Burning Tigress (50 page)

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Authors: Jade Lee

Tags: #Historical, #Shanghai (China), #General, #Romance, #Historical Fiction, #Fiction, #Love Stories

BOOK: Burning Tigress
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"No, no," she responded with pretend embarrassment. "I am not the mistress here. I am merely—"

"The cook. Yes, I know."

She blinked, momentarily stunned. His lips curled in a friendly smile that clashed with his energies. She could not define how, only that she did not trust his false openness.

"You are Little Pearl," he said. "Kui Yu spoke of you often. He praised your cooking...." His voice dropped in tone. "And your beauty."

Was she supposed to be flattered? What kind of woman would be pleased that she distracted her mistress's husband? She straightened and folded her hands demurely before her. "You are correct, sir. I am the cook. Please return tomorrow to speak with Mr. Tan."

"But he is not coming back. Nor is Shanghai's most famous Tigress. Surely you know this."

It took all her training not to leap upon his news and demand answers. She lifted her gaze to his open expression and pretended complete stupidity. "I don't understand."

"The Tans have been taken by General Kang. You will most likely never see them again."

"You are mistaken," she said coldly, but her muscles trembled with the strain of remaining upright. His yang power was overwhelming, and she was rapidly failing beneath the onslaught. Her yin urged her to soften and yield. "I have served all the Tan guests, and you have never been one of them."

His smile widened at her words, and too late she realized their double meaning. She meant that she'd served them food. He obviously knew she did other tasks as well. Too late she remembered that he'd called Shi Po the famous Tigress of Shanghai. He knew, then. He knew what was taught here and was titillated by it.

Except once again, his energies did not feel sexually excited. They felt...

"I apologize," he said with a sudden burst of laughter. Her thoughts scattered at the sound, and she found her gaze pulled back to him. He looked like a stick pretending to be the happy Buddha. "I am Mr. Su, but you should call me Jian Lie. I believe that we shall become fast friends, you and I, as we weather this storm."

He was trying to seduce her, she abruptly realized. First he complimented her looks, then he offered her information, and lastly, he extended an equal friendship to her, a lowly cook. Add to that the heated pulse of his yang energy, and most women would collapse in gratitude without even knowing the cause.

Truly, he had the skill of a dragon, and yet such a focused campaign left her angry. She had no time for seductive games. The dumplings were probably rotting in the steamer right now. Still, she had responsibilities to Shi Po's students, if nothing else.

She straightened. "If you return tomorrow, I will find a student for you. Your yang runs too strong. It must be very uncomfortable." Then she bowed deeply before him. "My apologies, but my duties call me."

She turned to leave, but he stopped her with words that cut like cold iron. "Mr. Tan and I had business together. With him in prison, I must take on his tasks just as you must become mistress here. Do not think to gainsay me on this. I must see his papers."

"Mr. Tan is not here," she retorted firmly, part of her wondering where she found the strength. "Please return tomorrow. Perhaps he will see you then."

He released a hiss of frustration, a hot breath that fouled the air between them. Truly his yang was poisoning him. "The Tans will not return. How will you teach her students, feed their servants, and pay their taxes without money? How will you honor your mistress without my help?"

"By locking Mr. Tan's office door against all who would rob him."

"I am not a thief!" he spat. "I am trying to help!"

She almost believed him. But experience taught that a man of strong yang could make a woman believe almost anything. And yet she felt abused by him rather than persuaded. His yang cut tiny rivulets into her as surely as a knife scoured the scales off a fish. To hide the pain, she dropped into a respectful bow. "Apologies, sir, but I must attend to my duties."

He relaxed then. He smiled and ran a hand over his face as if in exhaustion while his bracelet winked in the sunlight; casual gestures that appeared too polished to be true. "Soon the money will be gone and creditors will break down the door. Only I, Su Jian Lie, can help you." He paused and his gaze burned with yang intensity. "All depends on you now. The Tans' fortune is under your control to strengthen or waste. Think of how you will be rewarded should you make the right choices. I will return for your answer tomorrow."

She had no answer for that and no time to ask; he spun on his heel and left while she remained frozen with indecision. Could he be right? She cared nothing for a reward, but what if the Tan money did depend on her? How could she manage? The kitchen money would not last long. Fortunately, she knew the location of the other cache: a large sum of money for emergencies. But how much was there? The Tan household required much cash to support both home and school. What if the Tans returned to find that their home had been lost, the students scattered to the wind, and nothing remained of all that had once been?

Was it truly Little Pearl's task to see that all remained as it once was? The thought was horrifying. And yet who else could bear this burden?



Cornered Tigress

The Way of The Tigress

Book Five


Jade Lee


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Cornered Tigress

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Tempted Tigress

The Way of The Tigress

Book Six






Excerpt from


Tempted Tigress

The Way of The Tigress

Book Six




Jade Lee

USA Today Bestselling Author







Awards & Reviews


2008 Romantic Times Hero’s KISS award winner

2008 RITA award finalist for Best Historical


"This paranormal romance explores Eastern concepts of sex and power in a partial fantasy setting. Unusual, very sensual and yet emotionally sweet... a very different but extremely enjoyable story."

Romantic Times


"...a passionate, steamy tale.... Lee gets into the heart of the characters making them emotionally appealing. Definitely one for the keeper shelf."



"...a marvelous journey for any reader."

Eye On Romance


"....truly touches you in ways you never imagined a book could. Regardless of what sort of genre you may typically read, you won't be disappointed. An incredibly moving story of love and survival."

Fresh Fiction Reviews


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