Broken (36 page)

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Authors: Janet Taylor-Perry

BOOK: Broken
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While in the United Kingdom, the family actually spent two nights in a Scottish castle that had been converted into an exclusive hotel. They rode horses across the castle's vast grounds. They visited the normal tourist attractions in the U. K., such as The Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, The British Museum, Canterbury Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben, plus Scotland Yard just for the cop who could not quit. Their last night in London, they took in a Shakespearean play in the newest Globe Theater.

Then they made their whirlwind tour of Scandinavia with one night in Hammerfest to experience the Northern Lights. Under the mesmerizing Aurora Borealis, Ray began to question bringing Kyle with them as he watched Kyle and Courtney together.

Ray put his arms around Larkin and whispered, "Are you sure they're not sleeping together?"

"Ray, don't start. You agreed to this arrangement."

"I don't want a repeat of Trista."

"Ray, stop it. We have to trust them." She rolled her eyes. "And I believe you already gave them condoms."

"Yeah, I know. Help me here. I'm having a hard time letting my little girl go."

"I'll talk to her alone. Don't you dare say a word to either of them."

The group moved on to Eastern Europe. Ray made sure they visited the area that had once been known as Transylvania. He hoped to scare his elder daughter a bit. He did—right into Kyle's embrace.

Ray sulked in bed that night. Larkin scolded him. "I told you to leave it alone. Damn it, Ray! You can't always have
your way. They haven't had sex, but if you keep this up, they will."

On the Greek Isle cruise, Ray put the women in one cabin and bunked with Kyle. The boy could only laugh. "Would you like me to put a ring on her finger?"

"What?" snapped Ray.

"Maybe I'm waiting for Paris. It's supposed to be a romantic city."

"Am I that transparent, Kyle?"

"Yes. You don't have to worry. Chill out and enjoy this trip."

"All right. Sorry. I guess I'm a little protective."

"It's okay. Just remember I do love her, too."

The Italian stop was much more relaxed. The Coliseum was fascinating. But best of all was that Ray insisted on separate gondolas in Venice. He actually wanted a romantic night with his wife.

Skiing in the Swiss Alps was spectacular, and Cherie gorged on Swiss chocolate. Then, they moved to the lowlands. In Amsterdam, Kyle and Courtney made their own plans.

"Where are you going?" asked Ray.

"Daddy, don't ask because you already know. Maybe you should try it, too. It might make you mellow like Uncle Raif."

"Are you telling me that Raif tokes?"

"I'm not telling you anything. It's legal now, you know."

"At eighteen."

"Daddy, I'm eighteen. We'll be back later. Don't wait up."

Ray scowled as the door closed. Larkin slipped her arms around his waist. "Want to try it?" she asked.

"I'll stick to beer, thank you."

"It won't damage your kidney like beer."

"I don't drink that much beer."

"Not usually."

"Do you wanna try it?"

"Been there; done that."

"When?" he asked turning around to look at his wife.

"You used to work too much."

"Who with?"

Larkin cackled. "Whom do you think?"

"Raif?" he asked, his eyes enormous.

She dipped her chin in affirmation. "And others, like Lindsay, Dupree, and Chris."

"What did you think?"

"If you can get past the taste, relaxing."

"Who would watch Cherie if we went out?"

"The hotel au pair. Do you want to go?"

Ray shrugged. "When in Rome…"

"This is Amsterdam," Larkin teased.

"Smart aleck!" Ray said as he popped her behind. "How does it affect, you know?" He arched an eyebrow. "Sex?"

"I guess we're about to find out." Larkin called the hotel au pair for two hours, and she and Ray experienced life in the Amsterdam social scene.

When they arrived back at the hotel, Cherie was sound asleep and Kyle and Courtney had not yet returned. Ray had just a slight case of the munchies and snagged an apple from the fruit basket as Larkin led him to their bedroom. Ray was ecstatic that their indulgence only enhanced their physical chemistry. Romance ruled the night.

