Broken Road (21 page)

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Authors: Char Marie Adles

BOOK: Broken Road
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One week later…



“What is he doing here?” Devil snapped at Grange who had burst in the door a moment after Winthrop.

   Grange didn’t have time to answer as Winthrop stepped in front of Devil blocking off her view and glared down at her.

   “What in the hell do you think your doing?” Devil snapped at him.

   “Taking you home, your being discharged in a few days and you’re coming back to the ranch with me and Lilla. You are not,” he threw over his shoulder, “going anywhere else. You will finish recovering at the ranch.”

   Looking in his silver blue eyes Devil saw them flash with a steel glint and she answered in turn with fire.

   “I will go where I please,” Devil started out with a hiss, “and I refused to be pitied by you. Take your pity and give it to some other girl, I don’t want it.”

   Gritting his teeth he asked, “Is that what you think this is? That I’m going to bring you back to the ranch out of pity?”

   Devil smiled. “The man gets a cookie! Not only that but after I’m finished healing you would likely toss me out again and I would rather end it now if you don’t mind.” Devil saw Grange turning to go out of the room. “You get back here,” she ordered.

   “Leave,” Winthrop bit out.

   Grange gave her a shrug with a faint smile, made a sign to say he’d be back in a moment and left.

   “See what you did?” she turned on Winthrop, tears welling in her eyes. “Can’t you just leave me alone? I’ve already lost my babies and I don’t want your pity for it. I don’t want any more pain, I can’t take it,” Devil wailed.

   Winthrop regretted his words had made her cry, but he had to make her understand. He wouldn’t lose her this time.

   He sat on the side of her bed and drew her unwilling into his arms. “Listen to me! I do not hold any pity for you. I just want you to come home with me, it feels wrong without you there with Lilla. I don’t want you to go with Grange.” He wiped away her tears and whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

   She pulled back to look at him and he saw she didn’t believe him, and knew she probly never would. After all it had been his fault she lost their twins.

   “Just give it a chance,” he begged silently and kissed her softly, “please.”

   After a long moment she nodded and pushed him away. “I’ll go with you, but I won’t promise anything,” Devil said quietly and turned her face away from him.

   She would give him one more change and if he blew it she would be out of there and back on a plane to New York faster then he could say her name.








Three days later after a long painful ride back to the ranch Devil just sat in Grange’s truck, unwanting to move. Dr. Ross had pronounced her healthy and healed enough for the ride back. But she had been told she wasn’t to do anything for at least another two weeks.

   It had been crazy getting out of the hospital with all the reporters and fans there to wish her well, or hoping for a story. Grange however had told them to back off and they had quickly left the city.

   Grange tapped on the glass of her window. “You’ll have to come in eventually.”

   Devil sighed. “But I don’t want to
right now.”

   “Your girlfriend is inside waiting for you. She’s been here since the wreck driving the men nuts with her stubbornness.”

   That got her attention. “Cee’s here?”

   Grange nodded and he smiled as Devil opened the door and climbed out gingerly. Without warning Grange swept her up in his muscled arms and carried her in. Cee was the one who opened the door.

   “Thank god that you are here. This man,” she jabbed a finger over her shoulder to Winthrop, “is insufferable and impossible!”

   Devil smiled wearily at Cee, but when she looked at Winthrop tears filled her eyes and she had to look away.

   Winthrop cursed and pushed pass them out the door.

   “Honey are you okay? Where does it hurt?” Cee asked with worry.

   “I-it’s just been a l-long day,” she said wiping the tears from her eyes. “I need to rest and see Lilla, that’s all. I’ve missed her something terrible.”





With the baby snuggled up in her arms, Devil slept peacefully on his bed. Winthrop stood in the doorway and looked down at the woman he loved and thought how perfect it was that she was there, that she belonged there.

   If only he could get her to think that way again, that was his problem.

    There was a dark feeling gnawing in his stomach that he had done more damage then he could possibly repair, but that week apart he nearly killed him to be away from her. Every night that had passed without her close by had been a living hell as his nightmares came back, but this time in the end she had died. The relief he still felt that she was alive amount to no other.

   Winthrop would do everything in his power to make sure she stayed. He had to convince her that his life without her had no meaning. He wouldn’t life that hallow existence again if he could help it. Now that he knew the desperate anger, sadness, and love he refused to give them up. And if anything came in his way all he had to do was knock it back down.

   A sadness descended in his heart at the thought of the children she had lost, but if things went right, in time, there could be more.



Devil spent most of the time in his room, staring blankly at the wall and crying every time a thought about her lost babies came to mind. At first Cee had come to lay in bed wit
her a few hours a day and then she would bring Lilla for a few and switch back, but after the first few night Devil couldn’t bear being close to anyone just yet.

   Winthrop only came when he thought she was a sleep and he would pull up a chair next to the bed and speak to her quietly. Devil never let him knew that she heard everything he said, but on the fifth night when he had cried Devil had t
o and he found out.

    “Why do things have to be so hard?” She asked him.

   “I don’t know. I just don’t know.” Winthrop got up, pressed a kiss to her forehead and left then.

