Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“I know he beat her. That was part of the reason, but not all of it. She left my baby sister behind and grieved over that decision until the day she died.”

Angie glanced back at him. Tears filled her eyes. She blinked, trying to keep from crying. “She’d never share with me what had frightened her so much. When I asked, she said it was too dangerous for me to know.”

“She took you to Oklahoma first.”

“How did you know?” Angie turned more fully to look at him.

“Since we’re sharing secrets, I must admit I’ve had one of my men checking on you. I saw the fear in your eyes at times, and I needed to know what you feared to be able to protect you.”

Angie scrambled to her feet. “You snooped and tried to find out about me. You could have put me in more danger. How dare you!” She threw her wine glass down and started to stomp off.

Brent grabbed her foot and toppled her down on top of him. He twisted and had her on the ground under him.

“Let me go.”

“Never. You wouldn’t answer my questions, so I started to find out my way.”

“You had no right.” Her sadness had turned into a blaze of anger. She tried to kick him, but he held her tight. His legs wrapped around hers, and his arms clamped hers to her sides. He frowned down at her.

“I believed what I was doing was for your own good. And I still feel the same. Your stepfather is Harmon Yannell, isn’t he?”

Her mouth dropped open. “You are very efficient.” She snapped the words and tried to buck him off of her.

“My life has often depended on my efficiency, but this was more intuition than anything else. You just solidified what I suspected.”

She noted the minute
anger changed into hunger. His hard cock pulsed against her abdomen. “You will not make love to me.”

A slight sardonic smile curved his sensuous lips. “Not unless you want me to.”

“Never. I’m canceling our bargain.”

“You talk too damn much.” His lips closed over hers, and when hers parted, his tongue slid inside to caress slowly around her sweet mouth.

Her body rose against his hard frame and her arms, loose now, went around his neck to bring him closer. His heart pounded into her chest. Her breasts ached for his touch.

He yanked up her blouse and bra, and his lips covered her swollen nipple. His teeth scraped over the tip. Moaning, her hips rose to rub across his straining erection.

“Damn, we have on too many clothes.” He stood and then pulled her up. She fumbled at his shirt buttons as he undid her blouse, bra, and the zipper on her jeans. “Get them off,” he ordered, and he quickly removed his clothes. He pulled a condom out of his pocket and sheathed his fully erect and pulsing cock.

Angie had slipped off her sandals and looked at him. The moonlight kissed bronze skin, etched taut muscles, and gave his eyes a mysterious gleam. He’d never looked so magnificent.

Her pussy throbbed for the relief only he could give her. Her breasts stood out, begging for his attention. Hot desire swirled inside her, sending sparks racing along all her nerves making her skin super sensitive. Everything in her yearned toward him.

He put out his hand. “Come here.”

Part of her hesitated. The remnants of her anger still lingered and recoiled at his command. He put out his hand, and she softened. When she placed her hand in his, he brought her tight against his body.

“See how well we fit. Your softness sinking into my hardness.”

As he lowered his head, she tried to remind herself this was only temporary. He didn’t want a permanent wife any more than she wanted a forever husband. His mouth was warm and demanding. A pulse beat deep inside her, and she moved her hips from side to side against his cock. His groan made her smile, made her feel the power of her womanhood.

“Open your legs.”

She did, and he slid down until his face was level with the juncture between her hips and thighs. He nuzzled his nose into the hair covering her mound. His fingers separated the folds. His tongue licked the moisture along her lower lips and rubbed across her nub. She swayed.

“Don’t move. Hold on to my hair.”

Her fingers sank into his thick brown hair as he gently sucked, licked, and nibbled with his tongue and teeth. She was so hot, and shivers ran up her spine.

“Take me,” she moaned.

“Not yet.” He flicked his tongue barely inside her opening, bringing more moisture out of her pussy.

“You taste like pure sugar and smell like lilacs. A man could get drunk on you.”

Her whole body began to tremble. “I’m going to fall.”

“I won’t ever let you fall, darlin’.” He put his arm around her buttocks and one further up her back and laid her on the blanket. Again he spread her legs wide. “Beautiful.” His teeth scraped across her engorged clit and he put two fingers in her pussy. He moved them in and out as he licked and nibbled at her most sensitive spot. She was going to explode.

He moved his cock to her opening and plunged in. Her pussy clamped tight around him and milked his cock as the tremors raced across her body. She bucked against him pulling him in deeper, demanding more.


* * * *


Brent pounded into her, taking all she could give. His last plunge sent him rocketing into space. In the distance, he heard her yell his name. For what seemed minutes afterward, his cock pulsed and her pussy trembled against him, continuing his orgasm far longer than he’d ever experience before. He could hardly breathe, and felt lightheaded. Rolling to the side, his breath rasped out of his lungs. He glanced toward Angie. She lay, breathing heavy, her body totally relaxed and open, arms and legs flung wide. Her lush breasts rose with each breath, and moisture glistened on the pale hair between her legs.

