Can Anybody Help Me? (10 page)

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Authors: Sinéad Crowley

BOOK: Can Anybody Help Me?
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‘Physical description?'


Quigley raised his eyebrows and Claire sighed deeply.

‘No, seriously, that's nearly all we got out of him. Black, wearing jeans and a brown bomber jacket. Short hair. Stocky build. Didn't appear to be in a hurry, didn't appear nervous. Berry has pretty much admitted he took the money and ran,
the apartment had been vacant for ages and the owner was “desperate”—'

‘And we're talking to him?'

‘He's in Cork, two of the local lads already took a statement. Claims Berry handled everything, he just handed over the keys and his bank details. Alibi checks out. His baby daughter is being christened tomorrow, but he's coming up straight after. He sounded pretty shaken, according to Flynn. Not the news you want, is it? That someone has been found dead in your place.'

‘And you're happy with this chap Berry's statement?'

‘Not really.'

Claire frowned, and the Superintendent looked at her closely. ‘There's something … I don't know. He was talking away, then he shut up, asked for the solicitor. That's fair enough, he had the right. And then he gave a pretty full description of the fella, but … I don't know.'

She stifled a yawn and Quigley looked more closely at her.

‘It's been a long day. Sleep on it. I believe the identification is confirmed?'

‘As good as.'

The full post-mortem results wouldn't be available for a few hours yet, but the clothes and wallet found at the scene along with the woman's estimated size and age made her an exact match for Miriam Twohy, who had been missing from her home in Ballyawlann for the previous fortnight. Her parents were due at the mortuary the following morning to confirm the guards' suspicions. It was a horrific end to their search, and she could only hope that they would get some comfort from the fact that their daughter had been found.

There would certainly be no peace when the family discovered how she died.

Quigley was speaking again and she struggled to focus.

‘Keep me updated. I'll leave Flynn with you if that works?'

She nodded. Annoying hair or not, Flynn had proved himself to be an adept phone banger and she'd be happy enough to have him by her side.

‘Get some rest, so.'

He muttered the words as if unsure whether to say them, but Claire appreciated the sentiment. She stood up from the chair, utterly exhausted. Suddenly even the thought of getting herself into her car and home was too much for her and she concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other as she left the superintendent's office and walked slowly through the banks of desks and computer monitors that led to the exit door. All she could think of was sinking into a hot bath and praying Matt had thrown dinner together. But before she could reach the door, Flynn was at her side.

‘I thought you should know we got another call from that computer lady?'


Tiredness made her sound grumpy and Claire regretted her tone as Flynn flushed before continuing.

‘The woman who said she knew Miriam Twohy from the internet? Well she called back to say she'd been mistaken. Her friend has turned up apparently. Wasn't the same woman after all.'

‘Grand. Whatever.'

Claire nodded and continued the long tramp through the almost deserted station and out towards the car park. She
hadn't time for housewives and their fantasies right now. A young mother was dead and she wasn't happy with how things were proceeding. Ramblings on cyberspace were one thing. This death was real.




ARRRGH what the title says!!!! Am 32 weeks pregnant, feel great, all good with babs. We're having a lil boy
DH totally excited, has taken a month off work, totally looking forward to being at home with our new little family! And then my mother rings today and announces that she'll be coming to stay when babs is born! For a month!!! I told her we had made our own arrangements but she just talks over me like always and says, oh you don't know how tired you'll be, I'll be able to do the night feeds, let you sleep etc etc. Argh!!! God I'm feeling stressed just thinking about it … can anybody out there help me?


Oh been there! DS is six months old, I had a section and the night we came home from hospital I had SEVEN of DH's family call over for a look!!! I was up and down making tea for them and they were passing the baby
around like a parcel! He roared for hours afterwards *bangs head off wall*


Sorry to hear you're so stressed pet. Maybe DH could have a quiet word with her?


