[B.S. #3] Claiming Laura (24 page)

Read [B.S. #3] Claiming Laura Online

Authors: Dale Cadeau

Tags: #BDSM, #Chick-Lit, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Military, #Mystery, #Romance, #Spanking, #Suspense, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: [B.S. #3] Claiming Laura
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Clay just sighed as he helped Laura into the limo. Just as he was about to follow her in, his cell phone rang. It was James. He didn’t want to take it, but with the last few days and everything that had happened, he knew he couldn’t ignore it. Plus the limo kind of gave away the fact that they knew where they were.

Pulling it out of his pocket he barked, “Clay,” into the phone.

James answered with a smile in his voice. “I found out where you were off to and just wanted to let you know that I got the penthouse at the best hotel in Vegas, which I just happen to own a stake in and it’s ready and waiting for you. The guys and I thought that you and Laura deserved some time alone and we wanted you to have the best. You will also have a surprise waiting for you.”

Clay was just going to growl back at James that he hoped it was a good surprise, when the call was dropped. Clay just shook his head and put his cell away and followed Laura into the limo.

Once Clay was seated beside her, Laura turned to him. “Clay, we don’t have to go to this expense, a limo and everything.”

Clay just lifted her hand from his thigh and brought it to his lips and kissed it. “The limo is probably from Chase, he’s James’s brother. It seems that no matter where the jet lands, there’s always a limo waiting. I just now accept it. As for the rest, we will both have to wait and see. That was James on the phone. He has booked us in some penthouse and said there was a surprise. I could never second-guess James, so anything could be waiting for us.”

“How did he know where we were going? Didn’t you just decide this morning?”

“I don’t know why I’m surprised, but James has a way of finding out things almost at the same time you think them up. It’s great for our business but not so much when you want to disappear.” Clay just squeezed her hand as the limo drove them down the main drag of Vegas and to the hotel.

The manager of the hotel met them at the front desk and took them personally up to the penthouse. Opening the double doors to the suite, Laura gasped.

“Hope that Sir and Madam are happy with the suite. Mr. Braden called ahead and made all the arrangements.” He closed the doors softly behind him and Clay just laughed and Laura gave another gasp.

The plush suite was full of flowers of every color and type from exotic to daisies. Walking into the living room, they found a table laid out with finger food and a bottle of champagne on ice. Clay noticed a note attached to the ice bucket and pulled it off and opened it.

Gathering Laura to his side, he read the note. It was from the team.

“This is for the best member of our team. We wanted to do something for both of you, but not interfere. So you will notice that this suite has two bedrooms. Knowing Clay as we do, we know you will only need one. But for now, one is for Laura and the other for you, Clay. Inside you will find an assortment of clothes needed for your next step. I have the chapel on standby and the limo will be waiting for you when you are ready.” It was signed James, Avery, Angel, Cyn, Grant, and Brad.

Laura looked at Clay with tears in her eyes. “You do have the best bunch of friends going, don’t you?”

Clay was touched also. “All of them must have scrambled to make this happen in so little of time. Shit, this explains why it took the jet so long to fuel up and start off.” Gathering Laura in his arms he held her tightly within their circle. “Yes, they are the best, and you can count on them to have your back. What do you say we heed their advice and find out what they left us and make this official?”

Laura put both of her hands on the side of Clay’s face and looked deeply into his eyes. She could see the possessiveness in their depths. She probably reflected the same look back at him. “I say that we get this show on the road and get to the good stuff faster. I have plans for you later.”

“I thought that was my line.” Clay laughed as he released Laura and took her hand and they walked up to the bedrooms. One door had Clay’s name on it and the other Laura’s.

“Do you want me to come in with you? Knowing the guys, anything could be waiting.”

Laura put her hand on the door handle. “I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. I got to know Avery and Cyn pretty good and I’m not worried. They wouldn’t let the men get out of hand.”

Laura opened the door and closed it on Clay with a shoo of her hand in the direction of his door.

Walking to the bed, Laura was stunned. Lying on it was the most beautiful gown she had ever seen. It looked knee length, off-white, and with lace so fine that it appeared to be gossamer. Beside it was some very reveling lingerie, and shoes stood on the floor that matched the dress.

