Broken (The Dark Billionaire, #2)

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Authors: L.N. Pearl

Tags: #erotica, #billionaire, #Alpha Male, #free, #contemporary romance, #romance

BOOK: Broken (The Dark Billionaire, #2)
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The Dark Billionaire #2

L.N. Pearl

By the same author:

The Setup – The Dark Billionaire Book #1 (FREE)

Darker – The Dark Billionaire Book #3

Dangerous – The Dark Billionaire Book #4

The Last Kiss 1 - Ashley's Wet Dreams (FREE)

The Last Kiss 2 - Ashley's Wet Dreams

The Last Kiss 3 - Ashley's Wet Dreams

My romantic suspense books (different pen name):

The Kiss of the Don 1 - Bad Boy Billionaire Series (FREE)

The Kiss of the Don 2 - Bad Boy Billionaire Series

The Kiss of the Don 3 - Bad Boy Billionaire Series

Copyright © 2013 by L.N. Pearl All rights reserved worldwide.

No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.




Check Bruce Wilson’s lifestyle in pictures

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter One

ennifer had a terrible night.

Her mind was going crazy and she didn't sleep at all. She felt desperately lost and confused. She missed Bruce with all her heart, but at the same time, she was mad at him. She still didn't know what he was really thinking. Even worse, she didn't know about his feelings and that was the most difficult and painful thing to deal with for her.

She remembered all the moments she shared with Bruce and couldn't believe how it all ended. After all, it was all just a dream...

When she saw the sunrise, she decided it was time for her to leave this place. Time to leave all her memories of Bruce behind her. Forever. She was never going to see him again anyway. A new life was waiting for her back home. 

After all, this is my fault. I played with fire. I thought I was too smart and wanted him to understand MY point of view. Yes, if Bruce wants to buy his wife from East Europe, so be it! Who am I to tell him what to do after all? It's his life, not mine.

Jennifer went outside to enjoy the view one last time. She saw the beach, and the exact location where a few hours earlier, she had realized she was in love with Bruce. She closed her eyes, and remembered how strong and invincible she felt when she knew she loved him.

She remembered the sweetness of his touch and the kindness in his eyes.

She remembered how easy it was for him to turn her world upside down, and to make her do whatever he wanted.

Jennifer couldn't stop the tears filling her eyes and she cried with all her heart, unable to accept that she had lost the only man she ever loved with such passion.

Suddenly, she felt a hand touching her shoulder gently. Her heart jumped in her chest. She prayed and hoped.
Could it be Bruce? Is he coming back for me?

Full of hope, she turned around, only to see Maria, kindly smiling at her.

“I know what happened last night, my dear... I was around by chance, when I heard you and Mr. Wilson having an argument. The two of you seemed so happy on the beach having your picnic dinner, I'm so sad for you my dear.” Maria said, gently touching Jennifer's cheek with her hand.

“You mean... you were watching us... the whole night?”

“No my dear, don't worry. I was busy with my own date.” Maria gave a wink to Jennifer, trying to make her smile.

Jennifer laughed, wiping her tears with the tissue Maria was handing to her. “Ha-ha... May I ask with who?”

“With Jack!”

“You mean, the chauffeur?”


They both burst into laughter.

“We've been married for thirty years, and we've had ups and downs, you know. Just like you and Mr. Wilson. It's only a misunderstanding okay; it's not the end of the world! You can fix this my dear!”

“I wish, Maria, I wish, but Bruce has a strong personality, and I think he's really mad at me.”

Maria opened her arms and invited Jennifer to give her a hug.

“Come on, my dear, stay positive okay? I'm sure he really likes you deep inside.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you're the only girl I saw him bringing here... I never saw him with anyone except you in this house. I'm sure you're very special!”

So it was true, then.

“In that case, he must be really mad at me. I think I disrespected him.”

“Let's talk about that later, will you? Jack and I are flying back to New York with you. Take it easy, okay?”


t was 11:00 AM when Jennifer knocked at the door of her grandmother's home. 

“Jennifer, honey! How are you? You look terrible, what happened? Something wrong with Bruce?”

“Yes, Grandma. You were right, it was a bad idea. It's over. And I'm fired.”

Margareta took Jennifer in her arms and prepared lunch for her. Then, over a cup of coffee, they spent the next two hours talking about what happened with Bruce. Of course, Jennifer avoided going into the spicy details.

At 3:00 PM, Jennifer texted Benny. She wanted to know if everything was fine for him. Very quickly, they started to exchange several messages. 

“Hope you're doing fine at work without me. You will have to, anyway. I'm not coming back.”

“What? Loving Thailand too much? Found your prince charming on the beach? ;)”

“It has to do with something that happened on the beach yeah. I'm fired. Can you pack my things?”

“Wow, are you serious? Fired? OMG, I'm so sorry!”

Jennifer gave him her home address, plus further instructions to help him with his job.

Completely exhausted by her sleepless night, she decided to take a nap, and went to sleep in her grandmother's room for an hour and a half.

She woke up suddenly when her phone rang. It was Maria. The two of them had exchanged their numbers on the way back from the beach house, to New York. 

“Honey, this is Maria. Do you feel better?”

“Hi Maria, yes I just took a nap. How are you?”

“Good. Listen, Jack and I want to take you out tonight. We felt bad for you this morning when we dropped you home. Do you have any plans?”

