Captive Surrender (4 page)

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Authors: Linda Mooney

BOOK: Captive Surrender
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Chapter Eight

He licked her. A slow, warm slide, with his rough tongue starting below her rib cage and running across her upper chest toward her neck.

Close your eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Maurra closed her eyes and tried to let herself go. It was damn near impossible. Her whole body strummed with unreleased tension, with worry, with anger. With the threat of her life and the life of the Ellinod hanging over them. Or rather, with the threat staring at them with heavens knew how many video eyes.

Safan moved a strand of long red hair off her nipples. She was barely aware of it until he lowered himself down to her belly and began another slow ascent with his warm, wet tongue. As it rasped over her breast and nipple, an undeniable jolt of desire surged through her, making her gasp. Her eyes flew open to see him watching her.

“Close your eyes.”

She quickly shut them again and realized that the last vestiges of pain had vanished. She waited to see where he would lick her next.

This time he started below her navel, twirling the tip of his tongue around the puckered dimple. Heat began to warm her thighs, and she remembered how good his dick had felt rubbing across her clit. The tongue moved upward toward her other breast, and by the time he reached it, her nipples were hardened tips. Safan cupped the breast with one hand and drew it into his mouth. It was like enclosing her flesh in an electrical storm.

The sizzle burst into flame deep within her womb and threw her body into shock. She gasped, not believing what she was feeling. How was the Ellinod able to get such a reaction from her? Her arms flew upward, her hands seeking his head, his face, when her fingers found his wide horns. Without thinking, she stroked them and Safan groaned.


Getting him off made her wet all over again. Wrapping her fingers around each hard protrusion and running her hands up and down them was evidently no different from stroking his erection. Safan’s grunt of lust verified it.

“I must take you now.” He growled in frustration. She didn’t answer, as his hands were already spreading her legs, and she felt him positioning her. She let go of his horns as he sat back on his heels.

She couldn’t open her eyes to look at what was happening. Staring at his swollen dick might kill the mood. When the hot head nudged her opening, Safan reached down and vibrated one finger against her swollen clit.

Desire rippled through her, melting her muscles and her last reservations. The bulbous helmet of his erection slipped inside, and her body arched at the invasion.

The finger continued to thrum, making her wetter and hotter as white lights flashed behind her eyelids. Another inch of him slipped inside, and this time the rough outer skin dragged against her inner channel, heightening sensitive nerves endings and setting them off like rockets. She cried out as he pushed another couple of inches into her.

He was going to rip her apart, one way or another. She knew it without question. There was no way she could take all of him. She had known it from the moment she first saw his oversized genitals. Yet she couldn’t deny the pleasure. There was no way she could compare screwing one of her former partners with what was happening to her now. It was both overwhelming and exquisite.

“More.” The word came out as a gasp, a squeak. A plea.

The Ellinod dragged her hips upward, over his thighs. His erection sank in another inch, but this time he gently pulled out of her. Not far, but enough to let her juices slide over his flushed dick. Safan gave a rumbling sound and bent over, shoving half his length inside her.


Maurra screamed, her hands reaching between her legs. He caught her wrists and wiggled his hips, trying to adjust for the tight fit. He released her arms just before his hand closed over her right breast and his mouth engulfed her nipple.

The strong pull on her nipple as he suckled was hard, demanding and unbelievably hot. At the same time he pushed more of himself into her. Then withdrew. In. Out. Slow. Steady. Rhythmically. Gently, almost tenderly. Every time inserting another few centimeters.

He was fitting inside her, but just barely. He was stretching her, filling her. She could not begin to imagine how tight she must be for someone his size.

Reaching up, she found his horns hovering above her head. He was working her breasts in wild and wonderful ways, nibbling and scraping them with teeth that could terrify an army of warriors. He pulled on her nipples so roughly, she could feel the tug deep inside her channel. Reaching up, she began to stroke his horns again, keeping pace with his lunges. Safan snorted and paused, and she felt a tremor go through him. There was a soft sucking sound as his mouth released her breast.


She adjusted her grip on his horns and started stroking them harder, faster, until her fists pounded against his skull. Safan froze to let the pleasure wash over him. A moment later, he continued his assault on her body, increasing both his speed and penetration with each thrust of his hips. Ramming his dick inside her with almost animalistic intensity.

Almost immediately she felt the first whirlwind rise within herself. God, she was going to have an orgasm. It wouldn’t be her first, but it would be her first with a partner.

Stop thinking about it and take it. Enjoy it.

She had almost forgotten about the vids. She had forgotten about the cage and the Kronners and the circumstances as to why she was there. And she had forgotten about the fallout, should the authorities learn what she and the Ellinod had done.

There was no there or here. There was only now. And Safan. And his hard, heavy cock tearing her apart bit by bit with more unbelievable pleasure than her body could take. When her release shot through her, she screamed.

The Ellinod continued to pump her, grinding himself into her as deeply as he could without damaging her. His breath came in gasps. His hands shook so badly, his claws started to draw blood where they gripped her thighs.

Suddenly he jerked his head up and turned his face to the ceiling, ripping his horns from her hands. A bellowing roar filled the cell to the point that she thought her eardrums would burst.

Inside her channel she felt a unmistakable pulsing, rhythmic and strong. He was pouring himself into her, coming in continuous hard spurts. He growled again, shuddered and barely managed to avoid crushing her when he fell forward. His hands slammed against the floor. There was a grunt and a whoosh of air exiting his lungs, followed by silence.

He was still inside her but she could tell it was over. His member was deflating within her channel. It was a curious feeling, sensing him shrinking rather than withdrawing.

She was riding on air, floating free while her body tingled in the aftermath. When he finally pulled out of her, she wasn’t prepared for him to roll onto his side and pull her along with him.