They moved on to Portugal and Spain. Finally, they arrived for their month in Paris.



Paris is known as the City of Love. In the Reynoldses' case it certainly proved to be true. Ray and Larkin took the opportunity to act like newlyweds although their daytime excursions always included a third party, Cherie, as they visited The Louvre, The Eifel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Musee d'Orsay, The Sorbonne and the Latin Quarter, the Arc de Triomphe, The Champs-Elysees, Sacre Coeur and Montmartre, Pere Lachaise Cemetery, the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Beaubourg Neighborhood, and the Moulin Rouge and took a boat tour on the Seine.

Meanwhile, Kyle and Courtney kept their own schedule. They visited the same sights, but in their own time. They also rented a car and explored the wine county and took off for a weekend on the Riviera.

Back in Paris, they walked the streets hand in hand. Stopping just to look at the Seine, the pull was irresistible. Kyle took Courtney's face in his hands. First, he kissed her, pouring his soul into every breath. He then gazed intently into her eyes.

"Kyle?" Courtney asked. "Is everything all right?"

"Everything is perfect. Courtney Marissa Reynolds, I love you. You are my rock, my strength. In your embrace, I've found who I am. You've shown me that I can be a man."

He reached into his pocket. "I've been carrying this since the day I disappeared in Belgium. I went to Antwerp. You can find the finest diamonds there."

He dropped to one knee and opened the box he held. Inside was a platinum half carat flawless solitaire in an oval setting. "Will you marry me, Courtney?"

"My dad will have a nervous breakdown."

"I'm not asking your dad to marry me."

"You know I will. When? Where?"

"Here in Paris before we go home."

"My dad will truly have a nervous breakdown."

"Yeah, he might." He gave her a cockeyed grin. "I'm glad your mother's here to calm him down."

Kyle slipped the ring on Courtney's finger. He stood and kissed her again.

"Well," she said, "we had best get this show on the road. We only have a couple of weeks left in Paris."

Kyle and Courtney entered the hotel suite earlier than any previous night. Cherie was already asleep, but Ray and Larkin snuggled romantically on the couch. Ray looked over his shoulder. "What a surprise!" he quipped.

"That's only the first surprise," said Courtney.

"Oh, God," moaned Ray. "Show me the ring."

"You're not surprised?" asked Courtney.

"Not really. Kyle hinted at as much during the Greek Isle cruise."

Courtney gleefully showed her parents the ring. Ray looked at the young people. "Tell the rest."

Kyle took Courtney's hand as he said, "We'd like to get married here in Paris before we go home."

The look on Ray's face said everything. "What about college?" he asked.

"We can still go to college. We know it won't be easy, but Patrick and Jenna have made it. So we can."

"What about the rest of the family?"

"We can have a reception when we get home." Kyle sounded like Robert strengthening an argument.

"Your mother will have a stroke."

"No, she won't. She was expecting this."

"What if I say, 'No'?"

Kyle breathed deeply. "We will appeal to your saner side." He looked at Larkin.

"Don't look at me!" she said. "You're both eighteen. You can do it whether we approve or not."

"But we want your approval, not to mention your attendance."

Nobody said anything for a while. Finally, Ray asked, "When?"

"Tomorrow would be good," said Courtney.

"Day after," said Larkin. "At least let us get a wedding dress."

"Deal," agreed Kyle.

Ray glowered at the two. "I knew it was coming. I just wanted it to be longer. Are you wearing white?"

"Absolutely, Daddy," answered Courtney.

"All right then. Day after tomorrow. That will be January thirteenth, my birthday. Thanks for the gift—a new son."



Two days passed very quickly. Kyle and Courtney appeared before the magistrate in the American Embassy in the early evening of Ray's birthday. Courtney wore a soft flowing silk dress that could just as easily have been an evening dress with a small fur jacket. Kyle wore a modest tailored suit. Ray, Larkin and Cherie watched with frayed nerves as the two exchanged simple vows. The couple kissed discreetly and walked out as Mr. and Mrs. Raiford Kyle LaFontaine. They stopped in front of the frozen fountain of the official building so Larkin could snap a few pictures against a blanket of fresh snow as a carpet.

