Careful What You Ask For (2 page)

Read Careful What You Ask For Online

Authors: Candace Blevins

BOOK: Careful What You Ask For
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“It wasn’t that they weren’t willing to bite me, it was that they thought they found a better solution. One of them likely would’ve if they couldn’t find someone outside the MC to do it, but by going this route they didn’t risk antagonizing the Pack.”

Chapter 3


was relaxing
on the front porch swing in the pre-dawn hours when four motorcycles pulled up to the house and parked. I recognized Duke, Bash, Tiny, and Dozer before they took their helmets off.

Of the four, Dozer’s the only one I’ve fucked, and yet they all came because I’d called and said I needed help. I’d sent Maggie to the store earlier with some money so I could offer them beer, and I reached into a cooler and tossed them all a bottle as they came up the steps. Dozer sat beside me, Duke propped his ass on the porch railing, Tiny leaned against the house, and Bash stood with his legs spread looking pissed as Duke asked me what was going on.

Maggie had asked me to keep Evie out of this, but I knew I had to tell the guys the whole story so they could make the best decision.

The only thing I fudged on was how long Evie had been trying to get control, but I felt like she’d turned a corner tonight and was going to be okay, so I worded things so it seemed her first
hadn’t been more than a year ago.

“Where’s Maggie?” Bash asked.

“She’s embarrassed.”

Duke looked around and shook his head. “Need Brain or Dawg, maybe Ghost, to deal with her. I brought the best backup, not the best at dealing with a victimized female. Still, we need to ask her some questions.”

I sighed as I pulled my legs to my chest. As soon as I wrapped my arms around my legs and realized it was what Evie had done earlier, I stood and paced a few steps away from the swing, and then back.

“How’s your control?” Duke asked.

“I’m only nine days in, but I think I have more control than most wolves have a few months in. I haven’t had my first full moon yet, but I remember I’m not
the wolf within a few minutes of
now.” I shrugged. “We’re going to try to the rabbit test tomorrow.”

I was wearing a summer dress with nothing under it, so I could pull it off quickly if I felt a
coming and wasn’t sure I could stop it. I’d be happy when I felt safe wearing jeans again, but for now, at least I had enough control to get the dress off before the wolf took over.

Dozer crossed his arms and looked up to me from the swing a second before asking, “Can you hold your human form during orgasm?”

I shrugged. “Haven’t tried it yet. If you want to help me test my control while you’re here, I’m game.”

Bash had brought his laptop, and he sat on the top step of the porch with it in his lap as he raised his voice to say, “Maggie, need you to come show me the best direction to approach their place for recon. I’m pulling a map up now.”

Maggie came outside in jeans and a thick men’s tee, her arms crossed as she sat on the top step beside Bash and looked at the laptop screen while he zoomed in on the area. She directed him to their house and pointed out how to come in from the side, but warned, “They breed and sell huntin’ dogs, and they’ll kick up a fuss no matter what direction you come from.”

“I assume the youngest is in school, what about the older son? And where does the dad work?”

“Bubba goes to the vocational high school, Mickey works at the new metal factory, and last I heard Junior’s still looking for a job after he got fired from the metal factory. He got money though, so he’s probably doing somethin’ he shouldn’t.”

“How many bunnies ya got?” Dozer asked.

I furrowed my brow as I tried to figure out why he asked, and said, “Four, why?”

“Because we don’t have Ghost, so we’ll need to create a distraction so we can get in the house and question Junior while the other two are gone today.”

I listened as they made plans to have two of them in the woods at the front of the house, two hidden at the back of the house, and then whichever door Junior came out of to check on what had the dogs riled, the two nearest the other door would enter. They’d have thrown a bunny in with the dogs, so Junior wouldn’t be on alert when he came back inside and was ambushed before he had a chance to smell them.

The plan was to beat the hell out of him and question him to find out everything they could about any other wolves on the mountain, make sure it was just the three of them, and then they’d make a decision about what had to be done to keep me, Maggie, and little Evie safe.

Meanwhile, they had a few hours and Dozer grinned as he asked Maggie which bed he should use to fuck me through the mattress.

She kept her eyes focused on the ground at the base of the porch steps as she said, “Last door on the left.”

Most people think Dozer’s all muscle and no brain, but as I’ve spent time with him, I’ve realized he just doesn’t have much to say. Granted, he isn’t a genius like Brain, and he’ll never be a leader, but he’s far from stupid.

I wasn’t surprised when he closed the door to the room and pulled a short pencil and small notepad from his back pocket, and wrote, “What aren’t you telling us?”

