Burning to Ashes (10 page)

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Authors: Evi Asher

BOOK: Burning to Ashes
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“Damn vampires—do you have to sneak up on a person like that?”

“Shut up, Erik. I want to hear what Zane has to say.”

Zane nodded at Archer. “When Selene and I got to the motel room, I could smell blood, yours and Scarlet’s. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but you must have bitten her when she was caring for you.”

A hand went through Archer’s long hair in irritation. “Why the hell didn’t she tell me?”

“That, you are going to have to ask her yourself. Is she okay?” Zane glanced over to the SUV

“Yes, she’s okay, for now. She’s going to have to change tomorrow night again, and the gods know that first change is painful, but I’ll be with her this time. I’m hoping I can make it a little easier.”

“Well, then, we better figure out where we are going and get going, because my gut is telling me we are being watched.” Heath looked around, peering into the trees as if he could see through to what the leaves were hiding from view.

“I want to double check the map, but I think I saw a lake not too far from here. There should be cabins up there that are empty. That might be a good place to regroup, re-plan, and deal with Scarlet’s issues,” Tate said as he walked towards the Impala. He leaned in the driver’s side window and pulled out the map that looked like someone had used it as a serviette at some point.

Tate spread it on the hood of the car. He scanned it for a moment and nodded, putting his finger on a part of the map.

“Yeah, here it is.”

The others moved around him and looked down at the map.

Archer nodded his approval. “That sounds like a good plan. There are lots of woods for me to take her on her first hunt.”

“Well, then, let’s get going. We need to make it before dawn and not giving prying eyes extra light to see us by.

“I’ve got the passenger seat in the
,” Heath announced to a round of curses.

With Scarlet taking up the back seat of the SUV, more of them would have to squeeze into the

“Seriously unfair, Heath.” Sophia shook her head and went directly to the passenger side of the SUV. She pulled open the door and got in, not giving any of the men a chance to get that seat.

Archer stopped to check on the still-sleeping Scarlet. He pulled his jacket up higher on her, tucking her in before he leaned down and kissed her forehead. She felt hot against his lips, and he worried about the next night.

How would her new Lycan and her pyro mix? Would she start to burn if she turned?

No—he didn’t think so. She’d nearly completed the turn earlier without any sign of her flames.

He sent up a fervent prayer to whoever was listening that he was right. Because if he was wrong—no, he wasn’t going to go there. He’d face the next night when he got to it.

He closed the back door of the SUV quietly and slid into the driver side. Time to get rolling.

Chapter Ten



Scarlet came awake and stretched, which promptly led her to wonder if Eternals came with some muscle groups that humans didn’t have. The way her muscles ached, she was willing to bet on it. Her body screamed at her. She felt as if she’d taken on King Kong, and the monkey had used her to polish his teeth.

Now that she’d acknowledged her body’s complaints, she could compartmentalize that, and focus on her surroundings.

She was lying on her back on an overstuffed couch, facing a roaring fireplace. The walls were made of round wooden logs, the fireplace of fitted stones.

Cabin! I’m in a cabin, but what happened and how did I get here?

There didn’t seem to be anyone around, so Scarlet gingerly sat up. A wave of dizzying nausea hit her, and she stopped moving and waited for it to pass.

She rose to her feet and felt better. The fireplace made the cottage a little too warm, but she didn’t mind. Even her bones ached, and the warmth was helping ease the pain.

She looked around some more. She was on the ground floor of a log cabin. The living room and kitchen were one large open space, and in the corner of the room, a staircase led upstairs. The front of cabin had large glass windows, and the warm rays of late afternoon sunshine were streaming through them. She moved closer to the window, and closing her eyes, she tilted her face to the sun.

The sound of metal hitting wood made her eyes snap open, and she tracked the sound.

In the front of the cabin and to the left was a chopping block, and Archer was splitting wood.

She watched as he lifted the axe over his head and brought it down on the log he was chopping.

She saw Archer had thrown his t-shirt on one of the other logs, and a fine sheen of sweat covered his bare chest.

