Calamity Jena (Invertary Book 4) (39 page)

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Authors: janet elizabeth henderson

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Jena turned to Matt. “Did you know about this?”

“Nope, but are you really surprised?”

Surprised didn’t cover it. She was shocked as hell. They squeezed into a parking spot and climbed out to cheers. People were milling around drinking coffee from flasks and chatting.

The Donaldsons descended on the pair. Jena was engulfed in a hug from Heather, who insisted Jena call her Mum. Something Jena loved to do.

“Isn’t it exciting?” Heather said.

“Aye, so exciting that Jena hardly slept last night. I’m knackered from all her bouncing around.”

“I don’t want to hear about what you two do in bed, son,” Heather said with a twinkle in her eye.

Claire took her turn to hug them, and Jena grabbed the opportunity to have another look at her ring. Grunt had gone all out on a diamond and sapphire combination. “It is so beautiful.” Jena sighed.

Claire looked up at Grunt with adoration. “I love it too. I couldn’t have done what you two did. It was romantic, the rush wedding in the hospital, but I’m glad we’re going the more traditional route. I’m having a great time planning the wedding, and I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on the ring.”

Matt stiffened beside her. “I can get you an engagement ring if you want one.”

Jena rolled her eyes. “It’s a bit late for that, He-Man.”

“I don’t want you to feel you missed out.”

“I don’t.” She grinned up at him. “Still, if you want to make it up to me, I saw a real cute ankle bracelet the other day. It would go a long way towards fixing any hurt feelings that may be hiding deep inside.”

“Minx.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“When’s the wedding?” Jena asked Claire.

“Next May. That gives us the year to plan. Plus, I want a spring wedding.”

“Let me know if I can help.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Claire gaped at her. “You’re one of the bridesmaids. I thought you knew.”

Jena blinked at her. “You didn’t tell me.”

“You’re family.” Claire shrugged. “I assumed you’d figure it out.”

Jena was about ten seconds away from smacking her insane sister-in-law. “I’ve never had a family. How am I supposed to know these things?”

“My bad.” Claire winced. “In future I won’t assume.”

“Good,” Jena said. Then pulled Claire in for another hug.

“Any word on the court case?” Grunt asked.

“It’ll be another few months yet,” Matt said grimly.

The men shared a look that made clear exactly how much they wished they’d dealt with the Frank problem themselves rather than handing it over to the courts. The stupid, dangerous man had eventually figured out the loch didn’t lead to Glasgow. He then abandoned the boat as far away from Invertary as he could and tried to walk over a gorse-filled hill. He’d been chased by a herd of Highland cattle. Lake’s men waited until he’d tired of running from the cows, and then they’d transported him to Fort William’s jail. He was being charged with a whole slew of things, including kidnapping, acts of terrorism and attempted murder. Neither Matt nor Grunt had seen him when he’d been caught, and both of them were still holding a grudge over it. Jena was just pleased it was Frank in jail and not her husband for killing her ex-boyfriend. Last she’d heard, Frank had tried to get the New Jersey mob to help him. They’d disowned him. The strip club he’d “managed” had gone bust. And Candy the stripper was working at McDonald’s. Jena grinned at the thought.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Dougal boomed over the noise. The crowd went quiet. “We’re here to christen Matt and Jena’s new home.”

Jena blushed, and Matt threw an arm around her shoulder. “Not the way you mean,” he whispered in her ear.

“As you all know,” Dougal carried on, “we weren’t invited to the shotgun wedding they had in the hospital.” There were good-natured boos. “So we thought we’d turn this into the wedding reception you never had. Even if it is at an ungodly hour of the morning.” The crowd parted to reveal a long table covered in food and drink. There was a banner above it saying “Welcome home, Jena and Matt”.

Jena felt her throat tighten as tears threatened.

“Please join me in raising your glasses to the happy couple.” Glasses, mugs and cups were held high. “Here’s to Matt and Jena. May you have a long and happy life together. And here’s to your new home in Invertary—may it never blow up.” There was laughter.

“To Matt and Jena,” peopled shouted.

“Welcome home, princess,” Matt said as Jena grinned so wide her face began to hurt.

As she looked around her friends and family, she realised she’d found in Scotland the thing she’d longed for most.

She’d found her family.

She was home at last.

coming next


After a career ending injury, soccer star Flynn Boyle goes home to Invertary. Having never thought beyond playing football, he has no idea what to do with himself and options are limited for the bad boy of the European leagues. Abby McKenzie is a widow with a four year old daughter and a business that has just been destroyed in a freak accident. She’s starting over, again, and to get the money for that new start she sells part of her land to Flynn Boyle. The man is supposed to be building a house. Instead, he’s turning Abby’s life upside down.

about the author


I’m a Scot, living in New Zealand and married to a Dutch man. I write contemporary romance with a humorous bent – this is mainly due to the fact I have an odd sense of humour and can’t keep it out of anything I do! If I wasn’t a writer, I’d like to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Indiana Jones. Unfortunately, both these roles have already been filled. Which may be a good thing as I have no fighting skills, wouldn’t know a precious relic if it hit me in the face and have an aversion to blood. When I’m not living in my head, I’m a mother to two kids, one pet sheep, one dog, two cats, three alpacas and an escape artist chicken. If you’d like to 
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


Copyright © 2015 by Janet Kortlever



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