I took the pencil and wrote,

so submissive I have to order her to help me control my wolf.

hen he’d read it
, I told him, “It’s fucked up.”

“Maybe,” he said as he tossed the pencil and notepad onto a small table, “but it might also be why you’ve gained control right out of the gate. Take your dress off and blow me.”

Taking my dress off was no problem, but my wolf
to kneel.

. She’s fighting me.”

“Of course she is. She’s been in control without anyone over her. You know what I have to do, right?”

I nodded as he removed his belt, grabbed me around the waist, and tossed me onto the bed within a matter of seconds. He held my arms to the small of my back as his belt struck me from the bottom of my thighs to the top of my ass, and I screamed and begged him to stop but he didn’t relent.

I’m not sure when or how he dropped his jeans, so when he stopped whipping me and jammed his dick in my pussy, I screamed again but still couldn’t get away or do
to stop him. He went in and held, and practically growled, “Tell me you submit.”

My wolf didn’t want to, but I managed to say, “I submit, Dozer,” above her attempts at refusal.

“You know as well as I do, you
have to submit.”

“Well she’s refusing, so maybe you can take it out of
ass instead of mine?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, we can do that.”

The next thing I knew he’d thrown me over his shoulder and was carrying me outside. He tossed me on the ground and pulled his shirt off as he went to all fours and

For the first time ever, my wolf decided she didn’t want to come out right now, but I dropped to the ground and forced the bitch out. My ass and thighs were on
and it was her damned fault.

I was still a little hazy on remembering everything that happened when I was the wolf. I remembered the big stuff, but not the details. I know she bowed up and challenged him, and promptly found herself on her back with his teeth around her neck. I also remember him fucking us. Or her. Sometimes pronouns are really confusing when referring to myself now that I’m both wolf and human.

We were deep in the woods as the sun came up, and Dozer shifted to human before ordering me to
. As soon as I was back on two legs, he said, “Let’s try this again. Kneel and blow me, Britches.”

This time, my wolf and I were in accord as I dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth.

Men like to think they’re all different, but most of the MC is pretty predictable when it comes to blow jobs — a few minutes of tongue and lips combined with varying degrees of suction, and then they lose control and pound my throat. Dozer only went into my throat maybe a half-dozen times before he lifted me and sat me on his cock, and we both groaned as he filled and stretched me.

He’s so tall, I had to tilt my head back and look up for him to kiss me, but I gladly did so because Dozer kisses even better than Dawg, though I wouldn’t have believed it until I experienced it. For someone so big and scary, Dozer can be a sweetheart in bed. After the whipping he’d given me it may not seem like it, but that’d been about our wolves. We had our animals set straight now, so it was just the two of us and I got lost in his kiss.

Just as I was close to coming, he pulled me off his cock, put me back on my knees, and had me blow him until I’d pulled back from my orgasm. Next, he had me on all fours as he fucked me from behind, his mouth at the back and sides of my neck as he moved inside me slow enough I couldn’t come close to an orgasm again, but fast enough I desperately wanted to get there.

Finally, he put me on my back and ordered me to keep my eyes open as he gave me what I needed — a big fat cock pounding me to a helluva release. “Look at me when you come, Britches. Don’t lose eye contact. It won’t be terrible if you shift, but if you can stay human I’ll personally walk you through the rabbit test.”

I don’t just like sex — I love it. I hang out in the clubhouse when I’m in the mood, and I stay away when I’m not. I never know who’ll want me — or
they’ll want me — but even Gonzo at his gruffest is incredible in the sack. I love it when the bikers take over and I have no control, and it’s quite possible I’m addicted to whatever drugs are released in the body during orgasm.

However, until I’d basically become the property of the MC, I don’t believe I’d quite understood how much of an out-of-body experience some orgasms are. I still feel my body and the wonderful things happening, but with so much sensory input my mind can’t take everything in, and it’s like I’m outside my body watching what’s happening to it. It doesn’t happen every time, but by taking me to the edge repeatedly, Dozer had made sure this orgasm rocked my socks off, and as I came back to reality I realized I wasn’t completely human anymore.

Somehow, I managed to reverse the small
I’d already gone through and come back to human, and Dozer smiled, flopped on the ground, and pulled me on top of him. He was much softer than the bare earth, and I snuggled into his embrace.

“Excellent, Britches.” He looked around, sniffed in all directions, and nodded his head towards my left. “We need to head that way, but I have no idea how far out we are.” He looked at me a few seconds. “Two
with no food was asking a helluva lot of a new wolf. I hope you aren’t a tenderfoot.”

