Captured by Pirates (2 page)

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Authors: A. Cross

Tags: #anal sex, #stranger sex, #a cross, #pirate erotica, #first time anal sex, #pirate sex, #pirate erotic romance, #pirate fantasy, #pirate sex story, #sex with a pirate

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“Do we really have to throw her
overboard?” the first pirate asked reluctantly. “I’m all for having
a good time with her but isn’t that a bit extreme?”

“Nah…if we keep her, she’s just another
mouth to feed. We may as well feed her to the fish once we’ve used
her.” The awful, vile man approached Delia. “I bet she’ll be a good
fuck,” he commented excitedly. “Look, the filthy wench isn’t even
wearing panties!”

“No way!” his buddy
exclaimed in disbelief. “Move over, I want to see the slut’s sweet
pussy. Hopefully it’s a tight one…but if it isn’t there’s always
the rear hole,” he chuckled crudely.

Delia could hardly believe what she was
hearing. It felt like she was trapped in a bad dream from which
there was no escape. She began to whimper in fear as the pirates
casually discussed their plans to ravage and kill her.

“What the
do you two think you’re doing?”
an angry male voice bellowed from across the deck. The two pirates
whirled around in surprise and then began to awkwardly stutter in

A tall, muscular man emerged
from the shadows. Like the other pirates, he was dark skinned. He
had shoulder length black hair and several days’ worth of stubble
on his chiseled face. He was dressed in torn jeans and a t-shirt
worn beneath a black jacket. He had dark eyes, broad shoulders and
an air of authority about him.

“W –we were just joking,” the first
pirate lied, sounding nervous.

“Yeah,” the second one
chimed in rather desperately. “Honest, Captain.”

The tall, good-looking young man wasn’t
having any of it. He crossed his arms and stared at them with an
unwavering gaze. “I thought you two were better than that,” he said
quietly, shaking his head. An almost paternal sadness seemed to
wash over him. “You know the rules. You’re no longer welcome on my
ship and you’re no longer part of my crew. Take one of the
motorboats and get the hell out of my sight.”

Delia couldn’t quite comprehend what
had just happened. When the man approached her, all she knew was he
was a pirate. He removed her gag and immediately she began to

“Please don’t hurt me,” she pleaded
desperately. Her mouth was dry from the coarse rope. “I can’t die
yet; I haven’t even lived yet!”

The pirate’s anger was still very much
apparent, but it wasn’t directed at her. “I’m not going to hurt
you,” he reassured her as he helped Delia to her feet. “And those
lowlifes won’t, either.” He paused to peer out into the ocean,
squinting in the darkness. Delia followed his line of vision and
saw a tiny light bobbing on the motorboat the pirates had taken.
They were gone.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Her legs
were still shaky and she stumbled a bit. The pirate steadied her
and then pulled out a pocketknife. Before she had a chance to
panic, he quickly said, “Relax. It’s to cut your binds.”

Once her hands were freed, Delia looked
up at her savior with gratitude. “Thank you.”

His jaw was still clenched in fury.
“You shouldn’t be thanking me,” he replied tersely. “Those thugs
never should have brought you here in the first place. I had my
doubts about their character but against my better judgment I
allowed them to join my crew…” He abruptly kicked over a nearby
barrel, apparently needing something on which to take his
aggression out.

Delia jumped at the sudden display of

Just then a large wave crashed against
the ship, causing it to rock to and fro in the ocean as though it
were a toy boat in a sewer gutter. Delia fell to the deck, her
skirt riding up her creamy thighs. The pirate, seemingly unbothered
by the turbulence, picked her up and slung her over his shoulder.
Then he carried her away.

The pirate took Delia into
an empty room and deposited her atop a large bed. “I need to go
help the crew navigate the storm,” he told her. “You’ll wait here
until the worst of it is over. It’s safer for you down here. I’m
going to lock the door behind me to make sure you don’t do anything
stupid – and to make sure no other crew members have dishonorable
intentions. I think they’re trustworthy but it’s been a long time
since they’ve seen a woman…” He cleared his throat gruffly and then

The ship rocked and swayed as the waves
crashed against it. Delia could hear rain pounding against the side
of the ship. She shut her eyes and waited for it to pass, thankful
that she wasn’t prone to seasickness.

