Captivated By You (Twisted Love #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Captivated By You (Twisted Love #1)
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I was back at the hotel late in the afternoon. As soon as I got to my room, I collapsed on the bed, reminiscing about all the glorious moments with Julian. Julian standing there with his big cock hanging between his legs as he looked at me with indescribable passion in his eyes. Julian with his hands on my hips as he pumped into me until I screamed. Julian all sweaty and sated as we both climaxed together. And then there was Julian in the dark, taking me like we were forbidden lovers, stealing kisses underneath the stars.

The plan to travel to SeaWorld tomorrow was still on. John had told me so before dropping me off. Seeing dolphins and marine life was exciting, but nothing got my blood running hot more than the thought of seeing Julian again. 

I laughed. Already I was giddy to see him, wanting more of that juicy action. Great, thinking about Julian now made me hot. And it had nothing to do with the temperature in this room.

How bothersome. There was nothing to relieve me except that damn vibrator. I supposed beggars couldn’t be choosers.

I extracted the toy and fingered myself until I was wet. Then when I couldn’t control myself anymore, I inserted it into the lip of my sex. It was good, but it felt like something was missing. It wasn’t enough. Only when I finally climaxed did I figure it out.


Just peachy! Two finger-fucks and two amazing orgasms later, even this sex toy failed in comparison.

God, I definitely needed a shower.

After the satisfying shower, I emerged in a large towel wrapped around my body. It was already past dinnertime. Figuring it was a waste of time to change into new clothes, I rang room service for a meal delivery. When it arrived, I wolfed down the whole lot in less than five minutes, which just goes to show I was hungry. I supposed as the saying goes, a good round of exercise will increase your appetite. And that includes sex.

I planned to write the presentation report for Papa as soon as I finished eating. Taking out my laptop and notes from the presentation, I collaborated all my points together, summarizing for Papa so I could easily get my points across when we had our meeting back home.

Thinking about home made me think about Julian. What would happen when I went home? Would he be willing to start a long-distance relationship with me?

I didn’t get to dwell on this matter when someone texted me on my phone.

Log onto Skype

“Amelia.” I beamed.

I logged on and immediately saw my friend’s face on the computer. She still looked the same. Dark-brown hair, oval face like a porcelain doll, and sharp almond eyes. That friend of mine was gorgeous, but since that episode with Simon cheating on her, she hadn’t attempted to find another guy.

“How did the funeral go?” I asked at her, curious to know how it all went while I was here with Julian.

“It was fine,” she explained, her eyes twitching with tiredness. “But they thought I was Corinne,”

“What?” I gasped. The thought of Julian disappeared from my mind in a nanosecond flat. “They thought you were Dunstan’s mistress? Did you even get to correct them, that the mistress was actually your sister?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I got kicked out before I could explain myself.”

“Oh, these awful people. I hope you don’t get to see them again.”

“That might be hard since Corinne was called to attend the reading of the will. Apparently, Dunstan left her something upon his death.”

“So you’ll be going, then. I mean with your sister.”

“Yes.” Amelia rubbed her eyes, a yawn escaping her.

At that moment, I really felt for Amelia. That girl really had a tough life. Unlike me, the daughter of millionaire magnate Geoffrey Henderson, Amelia just came from a normal middle-class family, with one older sister named Corinne.

Ten years ago, after the death of their parents, which made them orphans, Corinne quit university to work three different jobs to help support twelve-year-old Amelia and their home, which had a huge mortgage attached to it. Since they had no relatives to rely on, they had to fend for themselves. Three years after, they both hit a brick wall when Corinne lost her main job due to recession. The house they were living in was about to be repossessed by the bank. But Dunstan came along, helping them out. All he asked in return was to visit them regularly. But somehow, over time, Corinne and Dunstan fell in love. 

Of course, I don’t actually know the full story. These were bits of information I’d pieced together when Amelia told me some years ago, back in our university days.

I often wondered how we could become such lifelong friends when we really hadn’t been together that long though. And especially since our personalities were like chalk and cheese.

I was often the wild one, the one that needed to be looked after when a party was in full swing, whereas Amelia was the quiet one, the sensible one. But I was also the one that stood up for my friends’ rights, like that night when Simon cheated on Amelia. The night when Julian came to rescue me like a dark knight.

Ahh… Julian.

I missed him already. Missed his lips on mine. Miss his hands roaming my body. Most specifically, I missed his cock inside me, feeling him taking up space in my passage.

I didn’t realize I was daydreaming until Amelia yelled at me.