I grimaced and he laughed. “You can ride my back, then.”

I don’t belong to any particular biker, but to the entire MC, though the married ones don’t fuck me. Well, except for Horse, but he’s a grizzly bear married to a rabbit, neither of which demand monogamy in a mate. At first, it bothered me when Horse wanted me, but he realized I’d grown up with wolves and had a problem with it, so he had his wife talk to me and assure me she wanted her husband to have enjoyable sex with me when she wasn’t around. I still don’t get it, but Horse and I have found our own rhythm and I no longer feel guilty.

Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that I have a little mini-relationship with most of the bikers I fuck. Even Gonzo, who never says more than he has to when giving orders during sex, and then tells me to clean him up and get lost when we’re done… even with him, there’s a certain rapport. I know what he likes and he knows how much I can handle. There isn’t any love, or even affection, but there’s familiarity.

With Dozer, there’s affection along with the familiarity, but I don’t love him and wouldn’t want an exclusive relationship with him. Still, I enjoy my time with him.

He asked me questions about my wolf and our developing connection on the way back, but didn’t offer much advice. Yet, just from the questions he asked, I think I figured some stuff out. I’d known from being around wolves growing up that it’s important they stay well fed, but I hadn’t really considered the timing of how long to eat before the next
, until he asked me about it.

I got the bright idea to tickle him at one point, and he dumped me on the ground and tickled me until I couldn’t breathe, but then put me on his back and headed toward the farmhouse again. Right — they had a job to do once Mickey and Bubba were gone. No time for more sex.


Chapter 4


, Bash, and Tiny were all in wolf form in the yard when we returned, playing with Evie’s little wolf. Dozer stopped on the edge of the clearing and we watched a few moments before he carried me to the porch and put me down. I went inside to get my dress and shoes without saying anything, and I grabbed a shift for Evie while I was inside. She spends just about all of her time naked, but since she’d just been wolf, I hoped she’d be able to hold human form a few hours, anyway.

I pulled out the meat we’d put into the refrigerator and situated it in the oven under the broiler. Somehow, everyone made it into the kitchen just as I was pulling the trays out of the oven, and three minutes later the table was set, everyone had something to eat, and we’d all sat down to breakfast.

“There’s a couple dozen eggs in the fridge if this isn’t enough,” I told them all as I swallowed my first bite.

“How much progress have you seen in Evie since you arrived?” Duke apparently knew how long it’d been, and he clearly wasn’t happy.

“I think she turned a corner last night. She’s going to be okay.”

His eyebrows lifted in doubt. “And you’re an expert on this?”

“No, but she was just a pissed-off teen floundering without someone willing to take control. She’s trying now. She wasn’t before.”

He sighed. “I’ll hold off two weeks before I bring my brother in, but I can’t keep quiet indefinitely about a year-plus wolf with shaky control.”

“She’ll have another full moon behind her, and I’ll have my first at that point.” I wasn’t looking forward to coming face to face with my family’s old Alpha, but I’d have to eventually if I was going to live in his territory.

Dozer stood to get something else to drink, and Evie cringed like she’d been hit. I had no idea why she suddenly smelled terrified until Dozer said, “Explain why I had to belt you, Britches.”

Ahhhh. Of course. “Evie, almost from the beginning, my wolf decided she was Alpha to your mother, and your mom didn’t protest when I started demanding submission and obedience. My wolf’s used to being the one in charge, and Dozer and I had a battle of wills. He got me to the point I could kneel to him, but I was still having to fight my wolf to do it, which is why we both
— so he could prove to
he’s dominant, not just me. Dozer isn’t going to strip you naked and beat you. If you don’t show proper submission, he might throw you to the ground and choke you until you do, but he isn’t going to take his belt to you, okay?”

She just looked at me, unbelieving, and I added, “He let me ride on his back for over a mile coming back, because my feet are tender and it hurt to walk without shoes. He’s a nice guy — but he’s also a wolf. You’re both, too. Someday you’ll be bigger and stronger and you won’t always be at the bottom of the pecking order. When you’re stronger than others, I hope you’ll choose to help them rather than bully them. Do you want to be like Bubba, or like the bikers who helped you today?”

“How do you know they helped me?”

“Because you were terrified of the idea of being around male wolves before, and I returned to find you playing with three of the biggest, baddest wolves I know.”

“They unlocked the cell and then sat on the floor outside and talked to me until I came out.”

