Broken (5 page)

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Authors: J. A. Carlton

BOOK: Broken
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“I think she’s still at the cabin,” Bill offered, “she should be back soon though.” He stepped back to admit the man whose build, Randy noticed, was almost identical to his own.

“Thanks. Do you mind if I wait for her?” the detective asked.


“Not at all. Food’s on the table, just grab a plate and dig in, make your self comfortable.” Bill walked with him into the living room and out of earshot.

Steadying himself with a quick breath, Randy descended the stairs, appearing for anyone who may have noticed, like he had every right to be there.

As much as he loathed his and Eric’s earliest lessons, he had to admit they’d served him well. The first and sometimes most important one being that no matter how you felt on the inside, most people wouldn’t see anything you didn’t force them to.
Eric always knew though, good, bad, or indifferent, he could always see.
With thoughts of his brother circling his mind, Randy let himself out of the Shiner house, the only sign that he’d been there a ransacked bedroom on the second floor.



Sam joined Bill on the porch step, the sound of far too many townsfolk inside setting her nerves on edge as a forced cackle from somewhere close to the front door seemed to shoot through her.

“Anybody drunk yet?” she asked.
“Yup, a few.”
“Suppose we should go in…”

“I’ve done my time in there.” he cocked an eyebrow at her. “So who are they?” he asked in reference to the trio of strangers they’d been wondering about at the wake. He figured they were the most likely reason she was so late in returning.

Sam shook her head smiling softly and shrugged. “Bunch of self-important nut-jobs seriously in need of counseling. The old woman says she did business with dad years ago…” she waved her hand dismissively in frustration.

“They say what kind of business?” he asked.

“Don’t know, she wouldn’t tell me tonight. She said she’d call in the morning to set up a meeting so we could talk. The younger woman said she was just trying to make me sweat.”

Bill shook his head frowning deeply, “Don’t like the sound o’that,” he mused.

Sam patted his knee, “I don’t really care, I’m tired, these people are nothing to me, and I sincerely doubt they have anything to say that could be of interest.” She pushed herself to her feet and scrubbed her face then cast a reproachful look at the door, “See you in a bit.”

“Mmm,” he grunted.

As she entered the house several of her dad’s dearest friends turned and looked, a couple of them jerked toward her as if they wanted to approach, but something inside seemed to hold them back. After catching sight of her reflection, she understood. Her skin was drawn and waxy looking, and there were deep blue ghoulish hollows under her eyes that left her looking less than approachable.

In an attempt to break the barrier between them, she greeted people as she passed, thanking them for coming, and slowly becoming part of the crowd until she too was sharing memories and stories of her dad right along with everyone else.

For another hour and a half, people left and others came, until somewhere around ten the guests started filing out the door.

Bill and Sam stood at the edge of the porch, joined by Sophie, as the last guest stepped onto the walkway. For a long moment she leaned against the door jamb looking at the older couple who’d served the whole of her life as surrogate grandparents.

I’ll either sleep until noon or not at all
hank God that’s over, dad’s gone and it’s all over. Tomorrow everyone will go back to their lives and everything will be normal, for them




Randy stripped out of his clothes, tossing them over the chair in his room before sliding between the sheets, exhausted and numb from the trials of the day. It was bad enough having been required to even
the majority of his family, but that the Caffey’s and The Hag had shown up at the funeral was an added weight. The last thing he’d needed was to be spotted and run the risk of any of them putting two and two together. But he’d dodged that bullet and slipped out unnoticed after all, and for that he was grateful.

Only two things made the day worthwhile, the first being that he could now be relatively certain that Sam hadn’t yet received whatever it was Cody had sent to her. And the second was the little bit of time he’d been able to spend with his brother before even that became too painful.
It was great to see Eric, he looks good. Really good,
the thought stirred him as he curled onto his side and with a sigh fell almost instantly to sleep where reality and fantasy swirled in a tantalizing mix.

He remembered thinking on his way to the Caffey estate library, ‘Three days ago everything was different, I didn’t want to kill Dave but, him or me, and who’s ever gonna protect me? I didn’t have a choice.’

In the large marble, museum-like hallway, a curtain of light from the enormous bay window behind Charles’ desk poured through the partially open door, along with three voices.

Sounds like they’re all in there, dammit. I don’t wanna deal with the bitches, especially that old hag, dried up, old…’

Murdered?” Amelia’s voice rose in pitch, the vibration of the word sending shivers through him as he crept through the shadows toward the door.

Beaten to death with a shovel, or so they’re saying.” Gertrude confirmed coldly.

Dave? Why the hell are they talking about Dave?’ he wondered.

You lied to me! You told me my baby DIED during the birth!” Amelia shrieked, “The DOCTOR even told me that! What’d you do? Buy HIM off? Unbelievable!”

You could hardly blame me, Amelia, or Charles…” Gertrude’s voice came through.

I hope you two rot in HELL FOREVER!” she screamed. “You are two of the most vile, reprehensible people I have EVER had the misfortune of KNOWING, let alone being related to!”

