Captive Films: Season One

BOOK: Captive Films: Season One
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Captive Films: Season One


Episode 1

Riley: Paris

Keatyn: Paris

Riley: L.A.

Ariela: Connecticut

Episode 2

Riley: Santa Monica

Ariela: Santa Monica

Riley: Malibu

Ariela: Malibu

Riley: Hollywood

Ariela: Hollywood

Episode 3

Riley: Hollywood

Keatyn: Malibu

Riley: Santa Monica

Vanessa: Beverly Hills

Ariela: Holmby Hills

Riley: Beverly Hills

Riley: Santa Monica

Vanessa: Santa Monica

Dawson: Santa Monica

Vanessa: Captive

Episode 4


Riley: Malibu

Dawson: Hollywood

Riley: Malibu

Vanessa: Holmby Hills

Dawson: Malibu

Riley: Santa Monica

Keatyn: Santa Monica

Dawson: Santa Monica

Vanessa: Holmby Hills

Episode 5

Riley: Vegas

Dawson: Malibu

Ariela: Driving

Keatyn: Studio City

Dawson: Sonoma

Keatyn: Sonoma County

Dawson: Sonoma County

Vanessa: Beverly Hills

Ariela: Sonoma County

Dawson: Sonoma County

Vanessa: Sonoma County

Riley: Sonoma County

Episode 6

Keatyn: Sonoma County

Riley: Sonoma County

Keatyn: Sonoma County

Vanessa: Sonoma County

Keatyn: Sonoma County

Ariela: Sonoma County

Dawson: Sonoma County

Riley: Santa Monica

Ariela: Holmby Hills

Riley: Holmby Hills

Riley: Santa Monica

Ariela: Holmby Hills

Riley: Santa Monica

Books by Jillian Dodd

About the Author

Copyright 2014 by Jillian Dodd

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, store in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status or trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Jillian Dodd Inc.

ISBN: 978-1-940652-32-0

Tuesday, September 23rd

Movie Premiere - Paris


I adjust my tie in the mirror, mute my cell phone, and check my watch again. “Are you almost ready, Sh—” Shit, what the fuck is her name? Shell—something. Shell—y, Mi—chelle, Ra—chelle? No. I’m pretty sure it’s Shelly, but I decide to go with Shell, just to be safe. “—ell?”

“I just need a few more seconds! It’s not my fault you kept me in bed for so long, daddy,” her voice shrills.

Which is such a lie, it’s totally her fault.

She was impressed with our beautiful Parisian hotel suite and decided to show her appreciation by sucking my dick then riding me like a cowgirl.

At the time, I didn’t care if I was a little late but, now, as my arrival time looms, I’m getting irritated.

I’m Riley Johnson.

I've got it all.

Brand new jet. Exotic cars. Luxury penthouse. Black card. A different aspiring actress—or two—in my bed every night.

I run Captive Films.

Where we leave you begging for more.

Or, maybe that's just me.

My life is perfect.

No relationships. No distractions.

I’m all business.

Even with the girls I date.

And by date, I mean fuck.

Because that’s all it is to me.

I’ve never been much of a rule follower, except for the one I made for myself a long time ago.

No love. Just sex.

And never more than forty-eight hours with the same girl.

With the flight from L.A. to Paris, I’m nearing sixteen hours with Shelly.

I wait another ten minutes before giving up. “If you don’t come out now, I’m leaving without you.”

She pops open the bathroom door and smiles at me. “Looking this good takes time.”

And, I will admit, she looks damn good.

Her long, red silky dress, with the dangerously plunging neckline barely containing her double D’s, is hugging all her curves. Yes, I made a good choice.

We met a couple days ago at one of the clubs I like to frequent when I mentioned to my friend, movie star Knox Daniels, that’d I’d be in Paris for
The Keatyn Chronicles Trilogy
movie premiere this week.

She slid her ample ass next to me on the couch and told me she would go with me.

I laughed at her, honestly.

