Caleb's Tempting Mate (Saber Chronicles Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Caleb's Tempting Mate (Saber Chronicles Book 3)
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Chapter 5


The orgasm rolled through Lia like a tidal wave.  When Caleb pushed his cock into her, it kicked off little waves of pleasure, making it feel like she’d never stop coming.  She wrapped her arms and legs around his body, drawing him close.  Her cat purred.  Tilting her hips to bring him deeper into her body, she felt the connection between them solidify further.

He took her mouth with a kiss that was both tender and intense.  Their tongues tangled, and she slid her hands up into his thick hair and fisted the strands.  He growled as they kissed, tilting his head and driving his tongue into her as he swiveled his hips while he pulled from her pussy.  Then he drove in deeply, gripping one thigh and hiking her leg high up his body.

He lifted from her mouth with a snarled groan and stared down at her as he moved.  His hips twisted as he pounded into her, driving them both toward release.  His eyes were dark with passion and the connection between them bloomed deeply.  She met his thrusts with her own, moving her hands from his hair to his back where her nails dug into his flesh as she held on.

Tension coiled deep in her belly, and her pussy rhythmically gripped his cock as he moved.  The headboard slammed against the wall, accenting his driving thrusts as everything within her focused on the pleasure that coursed through her.  Her gaze latched onto the place where his shoulder and neck met.  Her fangs, which had erupted the moment he’d made her come with his talented tongue, lengthened further and her cat growled.

He tilted his head slightly, his body flexing as he took her harder and faster.  Their bodies were slick with sweat, the scent of their combined arousal filling the air between them.  Licking her lips, she snarled and struck, burying her teeth in his neck.

He groaned, his hand tightening on her thigh as he pounded into her.

“Fuck yes, fuck,” he said, growling the words.

As the taste of his blood crested her tongue, her body locked down on him, and the pleasure rose within her.  She lifted from his shoulder and screamed her pleasure to the ceiling, raking her nails down his back as her body tightened and released.

Caleb sank his fangs into her throat, and a mini orgasm flashed through her.  He groaned into the meat of her throat as his cock spasmed.  She tightened her legs around his waist and hugged him close.  She wanted to give him everything she had – her body, her heart, her soul.

Tears pricked her eyes.  He lifted from her throat and pressed his cheek against hers as he breathed heavily.

“Mine,” he whispered.

She shivered at the possessive tone.

“You’re mine, too.”

He rolled them over, and she sprawled on top of him.  As her cat purred in contentment, she rested her cheek against Caleb’s chest.  There was no heartbeat, and she wasn’t sure she thought there would be.

He twisted a lock of her hair around his finger.  “You wondered if it still beat?”

She lifted her head to look at him.  His brow was arched, and a playful smile curved his full lips.  “I wasn’t sure.”

“I’m immortal.  I was human, but the turning froze me like this for eternity.”

“It’s a good thing you’re so sexy.”

He chuckled and his eyes danced.  “I once saw a really fat vampire.  I asked him if he was happy, and he said if he’d known that he’d be like that forever, he would have exercised more in his youth.”

She sat up, leaning over his exquisite chest.  She let her fingers dance over his pecs, brushing his nipples and watching his muscles tighten.  “You were holding back.”

His lip curled, and he moved so quickly she found herself flat on her back and staring up at him.  “I was not.”

“I mean biting me.  You bit me after I bit you, but then you didn’t feed.  I thought you would.  I thought…”  Sadness flitted through her.  Did her mate not find her appealing?

“Hey, hey,” he said, cupping her face.  “I didn’t trust myself to feed from you and not turn you.  I would never do that without your permission.  You taste amazing.  Like sunshine and sugar.  Damn.”  His fangs elongated, and he leaned back, scrubbing his hand over his face.  “I’ve never tasted anything better.”

Pleasure stole over her.  “You taste pretty good, too.”

He stroked her throat, just above the still-healing marks.  “We should talk about the future.  I’m immortal.  I want you to be, too.”

His fangs receded and he leaned over, kissing her.  She sank her fingers into his hair, loving the softness.  His tongue slipped past her lips, and the entire inside of her body clenched at the spicy cinnamon taste of him.

He lifted from her mouth with a groan.  “Talking first.”

“You’re such a downer.”

“You’re very tempting, sweetness, but this is important.”

“Then get off me so I can think.”