I nodded. “They treated you like a skittish wolf who needed to learn to trust.”

“I don’t think my wolf has ever played before.” She looked at Bash. “Thank you.”

I laughed, but cut it short before I offended Bash. He was the last one I’d have figured for making her feel comfortable, but Duke grinned and said, “Bash was once responsible for keeping a moody teenager safe. He’s the one with the experience.”

I looked in question at Bash and he said, “I prospected in when Angelica was fifteen. Her dad assigned me as her bodyguard. I had to take her to school, pick her up, and escort her when she went out with friends. I also helped her build her car.”

“And now you’re married? I’m surprised Bud let you live.”

“We didn’t get together romantically until she got out of college, but whether Bud was inclined to let me live or not wasn’t a sure thing for a while.”

I’ve fucked Bud, too. Duke kind of assigned me to him when he came up a few weeks ago. Bud’s even bossier in bed than Gonzo,
he likes to spank. Bud even made me stand in the corner with a huge buttplug in my ass and a penis gag in my mouth because I gagged on his cock. The funny thing is… I didn’t hate it. I also managed to keep from gagging the next time he deep throated me — though barely. I’ve masturbated more times than I can count to the memory of the other bikers seeing me naked in the corner, plugged and gagged with my ass red from a spanking.

Kat told me that before Bash got serious with Angelica, he used to hold impromptu deep-throat competitions amongst all the girls who happened to be in the clubhouse. He’d have everyone go down on him until their lips touched his body and hold for a count of ten. Everyone who gagged had to bare their ass and bend over the pool table for an hour — to be spanked and fucked by whoever wanted in on the action. Everyone who didn’t gag got to do it again, only he’d make his cock longer for the next round. Those who gagged this time only had to spend thirty minutes bent over the pool table. When there was eventually a winner, she got to get Bash off, and then he put her on the pool table on her back near the edge, folded her legs up, and used his mouth to get her off.

Apparently, Bud started this in Atlanta a year or so after his wife was killed, and Bash brought it to Chattanooga. Kat says when the Atlanta MC is visiting, Bud sometimes does it here, too.

I’ve only been spanked publicly once — when Bud did it, and he used his hand and didn’t hurt me too bad. I was more embarrassed than hurt.

The night they made me one of theirs, though, they tied me onto the fuck-table downstairs, which is set up so all three of a girl’s fuck-holes are readily available. I was bound to it around nine in the evening, and they untied me at three in the morning. Everyone not married or in a serious relationship fucked me at least twice — most made it a point to fuck me in all three holes. At the end, they carried me into a room with a drain in the concrete floor, had me lie on the ground on my back spread eagle, and they all pissed on me.

Apparently, they do this to the wolf bitches but not the human ones, but they decided since I’d grown up as a wolf, I’d understand it was their way of marking me as theirs.

The thing is, Dawg and Bobcat washed me in the shower afterwards, dried my hair, and then held me the rest of the night. It might sound nightmarish to others — and I’ll readily admit my throat, jaw, pussy, and ass were sore for a week — but I loved it. Well, maybe not being pissed on, but they were right about me understanding and appreciating the symbolism.

And now, they were about to put themselves in danger to take care of men who weren’t hurting me, but were hurting people who were helping me.

“Thanks to all of you, for coming to take care of these assholes.”

“You need a safe place to gain control of your wolf,” said Dozer. “You’re one of ours. We take care of ours.”

Duke raised his beer bottle to show agreement, and took a long drink. “We should get going. We’ll stop by and let you know what happened, but we won’t stay long and it may only be one or two of us.”

“I promised I’d walk her through the rabbit test,” said Dozer. “She just ate, so I’ll come back when we finish. I can let her know what happened.”

ozer didn’t return
until six o’clock that evening. I was sound asleep when I heard his bike turn onto on the long driveway, and I was unlocking the cell door as he came in to check on me.

“Trustworthy with a key in under two weeks?”

“I won’t abuse it, and I’ll only let myself out for special circumstances. I heard you so I knew I’d be okay.”

“Evie, get your butt up,” he growled as he looked over my shoulder. “You need to watch this.”

She moaned and rolled over, and he warned, “I’ll fill your bed with ice if you aren’t up and outside by the time Britches is a wolf.”

“Why do you call her Britches?”

“Because her ass can make even
britches look good. Now get your butt up and outside.”

I punched his arm on our way out. “I can’t
you told her that!”

Maggie had gone into town to run errands earlier, but now she was outside waiting for us, obviously nervous.