I was planning to be here stag because after the premiere I’m attending a fashion show. One of Keatyn’s little sisters, who at sixteen isn’t so little anymore, will be walking the catwalk. And then it’s to a party filled with some of my favorite kind of people.


“What do you think?” she asks, spinning in a circle that causes a boob to pop out of her dress.

“Didn’t you tape those things in?” I ask, horrified. “That can’t happen on the red carpet.”

Keatyn would kill me.

Shell-whatever looks down and goes, “Whoopsie!” She shoves the offending boob back in place while chomping on a piece of gum.

Okay, so maybe she wasn’t the best choice.

“Spit out the gum,” I say.

She slides up to me and cups the front of my pants with her hand. “Why? Is there something you’d rather I have in my mouth?”

“Maybe in the limo,” I tell her and drag her out to the waiting car.

Once we’re tucked into the backseat, she reminds me why I brought her.

With her very talented mouth.

We survive the red carpet walk and subsequent interviews without any nipple slips. After joining Keatyn and Aiden, her long time beau, we are seated in the ornate theater.

The Keatyn Chronicles
movies are about Keatyn Douglas’ real life, when at seventeen, the daughter of famous actress Abby Johnston, was almost kidnapped by a stalker and was sent to an East Coast boarding school—under an assumed name—for her safety. Since the boarding school is where Keatyn and I became friends, I get to see some of my own life unfolding on the screen before me. I watch the day we met. It was Eastbrooke’s New Student Orientation. I was sitting next to Dallas McMahon, who is now Captive Films’ Chief Legal Counsel and a partial owner. We were already checking her out before she marched in our direction. With her long blonde hair, tan skin, and killer body, it’s safe to assume all the guys were doing the same. It shocked the hell out of us when she marched up the bleachers—wearing a dress and cowboy boots—and sat down between us.

I chuckle watching the three of us sneaking out of our dorms after curfew to smoke and talk.

Then I get lost in the rest of the movie.

Keatyn showing up at my dorm room in tears when my older brother, Dawson, dumped her for his ex-girlfriend.

The three of us shooting a naughty music video to get back at him.

And, then, the part I can’t bear to watch.

If only I could turn off my ears, then I wouldn’t have to relive how crazy I was about Ariela Ross.

In this scene, we’re in my dorm room.

I keep telling Keatyn how pretty Ariela is. How I’m scared to text her after hanging out with her the night before. Keatyn telling me she thought she had a boyfriend at home, but I didn’t care. I was here. He wasn’t. And I was freaking Riley Johnson. She was so pretty. A cheerleader with dark brown hair, gorgeous eyes, and a perfect body.

I had no idea at the time that I would fall totally and completely in love with her.

Or that she would break my heart.

Thank god, that’s not in the movie. It was bad enough that I included a photo at the end showing the real Keatyn and Aiden with the cast and crew of
A Day at the Lake 2
. Keatyn’s stalker was obsessed with her mom’s first movie, the cult classic,
A Day at the Lake
. Because of Keatyn’s resemblance to her mother, he wanted to remake it with Keatyn. And while you’d have to watch the movie or read the books we just released to understand it all, Keatyn managed to pull off a hostile takeover of the stalker’s movie production company. At seventeen, she was named Chairman of the Board of what would become Captive Films.

It’s hard to believe that my career as a director, producer, and CEO started with a friendship and a music video. The naughty video we did to make my brother mad turned out so well that when Keatyn’s childhood friend, Damian Moran, needed a music video made in a few days, she suggested me. I didn’t really have a clue what I was doing, but went with my gut. That video, and the fact that Keatyn looked damn hot in it, took his band, Twisted Dreams, to the top of the charts and I went on to produce many more videos. The summer before our senior year, Keatyn and I teamed up to make our first movie, the remake of
A Day at the Lake
that Captive Films owned the rights to. With Keatyn’s connections, her acting ability, and my direction, we had our company’s first hit.

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