Canary (33 page)

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Authors: Rachele Alpine

BOOK: Canary
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I wouldn't be surprised if I spent a small fortune at coffee houses while writing and revising this book. So I owe a special thanks to my favorite haunts, places where at some points I spent more time than at my own house: Starbucks in Rocky River and Barnes & Noble in Mentor, Caribou Coffee in Rocky River, Arabica in Willoughby, and Panera Bread in Rocky River and Mentor. You kept me suppliedwith caffeine and free Wi-Fi and didn't kick me out when I set up camp hour after hour!

Writing can be such a solitary act, so I'm lucky to be a part of two great writing communities, The Kenyon Review Writers Workshop (Magic Twangers forever!) and the NEOMFA program at Cleveland State University. You give me inspiration, encouragement, and a place to share my passion with others who live to write as much as I do.

My love of writing wouldn't be what it is without all the incredible educators I've had throughout my life. I am especially thankful for my teachers and St. Angela Merici and Magnificat. You don't know how much I loved going to English class each day. It was Dr. Rice's multigenre project at Ohio University that sparked the idea for this book and my professors at Boston University who gave me the courage to share my writing with strangers. I am forever thankful for the enthusiasm of my colleagues, especially Cathy Priest and the Language Arts Department, who
encouraged me throughout this entire process.

The online writing community is an amazing and welcoming place. The Lucky 13s have kept me sane throughout the publishing process, and so many other YA writers have reached out and helped me with support, answers, and virtual chocolate! And thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have followed my journey online. I love to connect with my readers, and your excitement for 
 has made this adventure even sweeter.

And where would I be without my own students? You make me think, laugh, and love what I do every single day.

I saved the best for last. My family. I owe a thousand thanks to all of you:

My mom, for first introducing me to my love of books.

My grandma, for sharing in my love of books.

My grandpa, for spoiling me with lots of books.

My sister, Amanda, for all our adventures that could fill volumes of books.

My pup, Radley, for keeping me company while revising this book.

And my glorious husband, Jason, for supporting (and putting up with!) all my reading, writing, and talking about books. You are the bomb diggity,
old sport!

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