Brothers by Bond (14 page)

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Authors: Brenda Cottern

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Brothers by Bond
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Shock didn't even begin to cover what Mike was feeling. Maybe he was still passed out drunk and the whole day had been some crazy fucked up dream. Was it really possible that his best friend felt the same way that he did?

"Tell me you don't feel the same way, Mikey," Johnny said quietly.

"But you're not gay, Johnny," Mike replied and added, "Hell, you were even married for Christ's sake!"

"You're not gay either, bro." Johnny shot back. "Tell me that you were turned on, even once, at the Jungle and
I'll believe you." Johnny smirked.

His brother knew him too well and he was right. None of the guys turned him on the way Johnny did. Mike looked back at the bottle he had forgotten he was holding when he felt, more than saw, Johnny move. His best friend placed his beer on the table and the next thing Mike knew he was hit with a T-shirt. When he looked back to his brother, Johnny was reclining back again against the armrest with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Tell me you don't feel the same way," Johnny repeated as Mike's eyes were glued on the strong hand that was rubbing the bare chest before him.

Mike swallowed hard. "I can't," he whispered.

"Glad that's settled then," Johnny grinned and ran his hand down over his hard abs. "C'mere."

All of Mike's dreams, fantasies, wishes, and hopes, were coming true right before his eyes. Maybe it was the shock of hearing his best friend's words, but he was consumed with a sudden wave of uncertainty and shyness.

"Mikey," Johnny's blue eyes locked onto his. "Don't over think this, bro." He raised a hand that had been caressing his abs. "C'mere."

Bottle set down, Mike slipped closer along the couch and interlaced his fingers with those of his brother's outstretched hand. It was as if that contact broke whatever dazes he was in and when Johnny pulled him forward, Mike went eagerly.

Lips, teeth, and tongue attacked Mike's mouth before he was even settled on top of his best friend. Johnny's hunger washed away the remaining confusion, doubt, and shyness, igniting Mike's own. The torrent of emotion and sensation that flooded Mike was overwhelming as he devoured Johnny's mouth.

Hand finally released, Mike felt every bit of skin available to him. Johnny violently pushed up, grinding and rubbing his jean clad cock against Mike. So hard, that if Mike hadn't been using equal counterforce to feel more, he would have been thrown off the man beneath him.

Mike's mouth couldn't seem to taste enough of Johnny. Tongue, lips, and teeth ran over the blonde stubble down Johnny's throat until he sucked hard on his best friend's jugular. Mike felt the moan that escaped Johnny through every bone, muscle, and cell in his body. He never heard anything more tantalizing, more erotic, and it was like music to his ears that he never wanted to stop listening to.

Mike continued to trail bites across Johnny's collarbone and shoulder before his lips finally settled on the pale tan bud of his brother's nipple. His best friend grasped the back of his neck and arched his chest into Mike when he bit down on the small hard nub and another one of those delicious sounds escaped his lips.

Mike broke his contact, reluctantly, when Johnny pulled his T-shirt over his head. The moment the fabric cleared his head, he latched back onto the nipple his teeth were torturing.

Johnny's own hands were squeezing Mike's pecs hard enough to bruise but that made him only push harder into the touch. The sounds his best friend was constantly making between their panting breaths were so intoxicating that Mike never realized when his brother freed him from his jeans.

"Oh God," Mike breathed against Johnny's chest when he felt the warm hand take him in a firm grip.

His hips jerked forward of their own accord. The sensation, along with the unconscious knowledge, that this was Johnny... His Johnny who was touching him was almost enough to send him over the edge.

"Wait... Stop..." Mike panicked as he froze, "wait..." He was so close and relieved when his words penetrated Johnny's desire crazed fog.

"Bro..." Johnny breathed and released his straining cock as he pulled Mike into another kiss.

Mike kept his groin from touching his brother as he kissed him and felt Johnny freeing himself. When Johnny's hands moved to Mike's lower back and caused their hard cocks to touch, Mike practically blacked out from the sensation overload. Silky, hot hardness pushed up against him sending jolts of pleasure to radiate from every sensitive nerve in his cock to the rest of his body.

"Fuck," Johnny breathed into their kiss and began to move.

Mike knew he would not last nearly long enough but he never wanted the feeling to stop. He buried his head against the side of Johnny's neck and fought the tingling that was beginning at the base of his spine. Holding back was a lost battle and when Johnny bit into his bruised, raw, neck from that morning, he didn't even feel his balls tighten before he crashed into his orgasm.

Johnny must have been right behind him because as his tremors began to settle, Mike could feel his brother beneath him still vibrating. Mike didn't move, couldn't move, not even to lift his bulk from his best friend. All he could do was gulp in warm draughts of the air that was trapped between Johnny's neck and the couch.

As he slowly came back to himself, breath finally evening out, he felt his best friend's fingers tracing lazy circles above the waist of his jeans. Mike pushed himself up to look at Johnny, which caused them to slide belly to belly, cock to cock, against each other. Johnny trembled again beneath him and gripped his hips hard.

"Don't," Johnny practically begged. "Don't move. Not yet." His fingers dug into Mike's hips above his jeans and Mike stilled.

