Brown Siblings - 01 Laid Bare (8 page)

BOOK: Brown Siblings - 01 Laid Bare
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“Sure. And then how about a tour? This is really a beautiful place.” Something smooth and female slid through the very swank surround-sound-style speaker system.

She turned with a smirk. “No PJ Harvey today. This is Tegan and Sara. “

“Not bad.” And it wasn’t. He got up to check out the media center. “Damn, Erin, that’s some fucking sound system.”

She laughed. “It’s a far cry from the piece of crap we used to have back in the day.” She held out a hand. “Come on, let me give you the tour.”

He moved to her and took her hand, the connection singeing up his arm.

“You’ve seen the living room and the kitchen. This is my balcony; it wraps around the front here.” She walked him outside. The wind had kicked up, but it wasn’t overly cold. Still, he used that to put an arm around her, pulling her into his body, sliding a palm up and down her upper arm and shoulder.

The view was gorgeous. Clearly her music career had left her with some money in the bank if she could afford this place. Her furnishings and lifestyle didn’t seem ostentatious from what he’d seen so far, which was an important indication she’d not let fame or money go to her head.

They went back inside, and she led him around to the kitchen through a wide hallway.

“This is my office.” A big table with a large computer monitor on it dominated the back corner.

A small area near the windows had a comfortable club-type chair and a table next to it, and across the room music stands, various electronic equipment and a variety of guitar cases completed the look.

Holy shit!
Erin, is that a Grammy?” He walked into the room and stared at the case holding several trophies. “
Grammys. Wow.”

She blushed. “Yes.”

He turned to her. “I’m sorry I’m such a dork and I didn’t know. You were a lot bigger than you led me to believe. That’s awesome. Those are gold records too, right?” She nodded.

“Why did you give it up?”

“Something very bad happened.” She put her fingers over his lips and shook her head. “I really,
don’t want to talk about it. But I’m happy now. I write music. I record it. I’m in the studio.

It’s my bass on all Adrian’s studio tracks on his CDs. I just don’t need all the rest. I don’t want it.

I like my quiet, safe life here in my condo. I like my café. I like my family and I don’t need the rest.” She indicated the room with a sweep of her hand. “I have enough money. I don’t need the fame part.”

“Okay. I’d like for you to share it with me sometime, but we’ve only just reconnected. I understand. I’m glad you’re doing something that makes you happy.” She nodded and led him out and pointed to a guest bedroom and a bathroom. At long last, at the end of the hall, she pushed open large double doors, exposing the master suite.

It was her, utterly. The walls were saffron yellow. Framed art lent beautiful explosions of color to the space. The hardwood floors were dotted with pretty area rugs, and her bed sat on a platform facing the wall of windows.


She turned to him, sliding her palm up the wall of his chest. Her nails scored over his nipple, and a wave of pleasure echoed through him. He took her glasses off and kissed each eyelid.

“Erin, I want you to take your clothes off. I want to see you.” There was no hesitation; she simply unlaced the shirt and pulled it over her head. Her tattoos were still there; her nipples, hard and dark, each bore a ring, and it still nearly brought him to his knees. How sexy she was. Nearly breathless, he couldn’t tear his eyes from her as she slipped her skirt down her legs, tossing it to the side. Her panties were the last to go and then she stood there, totally naked to him, the sight of her burning into him.

“God, how are you still so beautiful?” he murmured as he moved around her body, taking her in from head to those pretty toes. The tree of life still marked her back. He’d seen that tat in his mind’s eye so many times it was almost like a dream to be looking at it in the flesh again.

“I’m older.”

He laughed and then swatted her ass. It’d started out playful, but the sound shot straight to his cock, and her soft sound of surprise wrapped around him, lodging in his gut.

“You’re beautiful,” he repeated and kissed her shoulder near her neck. “Undress me, Erin.” She turned to him and tiptoed up to kiss his lips quickly. Then with determined, slow movements, she unbuttoned each button on his shirt until she slid it open and down his arms.

