Called by the Bear 4-6 (7 page)

BOOK: Called by the Bear 4-6
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Chapter 2


my Fourth of July wandering around in a daze, trying to make sense of the intense sexual dream I had about Victor the night before. It was like the ones that called me to Maine, but times ten. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear it really happened.

I’m attached to Victor as if it did, because I can’t get him out of my mind. I miss him with a bone-deep ache, and I check my phone to see if he’s returned my text yet. Usually, he replies quickly, but I haven’t heard from him since he wished me a happy Fourth last night.

I sigh, and my feet crunch on loose gravel as I make my way toward the Maine Diner. The woman at the bed and breakfast I stayed in last night told me they’re famous for blueberry pancakes. Just thinking about them makes my mouth water when I enter the shiny silver restaurant.

An hour later, I leave with a full belly and a vague recollection of the sale I just made. It’s a good thing I’ve practiced my pitch numerous times in the last few weeks, because I was distracted by my worry over Victor.
Why hasn’t he returned my text?

I stumble through
two more
appointments before it’s time to check into my next inn. As I pull open a squeaky wooden door, my phone dings. I step into the small foyer of an old mansion and grab my phone from my pocket. When I see the text is from Victor, I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“I miss you terribly. Can I call?”

I don’t bother to reply and call him.

Victor’s deep voice warms me as he speaks, “Hello, my darling.”

A tiny flicker of disappointment licks at me, as I wish he’d called me “precious” like he did in my dream. But I’m too happy to let it bother me, and I gush back, “I miss you, too. So much.” I can’t help the sigh that escapes.

I’m rewarded with his low chuckle before he says, “I was hoping you’d say that. Do you think I could take you to dinner tonight?”

“But I’m all the way down in Kennebunkport. That’s like—”

“Less than three hours. Where are you staying?”

I want to squeal with excitement. “The Arundel Inn. They have a nice restaurant. Should I make us reservations?”

“No, I’ve got it. And I’ll book myself a separate room.”

I’m tempted to tell him he can stay with me, but shyness takes over. “Okay.”

“I can’t wait to see you. I’m already getting in my car.”

I hear the slam of the metal door as if he’s proving the point. I grin at the vision of him slipping on his sunglasses as the sun softens his black hair to brown. My core twinges as I set my hopes on taking our physical relationship all the way tonight. “I can’t wait to see you, either.”

In my head I think,
“I love you.”

I’m startled when my imagination makes Victor’s voice say the same in a way that feels as if he really said it.
We haven’t said those words to each other yet.

I walk to the check-in desk, and my bag thumps at my feet as I set it down. But before the woman can speak to me, her phone rings and she holds up a finger to indicate I should wait.

Her smooth voice deals with a reservation as I daydream, but I begin to listen intently when it appears the call is beyond the usual.

She says, “Yes, I do have something like that. It’s a private guest’s quarters set in the woods behind the inn. And we’ll make sure nobody bothers you.”

Her lips purse into a small smile that makes me think she’s hearing something a little shocking. She says, “I think it’s far enough away that shouldn’t be a problem.”

Lines of time deepen as she grins broadly while the other person talks. She replies, “Yes, sir. Let me get your credit card information, and then I’ll put you through to the chef.”

I fantasize she’s speaking to Victor. It would be just like him to set up something special to make our first time incredibly romantic.

I snap to attention when the innkeeper speaks. “Would you like to check in?”

“Yes. Lily Wilson and I have a reservation for two nights.”

She gives me an old skeleton key to get into my room, and the metal is cool in my hand as I fit it into the lock. I open the door to a room done in heavy damask fabrics that are reminiscent of the nineteenth century. The bed is a double, and I envision that sleeping in it with Victor would be cozy.

Heat rises to my cheeks as I recall my dream again. If he doesn’t make the first move tonight, I sure will. I shake my head and pull out my paperwork from today’s sales. I need to email in my daily report, and work will help me pass the time until Victor arrives.

ate-afternoon sun
slices through the blinds, and my skin is damp with sweat as I check my reflection. My body insecurity has reared its ugly head, and all I can see is rolls of fat. “Damn it!” I pull off my cotton dress and stomp back to the bed, where my clothes are laid out. Tears prick at my eyes, and I sink down onto the plush mattress.