Finally, it seemed the worst of the
storm was over. Delia dozed. When she heard a key turning in the
door, she sat up in alarm, still shaken from her encounter with the
awful pirates who’d kidnapped her. When the captain entered, Delia
felt relief. Then, when he lit a lantern and she got a good look at
him, she gasped.

“What happened to you?” she demanded as
she took in his bloodied and battered body. He, meanwhile, rummaged
through a drawer until he located a first aid kit.

“The storm was worse than we expected,”
he said simply as he sat down heavily at the edge of the bed. “I’ll
be fine, I just need to dress the wounds and wait for them to

He pulled off his torn, tattered and
bloody shirt. Delia couldn’t help but notice what a rock hard,
muscular body he had. She also noticed several large welts on his
back and realized he’d never be able to reach them

“Here,” she said, crawling
across the large bed towards him. “Let me help.”

Using the rudimentary medical supplies
contained in the first aid kit, Delia carefully cleaned and
bandaged the pirate’s wounds. He sat there stoically although at
one point he did wince and inhale sharply as she gently tended to
one of his deepest cuts.

“So you’re the captain of the ship,”
Delia said, trying to distract him from his pain.


“And you’re also a pirate?” she asked,
feeling a bit more bold.

He chuckled. “I guess that’s what the
media is calling us these days,” he agreed.

“You don’t look the way I imagined a
pirate would,” Delia blurted out and then immediately blushed.
Clearly modern day pirates didn’t have parrots on their shoulders
or peg legs and eye patches. She felt foolish for assuming
otherwise. Quickly, she changed the subject. “What made you become
a pirate?”

“Our people are starving as a result of
civil war and a corrupt government,” the captain explained. “My
crew and I try to get food to innocent civilians by any means
possible. Sometimes that requires us to get what we need from
cruise ships and other large vessels. We only take what they can
afford to give us – we don’t want anyone else to starve, either.
But you’d be amazed at how much food goes to waste on cruise

Delia was intrigued. She’d assumed the
pirates were the bad guys but instead it sounded like they were
acting in a very Peter Pan-like way. It was all quite heroic – and
kind of romantic, too.

“What’s your name?” the captain

“Delia,” she replied. “What’s

“Roche,” he answered. He
sprawled back on the bed, wincing slightly as his battered body
made contact with the soft mattress. “Can you find me my flask? It
should be in the same drawer I got the first aid kit

Delia located the requested
flask and handed it to Roche. He gulped the strong alcohol
thankfully, eager for it to dull his pain. Delia, meanwhile, dabbed
at Roche’s brow with some of the leftover gauze. She wasn’t sure
his body was glistening with rainwater, sweat or both.

Roche offered Delia a swig
from the flask. Normally she would have declined but after the
traumatic night she’d had, she figured her nerves could use
calming. She took a small, tentative sip and immediately made a
face at the strong aftertaste of the alcohol.

Roche laughed.

Unwilling to admit defeat, Delia
steeled herself and then took another, larger gulp of the vile
liquid. It took all the willpower she had not to grimace, but
somehow, she managed.

“Impressive,” the ruggedly
handsome pirate teased as he took the flask back from the pretty
blonde accountant. “I wasn’t sure you had it in you.”

Delia’s tone was less
playful. “There’s blood on your pants,” she said worriedly,
pointing at his right thigh. “We must have missed a

Unconcerned, Roche slid his pants off.
Unlike Delia, he was wearing underwear – grey briefs, to be exact.
Even so, she couldn’t help but notice the rather impressive outline
of his flaccid member beneath them.