During their weeks abroad, Ray had made frequent calls home. All seemed to be well. So, when his phone rang as he and his wife stood on the steps of the government building after finishing the photos of the impromptu wedding before he could call home with the news, he was not totally surprised although it was only noon in Louisiana. It was Raif. Ray assumed he was calling to wish him a happy birthday and wondering why Ray had not yet called since January thirteenth arrived in Paris before it did in Eau Boueuse. Ray looked at Larkin. "How does he always sense when I need him?"



Collision Course

weeks while Ray was in Europe had been stress-free in Louisiana. Michael sat without assistance and learned "Patty Cake" with his mother, sisters, and two surrogate, resident grandmothers, Colleen and Amelia. Lydia started first grade. She was thrilled when her teacher sent home the forms to have her tested for the gifted program. Raif already knew she was far ahead of most six-year-olds. He happily signed the forms.

Kimberly LaFontaine began her first year at LSU. It became quick knowledge that she was off limits to the Greek boys. Christopher Reynolds made sure every fraternity member knew Kimberly was his girl.

Christopher's second year brought him several honors. He was invited to join an academic fraternity and named one of the youngest resident assistants in LSU history.

Jenna Gautier began her last year at Tulane while Patrick worked for Gautier and Associates, but he stayed in New Orleans to oversee the expansion of Pierre Charmant's gallery.

Ray, Larkin, Courtney, Kyle, and Cherie celebrated Christmas Parisian style, but called the Bertram home while the family feast was in progress. They had shipped gifts from Europe. It was exhilarating to know there were no cares back home.

The New Year began with a bang—everyone was happy. For the first time in quite a while, nobody in the Reynolds-Gautier inner circle seemed to have a serious concern. Life was good.

Feeling content on the first day of Jenna's last semester, January thirteenth, Patrick Gautier sat on the side of his bed and kissed the pretty redhead who still slept. "I'm leaving," he whispered as Jenna opened her eyes.

"I don't 'ave class until ten," she murmured groggily.

"Go back to sleep. I'll see you tonight. I love you."

"I love ya, too, Patrick. I'll see ya tanight."

"Be careful later. It's raining."

"Ya, too."

Patrick kissed his wife again and left for work.


A little after ten, as Patrick and Pierre discussed the half-wall that could also serve as a display shelf, Patrick's phone rang, and he looked perplexed. "It's the city," he said to Pierre. "Don't panic. I see the look on your face. There's nothing wrong with the zoning or building permits." Patrick answered, "Hello?"

A female voice said, "May I speak with Patrick Gautier, please?"

"This is Patrick Gautier."

"Is your wife Jenna Gautier?"

"Yes," Patrick answered as his heart started to pound.

"Mr. Gautier, there's been an accident."

Patrick cut the woman off. "Oh, my God! Where is she? Please, she's not? Please?"

"She's been taken to Tulane University Hospital. The situation is critical."

"I'm on my way." Patrick turned to Pierre. "Jenna's been in an accident. I have to go." His hands shook.

Pierre, who felt a bit shaken, too, for he adored Jenna, offered, "I'll drive you. You're too upset to drive, Patrick. We don't need a second accident."

Patrick nodded. "Thanks, Pierre."

Patrick arrived at the hospital near hysterics. The doctor attending Jenna tried to calm him. "Mr. Gautier, please. You need to be calm for your wife. She's in critical condition. She has internal injuries and severe head trauma. We need to perform extensive surgery, but I need your permission. I can't promise you that we can save the baby, too, but Jenna will die without this."

"The what?" asked Patrick, suddenly fully conscious of all that was being said.

"You didn't know your wife is pregnant?"

Patrick shook his head as if in total shock.

"Well," said the doctor, "it's possible that she didn't even realize it yet. It's very early. Nonetheless, the surgery is necessary. I'll do everything I can for both of them, but at this point, Jenna is the only viable life. I need you to sign the papers."

