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Authors: Bobbi Smith

Captive Pride (34 page)

BOOK: Captive Pride
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Even though he guarded his emotions from her, CC could feel the heat of his regard, and she knew she had to get away before she succumbed to her own desire for oneness with him. Her heart was pounding as she stared up at him. She wished frantically that he would release her, for the heat of their touch seemed to burn right through her clothing, stirring to life a brilliant wildfire of desire.

“I want to go,” CC insisted, trying to move away from him.

“No.” Refusing to free her, Noah tightened his grip, his fingers biting into the tender flesh.

“Why not?” she hissed in frustration.

“Because I don't want you going back there and possibly endangering yourself. If violence should break out…” Noah's gray-eyed gaze glittered dangerously at the thought of her being caught up in the mass confusion of a riot and of how helpless she would be to defend herself.

“Your brother's there,” she challenged, “and you didn't bother to rescue him!”

“Matthew's a man,” Noah snapped. “He's perfectly capable of taking care of himself if things happen to get out of hand.”

“And I'm not?”

“For God's sake, CC. You're a woman!”

“And just what is that supposed to mean?” CC argued. Though her temper was hot, she was suddenly, sickeningly weary of constantly battling the male prejudice of her father and John and Noah.

“It means exactly what you think it means.” Noah found himself growing furious with her again. “You're a woman, so why don't you take pride in the fact and act like one?”

“I do act like a woman!” CC retorted, stung by his insinuation. But even as she protested, she was aware of the boy's clothing she wore, the feathers in her hair, and the paint and soot smeared upon her face.

“When? What day? What hour? I must have missed it.” He was brutal in his angry assessment of her. Didn't she realize what could happen to her?

“How dare you say such thing's to me! And what business is it of yours anyway?”

“I dare because I believe in telling the truth,” Noah told her. Her words reminded him of the last time they'd argued over his interest in her business. It had been that night in the carriage…the night of their chance encounter. She'd been warm and willing then, if only for a short period of time.

“The truth as you see it!” CC countered quickly. Suddenly it no longer mattered to her that he didn't want her involved in political intrigue. What did matter was that he thought her less than feminine, and she was devastated by his bluntness. How could he say such a thing, when he, of all people, knew the true depth of her womanhood? Self-doubt assailed her. Had her lovemaking been so terrible? Had her inexperience bored him? Did he really think her mannish?

Her fragile femininity, under attack now by his brusque outspokenness, urged her to prove him wrong, to show him just how mistaken he was. Just because she didn't totally conform to the day's standards for females didn't mean that she was lacking in any way. She was a woman in all ways, and she was going to confirm it in Noah's mind right now. Never again would he doubt her.

Determined, she put the hurt aside and concentrated on changing his mind and bringing him to his knees. So he thought her less than feminine, did he? He wouldn't for long. A wicked gleam glinted in her emerald eyes. She knew enough about the tricks females employed to woo their men. Hadn't she listened to Marianna, Margaret, and Caroline? And hadn't she seen Eve Woodham in action at the various parties and balls? CC slanted him a steamy look from beneath half-lowered lashes.

“Noah…do you remember the last time we were here?” She made sure to add a sultry touch to her tone, and as she'd planned, her change of mood caught him by surprise.

“What? Yes, of course I do.” Noah grew wary, wondering at her purpose. He had expected her to keep arguing, not change the subject.

CC knew how effective it was to keep a man slightly confused from having used the same technique on her father numerous times. “Do you remember how untimely our interruption was?” She purred the question as she edged closer to him, leaning lightly against his chest.

Desire, sweet and hot, burst into flame deep within his vitals as she slowly lifted her arms and linked them behind his neck. Noah was not quite sure what CC was about, and he wasn't going to ask. He remained unmoving.

CC moved fully against him then, wanting to tease him to action. “What would have happened, Noah, if we hadn't been interrupted the first night? Did you want me as badly as I wanted you?” Her voice was a throaty whisper as she rose up on tiptoes to press her lips to his, and she felt him stiffen in surprise. CC wasn't sure if it was the kiss or her words that had affected him, and she didn't care. All she wanted was to prove to him that she was woman…all woman.

