Captive's Kiss (7 page)

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Authors: Sharon Kay

Tags: #Watcher's Kiss Series

BOOK: Captive's Kiss
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“Saige!” He bellowed.

She whirled, eyes wide with shock. The male turned too, looking wholly unperturbed. He said something to her and she shook her head.

Tanner took off at full speed, determined not to let her slip away. She took the other demon’s hand and started to walk down the path, but Tanner was there in an instant. “Saige.” Fury and concern beat a pounding rhythm in his heart. “Wait.”

“Go away, Tanner,” she hissed, and turned.

What? He laid a hand on her slender shoulder, her smooth skin bared by her black tank top. A bunch of metal bracelets jangled on her arms, and leather pants completed her look. “No. Not without you telling me why.” He shot a dark glance to the other male, who finally looked scared as he stared up at Tanner. “You don’t need to stick around.”

The male had a blank expression on his face, like he wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

“You can’t be around me, Tanner. Go away before this gets ugly.” Her voice was hard, but he could hear her heart racing, could sense her panic.

“Just tell me why. I need to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” She glared at him. “Now, just g-”

A twig snapped behind her and she jumped, turning so fast Tanner thought she’d fall. Two giggling students, a male and female Lash, emerged from the trees.

Saige heaved out a breath. “Just go.”

Tanner eyed her. Her nervousness and her relief were obvious. Who did she think she was fooling? “Think you and I need to have a talk.”

“We can’t talk. We can’t do anything, okay?” she whispered. “We had one night. It was fun, but that’s it. You have to go.”

“No, Saige. Tell your friend goodbye, and then talk to me.”



Oh gods. Why wouldn’t he listen? Saige fought panic as Tanner towered over her, muscular and handsome, and definitely not leaving. They’d been standing here too long. If she’d been followed, the Vipers now knew about him. Shit, shit, shit.

How had he found her? She’d avoided the places she’d seen him before. Damn it. Determination radiated from him, green eyes assessing her in an unnerving way. Like he knew more about her than he should, given their virtual lack of conversation the other night.

Her stomach clenched and her options flashed before her eyes. Oh, gods, she was going to have to reveal her ability. There was no way she could walk away from this, and no way she’d use her power on Tanner. But she had to assume the Vipers were watching and if she didn’t do
, Logan would suffer.

Turning to the college-age male she’d been about to take, she laid a hand on his arm. “You’re done giving us directions to the museum. Now you need to get to class.”

Blinking, he nodded his head. “I need to get to class.” He smiled at Saige, then paled as he took in Tanner’s glare. “Uh, yeah, have fun at the museum.” He took off down the path.

Tanner’s big hand surrounded hers, warm, but all-encompassing and not about to let go. “What the fuck was that?”

“Tanner.” She turned to him, ready to drown in his eyes. They flared with palpable emotion. He radiated safety and goodness, and she wanted to melt into his arms. But that could spell his death. Her breath was erratic as her heart stumbled over itself. “You want to talk, fine. But you need to come with me and listen closely.”

He raised a brow. She bet no one told him what to do, ever, except maybe his superior officers.

“Your life depends on doing what I say. Come with me, but don’t speak unless I speak first. Walk a little bit behind me. And don’t take out any weapons. Please.” Her last word was whispered, begging. She didn’t want him to die. She didn’t want
to die.

His gorgeous green eyes studied her for a second. “I’ll agree, but if we come under attack, all bets are off. And I expect a full explanation of
you just said and did.”

“Okay.” A huge sigh of relief escaped her. “Let’s go.” She kept hold of his hand, drawing strength from their connection and somehow filled with the sense that he wanted to help her. Then again, he may be planning to interrogate her. She bit her lip, wondering how in the world he was making her feel reassured and afraid at the same time. But she had already shown what she was capable of, so there was no going back. She just hoped he’d listen to her with an open mind.

She walked quickly down the path under trees hanging with sweet smelling moss, and turned down a side path. It led to the one place in the city she could go to escape vigilance and threats.

The Halice library.

Huge gray stone walls rose from well-kept lawns. Gargoyles were carved into the elaborate façade, and perched on the turrets as well. Rumor was that they were simply stone, but Saige wasn’t so sure. Libraries contained such a wealth of information, and most were so old that the realm was in universal agreement that they were worthy of the strongest wards. After all, the knowledge in the ancient tomes needed to be protected. And even though more and more information was now stored online, the strong library wards remained in place.

Saige walked up the steps and led Tanner through the glass doors. No one with malicious intent could enter. The wards were so strong they identified the deepest wishes of the beating hearts that sought entrance.

“Interesting.” Tanner’s deep voice rumbled at her back.

Saige shot him a glance. Nerves still churned her stomach. Though they were away from prying Viper eyes, they weren’t totally safe yet. Farther back she led him, to the center of the huge building. Another set of doors, these made of beautifully carved wood, loomed before them. Above the entrance, in ancient Demonish, two words were elegantly chiseled into the wall. “Rare Books.”

Saige led him into the room, where they were welcomed by soaring mahogany shelves and the delicious smell of old paper and leather. Skylights high above allowed rays to pierce through tall bookcases and filter onto tables where only a few creatures pored over open volumes. Dust motes floated in the quiet rays of sun, lending a peaceful quality to the venerable space.

Her shoulders sagged in relief. Safe. They were in. On top of the library’s already strong wards, this room contained even more powerful ones. No one with evil in his heart, who sought the destruction of innocents, would be able to enter and glean any knowledge from these special books.

Tanner’s hand slid to the small of her back. “I’m guessing the pretense is over?”