“Okay, Lily. This guy adores you. He’s seen your body in all sorts of clothes and tells you he likes it.” My self-talk keeps me from crying and having to redo my makeup. With a sigh, I stand up and move my finger in eeny meeny miny moe to determine which outfit to wear. I get the magenta silk dress I had packed in case I needed something fancy. It’s actually perfect for this, because it’s my color and it will make me look radiant over a late dinner.

My phone dings as my zipper hums up my back. It’s Victor.

“I’m here and checked in. What is your room number?”

I glance around at the mess I’ve made and reply, “I’ll be right down.” Ignoring the mirror, I grab my purse and leave before he can get up the stairs. I know better than to think he will wait.

I discover I’m right when I find him climbing the stairs. He’s in a dark suit with a white shirt that emphasizes his deep tan. My insides tremble when his eyes scan my body, and his mouth turns up in a devilish grin.

“It’s probably good you didn’t let me make it to your room.”

Oh, goodness, I’m going to melt right here.
I throw myself into his arms when he gets to me and kiss him as if he’s saving me from a fate worse than death. “We could skip dinner.”

Victor lowers his hands to my butt, and he squeezes. “Patience, darling. I have something planned first.”

Oh my, God!
I bet that was him on the phone with the innkeeper.
I step down beside him and let him take my arm.
I love you.

Victor sweeps me off my feet and carries me as if I’m a bride. That voice I swear is Victor’s is loud my head when it says, “
I love you, too,”
as if it’s a promise.

Chapter 3


ood stairs creak
as I jog up them to the third floor. Sierra was rescued last night, and after a quick hug, I let her go to bed. Considering she spent a week as Victor’s prisoner, I was sure she needed the sleep. Although, from the sounds I heard coming from her room last night, I don’t think she got much.

I can't wait to see her and find out what happened when Victor had us kidnapped at Fishing Gorge. My hand rubs the faint scar on my thigh where I was shot. Not only do I want to know what she endured, but I also want answers to what happened to me during my captivity.

I push open the door and spy two naked bodies tangled together. That doesn't stop me from plopping onto the bed. "Sierra!"

Springs squeak along with my friend when she realizes she's with a nude man and I'm not giving her any privacy. "What are you doing?" She scrambles out from under him.

I wrap my arms around her. "Hugging my best friend, because I'm so happy to have her back."

Ashton, her rescuer, grumbles as he gets out of the bed. "I'll let you two catch up." He stumbles by, and I cut my eyes to his butt as he walks out the door toward the bathroom.

I let go of her. "Nice piece of ass you've got there."

A grin covers her face. "Yeah, but that's not the best part. Have I told you about his dick?"

I hear Keith laughing on the floor below, and Sierra's eyes widen in shock. She and Keith were mates when we were taken, and she doesn’t know all that’s happened in the few days she’s been gone. I quickly speak in her head.
"It's okay. Keith and Taylor are true mates."

"Oh.” She frowns. “I knew there was something between them, and now I feel a little better about my decision to leave Keith.”

Sierra sits up, and I hand her a shirt from the floor. “Taylor is awesome. Do you know she changed so she could be part of the mission to save you?”

Sierra’s face lights up with a huge smile. “It’s okay. I’m not jealous. Guess who else found their true mate?"

Now I'm the grinning fool, and that's when I notice the odor coming off her. Slightly sweet with a hint of something acrid, it's strange, and I have a sneaking suspicion about what it is. Donna will be here for our breakfast meeting soon, and I bet she'll confirm Sierra's pregnant.

I give her one more hug and say, "Get dressed. Breakfast is almost ready, and we have a house full of people. There's a lot to discuss this morning."

I'm still smiling as I descend the stairs, but it fades when I realize I made a huge assumption about Sierra's pregnancy. While Ashton could be the father, she also might be pregnant with Victor's children.

The wood table in the kitchen creaks as Brady yanks it open to put in the extra leaves to accommodate all the people this morning. I wink at Ian when he catches my eye over the bacon he's cooking. From his damp hair, I think Annie was getting a little something last night, too, and I press up next to her as I speak in her head.

The flush on her face answers my question, and I hug her shoulders quickly.
"Good for you."

Water rushes into the teakettle I fill, and I turn from it to see Taylor walking slowly. She didn’t get more than a day to recover from changing into a werebear before she went out on the rescue mission.

