her problem, that was impossible. She confused him. She said she wasn’t afraid
of him yet something hounded her, something more than her being a warrior. It
had to be. Her being a warrior just didn’t make sense. Surely she could see that.

He grimaced, wanting to press the issue, however the others
waited. He swore to himself that once the final agreement was approved he would
take her away, just the two of them, so they could get to know each other.

Someplace where she couldn’t run off. He knew just where.

He kissed her temple once more, letting his lips linger.
“Where are your clothes?” he murmured against her skin.

She glanced at him. Her eyes still glittered with unshed
tears. “In the antique closet.”

“I’ll get them for you.” He rose, keeping a wary eye on her.
She had a reputation for being true to her word but he’d felt the desperation
in her—and desperation caused many a good soul to falter. If she bolted, he’d
be right behind her.

The wooden panel squeaked when he opened it. Her clothes,
hung mostly on a dowel, were those she’d worn earlier, those of a Svendian
male. “Do you have anything else?”

“What,” she scoffed and sat up, crossing her arms over her
small but ample breasts, “you don’t like them? Get used to it. I have no
intention of wearing some see-through breeder outfit.”

Feeling them first to ensure nothing was hidden in the
folds, he pulled out the top and held it with the crook of his index finger,
wishing they could be bonded in more traditional dress. “Why?” He knew better
than to ask but some perverse part of him pushed him into it.

Leering at him, she snorted in a cute, feminine way. “Why?”
His question only proved to infuriate her further. She grabbed the sheet and
covered herself again. “Why should I prance around mostly nude when the men do

He smirked. He knew he did. And arched his brow, trying not
to laugh. He thought her cute, even when she was angry, but he didn’t think
Jinn would appreciate the sentiment just now. “Perhaps you’d rather stick with
the bedsheet?”

Her glare hardened yet he bit off his grin. He couldn’t help
teasing her, especially after she’d made him fight so hard to find her. He
lowered the garment. “It fit your niece well enough when she appeared with
Hunter after her abduction—after the battle against your uncle had ended.”

“Humph.” Jinn crossed her arms, bristling. “The woman you’d
planned to bond with in the first place. You prick. To choose my unknowing,
peace-loving, mild-tempered niece.”

He grumbled. The accusation rubbed against his pride. “I
didn’t know you when I first devised the plan. Didn’t know how deep the need to
mate with you would be. And yes, I like the idea of a peaceful mate.” He rubbed
his ribs then his crotch with his free hand. “A woman who would appreciate my
ability to please her. Instead, I have one who’d be as willing to castrate me
as much as enjoy the pleasures of the flesh.”

“As I thought,” she spat. “You wanted one who’d worship your
sculpt—” Jinn growled. “You,” she said instead of whatever other invectives she
could think of then shot him a look that would shrivel a lesser man’s resolve.

He would not be deterred. He sighed and shook his head.
“Jinn, it’s you I need. I promise you. There will be no others.”

She stood silent. After a pause, he whispered, “Your brother

She pressed her lips together and swallowed. Fear grazed her
eyes again then was gone. She stomped over and yanked the top from him. “I
think the sexist males of our combined peoples could learn a thing or two from
a few of their ancient Earther brethren,” she mumbled as she gathered the rest
of her attire. She picked up her war pack last.

“I’ll take that.” He hoisted it from her before she could
react, and set the pack off with his, away from her.

Her lips thinned as the fire in her eyes renewed in
strength. “Fine.” Garments in hand, she marched around the bed again, keeping
her back to him as she donned her clothes.

He sighed, not knowing what to do to mollify her and went to
gather his own attire to dress before she finished and left him. He wouldn’t
trust her alone. Not yet.

In moments they were in the hall, her hastening in front of

He didn’t mind. He relished the way her hips swayed with
every step and highlighted her taut, sexy ass. “Have I told you, Beloved, that
it was the sight of your cute little backside that did me in?”

She huffed. “No wonder you kept chasing me. If I had known
that, I would have padded it as much as I could. Glued two Earther tires on it
or something.”