“You can’t think when I’m like this?” he asked, lowering himself until their bodies almost touched.

Her cat purred and the sound rumbled from her throat.  He laughed and sat up, moving away from her to lean against the headboard.  She rolled to her side and linked her fingers with his.

“Tell me about being immortal.”

“I won’t tell you it’s all puppy dogs and sunshine, but it does have some benefits.  Your body will remain as it is forever.  You’ll be nearly impossible to kill.”

“What’s the turning like?”

“When I do it, sweetness, it won’t hurt.  I’ll feed from you, but instead of stopping, I’ll keep going, which will make you drowsy.  I’ll cut your arteries so you drain faster.  At the point where your heart slows almost to a stop, I’ll feed you my blood, which will send you into the turning sleep.  You’ll be out for two days while your body changes from human to vampire.”

“You have to time it just right?  What if you get distracted?”

“As if I’d allow that to happen,” he said with a growl.

“You growl a lot for a guy who doesn’t have a beast lurking in his subconscious,” she pointed out.

“You’re the most important person in the world to me, Lia.  I
you to be immortal so I don’t have to spend eternity without you.  Your safety, your security, are of utmost importance to me.”

She liked how earnest he was.  She didn’t doubt he could turn her safely.  Even though they’d just met, she trusted him to the very center of her being.

“Then I wake up and…” she prompted.

“You’ll feed from live donors twice a day for a week, and then you’ll be able to feed once a day as I do.  For the first year, you need real blood, not synthetic, but it’s not a problem.  There are human donation facilities all over the world, and even one in Belle Terra owned by the kiss.  I also own a synthetic blood facility.  Or, I should say,


“All I have is yours.”

“I won’t be able to shift anymore, will I?”

“No, I’m sorry.”

She would hate to lose her cat.  She was the last female saber-tooth tiger in existence, but she had Caleb, and she wasn’t about to grow old gracefully while he stayed young and sexy forever.

“I heard that vampire guys can have kids for the first ten years after their turning.”

His eyes darkened.  “I’ve only been turned for seven years.”

“Then you better knock me up fast.”

His brows rose.  “Oh yeah?”

She rolled to her knees and faced him.  “I never considered being immortal.  I’m a shifter, so I expected my mate would be mortal, either another shifter or a human.  I feel like its fast, but it also feels very right.  I want to be like you so we can be together forever.  But I’m the last female of my kind.  If you change me now, I won’t be able to have kids because my insides will freeze.  If we wait a little while, then we can have a child together first, and then you can change me.  But you have to swear to change our child, too, because there’s no way I’m going to stand by while our son or daughter ages and dies.  When he or she is old enough to choose, promise.”

“I swear.  You’ll be able to change them, too, sweetness,” he pointed out.  His gaze latched onto her throat, and her pussy contracted at the thought of his fangs in her again.  “Just one child?”

He moved sinuously, pushing her to her back.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and curled her hands over his strong shoulders.

“Maybe a few,” she smiled.

He lowered his head and brushed her lips.  “My sexy, sweet, tempting mate.  Nothing would make me happier than having children with you.”

She ran her thumbs along his strong jaw.  “I’m not on birth control.  Whenever this happens between us, I know it will be the right time.  I have a request, though.”

“Anything,” he said huskily.

“Promise to bring me ice cream and pickles and whatever other crazy things I crave when I’m knocked up.”

He smiled so broadly that she was surprised his cheeks didn’t crack.  “I will be the
mate to you, Lia.  Anything you need, you just have to ask and it’s yours, even if I have to pull the moon from the sky to get it.”

Was there anything sexier than a man vowing to make his mate happy?

“I’m one lucky female,” she whispered against his lips.

“I’m the lucky one, Lia.”


* * * * *


Lia rolled over when her mate woke up.  She’d been up for a little while, thinking about the future and how quickly her life had changed just by going to a club.  She had a mate now, a male to love and care for, who would love and care for her in return.  She really wished her parents were alive, but she was thankful she still had her brothers.

Caleb pulled her a little closer and kissed her throat.  “Sweetness, you smell amazing.”

She chuckled and wiggled her butt against his groin.  He stilled her movements.  “I need to feed first.  And we’re supposed to be at the penthouse meeting your family for dinner.”

