Broken Wings (The Broken Series Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Broken Wings (The Broken Series Book 3)
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took one step inside my kitchen and froze. A variety of pots were simmering on the
stove, and soft jazz was playing from my iPod, which was docked in the speaker
that sat on the counter. I set my books and purse on the counter. “Rafael?”

popped his head out of the sun room and smiled. “You’re home early.”

grinned. Rafael looked like a kid who’d just gotten caught with his hand in the
cookie jar. “Our professor had to attend a staff meeting, so class let out
early. What are you up to?”

closed the distance between us. His eyes sparked as he bent me back in a romantic
kiss. “I’m cooking dinner for you.”

steadied myself against the counter when he finally released me. I inched over
to the stove and opened the lid to one of the pots as he busied himself with a
bottle of wine. “Broccoli?”

smiled. “And Chicken Marsala.”

eyes widened. “Are you going to light it on fire and everything?”

laughed. “Of course I’m lighting it on fire.” He pulled me against his chest and
handed me a glass of wine. He reached for his glass as he offered up a toast. “

tapped my glass against his. “
” I replied. My eyes slid closed as
I sampled the wine. I smiled when Rafael’s lips met mine.

set his wine on the counter. He took my glass and set it next to his. Then he
pulled me in for a more thorough kiss. “I missed you today,” he whispered

heart tripped against my ribs. I reached up and caressed his cheek. “I missed
you too.”  

released me as the timer sounded from the stove.

leaned against the counter. “Are we eating in the sun room?”

lifted the lid from the large sauté pan. A garlic and mushroom infused steam
swirled above the stove. “Yes, but you aren’t allowed to go in there just yet.”
He flicked my kitchen lighter a few inches above the pan.

breath caught as a soft blue flame danced over the pan. I smiled, thoroughly
impressed. “Really? Why can’t I go in there?”

tossed the chicken and mushrooms by gently shaking the pan. The flame faded
into the sauce. “It’s a surprise,” Rafael replied as he set the pan on the
stove. He picked up the pot of broccoli and three metal trivets and disappeared
into the sun room.

leaned over the Chicken Marsala and inhaled deeply. “God, this smells

snatched the pan away. “Don’t move.”

lifted the lid on the remaining pot. I reached for a pasta spoon so I could
stir the fettuccini noodles. “You’re awfully bossy tonight.”

sit tight,” he growled. He yanked the pasta spoon out of my hand and took off
with the noodles.

reached for my wine. “You serve me coffee in bed and have dinner and wine waiting
for me when I get home. I could get used to this,” I warned.

strode back into the kitchen. “Good. You should get used to this. Now, close
your eyes.”

I squeaked.

took my glass, covered my eyes with his hand, and gently nudged me toward the
sun room.

stretched my hands out in front of me so I wouldn’t run into the French doors.

he breathed with his lips pressed to my ear. “You can look now.” He slowly
removed his hand.

breath caught as the sun room came into focus. Rafael had strung little white
lights across the ceiling of the sun room. He’d also woven them into a number
of plants. The lights twinkled softly in the dim light. A silver charger full
of thick white candles sat in the middle of the table, which was now draped with
a white tablecloth. The table was set with water glasses, silverware, white
linen napkins, and black square plates. A single white rose lay across my

turned in Rafael’s arms. “It’s beautiful,” I whispered. I rolled onto my
tiptoes and gave him a kiss.

beautiful,” he responded as we ended the kiss. He pulled my chair out for me.

pooled in my eyes as I removed the rose from my plate. Rafael reached for my
hand as he settled into the chair next to me. “What’s wrong, love?”

heart clenched as I met Rafael’s eyes. “Nothing. Everything is just so…

groaned. “It’s the rose. I’m sorry. I should have known that would remind you
of Michael.”

squeezed his hand. “No. He doesn’t get to be the only man who gives me roses.
It’s just the way it was sitting on the plate. It reminded me of the roses he’d
leave on the tray when he couldn’t join me for breakfast.”

kissed my hand. “I understand.”

sighed softly as Rafael ladled noodles and Chicken Marsala onto my plate. I
hadn’t had any dreams or nightmares about Michael since Rafael first appeared
in my room, and yet I was still thinking about him when I was awake. I wondered
if those memories would forever be steeped in pain.

* * * * *

met Kadyn at the Fort Myer gym so we could practice Karate. I took two changes
of clothes in this time, one for work and one for lounging around Kadyn’s apartment,
since we were planning to spend the evening there. I pushed through the
self-defense training, work, and school. Then I swung by China Delight to pick
up our usual order on my way to Kadyn’s place.

hesitated in front of his door. Kadyn was living in what used to be my
apartment, which was still a bit awkward for me. I felt an overwhelming sense
of loss every time I stepped inside the apartment. Worse yet, I couldn’t get
the images of Michael leaning against my bedroom door or Mickey bound with duct
tape out of my head. I took a deep breath and stepped forward to ring the doorbell.

pulled the door open. “I was wondering how long you were going to stand out

rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t standing here that long.” I handed him the bag of

stepped aside as I entered the apartment. He kicked the door closed. “How was
your day?”

kicked my shoes off and set them by the door. “It was okay. I’m tired, my brain
hurts, and my legs feel like Jell-O from all the Karate kicks you made me do
this morning.”

