Caged by Damnation (28 page)

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Authors: J. D. Stroube

Tags: #Children's Books, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy & Magic, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories

BOOK: Caged by Damnation
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He looked at me then, as if seeing the soul I didn't have. "Don't." He shook his head in denial of my request. "You can't be serious. They need you."

My head bowed, I whispered, "No, you need me, but you have to let me go. If you don't, I'll end this myself."

Death's eyes widened. "You truly think I'm that selfish? There are only a few of you left. What do you expect them to do?" Though anger seeped through, I could sense the desperation behind his voice.

"They already know. I told them before I came here." Betrayal. I had known it would reflect back at me for going behind his back, but I couldn't risk any excuses. Part of me wanted to give in, knowing that I was the only one he let in. I didn't want him to be alone, left to wear a mask until all life expired, leaving Death with no meaning. I doubted he would let anyone in ever again, but I had hit the end of my willingness, the light at the end of my tunnel had drawn near.

"So, I take it that this isn't a request, but a demand?"

I nodded in assent. "We have always been frank with one another, as friends. As a friend, I'm asking you to look beyond the eyes of death, see me." I crawled forward to take his hand in mine and bring it to my face to catch the sadness I was shedding. "I'm in pain and when I'm not, I'm empty. This world holds nothing more for me. The only adventure left is the end, and it's the greatest gift you could give me."

Death's eyes softened. "So be it." His voice was brisk as he stood quickly and began to leave the room. I remained seated until he paused to turn back to me. "If you have given up on this world, then I can't force you to live on. I won't be your master." I gave a short laugh filled with sarcasm. "I never have been anyway. You've always been rebellious. Come with me. If I have to let you go, I want to get it over with before I change my mind."

Death’s – Kai's – eyes changed then, a kaleidoscope of patterns and colors. They churned, as emotions competed with one another. Goodbyes had always been his specialty; after all, it was what he was created for. However, this was one goodbye he had never thought he would have to endure, and I hadn't thought I would force him to.

"I'm sorry, Kai." I needed forgiveness for leaving him alone to face the loneliness, and prayed he would one day find someone who would recognize the man within the beast.

"I know." A halfhearted smile crossed his face to be replaced with grief. "I would have ended my existence long ago if I could have." He shrugged. "How could I deny you something I would want for myself?"


I, Willow, could barely wrap my mind around these visions. My body burned, while my mind froze with images of another's life. Tears seeped from my true eyes, in sequence with the tears this other self was shedding.

I was losing touch with where Willow left off and Fury began. My memories melded with
and I lost all breath, as it was torn from her. I felt her need; her desire to sleep, but I wasn't ready to go yet. I still had things to accomplish in

Internally, I flailed against the loss of life, as breath was stolen from her lungs and the world faded away. Comprehension vanished; companionship, memories, and emotions took to her grave. They ceased to exist, as her-my essence was taken, contained within a vial with Death's promise of a new beginning. I would sleep, forget, and one day my strength would aid another. I wouldn't live, but my end would serve some purpose.

As the first Hellhound succumbed,
began to regain my senses, gasping for the breath I had been holding. Fire assaulted my airway, making it nearly impossible to refuse to slumber, but I remembered who I truly was. She was not Willow, nor was she Fury. She had been the beginning, but this was my time now.

The fire within swarmed from my toes to my fingertips, quieting to a tingling sensation, as each wave passed. My ears filled with sounds and notes that I had never heard, the gentle chirp of a bird, the hum from Nyx, as the gentle creature lay cradled against me, and the strain behind Death's breath in worry for me.

I focused on my memories, recalling the times those I knew had been stricken, while I had been too weak to help them. Thinking back, I felt ashamed of my time hiding in the shed within the woods, after Asmodeus terrorized me. I hadn't stood my ground, but waited for everyone else to find me and coax me back from shock.

I despised the feeble version of myself that believed I couldn't be my own warrior. I had strength at my core and power burning through my cells. I could do this.

I was meant to come here, to find my hidden self, and allow the Fury that had built inside me to rise within. It was time that I take my place as a Hellhound.

I am the Fury that would avenge the weak. I had been born with my own soul, but was strengthened by the strongest of those who had been corrupted. Night would be my guide and my howl, a signal to invoke terror amongst the betrayers. Mercy was my gift and vengeance the curse I could lay upon others.