“It will be so much nicer having a real home than sharing that small RV with my brothers.”  They’d lived in the cramped quarters for a year.  She loved her brothers dearly, but their bathroom habits left a lot to be desired.  After dealing with their grossness, she was surprised she hadn’t been turned off finding a mate entirely.

She rolled to her back and kissed him.  “Do you want to feed from me?”

“More than anything.  You don’t have to feed me.  I’m happy with donated and synthetic blood.”

“Well, I’m not.  At least not right now.  I can provide for you, Caleb.  Don’t you think that turns me on?  Don’t you think I
to give you something of myself in that way?  You’ve fed from others in the past.”

“You’re my future.  I don’t care about what either of us have done in the past.”

“I don’t either, but you wouldn’t deny me, would you?”

He snarled.  “I wouldn’t deny you anything.”

She felt his erection against her hip as he hovered over her.  His fangs peeked over his lips, the tips sharp and gleaming.

“Let me take care of you,” she said, opening her legs to let him settle into the cradle of her hips.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and lifted her hips, rubbing her pussy against his thick length.  His hips angled back, and he slid home inside her, filling her so perfectly and hitting all the right places.  Her eyes closed as he snarled softly and struck, sinking his fangs into her throat.  It burned at first, but changed quickly to a slow throb that slid down her body like a heated caress.  Her nails dug into his back, and she moaned as he began to move within her, his fangs holding her close as he sucked on her flesh and drank her blood.

Through their connection as truemates, she felt him hit the point where his thirst was sated, and he disengaged his fangs and licked the marks.  “You taste like sugar and sunshine,” he growled in her ear.

He began to fuck her hard and fast, and she held on for the ride, reveling in his possession of her body.  She had given him her body and her blood, and the only piece of her remaining was her heart and he’d already claimed it.  The early stages of love, new and blooming, were cementing their relationship quickly.

“Mine,” she growled, sinking her teeth into his shoulder.

“Fuck, Lia, yes, fuck,” he shouted.

Her head snapped back as she came, screaming his name, and he followed, coming deep inside her.  He held her close as he kissed her neck and her throat, whispering softly that he was hers completely, to the very depths of his soul.

Tears pricked her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him.  “I’m yours, too, Caleb.  Every inch of me.”






Chapter 6


Caleb watched with an amused expression as his mate walked around the penthouse.  She hadn’t seemed to understand just how big the penthouse was, but it took up the entire fifteenth floor of the hotel.  The six bedroom, six bathroom suite had automatic shutters that opened and closed with the sunset and sunrise, balconies off each bedroom, and a private movie theater.

“Is this the kitchen?” she asked as she stood in front of the mini fridge that served as his kitchen.

“Nash has a contractor coming next week to make it into a real kitchen for you,” he promised.  “We’ll stay in a suite on the fourteenth floor while the work is being done.”

“Okay.  I know it’s only for a few years until you turn me, but I do like cooking.”

“And you should have whatever you like.”  He strode to her, sliding his arms around her and drawing her close.

“I like you.”

“I like you, too.”  More than like, actually.  He was falling head over heels for his mate.  He kissed her throat in the place where he’d drunk from her just two hours earlier.  Her blood was amazing.  It was so sweet, it put the so-called honey-bloods to shame.

“My family is coming in a few minutes,” she said huskily as he licked her pulse.

“I can’t help it.  You’re so fucking tempting.”

Her fingers wiggled between the buttons of his dress shirt and touched his stomach.  “You are, too.”

As he considered ripping the jeans from her body and bending her over the counter, there was a loud knock on the door.  They both growled at the interruption.

“That’s probably my brothers.”

“And my sister.”

“We’ve suddenly both got a really big family,” she said, smiling at him.

They answered the door together.  Lia’s three brothers, Caleb’s sister, and a she-wolf stood in the hallway.  Everyone was smiling except for the one male he hadn’t personally met yet – Galen, the youngest brother.  He looked like he hadn’t slept in a few days.  Dark circles ringed his eyes, and his cheeks were covered in stubble.

The females rushed inside, hugging Lia and laughing like old friends, and Caleb pushed open the door farther and gestured inside.  Alaric, the oldest brother, introduced Galen.

As he was shutting the door, Caleb heard the rhythmic sound of wheels and saw Nash with three carts being pushed behind him.

“Good evening,” Nash said as he walked into the suite.  “I’ll have everything set up quickly.”