“Daydreaming at night? What’s going on?”

I just smirked. “Nothing to confirm yet. Once I’m all sussed, I’ll let you know.”

“Have you met someone there?” She paused for a moment, reading my expression. “Kimmy, you’re very fast. You’ve only been there less than a week.”

“What can I say? I’m a seductress. All men fall at my feet.” I laughed. “Oh, sorry Amelia. I have an incoming call. Unknown number.” I swiped the talk button on my phone. “Hello,” I chirped into the phone.


Ripples of lust shot through me in a nanosecond, from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes. Julian’s voice on phone was like eating crispy hot wafers while having sex in the pool: crispy, hot, and wet. Dreamy.

“Hello, Julian.” I flicked my gaze to Amelia and signaled her I needed a minute. She smiled, shooing me off, then disappeared off screen too. “Hi. How are you? Did you have to go into work again?”

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t get to wake up with you this morning.”

“Oh, that’s all right. I thought I’d imagined that scene from last night. If not for the crumpled bed sheets, I’d be sure I dreamed it all.”

“You didn’t dream. I did take you.”

My legs couldn’t take it anymore. This was like phone sex. His voice really got to me.

“So why did you call?” I asked, throwing myself on the bed and drawing lazy circles on the bedspread. “Miss me already?”

“I do. Missing you now.”

I laughed. “Anything else?”

“And to give you my cell number. I keep on forgetting to give it to you.”

“Uh-ha.” I nodded, smiling like a fool. “Anything else?”

“And about tomorrow.”

Oh God, don’t tell me Julian’s backing out of our deal already. I had so many things planned for tomorrow, like his cock in my mouth, after he took such good care of me last night. It would be like revenge, except we’d both be having a good time.

“Are you changing your mind about tomorrow?” My voice squeaked in fear at the possible outcome. If he really canceled, then I’d slump in this bed until I went hungry.

“No. It’s just we have to go to the office first. I have some things I need to sort out. Then we’ll be on our way.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, that’s fine, then.”

“Would you like to come along too? I’ll pick you up and we can depart straight after.”

“Splendid idea, Julian. I like that idea very much.”

“Then I’ll let you get some sleep.”

“Okay, thank you for calling.”

“Oh, I almost forgot.”

I held my breath. “Yes, what is it?”

“I love you.”

My heart sped up. I gripped onto the phone tighter, pressing my ear closer, as if doing this would allow me to be closer to him.

“I love you too,” I whispered.

“Until tomorrow, then,” he said when I didn’t say anything more.

“Until tomorrow, then, Julian. Good night.”

“Good night, my Kimberly.”

I fell back onto the mattress without even knowing.

My Kimberly. I’m his Kimberly. And he said he loves me.

I blushed. Could two people really fall in love in less than a week? But that was what I’d been feeling since I saw him. He made me want him. He made me miss him. Like right now. The phone was already disconnected, but I was still staring at it like a fool.

Oh God, Julian. He called me my Kimberly. Oh God, Amelia! I left her online.

“Amelia, Amelia, are you still there?” I scrambled out of bed and yelled through the microphone.

“Coming.” I heard her voice first before I saw her face.

As soon as she sat down, I apologized to her.

“I’m so sorry. I got sidetracked.”

“Who was that?”

“Someone.” I gave her a cheesy smile.

“That someone you like? That someone you just told me about a minute ago?”

“Yes, that someone.”

“What did he say?”

“He said he’ll pick me up tomorrow so we can go to SeaWorld.”

“Good for you.”

“Your turn will come soon.” I soothed her. “Who knows? You might meet someone tomorrow.”

“Ahhhh,” Amelia screamed in panic. “Thank you for reminding me about tomorrow. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning to pick up our boss from the airport. Our old boss has retired so our new boss is taking over our company. I heard he’s very scary. So I have to go now. See you here soon. Have fun tomorrow with your Mr. Someone.”

“Bye-bye.” I waved at her, then switched off the laptop.

That night, I went to bed with a smile on my face, looking forward to tomorrow when I would spend the whole day with Julian, the man I loved.




Monday morning found Julian and me exiting Silverton Hotel hand in hand, like the perfect couple we were. Julian was very attentive, hooking my seatbelt for me when I got in the car and making sure the air-conditioner was turned to the right temperature before driving to Devereux Headquarters.

Julian wouldn’t stop looking at me, even when we were sitting in the car. His eyes were on fire as he took in my form. It was almost like he was making love to me without touching me. That came as no surprise since I took extra care with my beauty routine last night. I wanted to go all out with him today. It would be like a date. But all that was spoiled because of one small thing. His odd question.