The cell faded. The lights from the vids dimmed. As she sank into sleep a voice overhead stated, “Excellent performance. I am pleased. For that, you have earned the right to eat.”

If anything more was said, she never heard it.

Chapter Nine

She smelled food. The warmth that had been at her back was gone, leaving her chilled and feeling oddly isolated.

Maurra slowly rolled over onto her stomach. Her muscles were sore, but the real ache was between her thighs.

She froze and fought the nauseous wave rolling in her belly. It wasn’t the memory of what had occurred between her and Safan that made her stomach clench. She no longer had any sense of time. How long had she been out? How long ago did they screw? Hours? Days?

Her head felt fogged up, dense, but her power was still there. And if she wanted to escape, she would have to find a way to remove the device from her back.

At that moment, the Ellinod was the stronger and more capable of the two of them. Somehow she had to find a way to talk to him without the Kronners listening in.

She lifted her head and saw a small tray lying on the floor at the far end of the cell. The walls of the cell were opaque again and the Ellinod was no longer with her. Had the Kronners moved him back to his own cell, or had they let him go now that he’d fucked her?

She made her way over to the small tray. It held several piles of green and black, none of which looked appetizing. She stuck her finger into one lumpy, gritty mound. Cold. Also bland, she discovered when she licked her finger. She scarfed down everything on the tray and tried to ignore the consistency and lack of flavor.

The next thing she needed was a bath, or at least something warm like a compress for her bruises. She was covered in dried sweat, and she was sticky, especially between her thighs.

She could still feel residual twinges, reminding her of what they had done. If she reached down and touched her pubic lips, they would be swollen and tender. How long before the Kronners forced them to perform again for their vid subscribers?

A sudden noise at the other end of the cell drew her attention in that direction. A window opened, and a little hand shoved a mug across the floor before disappearing through a tiny slit that closed immediately behind it. Maurra crawled over. Water. She drained the contents and left the mug by the wall before retreating back to her corner of the cell.

Curling up on the floor, she tried to get comfortable. Unfortunately, as exhausted as she felt, her mind wouldn’t stop. Thoughts and ideas and plans swirled around in her head. She rolled over and brought her knees up, hoping to conserve heat.

What I wouldn’t give for a blanket.


The voice was soft and nearby. On the other side of the wall next to her. She moved closer to the wall.



“Did you eat?”

“Yes. You?”

“Yes.” There was a pause. Then he asked, “How do you feel?”

She started to read him. It was an automatic response, and she was rewarded with a twinge in her temple, reminding her that using any part of her psi abilities would not be pleasant. Instead, she forced herself to listen to the tone of his voice. He didn’t sound happy. He almost sounded…sad.

“I’m sore, but…” But what? She was about to tell him it didn’t matter. That this whole ordeal no longer mattered, and by all the stars in the heavens she didn’t understand why not.

When had she stopped worrying about what she was being forced to do?

Because it’s over. Because it happened, and there’s no reason to think any more about it. I’ve broken the law, and there will never be any way I can go back and undo it.

What’s done is done.

She heard of movement on the other side of the wall. “But what?” the Ellinod asked.

“But I’ll live.” Lame response, but at least it was the truth.

The Ellinod snorted. “Yes, we are both still alive, but for how long? This cannot go on for very much longer. Sooner or later we will be separated, and either you or I will be given a new challenge. Maybe a new fuck partner. But at some point it will all end, probably when one of us, or both of us, are dead.”

Maurra lowered her face pressed her forehead to the cold floor. He was correct. He was as much aware of the fact as she was that this whole ordeal was only temporary. How temporary, they couldn’t begin to guess. That was why it was imperative that they find a way out of this mess as soon as possible.

“Safan? The next time we’re put together, I want you to dig this fucking thing out of my back.”

There was a pause before he answered. “I can’t. I looked at yours when you were asleep. It’s adhered to your spine. That’s probably why you can’t use your psi abilities, because it has direct contact with your brain stem. If I try to remove it, it could cause permanent paralysis…or worse.”

Or worse…like the total loss of her psi powers. It would be tantamount to making her a mental vegetable.

She started to tell him she agreed with him when suddenly the lights around them brightened, and she heard a loud whirring sound. There was a bump as the two cells met, and the walls between her and the Ellinod disappeared.

Maurra got to her feet and turned toward the ship’s doorway as the rest of the walls became transparent. Already the Kronners were filing into the hold, and overhead the eyes of the video cameras glittered.

It was showtime again. Rest time was over. Maurra was aware of the Ellinod coming up behind her as the familiar voice boomed, “Excellent performance yesterday, you two. Now it’s time to give our audience another showing. Except this time you must do it differently.”

“Differently?” Safan gruffly asked. Maurra sensed his anger rising.
I know how you feel.

The voice tsked at them. “You are neither stupid nor naïve. You know as well as I do that if I keep giving my customers the same thing over and over, the same position, the same everything, they’re going to cancel their subscriptions. And we can’t have that, can we?”

“Why not?” She hoped to piss him off. She wasn’t expecting to hear laughter in reply.

“Why not? Simple, my dear JoJo. If they cancel their subscription, I cancel you. Or at least your Ellinod lover. If you want to stay alive, you had better give me another damn good show.”

“Who are you?” the Ellinod suddenly bellowed, but his question was ignored. Once the Kronners were inside the hold, all unneeded light was extinguished. At the four corners of the combined cell, the hovering vids took their places.

“It’s showtime, my friends.” The voice started to laugh again but was abruptly cut off when the connection was closed.

It was time to perform again, but this time the show would be different. Maurra glanced up at the Ellinod. Oh yeah. This time she would obey, but not in the way their captor expected.

Chapter Ten

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