His last remaining shred of control shattered as her small tongue darted between his lips, seeking his in a deeply seductive kiss. A low groan escaped him as he gave in to his desires, his hands slipping from her waist to move restlessly across her hips and spine. His lips met hers time and again as CC aggressively sought his mouth. Past and present blended in his mind as she taunted him with her heady love, moving her lips in restless invitation against his.

Noah realized distractedly that CC was his heaven and his hell. She had caused him more worry and aggravation than any other woman in his entire life. She had involved herself in his business, declared her dislike for him more times than he could remember, and then made love to him with passionate abandon. He was obsessed with her…with the glory of her touch, the taste of her intoxicating kisses, and the unbelievable rapture that came with making love to her Nothing had ever affected him more deeply than being one with her. Noah longed to know that joy again, to be sheathed within the hot, silken core of her body.

The thought that one day he would have to leave her threatened, but he banished it from his thoughts. Suddenly there was no tomorrow, no revolution, and no Kincade Hall awaiting his reclamation. There was only the moment and CC, at last desiring him as much as he desired her.

When he had made the cruel remark to CC about her lack of womanhood, he had done it, not to hurt her, but in hopes of discouraging any more unorthodox behavior on her part. Tonight he had been running around Boston like a madman, trying to find her and save her from possible danger. Noah didn't know precisely why he'd done it, he only knew that he had. He did not regret it, for, at moments like this when she was in his arms willingly, the drugging wine of her kisses was worth any price he had to pay.

“Noah…I didn't want that first night to end as it did.” CC whispered his name in between kisses, teasing him with memories of that first passionate encounter they'd shared there in the barn. “Noah…please…”

Hungrily, she rose up and kissed him full and flaming on the mouth again as she slipped her hands beneath his greatcoat to begin unbuttoning his shirt. The buttons disposed of, she spread the material wide and caressed the bared strength of his chest, running her fingers on the flesh there and teasing his flat male nipples until he drew a sharp breath at the unexpected sensation.

“CC.” Her name was a husky groan as the need to taste of her pleasure ignited to full-blown passion. Without conscious thought, he tightened his arms around her, relishing the sensation of having her crushed so tightly to him.

“Touch me, Noah. Know that I'm woman, as I know you're man.” As she said it, she let her hands trail lower to trace the outline of his surging manhood through his breeches.

He tensed in sensual agony at her touch, his desire urging him to take her then, quickly and strongly. CC felt his reaction and smiled to herself. So he thought she was not feminine, did he? The realization that her one simple touch could stir him so completely filled her wtih a great sense of her womanly power, and she was determined to exploit it to its fullest. She broke off the embrace, despite Noah's initial reluctance to end the kiss, and took his hand.

“Let's go inside, shall we?” There was nothing subtle about her invitation, and when she led the way into the empty, shadowed darkness of the stable, he followed without protest. CC glanced quickly about to make certain they were completely alone and then guided him to a pile of fresh hay. Feeling sure that they would not be interrupted, she dropped his hand and began to brazenly unbutton her own shirt.

Noah stood, enthralled, watching her disrobe. Never in his wildest imaginings had he expected such of CC. He found himself totally mesmerized by her movements as she shrugged the baggy boy's shirt off her shoulders and tossed it thoughtlessly aside. Suddenly CC was standing before him nude from the waist up, and his gaze riveted on the pale, creamy perfection of her breasts. He remembered how sensitive the pink-tipped mounds were, and he longed to caress their fullness, to weigh their softness in his palms and tease the rosy crests to peaks of excitement.

CC noted the direction of his heated regard, and she gave a small, languid stretch, running her hands up her rib cage to cup her breasts enticingly. All else faded into oblivion as Noah stared in fascination at her alluring posture. No mistress before her had ever done anything so completely erotic, and Noah was captivated as he watched her. Only when her hands moved lower again did he manage to tear his gaze away from her breasts.

CC knew that she was in control of the situation, and she gloried in her mastery. Loosening her breeches, she let them slide slowly, enticingly down over her rounded hips. When at last she stood before Noah completely nude, she lifted her eyes to his and read there in his devouring gaze all she wanted, and needed, to know. He desired her.