His jeans hung low, hugging the flat plains of his hips.

She stared at him, mesmerized by the way the muscles on his chest and back flexed and moved—pure strength under warm golden skin—and felt the tingle of lust spike in her stomach and lower.

The urge to run her fingers over his smooth body was so strong, she found herself reaching and touching the glass with the palm of her hand.

He tensed, stopping his swing mid arc, and turned his head to look at the cottage. His eyes met Scarlet’s. He must have recognized something in her expression, because his eyes blazed the bright yellow of his beast.

He dropped the axe and turned, his long strides eating the distance between the woodpile and the front of the cabin.

Scarlet faced the door as it opened with an impatient tug.

Archer came through it and right up to her in less time than it took her to take a breath, then reached out a long arm and curled his palm around the nape of her neck, pulling her forward into his arms in one motion.

“When you eat me with your eyes like that, you make me want to get you naked and under me.” His voice was a low growl that caused a tingle of pleasure to race up Scarlet’s spine.

“I didn’t eat you with my eyes.” Scarlet tried for bravado, but her voice went all hoarse, ruining her plan.

“You did.” He slid his hand down her arm and took her hand, placing it against the large bulge in his too tight jeans.

“And this is what your come-to-bed look caused.”

Scarlet gasped, heat flooding her cheeks, but instinctively she cupped him, then stroked through the thick material of his jeans.

His answering groan made her feel fierce joy. She loved that she could bring that sound from his throat.

He must have seen the satisfaction in her expression because he swooped down, covering her mouth with his.

Damn, this Lycan can kiss!

It was Scarlet’s last rational thought before the kiss swept her away.

He deepened it, his tongue warring with hers in the sweetest of dances. She felt his fangs elongate a little and she liked it.

Running her tongue over the sharp tip of one of the incisors caused him to drop his hands and reach down to lift her up, rubbing her hot core against his erection.

Scarlet decided she wasn’t going to let him have all the control. She broke the kiss, hooked her hands behind his neck and leaned back, rubbing her heat against his hardness.

“Damn,” he groaned in pleasure.

Scarlet grinned and rubbed along him again.

“No.” He started walking, pushing her up against the nearest wall so she had no leverage. “That’s not fair,

He dropped his head forward to capture her lips in another incendiary kiss that had her struggling to breathe.

Scarlet reached between them, working the button of Archer’s jeans. She got it open and let her hand slide under the waistband. Her fingers curled around her prize, making him hiss in surprise and pleasure.

She thought she heard him mutter
too hot to handle
before he bucked his hips, driving himself deeper into her fist.

“Your hands feel so hot on my cock,” he groaned. Then he turned to carry her to the couch. He put her down on the overstuffed sofa and followed her down with another kiss before she could breathe or even consider what they were on the point of doing.

His hands worked magic on the front of her jeans and all Scarlet could think of was that she wanted his hands in her panties and she wanted them there

He started tugging at her pants to get them down. His tongue kept her from thinking, and Scarlet lifted her hips to help him get them off her.

She moved her hands to his hips, tugging at his jeans, too.

“Yes, that’s it, get them off me,” he murmured in her ear as he nipped down the length of her neck and throat.

“I can’t believe you actually bought that puppy, Heath.” There was laughter in Sophia’s voice as it came through the wood of the closed front door.

Scarlet and Archer froze.

“Fuck, they’re back.” He jumped off Scarlet and they both did their best to straighten their clothes before the other Eternals could get to the front door.

“He’s full of shit,” Erik replied, and Scarlet could hear they were on the pathway up to the cabin.

Archer looked at her with such heat, she almost melted.

“We aren’t done with this. Sooner or later, I’m going to take you.” He stepped toward her reaching for her.

She ducked out of his reach. “They can hear you,” she said in a stage whisper.

“I don’t really care.” His voice was still rough, like sex and chocolate, and all she wanted to do was take his hand in hers and find a bit of privacy. She started to step toward him when the front door opened.