He chuckled at that. He could actually see her doing it.

She leered at him over her shoulder.

He cleared his throat and bit down his smile again as she
stopped at the juncture that led to the welcoming room. She turned her head and
glanced down the hall. A worried frown creased her brow.

He sidled next to her. Turning her into him, he encircled
her with his arms and drew her close. “It will be all right, Jinn.”

She rested her palms then her forehead against his chest.
“No, it will not,” she murmured and stepped away, her eyes bright with unshed
tears. “But I will accept whatever the fates leave me with.”

His own brow furrowed. In all that was holy, why did she act
like this was the end of the world? Then reality hit him. She had been
unfettered a long time, free to do whatever she pleased and become whatever she

She’d became a warrior. Yet she had lost this war, this
private one regarding her life.

The world she lived wasn’t just ending. It was crashing down
around her.


Jinn strode to the door and placed her hand on the ancient
doorknob, pausing a moment to collect herself. Her brain was sharp, good in
tactical maneuvering, but Rurik’s was better. A brilliant strategist. Teamed
with Drakkar’s superior wit and Sophos’s honed skill in diplomacy, the trio
would be unbeatable in any negotiation.

She swallowed. Fear replaced her anger. Rurik had cursed at
her this morning but she had been too panicked to care. Now reason stood in
place of her impetuousness. Would her brother hate her now for fighting against
him? For running away? For bending their people’s law almost to the breaking
point? For her Svendian body yearning for a Vulgarian man who was once her and
her brother’s greatest enemy?

The last thought stuck with her. This was the one that
affected her most. She had to figure out what to do about it and quickly. Her
older sibling was pissed. She knew him well enough to know that. Yet Rurik
didn’t know why she fought against his will. And he wouldn’t know. No one

Not until the deed was done or she was dead.

Reason and clear thinking would be the only way to win the
day now.
Drakkar’s specialty
. The groove of her frown deepened. She had
to prevail in this, curb her hot temper. She paused, wondering again if she had
pushed Rurik too far. She hoped not. She needed maneuvering room and if he was
angry enough, nothing would sway him.

Behind her Drakkar stood silent. His body lay flush against
her. She could feel his heat through the cloth that covered them. His breath
stirred the strands of her hair. Feelings and thoughts warred within her. Her
body wanted him but her soul had another mission.
Must win against him.

She fortified her resolve and cut her eyes to take a quick
peek at Drakkar. Haughty. Proud. His dark visage waited, eager for her to make
a move. She swallowed and looked away. The Vulgarian really wanted this. Wanted
her. His body craved hers yet he didn’t understand. Didn’t know. She shook her
head to clear it, hoping something would come to her before she confronted both
her brother and the man behind her, the man who nature said would be hers. Yet
inside she didn’t know what she wanted. She only knew that right now, Drakkar
could not have her. Not yet. Not until she finished what she’d made a solemn
oath to do.

His warm breath cascaded over the upper part of her ear,
reminding her of the physical need between them, tempting her, luring her to
turn back from her mission.

“I will not let anyone harm you, Jinn. Not even your own
brother, should he try.” Drakkar’s heady voice stoked her, seduced the senses
of the flesh, the spirit of her soul.

Do not relent. Your uncle. He must be punished.
gritted her teeth and strengthened her willpower. She would defeat this. She
had to.

Once more she glanced at him over her shoulder. Concern
deepened the lines around his evergreen eyes. His caring soothed her in a
manner that nothing else had for a long time. She wondered at that, tucking the
thought away to study later, then she shook her head. “He will not hurt me. Not
physically anyway. He isn’t that kind of man.”

Drakkar breathed a sigh of relief. “I didn’t think so but
then I still don’t know him that well.”

She allowed herself a small smile, albeit a sad one, knowing
what she had to do. “You want him as your brother-in-law. I’m sure you will get
to know each other well enough.”

Drakkar’s full lips twisted downward. “I never thought…”

She chuckled lowly at that. “Neither did anyone else.
Especially me.” Realizing she’d let go of the knob, she lifted her hand again
and placed her fingers on the cold metal, pausing to get her thoughts in place.

