Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle (156 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Scott

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fully realise how much she'd come to rely on him-not simply for protection, but for companionship. In a short time he'd become her buffer between herself and the world.

Chapter Twelve

C o u s i n Beth's prediction proved unerringly true. After seventeen hours of sleep and poultices, Paine looked and felt immensely more like himself, with the exception of a stiff arm. Peyton and

had rummaged their

wardrobes for spare clothes to replace the tatters he'd arrived in. They were all of a similar build and the fit was good. The few personal effects Julia had grabbed at the Brook Street house were laid out on the dresser.

He recognised his comb and his razor.

Out of curiosity over what had become of the rest of the clothes Julia had packed in the travelling valise, Paine opened the wardrobe and peered inside. Paine laughed to himself. It was empty except for his trousers, hopelessly wrinkled and entirely unsuitable for wearing.

He remembered then that his shirt had gone for a good cause. He hoped Julia had been as fortunate with a makeshift wardrobe as he. Whatever she'd packed for herself was probably in the same wrinkled state his own


clothes were in. But he did not doubt Cousin Beth's efficiency in managing every detail. He was certain suitable clothes had been found for Julia as well.

The sight of his crumpled clothes brought an image to mind of Julia upstairs in the Brook Street house, madly opening drawers, rummaging for clothes. At the

image seemed humorous and touching. Even in her haste, Julia had thought of what he might need-the comb and razor were evidence of that. Then, the image lost its warm edge. His Julia should never have to flee in the middle of the night. His Julia should never have to know the fear she'd known during their flight from London.

fierce protectiveness awoke within him.
His Julia.

Paine took a final quick look in the long mirror. He would do. shave would be nice, but he didn't want to take the time. He wanted to see Julia. Paine felt he had been somehow remiss in his duty to her. She was his to look after. He'd left her alone in a house of strangers to find her own way. Not that there was much need for worry. Peyton wouldn't let her go wanting. Neither would he let her out of his sight. Paine had been very clear in the note as to the dire situation of her circumstances.

Thoughts of Julia, of wanting to assure himself that she was well, propelled him downstairs in his borrowed clothes. The sun was up and it was mid-morning of what promised to be a glorious May day. Voices floated out of the breakfast room, Julia's among them, chatting and laughing with his brothers, and Beth was joining in the light banter around the table. It was an easy sound, a comfortable sound, one that made Paine smile.


Notorious Rake, Innocent Lady

Julia had the seat across from the door. She spied him immediately, a brilliant smile lighting her face upon seeing him. 'Paine, you're awake.'

He could have basked in the sun of that smile all day.

Paine couldn't recall the last time a woman had smiled at him with such genuine

that had nothing to do

with wanting something from him.

'How are you feeling?' Peyton was all concern from the head of the table.

'Quite well,' Paine assured him, suddenly feeling awkward in his brother's presence. He had much to reckon with in regards to the family and Peyton. He fought the urge to shift from foot to foot like an errant schoolboy called on the carpet instead of a thirty-two-year-old man with a self-made fortune. Paine turned from Peyton and busied himself at the sideboard, filling a plate with the traditional

offerings that had

adorned the Earl of Dursley's sideboard since he could remember. There was a quiet joy in lading his plate with sausages and eggs and a stack of buttered toast-the comfort foods of his boyhood.

He took the seat across from Julia, feeling conspicuous. The happy chatter he'd heard coming down the stairs had faded away, replaced with silence while they waited for him to be seated.

Paine unfolded the square of linen next to his plate.

Perhaps the reckoning would come now at breakfast. He rather hoped not. He'd prefer to explain things in private with Peyton. He didn't relish the idea of being called to the carpet in front of Julia. He'd come to like the idea

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