“Is it okay if I kiss you?”

I stopped short and looked at his face in confusion. Then I turned red.

“Why do you have to ask? We had sex. Twice. You gave me amazing orgasms. I lost count on that one. Yet you’re not sure if you can kiss me?”

I turned my back to him, staring at the window, totally in a pissed-off fashion. Wow, this just totally ruined my mood.

“Kimberly, are you mad at me?” he asked solemnly.

“What do you think?” I asked, refusing to look at his face.

“Kimberly,” he repeated again, this time accompanied with the lightest of touch across my bared arm.

I wasn’t swayed. Even when that touch scorched my skin and turned my mind into a puddle of goo. 

Think, Julian, think. What does a girl like me want?

Julian didn’t say anything, but started the car and drove off to Devereux Enterprise. Throughout the drive, he kept staring in my direction with that sad, solemn look. I wished he would just take the initiative and kiss me. I wanted my man to dominate me sometimes. I didn’t want to be the one who always had to seduce people.

As soon as the car stopped at Devereux Enterprise, I flew out and into the elevator. Julian hurried after me just before the door closed.

“Kimberly, what’s wrong? Tell me. I’m sorry.”

See, it was this behavior here I wanted him to change. Be a man and take charge. Where was the man who made love to me? Where was the man I saw three years ago? It was like he was play-acting and it confused me. Who was the real Julian?

“I’m going to see Beau.” That was all I said. He should get the message I didn’t want to talk to him.

I turned my back on Julian again and stared at the wall, folding my arms and pouting. Julian was about to say something when a bunch of people came into the elevator, crowding me, pushing me to the back until I hit his hard chest.

“Kimberly,” he spoke, his fingers brushing my arms, balancing me when I almost toppled over from the impact.

In the jam-packed elevator, I was pressed like a pancake, with Julian as my back support while people clamored in front of me. Suddenly, I felt something poking at the small of my back.

Oh God, it’s Julian. He’s reacting to my body.

I sucked in my breath and ignored it, reminding myself I was still mad with him. But it was extremely hard when my damn body was turning all hot and bothered, like I needed him too.

Why was I reacting to him when I was mad like this? Why were our bodies so in tune with each other, even when our minds spoke different languages?

As more people entered and exited, Julian’s erection didn’t cease. And my desire for him to be inside me grew even more. A little bump in the ride caused my butt to rub against him, and I shivered. It was one hell of a delicious shiver too, one that had my desire increased by tenfold. I was so wet. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, concentrating on my breathing pattern instead, hoping to suppress any further humiliation.

Finally, I arrived on Beau’s floor. I rushed out like the wind, not because I was mad with him, but because I needed to sort out my body.

Once back to my original state, I rushed out of the bathroom and collided into someone. Then papers flew everywhere.

“I’m so sorry.” I apologized to the woman who was sprawled on the floor with papers scattered around her.

She rubbed her bottom, then got up and smiled at me. I hope she didn’t get a concussion from this.

“I’m fine,” she said, which relieved me greatly. 

“Here, let me help you with them,” I offered, picking up the papers.

She smiled and accepted my offer.

As I was about to gather them into a pile, one document caught my attention. It was the research materials used for the presentation on Papa’s joint venture with Devereux.

“Are you taking these to Josh?” I asked, realizing it might be Josh’s since he was the one who presented the proposal.

“No, to Julian,” she said, smiling.

“Oh,” I replied, surprised. It was Josh’s presentation, so why was this woman taking this research material to Julian?

“I just came to collect these from Josh’s office, that’s all. Julian wanted them back.”

“Back?” I couldn’t understand where this was going.

When she saw the look on my face, she explained. “These notes belonged to Julian. Josh was just borrowing them for the presentation.”

“Oh,” I said again. I was beginning to understand what was happening. One brother does the research while the other one does the presentation. Yet they don’t get along.

“Thank you for helping me out.” The woman tucked the files under her chin, then walked off. I couldn’t bear seeing her carry so many files, so I offered to help carry them to her office.

“My name is Kimberly by the way,” I told her.

“Ah, so you’re the new girl,” she exclaimed. It seemed like everyone really did think I was the new intern here. “Everyone here has been talking about you. Saying you’re a beautiful thing.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“My name is Melissa. I work with Julian.”