Drakkar kissed the strands at her temple. “They await,

She swallowed and nodded. What would Rurik say?

She pressed her lips together. There was only one way to
find out. Inhaling to steady herself, she turned the old knob and opened the
wooden panel covering the entrance.

Her brother paced in the center of the room, throwing a hand
up as he commented on something. As she pushed the wood farther, the door
squeaked. Rurik stopped and swerved toward her. All conversation ended as the
eyes of the occupants were drawn to the entrance.

Jinn swallowed again to control the nervous tension building
within her. Others were in the room. Sophos stood near Rurik and Calixte stood
beside her as if they’d been speaking. Hunter and Khariton were seated to the
left, along the back wall, staying out of the line of fire. Hunter’s muscular
arms were folded across his broad chest and he’d laid an ankle over one knee.
He seemed absorbed in the discussion, the look on his face so much like his

Jinn glanced at the center of the room again. For a moment,
Rurik, her powerful brother, handsome and strong, narrowed his blue eyes as he
studied her. Then he marched toward her with a feral look on his face, a direct
stare that said she’d really blown it this time. There would be no mercy from
him. Not now. Not with such an important gathering in front of them.

She lifted her chin in defiance yet couldn’t help but back
up as he approached—right into Drakkar’s chest. Her mate-to-be steadied her
against him, holding fast the upper part of her arms. When Rurik reached her,
he glared at her then glanced at Drakkar as if taking in the measure of the
man. When Rurik looked back at her, his visage softened. He grabbed her away
from her mate-to-be, his arms encircling her in a bear hug so tight she could
hardly breathe.

“Do you know how worried I’ve been?” He stepped back then
grasped her shoulders and lightly shook her. “Damn you, girl. Craddock would
have killed you. Or had Cassius do it.” He pulled back and took her head
between his hands, examining her face. “Are you all right? You look too thin.”

? The tense knot in her eased. He’d been worried.
That’s what his look was about. She breathed a sigh of relief then bit her lip
to keep her sarcastic thoughts to herself. If he hadn’t limited her funds, she
would have eaten better and she would have reached Craddock before Drakkar
found her, but Jinn kept silent.

Right now she considered herself lucky not to have his
scathing reprimand sear her already “thinned” hide and crumbling ego. “Rurik, we
don’t have time. Craddock is here. I need to find him before he moves again.”

“Where? How?” He released her. His body tensed as his rage
over their uncle pressed him.

She didn’t want to say but she had no choice now, not if she
wanted to placate him. “In the slum district. I was following Cassius when the
Nyphosian woman was waylaid. We must move. Quickly.” She pushed forward but
Drakkar lifted his hand and kept her tight against him.

Rurik scowled. “Hunter,” he ordered over his shoulder,
“contact the flagship and get someone on it.”

“But…” Jinn protested.

Rurik pointed at her. “You’re not going. There are others
who can do this.”

“Not as well as me and you know it,” she spat as she watched
Hunter lift his fingers to his earpiece to contact the ship.

Rurik’s mouth thinned and a corner of his lips rose as a
rebuff to her claim. “There may be one other. Regardless,” he said, glancing
over her shoulder at Drakkar, “you have more important things that concern you

“Ooof.” She vibrated with anger, wanting to get into Rurik’s
face but Drakkar held her tight. Rurik had to let her go. Her personal mission
dictated it.

But he didn’t see that. He only saw her as his baby
sister—one that was pledged to their once most bitter enemy. A small part of
her still railed against that.

Her brother half smiled then his gaze softened. “I’m just
glad you’re all right.” He turned away, his focus on her nephew. When Hunter
gave him the thumbs-up, Rurik paced again and ran a hand through his hair.
“God’s teeth. Mother’s been frantic. She’d be here but Alaric wouldn’t let

“Alaric?” Alaric was Rurik’s best friend and the healer on
, Rurik’s command ship. “Why would he care? What’s wrong
with mother?”

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