“You look like an Indian maiden,” Noah managed hoarsely.

CC gave a husky laugh and asked lightly. “Not an Indian warrior?”

“Never an Indian warrior,” he swore as he took the last step that separated them and swept her into his embrace. “You're woman, CC. All woman. And you're mine.”

He said the last most fiercely, and CC was both stunned and thrilled by the declaration. When his mouth claimed hers in a deep exchange, she melted against him. Her body was on fire with the need to know him again, and she felt bereft when Noah released her briefly to remove his greatcoat. He spread the garment out on the pile of fresh hay and then lifted her into his arms to lay her upon it. CC found the sensation of her nakedness next to his still-clothed form highly erotic. He seemed so strong, so masculine…. She wanted to remain in his arms forever.

“Love me, Noah. Please, love me.” For the first time, she voiced her own needs.

Noah's gaze was dark with passion as he moved slightly away to undress, and he regretted the time it took him to shed his clothing. CC watched hungrily as he stripped off his shirt. She longed to run her hands over his hard-muscled back and shoulders. The rest of his clothes soon followed, and her gaze was eagerly upon him…the slim line of his hips, the long, straight power of his legs, and the surging proof of his desire for her.

“Noah…” CC breathed his name as she lifted her arms to him in invitation.

He didn't speak but went into her arms without hesitation, clasping her slim, silken softness to his hard male frame. CC gasped at the sensation as his lean strength seemed to brand her with its searing heat.

Everywhere they touched they were different. Where she was smooth, he was hair-roughened; where he was muscle, firm and powerful, she was soft and yielding. Yet, even as they were not alike, they complemented each other. His every masculine angle seemed to fit perfectly to her tempting feminine curves.

His mouth sought hers in a heated exchange as his hands began a restless exploration of her most secret pleasure points. CC was not about to let him take complete control of their lovemaking, though. Aggressively, she sought to please him. Remembering Noah's excited reaction to her earlier caress, she reached between them to fondle him boldly, stroking his throbbing hardness with knowing intent.

“Ah, CC…” Noah shuddered as she caressed him, and fearful that he might embarrass himself if he let her continue, he reached down to grasp her wrist and move her hand away. “Enough…I want to love you, sweet.”

“Yes…oh, yes.”

CC was ready for him—she had been almost since the beginning. She parted her thighs to his questing touch, knowing the joy his caress could bring and wanting to experience that joy again. She shuddered in ecstasy as his hand explored her pleasure point with a knowing rhythm, bringing her close, ever so close, yet denying her that last thrilling release.

“Noah…please…I need you now…” she begged, pulling him closer.

Noah understood her desperation, for his own desires were running wild as he felt the wet heat of her need. Positioning himself between her legs, he sought her womanly delights, moving slowly forward until he was buried within the silken heart of her. Her velvet flesh held him tightly, and the sensation almost sent his desire spiraling completely out of control.

Noah wanted to wait, to enjoy the feeling of just being a part of her, but CC's own passion would not be denied. Knowingly, she moved her hips against his, urging him to begin, and he could no longer hold back. He thrust within her avidly as he continued to caress and kiss her. CC clasped him to her heart, wrapping her legs about his driving hips and holding him ever closer. His hands were everywhere, cupping, molding, teasing, and she grew mindlessly enraptured. She was his, body and soul.

“Noah…oh, love…I need you so….” CC cried as ecstasy of her excitement peaked in a blaze of throbbing desire.

CC tensed exquisitely as the waves of rapture pulsed through her. Moments later, when she felt Noah shudder in his own ultimate pleasure, she held him close, feeling triumphant in knowing that she had been able to satisfy him as completely as he'd satisfied her.

They lay together in peaceful serenity, savoring the bliss of their closeness. What had begun as a taunting seduction on CC's part had ended in enchantment for both of them. Noah had never known lovemaking so beautiful, so giving, and he wanted to cling to the preciousness of the moment, to capture it and save it forever.

BOOK: Captive Pride
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