   Grange stopped him down the hall and pulling him close. “What did you two talk about?”
   “She asked why life had to be so hard,” Winthrop smiled sadly, “but I had no answer.”

   Grange nodded and patted his boss and friend on the back. “I’ll let you in on a secret. Whenever she was having a hard time when she was with Royal she would do much of what she is doing now. Royal found out that music always made her happier.”

   “What does that have to do with anything?”

   Grange sighed heavily and shook his head. “Just make her happy.”
Or I will.

   It didn’t need to be said between them, but they both knew.

   He nodded and walked down stairs. Winthrop leaned against the wall and thought.


Chapter Thirty Five




Five days later…


There was a light knock on her door and Devil got out of her bed to pull it open. Celia smiled at her gently and came in. Devil saw the box she had in her arms.

   “What’s that?”

   “A gift from someone who loves you.
Now, no more question and try this on.”

   Devil sat on the bed eyeing the box as Cee opened it and pulled out a beautiful white cotton dress and a new pair white matching boots. Touching the soft white leather Devil grunted her approval of the pieces.

   “Stand up,” Cee ordered suddenly and without thinking Devil did. She was deft and quick as she stripped Devil and had her in the dress in two minutes flat.


   “What are you dressing me up for? I don’t want to go anywhere,” Devil said quietly, “I’m tired.”

   “You’ve been in bed for more then a month it’s time to get up and do something. I understand loosing them has been hard, but you can’t let yourself waste away.” Cee started brushing Devil’s long hair.

   “Why not?” she asked wistfully.

   “Because you have Lilla to raise and there are other people who can’t live without you. Like me for instance, without you I don’t get a pay check and I like buy expensive things.”

   Devil laughed softly. “Not like you need my pay check to do that.”

   “True, but with yours I can buy more things. There. Done. Now lets get on those boots and get you down stairs.” Cee squeezed her shoulders.

   Devil eyed her friend and saw she was wearing a similar light blue dress. “Really what’s happening?”

   “We’re cheering you up now come on.”

   Cee tugged on her hand until she followed. Devil looked around the ranch house as they descended the stairs and out the front door. That’s when she heard the soft music playing.

   The moment she was out the screen door she froze. The entire length of the porch in both is gigantic with and height was decorated with little lights and flowers.

   “Oh my,” she breathed.

   They had turned the Victorian porch into a dance floor.

   “May I have this dance?” asked a deep voice next to her.

   Devil looked up at Winthrop with wide eyes and nodded silently. He took her hand gently and spun her around once till she came to rest in his arms. He lead them in a circle around the floor moving slowly. Grange and Celia join in dancing themselves and that’s when Devil noticed the ranch hands as they started to pair up with other women she had never seen before and started to dance.

   “You did this?” she asked him.

   He nodded and flushed a dull red. “I did. I thought it might cheer you up.” He leaned his forehead against her’s. “Did it work?”

   Warmth fill her and she felt tears threaten. “Yeah, it did. Thank you.”

   “I am sorry for not talking to you about everything soon,” he whispered roughly, “but I thought I could protect you. I failed.”

   Devil tightened her grip on the back of his neck. She kissed his lips once, twice and whispered back, “Its not your fault. I was the one who couldn’t protect the babies.”

   Winthrop tightened his arms until she was crushed within them. “I should have known. You had sickness signs before you left, but I paid you no mind. It isn’t your fault we lost them. God just loved them so much he couldn’t wait to meet them.”

   Devil clung to him as she hadn’t since she had been back to the ranch. “I’m still so sorry.”

   Winthrop pulled back a little and kissed her nose. “Would you still like children?”

   Devil drew in a shaky breath and nodded. “I would, but not for a while. I still don’t think I’m quiet over losing the twins.”

   Taking heart in hand Winthrop asked, “Would you like to stay here? With me, I mean. Forever?”

   She sucked in a breath and stared at him stunned. “What,” she whispered.

   “Would you stay here with me and be my wife?” he asked simply with a smile curving his harsh lips.

   Shaking with joy Devil about strangled him as she hugged him. “Yes, oh yes!”

   Winthrop felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over to Grange.

   “I told you,” Grange mouthed.

   Winthrop nodded his thanks and turned back to the woman in his arms.

   “Its not everyday you see a man in love with a girl and lets her go to another man,” Celia commented from where she was coming back from the restroom.

   Grange sent her a glare and sighed when she glared back.

   “It hurts, but not as bad  as I thought. I love her, its true and I always will, but I don’t love her the way Winthrop does. I could never love that way again.” He gazed after the couple as they kissed and then danced another song.

   Celia smiled at him and patted him shoulder. “You never know. Life has a way of making changes unexpectedly. Lets go see if we can find some beer inside.” She stared with disgust at glass. “I hate white wine.”

   Grange laughed. “Come on, I’ll show you where it is.”

Chapter Thirty Six





Devil smiled one final time before she waved and walked off stage. Her heart was pounding like wild and her breath was coming in short gasps. Her final concert had just gone off without a hitch even
if it had been a few months pass due
, however the worst part of being covered on the news after the crash was that somehow the entire world had found out her past.

   Wiping the sweat from her face she accepted the bottle of water that Cee handed her with a smile.

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