Forcing himself to move, he rose, leaned down, and picked her up. He started toward the lake.

“What are you doing? Stop, that water is going to be cold.”

“Just what we need. My unruly cock is already hardening wanting you again, and if I made love to you right now it’d stop my heart. I haven’t recovered yet.” He plunged into the coldness and laughed when she hollered and hit his shoulder.

“You must like cold water. Every time we make love I end up freezing.”

“Hot and cold. You’ll survive.” He kissed her mouth, and then threw her further into the lake.

She came up sputtering and heading in his direction. Her hand sent water splashing at him. She was a water goddess in the moonlight. Her hair was a silver cape around her head and shoulders, her skin glowed, and her luscious breasts had diamond drops of water glistening on her satin skin.

His mind and heart pounded,
mine, mine

When she got to him, he lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his middle. He carried her back to the blanket, laid her down, and went to the truck. He had two towels in the back. He’d hoped they’d take a midnight swim. Going back to her, he took his time drying her skin and warming her. The air dried him.

He reached across to his jeans and grabbed another condom. She took it from him and rolled it over his stiff cock. Her hands ran along the top and sides as he lowered his head and gently kissed her.

This time he went slowly. His lips slid along her neck, kissing, touching. He licked the spot where her heart already pounded. His mouth caressed her full breasts, giving equal attention to both. Leisurely, he followed the lines of her curves to her hips, licking around her navel, nibbling at her sweet skin.

He passed her mound and gave attention to her inner thighs. Her legs trembled. His cock hurt with hunger to be in her again. He resisted the urge to hurry and didn’t move into position until he’d kissed every tender spot on her body.

She was moaning and pleading, and his cock pulsed with desire when he finally placed himself at her opening. He rubbed his thumb across her nub as he very slowly sank into her. Her tight pussy wrapped around him, warm and wet. She moved her hips to take him in deeper, but he held back, moving at a slower pace, coaxing every morsel of feeling out, heightening their passion until he felt her tremors begin inside her pussy. He pushed hard, sending them both sliding softly into a stunning, seductive completion.

He held her close. Her heart beat steady against his chest. Her particular fragrance scented the air, long limbs wrapped lazily around his, and soft skin glided against his hard muscles. She completed him.

The moon was high in the sky and a cool breeze rustled the leaves in the nearby trees. “It’s getting late, or early, as the case may be. I’d better take you home.”

She raised her head and stared at him. Her pansy eyes looked black in the darkness. Her expression was unreadable. She pushed herself up and went to gather her clothes. He followed and put the blanket, cooler with the partly empty champagne bottle, and towels into the truck.

They didn’t talk on the way back. He wondered what she was thinking. There were still many things to be said. But it was late, and not the time.

Brent kissed her lightly at the door. Waited until she was inside and the door locked before he left. When he got back to Drake’s he found a note taped to his bedroom door.

Mick called. Things are popping. Call back as soon as possible.


Chapter Eight

Brent flipped his cell open and called Mick. “What’s up?”

“I found the name of Yannell’s wife. She was a widow, named Beverly Starling. There was a daughter, Diana, about eight when the mother married Yannell. This is the kicker, they disappeared around two years later.”

“Thanks, Mick. That was good work.”

“Oh, that isn’t all. One of our men is following Yannell’s daughter. She’d headed to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and now she’s on 25, driving toward El Paso. You think she might be coming your way?”

“I suspect she is. What about Yannell’s man?”

“He’s lying low. Not sure where he is.”

“Well, we’d better find out. I have someone to call that might know. Get the team together and come here. I’m going to send you directions to an old ranch I bought. Plan to camp out there and stay out of sight until I contact you.”

“Will do.” Mick disconnected the call.

Brent stood at the window watching the hint of dawn on the horizon. He wouldn’t go to bed tonight. There was too much to arrange. And one lady that needed to finish the conversation she started earlier this past evening.

He dialed Nate. “Hi, where are you?”

“I led Yannell’s man to Kansas. I’ve been roaming all over trying to keep his attention on me.”

“Great. Now, can you lose him and come to Texas?”

“Your doubting me hurts my feelings, friend. Hell yes, I can lose him. Where am I headed to in Texas?”

“A small town called Saddle Creek. Better alert your unit. I think this might be the break you’ve been waiting for all these years.”

“Sounds like music to my ears. Are you going to give me any other information?”

“When you get here, meet me in town at the Cut and Curl Beauty Shop. Come in the back way.”

“You sure you aren’t playing some wicked trick on me?”

“Now would I do that?” Brent chuckled.

“Yeah, you would.” Nate clicked off.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Maverick Bargains for a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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