We arrived at her desk, which was outside Julian’s office. I didn’t follow Melissa in. I sat outside and watched her work instead. From the way she worked, I assumed she was Julian’s secretary.

“Are you here to learn from me today?” she asked when I didn’t go back to where I came from.

“Yes, I was assigned to work here.” I made up a lie.

“That’s good. Come sit beside me. I’ll teach you how to do things.”

Sitting beside her, I watched the way she worked, and I had to admit she made one hell of a secretary. In the duration I was there, she was running backward and forward, in and out between her small desk and Julian’s office, with files up to her ears, while the phone was constantly ringing off the hook.

Melissa was on her last trip when the phone rang again. I looked up at her, signaling the phone was ringing, but she just told me to it pick up. I did as requested.

“Hello, welcome to Devereux Enterprise. You’re speaking with Kimberly. How may I help you?”

“Hi, this is Karen from Mannings Construction. My boss, Mr. Phillips, would like to speak with Mr. Julian Devereux regarding the construction plan for the land development in Surfers Paradise. Could you please connect me through?”

“Yes, sure.” I connected the phone. “Mr. Devereux, phone call from Mannings Construction.”

Julian’s sexy voice rang into my ear immediately and made my knees shake. 


I put the phone down. I didn’t want to hear his voice. It would just remind me how much I wanted him. And how stupid and immature I acted. I should stop behaving like a brat. It wasn’t Julian’s fault he treated me like that. He was just a gentleman, respecting me, that’s all. What more could I ask from a guy? He was hardworking, conscientious, and very attentive to me. Perfect boyfriend material. I had to go and apologize to him.

I got up just as Melissa came in looking for another file. When she said she needed to deliver this file to Julian urgently, I offered to go instead.

Melissa happily took my suggestion, sinking into her seat in exhaustion.

She was only in her mid-thirties, as she’d told me when we started chatting, but with blond wispy hair that looked like it hadn’t seen a salon since the turn of the century, her whole appearance made her seem decades older.

Melissa really was hardworking. If she were to resign from here, Papa would have no qualms in hiring her.

I sneaked a look at the files when I took them to Julian. Information on building consent and land development in Surfers Paradise were attached, along with the plans.

I walked with the file in hand and stood in front of Julian’s door. There was just his name and a title that read General Manager.

I wondered what department he was under. Since he was the eldest son of Beau, I was surprised his title was only General Manager.

I knocked on Julian’s door, heart almost beating out of my chest. He answered with his deep baritone, which didn’t help my nerves one bit. My legs were like jelly, and I realized I hadn’t the guts to apologize to him in person. I’d text him instead.

Walking with my face down, I placed the file on his desk and was about to leave when Julian grabbed my hand and swung me with such force the wind was almost knocked out of my lungs. He yanked my head towards his and slammed his mouth to mine, attacking me with such ferocity my knees buckled. Julian lifted me to sit on his desk, all without removing his lips from mine.

We both kissed each other until we were drunk. He was as intoxicated as I was. In fact, we were both stupidly crazy for each other, hands tugging on each other’s clothes and mouths attacking every bit of exposed skin. Until—

“Ohhh Jesus, this isn’t part of the plan,” Julian muttered, pulling away from me.

“What plan?” I asked, looking at him through a misted hood of lust. I could see he was trying to fight his desire for me, but his eyes proved otherwise. I pulled him in again and rested my head on his shoulder. “You didn’t plan for all this to happen, did you? To fall under my spell. To fall in love with me.”

“Kimberly,” he puffed out, almost out of energy. He rested his chin on my head, bringing my body close to his. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he repeatedly said.  “I’m sorry if I made you mad. I’m sorry for not apologizing earlier. I’m sorry for bringing you here and making you wait for me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sor—”

“Stop!” I pressed my finger to his lips. “It’s I who should be sorry. I was immature. I wanted you to take initiative and kiss me when you think it’s appropriate. I don’t want to have to give you permission to do something like kissing me. I love it when you kiss me. I could never get mad with the way you kiss me. That’s why I got mad when you asked.”

“From now on, I’ll take the initiative.” He kissed my hair and hugged me closer. In a soothing voice, he asked, “Are you happy, Kimberly, being with me?”

I looked up into those stormy grey eyes of his, a mixture of love and elation pouring out of me.

“Happy as a newborn lamb.” I grinned and hugged him again, listening to the sound of his erratic heartbeat in his chest.

“I just have to go to father’s meeting first and then we’ll be on our way to SeaWorld. Would you like to join the meeting too?”

I smiled at that question. “Only if you sit beside me.”

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