“Thanks, Nash,” Lia said.  Caleb loved how she settled easily into the role as mistress.  As his truemate, she had a lot of power within the kiss.  When she became a vampire, she’d have even more standing within the kiss.

Slade, Alaric, and Galen looked at the females and all shook their heads.  Caleb gestured to the couch and said, “Why don’t we sit and chat while our mates catch up.”

The males followed him, and he sat down on the couch, joined by Alaric and Slade.  Galen went to the large windows and stared out silently.

“Is he okay?” Caleb asked.

“It’s been a little tense.  He’s started having mating dreams, but they’re vague, which tells us that he probably has to move on to find his mate.  It took me a year to find Aubrey.  He’s going to stay a few months, which is how long Jonathon will be here with the NWFA, but then he’ll be moving on.”

“He’s bummed to be leaving our family behind.  We all figured we’d stay together as a group, but the girls’ lives are here so we’re staying,” Slade said.

“Will he come back when he finds his mate?”

Alaric shrugged.  “It depends on her.  If she’s tied to her community or family, then probably not.  A lot is up in the air for him which is stressful, but the dreams alone are enough to drive a male batshit crazy.”

Technically human, Caleb hadn’t experienced anything more paranormal in his life than becoming a vampire.  His connection to Lia, however, was amazing and intense.  He couldn’t imagine what it was like to have mating dreams but have no idea where his mate lived or who she was.

He had felt like not being able to talk to Lia while she was in her shift for a few hours was torture.  True torture would be not having any clue how to find her.

“Is there anything I can do?  The wolves are good trackers.  I’m not saying sabers aren’t, but some of the wolves specialize in tracking supernatural creatures and if they had something, like a description, they might be able to help.”

Galen turned slowly from the window.  “Unless they can find pink and gold, then I have nothing else to go on.”

Caleb frowned.  “I’m sorry?”

Galen scrubbed a hand over his face.  “All I see in my dreams are pink and gold.  I wake up with a raging hard-on, but I’ve got nothing to go on.  Whoever she is, she’s not near me or I’d be seeing more.”

“I still think she’s traveling,” Lia said as she joined them, sitting on Caleb’s lap.  Nash followed her, holding a plate and glass of wine.

“Why do you think she’s traveling?” Caleb asked.

“Because the dreams are fuzzy, which means distance.  Maybe I’m just feeling hopeful that Galen won’t have to leave.  I want us to all be together.”

“You just want to be the boss of everyone, Mistress Lia,” Slade said, sarcastically.

Nash bristled, setting the glass of wine and the plate down on the coffee table.  “Watch your tone, cat.  That’s my master’s mistress you’re speaking to.”

Lia wrapped her arms around Caleb’s neck and kissed his ear.  “I love being your mate.”  She lifted her head and grinned at her brothers.  “Ha, ha, I’m the boss of you.”

Gretchen tweaked Slade’s ear.  “Be nice to my sister.”

“She was my sister first,” Slade said, grabbing Gretchen around the waist and hauling her onto his lap.  “I’ll only be nice to you, but I’ll be respectful to my sister.”

Nash glanced at Caleb for approval, and he nodded.  He muttered under his breath, “Siblings,” and lifted the plate, handing it to Lia.  “Is there anything else you need, mistress?”

“It looks wonderful, Nash.  Thank you so much.”

He ducked his head and snapped his fingers, pointing to the door.  The workers hustled out, and Nash said, “I’ve cleared your schedule for tonight.  Mistress Lia’s office is being furnished as we speak, and her schedule is filling up.”

They’d spoken already about the vampire females’ need to see their mistress and what she would be handling as his mate.  Among other things, Caleb wanted her to handle the family and mating problems so he could focus on the businesses.  He had a mate to take care of for eternity and children to provide for.  He wanted to ensure that they had plenty of money to secure their future.

Lia said, “I can’t believe people have to make an appointment to see me.  How freaking cool is that?”

“Just don’t let it go to your head,” Alaric said.

“She’s the mistress of Belle Terra.  Let her have her moment,” Aubrey said.  “She has to put up with my brother forever.  It has to come with

“It’s got a lot of perks,” Lia said, winking at Caleb.

Caleb chuckled.  “We’ll see you tomorrow night, Nash.”