set the food on the kitchen counter as I slid onto the stool. He glanced at me as
he began dishing up our plates. “I’ve been thinking about the way you’re
kicking. I think I’ve got you kicking too high. Ideally, you would have a high
kick so you could target the groin, solar plexus, throat, or face; but we only
have a few more weeks before you leave for Ukraine. I think we should just
focus on kicking your opponent’s legs, right at the knee, in what’s called a stamp
kick.” He handed me my plate and a can of Sprite.

followed him to the couch. “I should kick lower and aim for the knee,” I
repeated as I committed the new strategy to memory.

smiled. “Exactly. I’d also like to teach you how to use your opponent’s
momentum against him, so you can throw him off balance and get away.”

raised an eyebrow at Kadyn. “Do I get to flip you over my shoulder?”

burst out laughing. “Sure, if you think you’d enjoy that.”

eyes grew wide. “Oh, yeah. I know I’d enjoy doing that.”

shook his head as he reached for the remote. “Well, in order to teach you how
to flip me, I’m going to have to flip you… multiple times.”

scowled at Kadyn as I sank onto the couch. “I knew there’d be a catch. What are
we watching anyway?”

settled onto the couch. A plate of food was in one hand. The remote was in the
other. “The new fast and furious movie.”


eyes widened in mock innocence. “What? I thought you liked fast cars.”

threw a fortune cookie at him. “And scantily clad girls? Not so much.”

laughed. “Next time, you can make me watch a chick flick.”

gave him a dirty look. “Don’t think I won’t.”

* * * * *

was dark when I woke. I couldn’t move. A well-muscled arm was locked around my waist.
My eyes blinked multiple times as I tried to register my surroundings.
old room?
I shot upright. “Holy Crap!”

bolted upright next to me. He quickly scanned the room. “What? What’s wrong?”

collapsed against the pillow. “I fell asleep?”

shot me an incredulous look. “Kri, you scared the crap out of me. I thought
someone was trying to break into the apartment.”

rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands. “How did I end up in your bed?”

fell back against his pillow. He propped himself up on his elbow as he turned
to face me. “I carried you. Honestly, Kri, you act like that’s a bad thing.
It’s not like you haven’t slept in my bed before.”

snatched his pillow, pulled it over my face, and screamed. “Arghh!”

yanked the pillow from my face. “Have you completely lost your mind?”

sat back up. “Yes. Yes, I have. I need to go. I have to go home and get ready
for work.” I glanced at the darkened blinds and scowled. “What time is it

shoved me against the pillow. “Hold on. You’re not going anywhere. Not just

tried to wiggle away from him. “Kadyn! What time is it?”

pinned me in place as he reached for the cell phone on the nightstand. “It’s

froze as Kadyn’s eyes met mine. He was sprawled on top of me, looking entirely
too pleased about my predicament.

brushed a lock of hair from my face. “Do you know how much I’ve missed sleeping
with you… how good it feels to hold you in my arms and wake up next to you?”

pooled in my eyes.

he whispered. “

slowly shook my head. “If I stay, we’re going to do something we’ll both

shifted his weight so his body fit more snugly against mine. He lifted my hands
so they were resting on top of the pillow. His fingers trailed down my left arm,
then paused along the side of my breast. “I won’t regret it, Kri.”

tried to ignore the need pooling inside of me as his fingers lightly grazed my
breast. “But the ground rules…”

eyes narrowed. “Are you going to tell me that Rafael hasn’t tried to break the
ground rules?”

heart slammed against my chest. “I…”

pressed his finger against my lips. “I don’t want to know. I just want…
You. Here. Now.”

eyes searched his. What I saw reflected back was too painful to see. I closed
my eyes, then slowly nodded.

waited for me to open my eyes before he replaced his finger with his lips. There
was so much hope and longing in his kiss. My head swam with memories… memories
of what Kadyn and I once shared… and memories of another man whose kisses had
been so full of hope. Tears stole silently down my face.

planted open-mouthed kisses all along my neck before kneeling between my legs and
lifting my shirt. He kissed my stomach, then froze. “Kri, are you crying?”

reached for me as I scrambled to get away. I lost sight of where I was and fell
out of bed. Air rushed from my lungs as my shoulder and hip hit the floor. I
pushed up slowly until I was sitting on my knees. I sighed miserably, then swiped
at my tears. “I’m sorry, Kadyn. It’s just… too much. I can’t… I’m not… I’m not
ready for this.”

eyes filled with regret as he reached for me. “God, Kri. I’m so sorry.”

rose to my feet and stumbled back toward the door. “I have to go. I’m sorry,
Kadyn. I just need some time to think. I… I… I can’t breathe.”

bolted into the living room, grabbed my purse and shoes, and fled the apartment.
I didn’t bother putting my shoes on. The tears came hard and fast as I stumbled
across the wet parking lot. It took me a few minutes to realize I was being
pelted with rain.

could barely see by the time I reached the jeep. I dropped my keys when I tried
to unlock the door. I fell to my knees and felt for the keys in the pooling
rainwater. When I couldn’t find the keys, I curled in on myself and sobbed.

Kadyn soothed as he handed me the keys. He seemed oblivious to the pounding
rain. He lowered himself to the ground, propped his back against the jeep, and pulled
me between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me. “Shhh. Please don’t cry,
Kri. Everything’s going to be okay.”

buried my face in his chest, which was streaked with rain. My tears fell
unchecked as I clung to him.

tried to apologize when the tears finally subsided. “God, Kadyn. I’m so sorry. I
don’t know what happened. It’s just… too many memories hit at once. It hurts so
much. I don’t understand. I don’t know why.”

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