Sitting on the bed, Laura took in the dress and lingerie. She felt the tears come to her eyes and wiped them with a hand. She had never had this kind of friendship from anyone. She was so used to looking after herself and staying in the background that this overwhelmed her. Taking her other hand, she felt the material of the dress. It was a dress that all little girls dreamt of wearing when they got married. How did they know? Laura felt the tears fall and swiftly got off the bed so they couldn’t reach the dress.

If only she had her mother’s pearls that were at home on her dresser. Clay had hurried her so much that she had just grabbed the bare essentials. And with her head filled with only thoughts of him, she hadn’t remembered them. Knowing Clay would probably not wait too long to barge into the bedroom if he heard her crying, she started to make her way to the bathroom. Passing the dresser on her way, she notice a white piece of paper attached to a bouquet of orchids. Going over she picked up the paper and read. The note was from Avery and Cyn.

“We saw that you forgot these so we had them couriered. We want your day to be perfect.” Laura looked on the dresser and there was her mother’s old, blue, velvet case that housed the pearls. Laura just lost it and broke down sobbing.

Next thing she heard was Clay knocking on the door. “Are you OK in there? Do you need me?”

“Everything is fine, Clay. I always need you, but not right now. You go get prettied up.”

“Well, you might be disappointed if you expect me to pretty up.”

“Clay you’re the most handsome man I know, so go and get ready.”

“OK, as long as you are fine.”

“Yes, Clay, I just need a few more minutes.”

Clay walked back into his bedroom after he knew Laura was OK. He was just as stunned as he thought Laura probably was. Waiting for him was a black tux with all the trimming laid out on the bed. The guys had went all out to deck him out. Pulling his T-shirt over his head, he made his way to the bathroom and a quick shower.

Drying off back in the bedroom, he went to the dresser to see if there was a comb. On the dresser was a note. James was at it again, he thought. Picking up the note he noticed it covered a small box.

Grabbing the box and the note, Clay sat on the bed. He was surprised when he opened the note and found that it was from Angel.


Clay, you and the guys made my day the greatest, when I married Cyn. I couldn’t have asked for more, so I’m just returning the favor. We all had the same idea when Cyn found the diamonds in the garden, but you beat me to the punch. So here is the one I took and hopefully it is mounted the way you would want. Cyn gave me some input and we wish you the best.


Clay put the paper on the bed and opened the box. In it was a shiny diamond in a gold-and-platinum twirl design. Clay felt his mouth almost gape open when he first saw it.

He picked up the ring and looked it over carefully. It was beautiful and classy just like Laura. He couldn’t have done better. Clay almost felt the tears come to his eyes as he thought over the team and what they had gone through to be where they were today.

Clay carefully put the ring back in its box and laid it on the bed. After he was dressed and presentable, he stepped back and looked in the mirror. Well, he wasn’t as pretty as he thought Laura wanted, but he would have to do. She was stuck with him now, or would be shortly.

Picking up the ring box, he put it in his pocket and opened the door to the living room. He hoped that Laura was ready, too. He was getting antsy to make her his.

This time his mouth did gape open. Laura was waiting in the middle of the room. She took his breath away. She was standing there in something that looked like shiny cobwebs and holding a bouquet of orchids. She looked an angel just come down to earth for him.

Clay finally closed his mouth when she turned and walked toward him and looked him up and down.

“God, Clay, you are a handsome devil. I can’t wait until we get back here.”

Clay laughed. Laura looked like an angel, but looking into her green eyes, he could see a bit of the devil shining back at him.

He just wetted his lips and took her hand and turned it palm side up and licked it. “I think I can safely say today that we are on the same page.”

Clay didn’t want to break the spell they both seemed to be under, so he just tucked Laura’s hand in his elbow and escorted her out of the room and down to the limo.

The ride to the chapel was short and Clay was surprised that he wasn’t nervous. He always thought when and if this day arrived that he would be a nervous wreck. Looking at Laura as she took in the sights outside the window of the limo, he felt complete. James and Angel were right. There was a soul mate out there for everyone.

