[Canadian West 01] - When Calls the Heart

BOOK: [Canadian West 01] - When Calls the Heart
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To my oldest sister,
Elizabeth Margaret (Betty) Cox,
for having the patience
to let me "pull the needle,"
and for many other reasons.

Books by Janette Oke

Janette Oke's Reflections on the Christmas Story

The Red Geranium


Once Upon a Summer

The Winds of Autumn

Winter Is Not Forever

Spring's Gentle Promise


Love Comes Softly

Love's Enduring Promise

Love's Long Journey

Love's Abiding Joy

Love's Unending Legacy

Love's Unfolding Dream

Love Takes Wing

Love Finds a Home


When Calls the Heart

When Comes the Spring

When Breaks the Dawn

When Hope Springs New


The Calling of Emily Evans

Julia's Last Hope

Roses for Mama

A Woman Named Damaris

They Called Her Mrs. Doc

The Measure of a Heart

A Bride for Don nigan

Heart of the Wilderness

Too Long a Stranger

The Bluebird and the Sparrow

A Gown of Spanish Lace

Drums of Change


The Father Who Calls

The Father of Love

Father of My Heart

Faithful Father

Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie

Biography of Janette Oke by Laurel Oke Logan

The Oke Family Cookbook

by Barbara Oke and Deborah Oke

JANETTE OKE was born in Champion, Alberta, during the
depression years, to a Canadian prairie farmer and his wife.
She is a graduate of Mountain View Bible College in Dids-
bury, Alberta, where she met her husband, Edward. They
were married in May of 1957, and went on to pastor churches
in Indiana as well as Calgary and Edmonton, Canada.

The Okes have three sons and one daughter and are enjoying the addition to the family of grandchildren. Edward
and Janette have both been active in their local church, serving in various capacities as Sunday-school teachers and
board members. They make their home in Didsbury, Alberta.


I would like to supply my readers with a few facts concerning the North West Mounted Police. The Force was founded in
1873 as an answer to the problem of illicit liquor trade and
lawlessness in the West. It has been said that the Mountie was
dressed in a red coat to readily set him apart from the U.S.
Cavalry. The Mountie's job was to make peace with the Indians, not to defeat them; and many of the Indian tribes which
he had to deal with had already had run-ins with the troops
from south of the border. Whether for this reason, or some
other, the scarlet tunic soon became distinctive, and set apart
the man who was wearing it.

The uniform and the name both evolved. The title of Roval
North West Mounted Police was granted by King Edward VII
in 1904, in recognition of the Force's contribution to Canada.
In 1920, the name was changed to Royal Canadian Mounted
Police. Eventually, the red coat was adopted as the dress uniform of the Force, and a more practical brown coat was chosen
for regular duty, because, said Superintendent Steele, it was
"almost impossible for even a neat and tidy man to keep the
red coat clean for three months on the trail." The hat also
changed from the original pill-box, through various shapes
and designs, to the Stetson that was approved in 1901.

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