Read Broken Course Online

Authors: Aly Martinez

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Wrecked and Ruined Book 3

Broken Course (20 page)

BOOK: Broken Course
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"I knew I liked her for a reason. She’s a smart lady."

"Yeah. Whatever." I run a frustrated hand through my hair. He’s right. They’re both right, but damn. Telling her is going to suck.

"Oh, hey. Speaking of Erica, who do you want me to send down to Indy since I’ll be stuck here running things this weekend?"

"Not one of the new guys. See if Long would be willing to go. His wife is pregnant, but it’s just a weekend and I don’t think she’s due for a while. Check Slate’s schedule first though. He may not want anyone if they don’t have any plans."

"So what are you going to do about Sarah?" he asks as I walk toward the door.

"I’m going to take her on a trip. This is her birthday present. I fully intend to make good on it. When we get back, I’ll sit her down and talk to her. I have no fucking idea what I’ll say, but I’ll figure it out I guess." I breathe a defeated sigh.

"Just tell her the truth. She’s gonna be pissed, but she’ll get over it. Leo, when I was going through my shit, she was there. She reached out to me, and we became friends over coffee and drama. I have zero desire to talk about any of it with you, but I’ll tell you she’s good people. Crazy as hell, but I mean that in the best possible way. Her mind is always spinning. She overthinks and tries to rationalize everything—even the irrational shit. She looks for a greater meaning and symbolism in everything. The truth is she looks so hard sometimes that she misses the obvious shit right in front of her."

I blink at him, waiting for his words to sink in, but it never comes. "I have no fucking idea what the hell you just said."

He laughs a deep, throaty sound that you rarely hear from such a stoic man. "You’ll get it eventually."

"No, I’m serious. I think you were speaking in hieroglyphics. I wasn’t expecting it. You didn’t put ‘bilingual’ on your job application," I joke, and he flashes me a smile and some shiny gold on his teeth.

"How about this? I know you can understand this.
Cállate la boca, cabrón."
Shut the fuck up, asshole.

Sí, eso lo escuche alto y claro, puta."
Yeah, I got that one loud and clear, bitch

We both begin laughing, and I reach a hand out. He slaps it before pulling me in for a chest bump.

"I’m gonna jump in the shower. You think you can drive us to the airport around nine?"

"Yep. Oh, and if she asks, tell her I told you we know each other from yoga."

"You do yoga?"

"Nah, and I haven’t seen her since she left Foundations, but she’ll think it’s funny." He winks.

"Hey, Johnson," I call just before I leave the room. "You might want to start saving up. Because if you ever hug Sarah while she’s half naked again, you’re gonna need to invest in some new gold teeth." I don’t even wait long enough for him to respond, but I hear him chuckle as I close the door behind myself.

"FUCK, LEO!" I moan against the shower wall as he drills inside me.

"Don’t you fucking come. I swear to God,
, if you come before I do, we’re starting all fucking over. I don’t give a fuck if we do miss our flight."

Those twenty minutes I penciled in for a joint shower are almost up and Leo is showing no signs of slowing. When he prowled into the bathroom after his talk with Aiden, I was a nervous wreck. I had no idea what he might tell Leo about me. Things that happened at Foundations are supposed to be confidential, but when you find out your best friend is dating a basket case, those lines might get blurred. My hands were trembling at the very thought of coming clean with Leo. I might have taken the first step by telling him about the wreck, but I knew the accident wasn’t what would send him running. Who I became after the wreck would take care of that.

However, the moment he stopped behind me, I knew nothing had been said. His eyes weren’t full of disgust or betrayal—they were blazing with desire. He didn’t say a word as he pushed me forward against the sink. He snatched my panties down my legs and thrust a finger inside me from behind. It was so fucking hot that I almost came on the spot. And now, I wish I had.

Leo’s left me teetering for the full twenty minutes. Like some sort of sexual terrorist, every time I get close, he stops and changes things up.

What started at the sink quickly moved to the shower, where he pinned me against the wall and pushed inside me so fast that I almost lost my footing.

It’s rough, deep, and

"Please," I beg, moving my hand down to my clit, desperate to find the release he has been denying me.

"Don’t. Come." He pulls my arm back up, holding both of my wrists in one hand above my head. "You’ve never come with me. I want to feel that tight pussy milking me while I empty inside you."

"Then fucking come, because I was ready the minute you gave me your cock," I snap as the need becomes too much.

"Mmmm," he purrs. "I like when you catch attitude while I’m fucking you." He slams inside me, forcing a cry from my throat.

Oh, fuck this.

I push back, grinding against him. If he wants to come with me, I can speed up this process.