Patrick signed the forms in a daze. He turned to Pierre. "I need my dad."

"Of course you do. Call him."


Raif's personal phone rang as he met with the Eau Boueuse city planners. They wanted him to design a new civic center. He checked the number and let it go to voice mail. He figured Patrick was calling simply to wish him a happy birthday. It could wait.

The phone rang again. Once again, it was Patrick, and Raif ignored it although he thought it a little strange Patrick would be so insistent with a birthday greeting. When the phone rang a third time, Raif knew it had to be important. "Excuse me," he said. "This is my son. I need to take the call."

Raif answered, "Patrick, what's wrong?"

Patrick started sobbing into the phone. Pierre took it from him. "Raif, this is Pierre. Patrick needs you. Jenna has been in a wreck. It's very serious. They just took her to surgery. We're at Tulane University Hospital."

"I'll be there as soon as possible, Pierre, probably a couple of hours."

Raif turned to the committee. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have an emergency in New Orleans. My daughter-in-law has been in a car accident. We can meet next week. Check with Lana on your way out to set an appointment." He stood. The city representatives wished him all the best and left.

Raif did not go home, but headed to New Orleans from the office. In the car, he called Neely and told her what was happening. She said, "Go straight there. I'll get Gram, and we'll meet you. I'll ask Colleen to call everybody else. I'll have to bring Michael, but we'll be there in a few hours."

Raif found Patrick still waiting in the drab room with rows of chairs and a table covered in outdated magazine. Only one other person besides Patrick and Pierre sat in the far corner. The young man fell into his father's arms. "I'm sure she'll be fine," Raif consoled, trying to sound confident.

"Dad," Patrick choked, "she's pregnant. I didn't know

Raif held Patrick close. "Let's think the best. Come on. Let's pray."


Ray stood on the steps to the American Embassy where his daughter had just married Kyle LaFontaine. He needed his brother. His phone rang and he answered, "Happy birthday to you, too, but how did you know I needed you right now?"

Raif replied, "I didn't. I need
more." Raif told Ray the situation.

Ray said, "We'll get on the first flight out." When he told his group what had happened, nobody, not even the newlyweds, disputed the need to get home.


After making the call to Ray, Raif sat next to Patrick and held him as if he were a little boy.

They waited.

Neely and Gram got there before Jenna came out of surgery.

They waited.

Every time the intercom crackled they expected to hear a code for the worst.

They waited.

Finally, after seven and a half hours, the doctor emerged. "Mr. Gautier, I see you have family here. That's good. Jenna is in a coma. She had severe head trauma. We had to drain the swelling on her brain. She also had internal injuries." With each explanation, the doctor seemed to pat the air gently with his palm. "She lost her spleen, but we were able to repair the damage to her kidney; however, we need to monitor its healing closely. One lung was collapsed; we re-inflated it. Her heart muscle is bruised. I cannot tell you when or even
she'll wake up. She's on life support. Surprisingly, the baby is still with us. You might have to make some very hard decisions. Only time will tell."

A few hours later, Patrick slept with his head on Jenna's bed. Raif looked in on them. By that time, Patrick's whole family except Trista and Townes, Lindsay and Dupree, and Ray's family in Europe had arrived. Raif whispered to Neely, "This isn't good. I already called Ray because I need him. It's time to call Trista and Lindsay. Will you, please, get them here while I give Ray an update?"



The first flight back to the States did not leave Paris until two the next morning, but Ray booked them on it, and they went to the airport to wait. Ray's phone rang, and when he saw it was Raif, he worried. "Hey," he answered. "How bad is it?"

Raif told him what the doctor had said. "We're coming," Ray assured. "Our flight leaves at two. How is Patrick?"

"Broken. Ray, it was bad enough that she had the accident, but to find out she was pregnant like that is killing him."

"I understand."

"Why did you need me? I never gave you the opportunity to tell me."

"When you called, we were standing on the steps of the American Embassy."

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