“Oh, thank you that's really sweet, but aren't you guys supposed to be at Bruce's mansion? ”

“Not tonight, my dear. So, are you busy?”

“Not really. Where do you want to go?”

“Surprise! Where are you? We will come to pick you up at 6.”

Jennifer gave Maria her grandmother's address and went online to check her emails, waiting for Maria to pick her up.


t exactly 6:00 PM, Maria called Jennifer on her cellphone to let her know she was waiting in front of the building.

Jennifer got dressed, kissed her grandmother and went downstairs. When she saw Bruce's black limousine, she stopped. Jack was in the driver's seat, his wife next to him. When she saw Jennifer, Maria jumped out of the car.

“Jennifer! Over here!”

“Hey! Hum... are we going out with Bruce's limo? I don't feel very comfortable doing that, you know. Maybe I should follow you in a taxi.”

Maria motioned her to get inside the car. “Don't worry, honey. Mr. Wilson is aware that Jack and I are using his limo tonight. It's going to be fun. Get in!”

“Alright. You don't want to seat in the back with me? I'm going to feel pretty lonely by myself in there.”

“Jack likes me to seat with him. Sorry, honey. Just make yourself comfortable.”

Jennifer reluctantly opened the door, and entered the long limo. It was dark inside and too big for her, she thought.

She looked around, when a familiar voice made her jump. “Good evening, Jennifer.”

Jennifer quickly raised her hands to her mouth. “Oh my God, Bruce! You scared me! What are you doing here?”

Bruce laughed. “As you can see, I'm going out... in MY car.”

Jennifer looked at the front of the car and saw Maria smiling, giving her a wink.
I see. It's a setup. Well done, Maria!

Jennifer sighed, as Maria turned back around. Jack pushed a button, and a black window moved up between her and the old couple. She was now completely alone with Bruce. They both kept silent for a few minutes, before Bruce got closer to her.

“Maria came to me after they dropped you home, and she said you were really sad this morning.”

Jennifer gave a sniff, and raised her eyebrows. “What else did you expect?”

“I just want to say I'm sorry.” Bruce grabbed her hand. “I... I didn't know what to expect from this confrontation last night. I knew it was you all along, but I couldn't figure out what you had in mind. I didn't know if you were trying to get something from me or if you were playing with me.”

“Well, I thought YOU were playing with me, actually.”

“I know, I got your message last night, when you mentioned about my past and...”

“And I disrespected you, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, it was mean and not appropriate.”

“The truth is, you were right somehow. I tried to imagine how it felt to be in your shoes, since you've always known me as a player, but I've changed or should I say, YOU made me change. At first, I really intended to meet my potential wife from abroad. Everything I told you about me was true.”

“That’s good to hear. Well now, what do you think? How do you feel about me?”

“I was intrigued as I told you, but when I think about it, I realize that you really have guts. It's a very bold plan that you had and, I have to admit that I like that. I respect that. I understand your initial motivation and it's courageous from you.”

“So you're not angry at me?”

“At first I was, but what we experienced, what we shared together proved me you were right. All these years, I've used my status and my money to attract women. With you, it was different. You were the one who tried to make me better, without any hidden agenda. You were not chasing my fortune; you were here to make me a better man.”

“I see, but you didn’t' answer my other question. How do you feel about me?”

Bruce looked her straight in the eyes. “Oh Jennifer, you know how I feel, don't you?”

“I want to hear it from you, Bruce. I need to know for sure.”

“Jennifer: I love you. There's absolutely no doubt about that. You've been around me all this time and I didn't realize it. But now I know it's you. You're the one for me, baby.”

Bruce leaned forward and kissed Jennifer tenderly. Tears were rolling from her eyes. She smiled at him. “Baby, I love you so much. I was so afraid to lose you last night.”

“Never.” Bruce kissed her cheek, giving her a big hug.

“What about my job?” Jennifer said half smiling.

They both burst into laughter.

“You want to keep your job?”

“Sure! As they say in France, I can't live on love and freshwater! I need to pay my bills.”

“Well, Benny is actually very good. I'll figure out something else for you, don't worry.”

Bruce kissed her hair and they both cuddled in silence.

“Where are we going?” Jennifer said, turning her head to see Bruce.

Bruce looked at her, a naughty smile on his face. “To the Opera...”

Jennifer giggled. “You nasty boy!”

Bruce’s phone vibrated. It was a text message. Suddenly, his face became dark and his smile disappeared into a worried look.

“Something’s wrong, Bruce?” Jennifer asked.

Bruce looked slightly disoriented. He kept silent and closed his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts. She had a bad feeling about it. “Bruce, are you okay? What’s going on?”

He pressed her against his chest and said, “Trouble is coming...”

Chapter Two

“Hey Benny, nice to see you again. How are you?” Jennifer said, giving Benny a hug.

“Hi Jennifer, I’m good, thanks! How was your vacation? Come on, look at you: you look gorgeous! This new hairstyle and your tan, wow! It really makes you...” Benny hesitated, winked at her and said, “Sexy!”

They both burst into laughter. The last two weeks, Jennifer had spent her time sunbathing at Bruce’s beach house, in order to relax and come back as if she actually spent her vacation in Thailand.

Bruce and she both agreed their relationship was safer if nobody knew about it at work. Plus, since Bruce couldn’t think of a new position suitable for Jennifer for now, they decided the best decision to make was to keep things exactly as they were before. 

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