+1 MyBabba. Get DH to have a quiet word, use the whole pregnancy hormones excuse. Tell her you'll be delighted with the help and you are dying for her to see her little grandchild but you want the first while to be just the three of ye at home. And then maybe she can come to stay when DH goes back to work? No point having your mum around to do all the work if DH doesn't learn how to change a nappy! Best of luck


Thanks girls but there's no way DH will have that conversation with her. It's after getting worse now, my aunt (her sis) just rang and said she knows a MW in the hospital and that she's going to let her in to visit after babs is born, even though it's strictly just grandparents! I mean WTF!!! I'm starting to wonder whose baby this is … spent hours last night crying just thinking about it …


Are you serious? My mum's moving in for a month when baby is born, at least! I've asked her to come to hospital with us as well, DH will be useless!!!! I'd have her in the
delivery room if I could but the stupid hospital will only allow partners in >(


Sorry to hear you're stressed hon. Just wanted to offer another perspective I guess. I don't have my mum … we fell out years ago. Long Story. Too long to post here … anyway I'm from London but live over here now so don't have any family or friends to depend on. DH's mum is great really but well … you know how it is. I don't like to ask her to do too much. So it was just me and DH when DD was born really. And he's up to his eyes in work so a lot of the time it was just me. Not always easy. I mean we were fine, we muddled through. But I suppose what I'm trying to say is, maybe you shouldn't fall out with your mum over this. Maybe you can come to some arrangement. It is a bit much to expect you to put her up for a month but I wouldn't fall out with her either. Maybe she can stay for the first few nights and then again when DH goes back to work. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that it'd be nice to have a mum around who was fighting to do things for me … so maybe yours isn't all bad! Hope it works out for you and best of luck with the baby x


Lovely post LondonMum … My mam died when I was 20 and I really missed her when my two were born. Hope you are doing okay x


I'm miles away from my mam as well, she's alive thank
God but lives in Dublin and we are in the sticks. Sometimes I feel like I'd love to have her around and other times … well let's just say we weren't always the best of friends growing up
. So I'd probably love to have her for about three hours and then I'd want to stab her
. I guess a lot of the time we cope with what we are given if you know what I mean. Good luck with your decision.


It was mostly darkness now. Some light, when she managed to open her eyes. Colour, speech, movement. All caused her pain. Darkness was easier. And in the blackness the thoughts swirled like dust mites, settling for a moment before drifting away

She tried to make an effort when they spoke to her. Nobody wore white coats in here, and she found that confusing. No doubt it was supposed to help, make the patients feel more comfortable, that sort of foolishness. You couldn't call anyone Doctor or Nurse either, just Jason and Courtney, and that dark-skinned girl whose name she couldn't pronounce. Then again, you weren't supposed to call them dark-skinned now either, were you? She could never remember the new words. Her head hurt just thinking about them

At least he allowed her to speak her mind. He'd been to see her twice now, or was it three times? No matter. He was going to get what he wanted. And then, hopefully, so was she

Pain. Pain came, drifted for a while, and then bit and held. She had had pain before. It's a girl. A daughter. Brightness and hope. And then sadness. Now, more pain. In the darkness, she whispered her daughter's name. He'd told her that she'd see her soon. So that was the thought she held onto




Hi girls. Just on for a minute DS is thriving thank God. But he's a bit too fond of the boob for my liking, won't take a bottle at all. Any tips? I need to get him into a routine pronto, I'm struggling here with the three of them and DH sez cows don't give paternity leave


No guarantee the bottles will get him onto a better routine to be honest. Have you thought of maybe sticking with the BF and keeping him in the bed with you at night? Worked for my four and they all found their own little routine when they were ready. Congratulations by the way.


I know my fella moved from boob to bottle no problem, you know the special shaped ones? You could try them … PM me and I'll tell you where I bought them.


+1 to Meredith's bottles. We found them great on DS.


Don't ya mean DD MyBabba LOL. Ah the oul sleep deprivation gets us all in the end!!! x

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