"Damn it," he groans as I tighten my muscles around his dick, all the while matching his every stroke. "Oh, fuck," he moans, and I feel him swell inside me. His hand drops between my legs. "Come, Sarah," he rasps on a breath.

His words do nothing to force the orgasm, but those circles over my clit that Leo has perfected set me off like a bolt of lightning. My knees go weak as he pulsates inside me.

My head is light as I come down. "I need a nap," I say as he slowly continues to slide in and out of me.

"You can sleep on the plane."

"That was amazing," I sigh, and he lets out a soft chuckle.

"We need to get going. We’re going to be late." He slowly pulls out, but before I can even groan from the loss, he snakes a hand down and pushes a finger inside me.


"Like, really soon. We need to go." A second finger joins his first.

"Okay," I answer wantonly, pushing back against his hand.

He glides his other hand up to my breast and squeezes gently. "Do you have one more to give me,

"I’ll give you as many as you want." I drop my head back against his shoulder as his hand speeds inside me.

"I want to claim every one of these. You want to come, you do it with

"There’s no one else," I whisper.

He reaches up and grabs my hand, pulling it down to join his own, which is playing between my legs. "That’s not what I mean. Not even these fingers get what’s mine," he growls, raking his teeth over my shoulder.

I let out a breathy laugh, but his fingers suddenly twist, silencing me.

"You want to come, you do it with me," he repeats.

"You go out of town a lot," I manage to squeak out just to be a smartass as another orgasm builds inside me.

"That’s what Skype is for,
. Now tell me you got it and come on my hand."

I reach between us, grabbing his softening dick and giving it a gentle stroke. "Then these belong to me."

"Not a problem." His fingers begin a deliciously frantic rhythm.

Seconds later, I give Leo exactly what he asked for. As pleasure tears through my body harder than even the first time, I have absolutely zero problems giving Leo James every orgasm I ever experience while we are together.

Hell, maybe even forever.

AFTER OUR flight was delayed, Leo and I arrived in San Juan at around seven p.m. We were both exhausted, but I insisted we at the very least grab a drink and hit the beach. I haven’t had any wine or alcohol since my birthday, and I’m not exactly sure how I feel about drinking at all anymore. After the accident, it seemed logical to give up alcohol. However, now, I don’t particularly have any strong feelings about it. Although I’m not too fond of the idea of getting drunk off one drink and making a fool of myself in front of Leo.

"I want a virgin Sangria," I announce as we approach the bar.

"So you want fruit punch?"

"With fruit floating in it," I finish with an excited grin, and he shakes his head at me.

He turns to the bartender and orders our drinks in Spanish. I’m pretty sure he makes fun of me too because he and the bartender both start laughing and eyeing me. But it’s hard to be annoyed by something like that when Leo is rolling his Rs with his hand possessively resting on my ass. When I look up, he gives me a sexy smirk before leaning down and placing his warm lips to mine in a sensual kiss.

"Here. Let me pay for the drinks," I say, digging into my purse to pull out my credit card.

Leo lets out a loud laugh that makes me jump.

"What?" I ask.

"Sarah, you have lost your damn mind if you think you are paying for anything this weekend. This was my birthday present to you."

"Um. No. Your birthday present was flying me down here, putting me up in a gorgeous hotel, sleeping naked next to me, and sexing me up every time I so much as get wet."

His eyes go wide and he quickly looks around the almost empty bar to see if anyone overheard me. "Jesus Christ, woman. Not so loud."

"Your birthday present did not include buying our every drink or meal. So please let me pay for some stuff while we’re here."

"No," he responds shortly before pulling me in front of him and wrapping an arm around my waist. He brushes the hair off my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "This is my birthday present. You don’t get to define the limitations. You want to do tit for tat while we’re here? Fine, but you’re going to do it in a different way than paying for things. You feel the need to take a turn, you take my dick in your mouth while I’m sleeping naked next to you." He finishes by rolling his hips into my ass, revealing a hard-on that definitely wasn’t there a few moments earlier. He then pulls out his wallet and tosses some money around me on the bar. I don’t argue.

"You know, the beach will still be there in the morning. Maybe we don’t need to go out there tonight. I suddenly feel the need to take a turn. You did, after all, buy me a drink," I say and he busts out laughing.

"There’s plenty of time for that,
. First, we are going to need to stand here for a few minutes while I recite the periodic table. Then how about we go out to the beach for a little while before you take your turn?" He winks.

"Okay," I respond, pressing my ass back against him.

He lets out a cuss and quietly starts mumbling, "Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium…"

BOOK: Broken Course
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