“I’m not the only one who’s beautiful.” Her nails dragged over the sensitive skin below his belly button, bringing gooseflesh. “You’re still so very
and feral.” Leaning her head toward his body, she breathed him in and made a low, needy sound that tore at his control. “You still smell like the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

He continued to watch as she unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned the front of his jeans,
pop, pop, pop, pop
. He had to swallow hard as she pushed his jeans and shorts down, getting to her knees to help him out of them and his socks.

“Before you suck my cock,
and you will, Erin
, I want to kiss you. Come here.” He led her to the bed and lay down with her. The bedding smelled like her—spicy, saucy, free.

She looked up at him and he was slammed by a sense of déjà vu so strong his hands trembled.

“I know. I feel it too,” she whispered.

The darkness at his edges smoothed a bit as tenderness rolled through his system. He trailed fingertips down her neck, loving the smooth, warm skin there. All the feeling he’d had for her and abandoned, that he’d shoved far away except as jerk-off fodder, came back to him.

She waited, watching him carefully, he realized, letting him lead, and damned if that didn’t make him want her even more. He lowered his mouth, brushing it over hers, but it was her dimple he sought first. Then down to her jaw. She arched her neck, giving him access, which he took quite greedily. His teeth grazed the hollow of her throat and her hum vibrated against his mouth.

She nearly passed out when he rubbed the whole of his body against hers to get back to her mouth to kiss her. He was so
, hard and predatory; his skin was hot, and the wiry hairs on his thighs abraded her skin just right.

Until that moment when his cock stroked up and against her cunt, it hadn’t felt totally real. But it did now as his tongue slid into her mouth, boldly taking what he wanted.

If she’d been standing, her knees would have buckled at the gesture. It was nearly too much and yet not enough. She had to have more. But if she pushed for it, demanded it, she’d lose the edge.

It was that very thing that made her crave being dominated so much. That delicious choice every time, to want satisfaction so badly and to put it aside and let someone else give it to her the way she needed.

Erin realized this was an audition of sorts for him. Could he do it? Submission wasn’t simply taken—it wouldn’t be submission then. Submission was
, and Todd needed to be the kind of man who deserved her on her knees. If not, she’d fuck him a few times and move on.

Todd tasted her mouth, took what he wanted as he slowly gave back. He’d been a good lover before but this man knew what he was about in a way only years can teach.

He broke the kiss, breathing hard, and stared into her face. “It’s been so long. I can’t quite believe this is real.”

How could she not be touched by such a declaration? She glided the pad of her thumb over his bottom lip and he turned, nipping the fleshy part sharply.

He zeroed in on her face, on her reaction, and a smile broke over his face. “I see.” Todd moved down her body, kissing to her nipple, and she nearly jumped from her skin when he took the ring between his teeth and tugged just right. Not too hard but just hard enough to take her to that place hovering near pain. And when he took the nipple into his mouth and fluttered his tongue, she couldn’t help the groan or the way her nails seemed to dig into his sides where she’d been holding on so tight.

She’d forgotten how much he loved the rings, and it was clear they still did it for him. What he was doing sure did it for her.

When her nails scored into his side, he hissed, not from pain but from the sharpness of sensation.

Unable to stop himself, he bit the fleshy side of her breast, holding back only for a moment and then realizing if he listened to her body and her responses, he’d know how far to go. When she moaned, arching into his mouth, he knew where that line was and tucked it away.

He licked across the place he’d bitten and moved down further, drawing his tongue over the tats on her side and belly. She still had a ring in her belly button, and he still thought it looked hot.

“Shall I lick your cunt?” he asked, surprised by the roughness of his voice.

“Please, ohgod, please,” she whispered back.

He wanted her to suck his cock, wanted to fuck her, wanted everything at once, but he reined himself in. He’d have her; they’d have each other. There was time.

He settled low on the bed, his face right above her pussy, and spread her open with his thumbs.

Her scent teased him, drove him to want to dive in. Instead he inhaled, having missed her more than he’d allowed himself to admit until that moment.

The way his fingers dug into her skin, the way she arched up into his mouth, taking what she wanted—within limits—turned him on beyond all measure. How he loved to eat a woman’s pussy as she lay spread open for him this way.