Breath was no longer denied to me. I pulled the cool blanket in and sent it soaring throughout the domain, as I accepted my true self. The howl echoed, bouncing against each wall before seeking the threshold and spreading through the night. It found my sisters and I heard their call. I am Willow. I am Fury, Hellhound, and most importantly, I am


Caged in Spirit (Caged: Book 3)


The nine hells are circling their prey. Savannah's friends have no choice but to flee, placing their lives in the hands of those they thought to be the least trustworthy. The war of the heavens is upon them and the truth of Savannah's conception may shake the foundation of all.

Blood is on their hands, the stench of decay corrupts everything they come into contact with and the betrayal of one of their own is imminent. It acts as a cloud over their heads; an infection si
nking through to their souls.

What they thought they knew was a deception, calculated to draw their eyes away from what is important. How can they accept one another, when even their reflection is marred with imperfections,
created by a mirage of lies.

The Draconian's, H
ellhounds, and covens must put aside their differences to prevent pools of blood and chaos. The differences of these individuals may make or break their spirits.


A cry of war, the sound of battle.
The group of friends must find their mettle.
A prophecy rings through the night,
of the one who has the sight.
A melody has played a tune,
someone will come to claim them soon.
Bloodshed and chaos, a trail of grief

The beginning of the end will rise from beneath!

Death's Leash (Hellhounds: Book 1)


The myth is wrong… Death is only a man, but one who has control over all living beings. He chooses who will live or die. He commands the fates and gives the order to cut the thread of life. However, Death isn’t alone.

In the beginning of time, he realized that it would be impossible for a single figure to wield power over life and death, while still having time to punish the wicked. Death summoned the tainted souls of the dead and from them created a race of females. They would be the takers of souls, the guardians of the afterlife, and the harbingers of death.

They are Death’s Hellhounds. Wild, impulsive, and terrifying, these sisters have a solitary goal: to hunt down unspeakable evils. When Death calls his Hellhounds to embark on the Wild Hunt, they must forsake their humanity to consume the most depraved souls in existence. Six remain in the veil between life and death, but step through the threshold when Death calls.

Kali has spent her immortal life avoiding attachment. She hides her true self from all but her sisters. When Death gives her an assignment to hunt a rogue angel, she must confront the one man who places her heart in danger. Alone, she must face an enemy too powerful for a solitary Hellhound and find a way to break Death’s leash.


When wicked souls turn from the light,
And baying calls ring through the night.
Face your end or turn to flee,
For Death’s Hellhounds have come for thee!


Soul Awakened ( Reincarnation: Book 1)

Imagine being born at the first breath of mankind. What would it be like to live as a witch among men? Would life be less cherished if you were destined to become an old soul; one who must succumb to deat
h only to be reborn repeatedly?

is a mortal with an immortal soul. She is destined to die at the hands of another immortal during the peak of her life, only to be reborn again. In each life she has a new name, face, and destiny. However, her soul remains the same. Faye has no memories of her past lives, but that is about to change...

After a horrifying accident, she loses everything dear to her, moves halfway across the world, and begins having visions of a man with no face; a man who kills her, over and over again. Each life is ended before it truly begins. Memories of her
past lives have been unlocked and along with them, she discovers an affinity for magic.

Can she master her abilities quick enough to face her demon head on? Will the memories of her past lives reveal weapons to change her fate? Will she be aware of her faceless death, when he comes for her? Or could her executioner be closer than she thought?


About the Author

J.D. Stroube is an author, artist, and a full time student majoring in Psychology.
She was first drawn to psychology in high school, when she took a psychology course. Her teacher inspired her, which set her on an education roller coaster.  Since then, she gradually became aware of her natural ability towards counseling. That coupled with her overwhelming need to know and understand things, aided her decision to pursue her Doctorate Degree. Once finished with school she hopes to open her own practice to provide counseling for low income families and children.

When she is not working on her education or manuscripts, she creates graphics for her business, Dreamscape Covers. Her intention is to provide services to struggling authors by making them as in expensive as possible. While most of this time is spent designing covers, she also designs many other essential services, such as advertising, bookmarks, websites and much more.


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