She tried to concentrate on
tending to the wound on his thigh but it was difficult. Roche’s
body was so strong and muscular, and even his personality was sexy.
He risked his life to save the lives of others – how could she not
swoon over that? It was then that Delia realized her bare pussy was
still wet with desire and her clitoris was pulsating


“Are you okay?” Roche asked, looking up
at her as she tended to his wound.

“Yeah,” she replied

He reached out and touched her face,
concerned. “Are you sure?” he asked, his fingers gently tilting her
chin upward so he could look her in the eyes.

His eyes were so dark, like mysterious
pools of melted chocolate. Although every ounce of Roche dripped
with pure masculinity, Delia noted that his eyelashes were very
thick and dark. They served to make his eyes stand out even

Her breath caught in her throat as she
found herself unable to tear her gaze from his. Delia could feel
her nipples hardening beneath her pink dress and wondered if Roche
could see them straining against the delicate material.

He sat up, his eyes never leaving

Delia leaned forward,

That first kiss seemed to
catch them both off guard. But it ignited a fire deep within them
both that couldn’t be ignored. What began as an innocent kiss
quickly evolved into much, much more.

Roche’s tongue explored
Delia’s mouth as he slid her dress off her bare shoulders. He
caressed her slender, feminine back as she wrapped her arms around
his neck, her large breasts mashed against his rock hard chest. She
was sure he could feel her erect nipples poking him. She didn’t
care. She
him to.

The effects of the alcohol and his own
arousal seemed to make Roche forget his injuries. He picked Delia
up as though she weighed nothing at all and, cradling her in his
arms, laid her back against the pillows. She looked on excitedly as
he slid his underwear off to reveal the biggest, thickest cock
she’d ever seen. Her jaw nearly dropped.

Delia was already topless, her
magnificent breasts on full display. The pirate slid her dress up
her thighs until the delicate pink material was bunched at her
slender waist. His eyes widened in lust as he took in the beautiful
sight of her naked, smooth shaven pussy.

She brazenly parted her thighs to allow
him full access to the treasures between her legs.

Roche’s fingers caressed the
sensitive lips of Delia’s sex, causing her to moan and coo. When a
fingertip grazed the head of her swollen clitoris, she momentarily
forgot to breathe. It felt so good! It felt so much better than
when Tyler had touched her…maybe it was because she felt she
actually had a connection with Roche.

Delia looked down as Roche’s thick
fingers slid inside her tight, wet orifice. The visual of his
dark-skinned digits disappearing inside her spread pink pussy was
rather intoxicating. She sighed contentedly and arched her back in

The pirate’s fingers plunged in and out
of Delia’s slick hole with slow, rhythmic movements. He leaned down
and licked the top of her slit, his rough, wet tongue catching the
tip of her engorged bud. She bucked beneath him in response as an
involuntary spasm of pleasure shot through her body.

He seemed to enjoy teasing her. His
tongue circled her clit unhurriedly, coaxing the tender pink pearl
to swell. It was as hard as a pebble, poking out excitedly from
beneath its protective covering. Delia desperately wanted him to
take the sensitive button into his mouth and bathe it with his
tongue, but he took his sweet time. The anticipation increased her
arousal tenfold.

“Please!” she finally gasped when she
could take it no more. “I need you…”

That seemed to be the cue
Roche had been waiting for. When he captured Delia’s throbbing,
bloated clit between his lips and teased the tip with his tongue,
she went wild with desire. Her hands clutched at Roche’s long dark
hair as she humped his face in ecstasy. She let out a scream as her
arousal peaked, her body finally erupting in an explosion of
orgasmic bliss.

Before Delia could fully recover from
her climax, Roche was pressing his thick cock inside her. He was
rock hard, having apparently very much enjoyed her wanton display
of sexual desire.

He penetrated her slowly but steadily.
The walls of her pussy had to stretch wide to accommodate him. When
he was finally balls deep inside her, the base of his thick shaft
pressed against her highly sensitive clitoris. The intimate contact
elicited a whole new series of spasms deep within her belly, and
Delia writhed beneath him in response.

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