She nodded. “Yes. There’s a spot over there where we won’t bother anyone.” She walked past row upon row of books, to a nook in a corner. The shelves near it essentially walled it off from library patrons, unless someone was searching specifically for a book in this section. Alone at last, she leaned against one wall and dropped her eyes to his boots. “I’m sorry about all this.”

“Hey.” His strong fingers cupped her jaw, lifting her head up. “Look at me.”

She complied, and the softness of his voice, coupled with the concern in his eyes, slayed her. He hadn’t judged her-yet. He didn’t know the full extent of what she could do, what she had already done.

“Tell me what’s going on.”

She bit her lip. Once she spilled her story, told him about her ability, he might be angry. Maybe even bring her in to the Lash Commander for some kind of punishment. But she’d promised him answers. “I’m afraid.”

To her surprise, a low chuckle escaped him. “That’s obvious.” He gave her a small smile that faded quickly as his fingers traced her collar. “This...” He shook his head. “This isn’t what it seems. It’s not just a necklace. Am I right, Saige?”

Oh gods. She had to tell him. Didn’t want to lie to him. “Yes.”

“Who put this on you?” His voice was low and full of coiled anger.

“Tanner,” she whispered. “Promise me you won’t leave until I get a chance to explain everything.”

“Not going anywhere, babe.” Green eyes glittered down at her. “Pretty sure I demanded a full explanation. And I intend to collect.” He dropped his hand from her neck. “Who put that on you?”

“A group of Vipers.”

?” His jaw hardened. “Are they…do they force you t-”

She guessed his question and didn’t want him to have to verbalize it. “No. Not that. They’re holding me and my brother, Logan. They run an underground fight club here in the city.”

“Why are they holding you? Does your brother fight for them?”

“No.” She rubbed her temple. “Logan is younger than me. He’s only twenty-one. Neither of us is trained to fight. They…they use me for my ability. And they hold him as leverage. They threaten to beat him-well, they
beaten him before. Me too. They also say they’ll throw him into the ring, even though they know he’ll die. All if I don’t…” Her voice faded, crushed by the horror of what she’d been doing.

“If you don’t…what?” His voice was gentle, yet insistent.

She swallowed hard. This was it. Guilt and shame tightened her lungs and she could barely get the whispered words out. “Bring in males to fight in the ring.”




as everything that was wrong with this picture reared its ugly head. Underground fight club. Beautiful Saige and a brother whom she obviously cared about, beaten and held as prisoners. But his tactical mind snagged on her last words. “Bring males in? How?”

Her shoulders hunched. “What you saw in the park. I…” She drew in a shuddering breath. “I have the ability to exert a temporary mind control over others. The Vipers found out and they…make me go out and recruit males for their fights.” Her arms wrapped around her waist and her anguish saturated the air.

Tanner’s chest tightened at the mix of rage and protectiveness that tore through him. She was terrified, and he knew part of it was worry about what he’d do with the knowledge she’d just shared. “Saige.” He skated his hands along her biceps. “What you’re describing is coercion. They put this collar on you. They beat you. You’re a victim as much as the males who they force to fight.” He took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice calm. “I will go in there and skin every one of those fucking Vipers.”

Brown doe eyes met his, brimming with fear. “No. You can’t. Logan-”

“We’ll get him out first.”

She shook her head. “No, it’s worse than that. Sometimes they follow me, sneaking around, hiding, spying, to make sure I’m doing what they want. If they followed me today, and saw me with you, but then if I show up without you…th-the beating will be worse.” Her voice broke on the last word.

Fucking hell. She’d been scared
him back at the park. He pulled her close, forcing down the new rush of rage at the Vipers’ manipulation. “No one will beat you or your brother again. I’ll kill them first.”

“Tanner, they’re horrible.” She buried her face in his chest. “The fights are to the death. They love it.”

“I’ve dealt with my share of Vipers.” He stroked her hair. “The necklace, it doesn’t show them your activity?”

“No. It just has a tracker, so they’ll know if I leave the city. If I set one foot outside, they’ll take it out on Logan.”

He muttered a curse but he didn’t let her go, sensing she needed him close. “Your ability…why can’t you just mind control the Vipers and get out?”

She sniffed. “It only works for fifteen minutes, twenty tops, and then I black out. Also, I can only use it one predatory creature at a time. On fae, I can manage to control two. But that’s it. There’s no way I could control the whole Viper gang.”

Well, shit. Of course she couldn’t overpower the group. Doing so could be dangerous and they might come after her once they recovered. “And the individual you use your talent on? When do they come out of it? The trance?”

“Usually shortly after I pass out, or so I’m told. I’ve only been conscious for one or two.”

“Does the person suffer any ill effects?”

“Only that they’re furious with me. They get pretty creative with the ways they say they want to kill me.”

A growl started low in his chest. No way was he letting this shit continue. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and softened his voice. “Your ability-that’s incredible. And one that needs to be protected and developed. I bet your control of the power and its after-effects will get better over time. How old are you?”


“Gods.” She was practically a baby. He tilted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I know people who can help you get stronger.”

Her breath caught. “At Watcher Headquarters? W-with the Commander and all his top fighters? No, I’ll be in trouble.”

“You mean Arawn?” Tanner shook his head. “Yeah, he’s not exactly Mr. Congeniality, but he
fair. He won’t stand to see a creature used and abused, especially not one of his own people. The inner circle lieutenants are the same way.”

“But.” Tiny, ragged pants of air slipped from her parted lips. “What if…”

He waited, watching the racing pulse in her neck, wishing he could ease her fear by sheer force of will. “You can tell me.”

“What…what if I was the one doing the using on his people?” Her voice was small and broken.

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