The limo stopped at the front step to the chapel and Clay got out and helped Laura from the car. As they took the first step up to the chapel, the double doors opened and James and Angel were standing there decked out like he was, with wide grins on their faces, holding the doors open. Clay stopped for a moment. He was stunned. Laura just clutched his arm and was stunned also.

“Come on, man, can’t chicken out now,” James told him as he made his way to Laura’s side and took her other arm and led them both into the small vestibule leading into the church.

Angel closed the front doors and just as Clay was going to ask what was going on, Angel took his arm and opened another door shooing him into the church. James stayed in the small hallway with Laura, who didn’t say anything but was wide eyed.

Angel kept a tight hold on Clay’s arm when he made a move to go back to Laura.

“Clay, we got this handled. Just go with it.” Angel led him to the altar, where Grant and Brad were standing off to the side.

“What’s going on? I thought your part was finished?”

James looked down at Laura. “We couldn’t let him get married alone. We all love the guy like a brother. He has been with us through thick and thin. So on this special day, we just couldn’t think of not being here for him. I promise that you will have him all to yourself shortly.

“So what do you say that I escort you down the aisle to the big guy? I know he will be back here shortly if we don’t leave now.”

“I agree. He’s not the most patient person I know.” Taking his arm, Laura laughed as she allowed James to open the door to begin their walk up the aisle.

Laura gave another gasp and stopped James from proceeding when she got a look at the small chapel. It was decked out with orchids and red roses all over the pews and altar. She could see Clay at the front with Angel, Grant, and Brad beside him. On the other side of the altar waiting were Avery and Cyn. Both women were standing, wearing stunning red dresses, holding small bouquets of white roses, and smiling back at her.

Laura looked up at James. “You don’t do things halfway do you?”

“You and Clay deserve the best.” James patted her hand and gently started walking her down the aisle toward Clay. Clay stood by the altar, looking like it was Christmas morning and he was getting everything he ever wanted.

The ceremony was short and elegant, with Laura mopping up tears with the handkerchief that Avery had slipped to her. She was so happy that she almost missed her part, until Clay leaned down, kissed her nose, and told her it was her turn.

Laura turned red as she looked at the preacher and the others smiling at her. Taking a deep swallow to clear her voice, she recited her vows. After that, all she could remember was Clay giving a whoop and throwing his arms around her and kissing her senseless.

After Clay let her lips go, she felt the others surrounding her and Clay. Clay kept a tight hold on Laura’s hand as James put an arm around his shoulder and led them both out a small door leading out of the chapel and onto the lawn.

Outside was a small tent with a cake and a few champagne buckets around it.

James stopped them in front of the table and proceeded to pour the ice-cold champagne into glasses for everyone. Handing Laura and Clay both a glass, he made sure everyone had a glass and put his hand out to Avery, pulling her close to his side. Raising his glass, he looked around at their friends surrounding them.

“This is for the best team member that we could ever ask for. The brother that we didn’t know we needed and the greatest friend a person could have. Let’s have a toast to Clay and Laura.”

Clay took a sip and looked around at his family. That’s what they had become to him. “Where’s Chase, our younger brother? I thought he would be here, too. It’s not like him to miss anything.”

“Don’t know where he is. I tried to get in touch with him, but couldn’t. But I did receive a message from Sam that she had things covered. So I’m not worried,” James told him as he took another sip of his champagne.

Angel and Cyn made it to their side as James with Avery moved a few steps away.

“I wish you all the best. I can see that Laura is your soul mate. Don’t ever forget it. She is your equal and better half,” Angel told Clay as he grabbed him for a hug. Letting him go, Cyn hugged Clay as Angel gave Laura a hug and a kiss.

“Kiss your own soul mate, Angel, this one’s mine.” Clay laughed as he brought Laura even closer to him.

Grant and Brad took their places as they moved over to where James and Avery stood.

Grant held out his hand. “Well, big guy, I’m glad for you. Hopefully one day we can all be happy like this.”

Brad pushed him out of the way. “Well, big guy, how does it feel to have a woman beat you at your own game?”

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