Each fold, each furl of her cunt brought him back to that place when she’d offered herself to him ten years before and he’d not understood, not totally, what a gift she’d been.

Instead he’d run, choosing to continue walling off part of his soul. Denying what he yearned for, and now, full circle, he’d torn down those walls and embraced all she offered. Which, in such a simple way, was acceptance of who he was.

If she could accept it, why not him?

Todd nuzzled her, pressing lips and then teeth against tender, sensitive flesh. Possession floated into his consciousness. He wanted her, had always wanted her, and this pussy, this precious gift, wasn’t something he planned to share. Or give up ever again.

He kept from laughing but only barely. She might be submissive sexually, but Erin Brown was one of the strongest willed individuals he’d ever known. It would be about proving to her that he was worth it, that he deserved her.

Stabbing his tongue deep into her gate, as deep as he could, he concentrated on making her feel good even as her taste rode him. Goddamn, the woman tasted right.

Her pleas, her whispered moans and entreaties brought him back to her clit, swollen and hard against his tongue as he pressed the flat of it against her, sliding it from side to side until she practically vibrated, just before she flew apart against his mouth.

Erin struggled for breath as Todd kissed the inside of each thigh where it met her body, back up her belly, over her breasts, and then his mouth was on her, claiming it as her taste hit her system.

He spoke through the kiss. “Suck my cock, Erin. You remember how I like it? Don’t make me come though. I want to fuck you too.”

Her eyes slowly opened until she stared right into his. His lips were glossy from the kiss, from her honey, and she leaned up, licking them. He groaned and she smiled, liking the power to turn him on.

Pushing him back against her bed, she scrambled atop him with a laugh. Soon enough her mouth found his frantic pulse, right at the base of his throat, and tasted it with an openmouthed kiss.

His fingers in her hair tightened and she shivered, loving that pleasure/pain. His chest was still hard, although she kissed over the scars. Several of them that must have been from the shooting he’d told her of earlier.

She could have lost him and not even known it. There’d been enough loss, damn it.

He yelped and then groaned as she nipped him just above his left nipple. Each flat nipple was so sensitive he writhed up as she licked over it and then traced it ’round and ’round with the tip of her tongue. And down further still, licking over his breastbone, down the center of his belly.

Erin loved that he had some hair. So many men had taken to “manscaping” that it was rare to find one with a hairy chest and belly. He wasn’t
, that would have been distasteful. No, he was just—she shivered—so masculine. Repeated sharp nips just below his belly button brought her to his cock. Right where she wanted to be.

“Damn, Erin. Looking at your back, with that gorgeous tat and your ass, I may not last.” If he looked close enough, he’d see her very own set of gunshot scars, which Brody had inked over and around to disguise.

Still, she smiled at the compliment before grabbing his cock firmly and swallowing it as deeply as she could. Sucking cock was sort of like riding a bike, she supposed as she breathed through her nose and kept her swallow reflex working so she wouldn’t gag.

He was warm and hard, so hard, and she remembered back to that first time when he’d been standing behind his couch and she’d totally caught him off guard.

She palmed his balls, pressing the pads of her fingers against the spot right behind them. He rewarded her with a surprised gasp. Even better when she slid her middle finger just a bit farther, circling it softly over the pucker of his ass. He made a deep, feral sort of sound and her pussy bloomed.

All the way down and back, slowly, she sucked him deep and then pulled up. Her grip at the base of his cock was firm, but her mouth was looser so she could tongue the length of him as she came up.

He’d buried his hands in her hair, holding it tight to guide her up and down on him. She let herself fall into that space, the soft place where she just gave him pleasure, where she reveled in the way she must look to him right then, her ass in the air, swaying back and forth, the line of her back with her tattoo so visible, the shock of color her hair must have made against him. She wanted him to objectify her in the best sort of way, to hold her out as beautiful and desired.

“Wait.” He tightened his hands, pulling her hair taut. “Climb up there and fuck me. I want your cunt around my cock.”

BOOK: Brown Siblings - 01 Laid Bare
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