Nash slipped from the room, and Caleb settled back as his mate and her family chatted about the change in their lives that coming to Belle Terra had brought.  Alaric and Slade were going to become the heads of security for the hotel.  He knew they would do well in their positions.  Having their mates working in the hotel meant that they would be extra sensitive to security.  The wolves and vampires who worked in security would have to be briefed on the changes, and a meeting had been scheduled for the morning.

“I guess I’m a night owl now,” Lia said.

Alaric put down his empty plate and pulled Aubrey a little closer to his side.  “Are you going to be turned?”

“Not until we have a few kids.  I don’t want to miss out on being a mom, but I also want to help keep our kind going,” Lia said.  “Since the saber is dominant, there’s a good chance any children we have will be sabers.”

Caleb didn’t have to ask to know that no one else in the room wanted to be turned.  They wanted to have kids and grow old together.  Maybe they’d change their mind someday, but he didn’t think they would.

When they were alone again and had made love, he twisted a lock of Lia’s hair around his finger, looking at the golden strands.

“I don’t think your family will want to be turned.”

She snuggled closer to him.  “No.  It will be strange to stop aging while they continue to, but I’d never take their choices from them, and I know you wouldn’t either.  We have each other and our future kids.  Knowing we’ll all be together forever makes me happy, even though I will be sad to not have my brothers and new sisters with us.”

“At least we can promise to watch over their children and future generations.  As long as I’m master of Belle Terra, sabers can always call this place home.”

She kissed his shoulder.  “You’re one amazing male, Caleb Night.  I’m so glad you’re mine.”

He rolled on top of her and kissed her throat.  “I’m so glad you’re mine, too.”


* * * * *


The following night, Lia walked beside him as they entered the kiss’s offices.  The receptionist stood and bowed, introducing herself.  “If there’s anything I can do for you, mistress, please let me know.”

“Thank you,” Lia said.

His mate wore a beautiful black silk suit, with a skirt so short it made his mouth water.  She wore high heels that brought her petite frame a few inches closer to his height.  When they’d woken that night, Lia had gone into one of the spare bedrooms with a boutique clothier who had brought dozens of clothes for Lia to choose from.  Her belongings had been brought from the RV, but aside from the ball gowns she’d worn to the fights, her clothing wasn’t what she called
mistress of the city acceptable
.  She was taking her new role seriously, and he was grateful for it.  He wanted her to embrace all that he was, and that included running a city full of supernatural creatures and focusing on the members of the kiss.

They climbed the stairs and walked to the right, where her glass-enclosed office was next to his.  A large cherry desk sat in the center of the office, with a black leather desk chair behind it.  Two high-backed, embroidered chairs were placed across from the desk, and against one wall, a wine colored plush couch rested.

“Are you happy with the décor?” he asked as he held the door open for her.  Her desk matched his, but the couch and chairs were more feminine.  Behind the desk was a large mahogany shelf with a file cabinet on one side, cabinets for storage on the bottom, and lighted shelves.  They were empty now, but he knew she’d fill them up quickly with curios and knickknacks.

“I love it.  I especially love that I can look over and see my sexy mate anytime I want,” she said, sliding her hands underneath his suit jacket and linking them behind his back.  “Wanna fool around?”

“For the record, you never have to ask me that because I
want to fool around. However, it’s your first day in the office, the walls are made of glass, and you have meetings in a few minutes.”

“Aw, spoilsport.”  She lifted her face, and he kissed her.

“I’ll come have you for lunch.”

“Don’t you mean you’ll take me out to lunch?”


She purred.  “I love the way you think, Caleb.”

“You can call me master when we’re in the office.”

“It’ll cost you an orgasm.”

“Now that’s a deal,” he said, laughing.

After kissing her once more, he left her to explore her office and settle in.  Meeting Nash in his own office, he said, “How are the responses to the request for an assistant for Lia?”

He sat behind his desk and glanced through the wall to see Lia giggling to herself as she sat in the desk chair and spun around.

“I have seven interviews for her lined up for tomorrow.  Two she-wolves, but the rest are vampires, all females.”

As if he’d allow her to have a male assistant.  He might be a progressive guy as far as women’s rights went, but there was no way in hell he’d allow his sweetheart to have a male hovering around her all day.

“Good.”  It took some effort, but he managed to turn his attention away from his tempting mate and to the work at hand.  “I’ve got a lunch date with my sweetheart.  Let’s get to work.”


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