“Oh, hey, Scarlet, glad to see you’re awake. How are you feeling?” Sophia looked at the two of them, and her mouth formed an
as she stopped walking.

Erik stopped right behind Sophia

With a grin on his face, Heath was behind him cradling a Husky puppy in his arms.

He looked up. “What? Why did everyone stop?”

Erik chuckled, and in a singsong voice, answered, “Archer got cock-blocked.”

Sophia threw her elbow back, slamming it into Erik’s sternum and causing him to let out an
as he lost his ability to breathe and his grin at the same time. “Erik, you are such a douche bag,” she informed him.

Scarlet thought her face was going to self-combust, and Archer looked like he was about to murder the Blood Mage.

“What a cute puppy.” She reached for the puppy in Heath’s arms, taking it before he could protest.

The puppy immediately started growling low in its throat, looking terrified.

“The pup smells your wolf.” Archer went to stand next to Scarlet and put his hand on the puppy’s head. A low growl trickled from his throat and the puppy settled down in Scarlet’s arms.

“What did you do?” she asked.

Archer’s answering smile was dazzling to Scarlet’s still hungry body.

“I told him we are pack mates, and that he shouldn’t be frightened.”

Erik had managed to get his breath back, and he stepped away from Sophia when it looked like she was going to use her deadly elbow again. “Yeah, normally he just scares a dog into submission.”

The puppy licked Scarlet’s face and it made her laugh. “Please don’t tell me you named this beautiful dog Tinkerbelle.”

Heath had the grace to flush, but was otherwise unrepentant. “Yep, I named him Tinkerbelle.”

Scarlet opened her mouth to tell Heath he was being cruel when Tate pushed his way through the door, his arms full of packages. “Some help with the supplies would be good.”

“Supplies?” Scarlet didn’t know why they were buying supplies.

“Yeah, we’ve decided to hunker down here for a few days. Get a bearing on what we need to do next.” Archer’s hand had come to rest on the small of Scarlet’s back and she didn’t mind in the least. His hand was warm and large, and made her feel…safe.

Oh, bleh, I’m not going to examine that thought too closely.

“Well, are you all going to help or what?” Tate’s tone was grumpy.

“On our way, oh, Lord and Master.” Erik left the cabin and went to the SUV.


The breeze coming off the lake was nippy, so Scarlet wrapped her arms around herself for warmth. She wasn’t going to go back to the cabin, yet. She felt restless, and wanted a bit of fresh air and some time to think.

Most of the time, she felt as if she was drowning in the newness of it all. Everything around her was strange and different, and she thought she was doing an okay job of adjusting, but sometimes it was too much.

This evening was one of those times she didn’t need creatures that had spawned from the pages of myth and legend surrounding her. So she’d snuck out while Archer and the rest were butting heads about the next and best course of action in getting the
lifted, then on how to deal with Jasmine.

Erik had even suggested that they fake Scarlet’s death, and that had started up a whole new cascade of Eternals frothing at the mouth.

The wind lifted Scarlet’s long dark hair, and she had to reach up to stop it whipping her in the face. Still, she didn’t go inside.

It was getting dark fast, and Archer had filled in the blanks of Scarlet’s memory from last night, so she was aware of the fact that when the moon rose, he was going to take her into the forest for her first change into a werewolf.

Scarlet felt her beast stretch and flex in her mind. A feeling of raw anticipation flooded her, but she knew it wasn’t her emotion, and she dreaded having to wrestle her creature into a coexistence with her.


“How did I get myself twisted up in all of this?” she asked herself aloud. She wasn’t expecting a response, but a deep voice behind her answered.

“Very good question, darling Scarlet, but take some reassurance in the fact that it will be ending very soon.”

Scarlet spun so fast that her hair whipped her eyes, making them sting and blur for a moment. When they cleared, she was almost sorry that she could see again.



Scarlet opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out as she felt a hand colder than deep space slide across her mouth, and an eerie laugh in her ears that made her hackles raise, and bile climb her throat.

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