"You meant what you said?" Mike dared to ask Johnny opened his eyes.

Blue eyes looked into Mike's soul and if the look his best friend gave him wasn't confirmation enough, then the words that followed were.

"Every fucking word, bro."

Mike placed his forehead on Johnny's chest and mentally cursed the overwhelming feelings that were bringing him to the verge of tears.

I've turned into a chick. Fucking about to cry with happiness,
Mike thought.

Mike got his emotions under control and relaxed into the new tender touches that Johnny was placing on his body. His mind began to drift and he let it. To think how much had changed in the last twenty-four hours and he would have never dreamed it possible. The reality of the joy was all-consuming and he knew he would never have a happier moment in his life. Mike's euphoria of the moment was shattered by a stray thought and he tensed.

"Bro?" The concern in Johnny's voice was evident.

Mike didn't answer his best friend but instead kept his forehead pressed against Johnny's muscular chest and groaned.

"Don't do that," Johnny ordered and Mike wasn't sure if he meant the tensing, the groaning, or both. He felt Johnny's hand on the back of his neck massaging muscles that were now as hard as a board.

"What?" Johnny asked. "Talk to me, bro."

"Your dad," was all Mike said.

"He's cool with this," Johnny replied and continued to massage Mike's tense neck. "He's the one who told me to go for it and to talk to you." Johnny chuckled. Mike couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips from the movement which rubbed in all the right ways against his trapped sensitive cock.

"Don't worry about mom, either," Johnny continued. "I think she knew before I did."

Mike thought about that for a moment and his conversation with his adoptive mother in the cab of his truck came back to him.

I've never seen two people more happy than when you and Johnny are together.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Mike smiled and turned his face so his cheek was resting right over Johnny's heart. Mike thought he should move but Johnny felt too good beneath him. However, he didn't want to crush his best friend.

"Am I too heavy?" Mike asked.

"You're just right," Johnny said but let him shift his weight to the side.

Mike and Johnny were both relaxed, muscles like water and eyelids growing heavy. Sleep was imminent and neither man fought it as they held one another, content and at peace.


The End




Brenda is unlike most authors since she only began writing a few years ago. Her first book
, an adult fantasy, was published in 2010. Her love for reading fantasy & paranormal erotic romance has caused her to discard her Bachelors degree in management in order to write full time. Currently, Brenda has ten books published (one of which is free!) and is always writing. Her latest release,
Coming Home
was published in August 2012.

Don't let the phrase 'erotic romance' throw you! Brenda's novels are rich in plot with characters you will crave to learn more about. She is rapidly making a name for herself in the m/m genera.

Brenda resides in Tampa, FL when not attending conventions and is the Chapter Coordinator for the
Tampa Bay O.G.R.E.s
as well as a volunteer with the
Tampa Bay Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence



Read on for a sneak peek at Cresting Tide!


Chapter One


Sunshine, brutally hot, blazed down upon the water without a cloud in the sky to impede its deadening brilliance. The crystal blue-green waters of the Caribbean reflected light like shards of mirrored glass scattered upon the waves. The water was almost too warm, far too relaxing, and swayed with the tide causing the body that floated upon its surface to rock gently.

Peter lay on his back floating along with the current that tried to lull him to sleep. Lull him to his death. Why he fought the inevitable, his sun-fried mind no longer knew. He deserved this fate for stowing away on the
Tide Runner
. A watery death awaited any stowaway, but he no longer thought about the captain's brutal hands as they stripped him bare of his few possessions and threw him overboard. He no longer thought of trying to reach the distant shore or treading water to survive. He thought of nothing at all but instead just drifted on the ever relaxing currents of the sea that he so loved.




Cuke felt the thrill that always coursed through him when he explored the span of sea the human crafts traveled.
To the depths with what his parents and the elders decreed!
The humans were interesting and always seemed to be doing curious things upon their surface crafts. Finding the human items on the sea floor or in their sunken vessels was his greatest pastime aside from dreaming about meeting an actual human one day. If only Poseidon would grant his prayers!

Cuke heard the distant clicks and whistles that belonged to one of the resident pods of dolphin in this stretch of the sea. He listened to their excitement at finding something new before he called out to them. They urged him to join them and see what they had discovered so he swam in the direction of their calls.

It was not long before he sensed the disturbance near the surface that had his finned friends so excited. As he looked toward the surface he knew his prayers to Poseidon had been answered. The human floating above him almost looked like a sea lion basking in the sun upon the surface. Cautiously, he swam closer and sent another prayer to Poseidon that the human still lived. The closer he swam, the louder the faint beat of the human's heart could be heard.

Cuke broke the surface several meters from the floating man. The clear membrane that protected his eyes from the wind of the sea slid into place but that did not obstruct his view. What he saw before him took his breath away! The man was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Hair the color of the sandy sea bottom floated away from an angular face. Sun blisters were starting to form on full chapped lips that were under a slightly crooked nose. Long pale lashes that could barely be seen were at the end of the man's closed eyes. Cuke wondered what color those eyes could be but before he could splash the man awake to see for himself, the human began to sink. Panic replaced Cuke's fascination and building desire as he dove beneath the surface.

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