She says, "I'm going to need a lot of coffee today. Holy hell, is everything intense this morning."

"Wait until you have bacon. Are you doing okay with this?"

"Yeah, last night’s mission was awesome."

The words make me proud to be her alpha.

You were chosen for a reason, and I

m glad you

re a Le Roux.


m happy to be one.

Keith pulls a chair out for her, and Taylor eases gently into it. With the bustle going on, I don't notice Donna has arrived until she enters the kitchen.

She says, "Criminy! Did everyone have sex last night? It smells like a brothel in here."

Brady says, "Mother, if bacon smells like a brothel to you, then you've been hanging out with the wrong shifters."

She swats his arm and sits across from Taylor. "I hope you're feeling better today.”

Taylor says, "Yes. I'm going to be fine."

Plates clatter as Brady sets piles of food on the table. I bring the pot of tea over to Donna then grab the carafe of coffee. Steam rises when I fill mugs with the dark liquid. The moment I smell Sierra coming, I glance at Donna. She looks at me and nods as she says in my head,
"Yes, that's the odor of pregnancy."

Chairs thump as everyone sits to eat. Brady speaks. “Besides saving Sierra, another event took place last night.”

Donna interjects with a child-like clap. “Annie hooked up with Ian.”

Annie rolls her eyes as we all laugh. “Mother.”

Brady says, “Yes, there’s that. But what I wanted to say is I believe Ashton found his true mate."

Ian punches his brother on the arm and says, "Congrats, man. I guess retiring from the SEALs wasn't so bad after all."

Sierra's eyebrows rise, and she asks me telepathically,
"Navy SEAL?"

I smile and reply.
"Yup, you're living the fantasy now."

"Am I ever."

Donna reaches over to touch Taylor's arm. "Tell me, dear, how are you adjusting?"

Taylor swallows her coffee before she speaks, "I like being a werebear.” Her face breaks out into a grin. “A lot.”

Brady smiles, too. “She kicked some serious ass last night. It was fun to watch. Taylor, you can have my back anytime.”

Donna chuckles. "Seems you came to us with more than a womb." She winks at Sierra.

She addresses Ashton. "I may not be your mother, but trust me when I say the sooner, the better for those children. I'm in the mood for another wedding."

Annie cuts into the conversation I know Donna wants to have. She waves a bite of waffle in the air. "Taylor, we'll fill in the holes of your training today if you’re up to it."

Taylor answers, "I am. I’m not sure I have a handle on controlling my shifting just yet.”

I say, "I know how you feel. But I think you'll surprise yourself with how quickly you learn."

Donna can’t take it and interrupts. "We need to talk about something else.” She gazes at Sierra in silence, making sure she has everyone’s attention. "Sierra, I think you know what I'm about to say."

Sierra nods slowly and speaks in my head.
"I'm pregnant, aren't I?"


"Could it be Ashton's?"

I remember Donna told me conception could be smelled within hours of it happening.
"Yes, it could. Hold on to that hope, okay?"

Sierra says in a strong voice that makes me proud, "I'm pregnant."

She turns to Ashton, and I know they're speaking telepathically, but I don't tap into the private conversation. When he traces her face with his finger, I see love in his eyes and know he's ready to stand by her.

Donna is watching, too, and she says, "Sierra, Ashton's a good man, and no matter what happens, you're one of us. We'll figure this out."

Sierra says, "You all need to know something.” She takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. “Carly, Victor wanted me to have his children because of a prophecy. He told me that the tattooed girl bears the greatest gift."

She holds out her arms to show off her full sleeves of tattoos and continues. "He thinks it's me because he doesn't know what you used to do. But I think the prophecy is about you."

I do, too. I glance around the table at the people closest to me in my life. I communicate with Brady,
"If Victor is the father of Sierra's children, she's carrying the next Veilleux alpha. I have the next Le Roux and Robichaux alpha. The future of the Northeast Black Bear Clan is in this room."

Brady smiles at the power we have and lifts his coffee mug. "To a bright and promising future for our clan."

I lift my tea, but my heart isn't in the toast. Brady's pride may be talking right now, but we both know that Victor isn’t even close to being done. And his evil plans have a way of dimming even the brightest glow.

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