“Did you get a nap?” I asked her. She had to work tonight and she was going to be exhausted.

“A little one.” She looked at Dozer. “What happened?”

“It’s handled. Let’s get Britches through her test and then we’ll talk.”

I’ve learned not to ask questions. The fact he came back and didn’t tell me something had gone wrong, meant it was handled. If he wanted me to know more, he’d tell me. The men don’t talk about club business and asking just irritates them.

Evie came out of the basement, and Dozer nodded to Maggie. “You and Evie stay on the porch. If she loses it, I expect you to keep her on the porch. If she comes into the yard, I’ll dole out consequences to you as her mother, not her as a child — get me?”

Maggie nodded and Dozer looked to me.

“I’ll strip with you, but I intend to stay human so I can talk you through it. I won’t
unless you lose control, and if I have to then my wolf’s gonna make your wolf hurt.” He put his arms around me and his mouth to my ear. “If you pass without my having to come down hard on you, I’ll take you to bed with me for the night and we’ll have fun. If you don’t, you’ll stay in the cell and I’ll sleep by myself.”

“You’re staying the night?”

“Yeah. Randall’s coming tomorrow to finish cleaning up the mess, so I’ll stay tonight to make sure no one bothers you. Shouldn’t be a problem but I’d like to be sure.”

Randall? My heart stuttered in my chest. “I thought we’d have two weeks?”

“Couldn’t be avoided. We tried. I’ll stick around so you don’t have to face him alone.”

I took a breath and said “Thanks,” instead of the millions of questions running through my head. All lone wolves have to ask permission to live in the Alpha’s territory, and I knew I’d have to face Randall eventually — but I’d wanted my control to be better. He was going to want me to join the Pack and I wasn’t ready to turn him down yet.
I needed more time.

At least I’d have the rabbit test behind me, assuming I passed it.

Dozer sat in a chair and worked his laces loose, and I pulled my dress off, moved a few feet away, and went to all fours.

When I
with intent I almost always know who and what I am when I take my first four-legged step. It’s when the wolf takes over and I don’t mean to
that I don’t always know who and what I am.

I paced a little as I waited for Dozer to get his clothes off, go to the pen, and return with a rabbit.

At the first scent of the bunny, the wolf-mind threatened to take me over. It was as if I hadn’t eaten in years and was suddenly presented with the best delicacy on Earth. I forced my logical mind to stay in control, though, and dropped to the ground a few seconds before I stood and paced again.

Dozer walked to the enclosure — a five-foot wide and four-foot tall circle made of chicken wire all around and across the top. He lifted one side and looked at me, and I walked to it and ducked under. He settled the bunny inside with me and dropped the edge.

The wolf had no idea what thirty minutes meant, she just knew she had to stay in here with the rabbit a long time without hurting it, scaring it, or eating it.

I did okay at first, lying with my nose touching the chicken wire while the bunny was somewhere behind me trying to be invisible. I could hear its rapid-fire heartbeat, and the smell — oh-my-god the
— but I managed to keep from turning around and chomping it.

But wouldn’t you know it — I’d gotten a suicidal bunny who decided curiosity isn’t just for cats, and the damned thing made its way around the circle to sniff my fucking nose. I wasn’t supposed to scare it, so I chuffed to try to maybe alarm it enough to back off, but it leaned against my front leg and got comfortable.

I looked to Dozer and the bastard was
at me, but he straightened up to say, “You’ve got this, Britches. Time’s almost up.”

I put my muzzle on my paws, closed my eyes, and tried to ignore the rabbit snuggling against me.

When Dozer finally told me time was up, I didn’t want to eat the bunny anymore. I mean, I did, just not
one. I looked from the other enclosure, to the bunny, to Dozer, and he asked, “You want a different rabbit?”

It took me a half-dozen breaths to remember there was a way to answer him, and I pushed my nose up and back down.

He shook his head, but he got another rabbit, exchanged it for the one I’d kept from eating, and took mine back to the hutch.

The rabbit he brought me was indeed one of the sweetest, most savory things I’d ever eaten. He took the enclosure off me as I was eating, and stood over me, but I knew better than to growl to make him back off.

He’d already proven his dominance in a myriad of ways — he didn’t need to do it again.

I stayed wolf a good hour before
back to human in time for a huge dinner, and the first words out of my mouth were, “The bunny’s going home with me. She isn’t afraid of werewolves so she gets to be my new pet.”

Dozer shook his head, kissed my forehead, and pointed me towards the kitchen.

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