Let’s not forget who had the affair here, Amelia!” Charles’ voice seemed to draw closer to the door.

Randy leaned forward, entranced by the scene unfolding in the library as Charles stood before his wife, with Gertrude obviously taking his side in the matter.

Aww, what’s the matter, Charles? Oh wait! I know… you’re just upset because MY getting pregnant meant the inadequacy was YOURS, NOT mine!” She breathed then wheeled around to face him again, “And let’s not forget how many women you fucked trying to get them pregnant so you could claim a child! People in glass houses, you pig!” She sneered.

Did it ever cross your mind to think about what kind of man this David Backer might be? He might’ve been… cruel! He might’ve been…a monster! And you took MY baby and tossed her into the arms of a complete stranger! Someone you knew nothing about!?” She demanded once more.

Frankly, I actually hoped he was,” Charles confided dryly.

It’s your own fault,” Gertrude shook her head, “If you’d at least had the discretion to use some kind of contraceptive when you decided to start… rutting with that… that… half-breed piece of trash…”

Don’t you EVER talk about Jesse that way! NEVER!” Amelia ordered furiously. “He’s TEN TIMES the man this pasty little pencil-pecker is!” She
her thumb at her husband.

Randy remembered the feel of his heartbeat accelerating as he raised his hand to the door, barely able to breathe with the new knowledge that the woman Dave had raised as his own was the product of an infidelity. ‘No no, not Sam. Maaan,’ he squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, ‘I’m sorry, Dave. I’m so sorry. It’s in the blood, you have to understand, it’s in the blood. She’ll only wind up causing someone pain, rip their heart out and grind it into pulp. I can’t let her do it man,’ he’d pleaded internally before knocking to announce his presence.

A second before stepping into the library Randy felt a hand slide into his, drawing the dream out of fact and into the realm of desire. He turned his face to the right, warmed by the presence he’d know anywhere.

I miss you, Ran,” Eric raised their hands up to his lips, pressing a gentle smile to the older man’s warm, supple skin.

Eric…” he felt his mouth grin. His hand slid out from his brothers then around the younger man’s lean waist drawing him close. His fingers traced the lovingly chiseled lines of his face, and his heart leaped into his throat as he pressed their mouths hungrily together.

I love you, Eric, God, I love you so much,” he whimpered, nuzzling their cheeks together.

I thought you didn’t, Ran. I thought you were so mad at me…”

No, never. Never at you little bear.” his childhood nickname for the little boy who he’d once fancied his very own living teddy-bear slid easily between them.

He angled the young man’s head, taking his lips captive, stroking his mouth with the tip of his tongue, while his hands glided over that beautifully cared for body. Eric’s hands moved down his back, clutching his hips, pulling him close until he could feel the younger man’s hardness even through their clothes.

Love me? Please say you’ll always love me,” he panted into Randy’s ear, his fingers sliding up his suddenly bare skin awakening shivers of wanting.

Always, Eric, you’re the only one I’ll ever love.” he sighed, reveling in the feel of those full warm lips on him.

Randy glanced down, thrilled to find them both sprawled naked on his bed. He grinned, his breath quickening to tiny pants while he traced the silky texture of his brother’s skin.

Unable to bear the slightest separation from the younger man he rolled onto his side, throwing his leg over Eric’s, smiling blissfully, watching that taut belly quiver under his languid touch.

Eric panted faintly, his hand grasped a fist full of Randy’s short shorn hair, “It can always be like this, Ran, just you and me. We can go somewhere, we can be together. We CAN have this forever.” he seemed to plead as his hand glided over Randy’s hip between his legs coaxing him to arousal.

Oh, God, yes, we will, Eric, we will…” he panted, flopping onto his back unable to, and more importantly, unwilling to stop the joyful trembling of his body. His fists clenched the sheets while Eric ministered to him, working magic with hands and mouth, making him ready little by little to take the whole of the man into him.

Wetness came fast as he rolled once more onto his side, clutching his pillow to his chest, spotting the case with tears
, “I love you, I do, I swear I love you…” he cried against his brother’s mouth.

Liar!” The word came from behind and sent a shiver through him, freezing him naked where he lay, suddenly alone on a dirty straw covered floor he knew far too well. His little bear had been taken away from him and was nowhere to be found.

“NO!” he bolted awake, panting and shaking with sweat dripping down his face and neck. “Eric…” he gasped clutching the pillow to his heaving chest, wiping his face dry with it.




Sophie, Bill and Sam moved slowly, each of them breathing out a sigh of deep relief as they returned to the living room and took in the sight. Other than the dining table which was covered in prepared dishes, it wasn’t too bad, and with the three of them working at it, Sam figured they’d have everything back together in no time.

“Sammy, dear, why don’t you start out here?” Sophie suggested pointing to the table.

“Can do,” she nodded with a tired smile while the couple moved into the kitchen.

Starting with the big bowls, Sam began condensing some of the similar offerings, “Can I get some tin foil or plastic wrap out here please?” she called.

A chair scraped the floor of the kitchen and a moment later Jase joined her at the table holding out a roll of each, “Which one you want?” he smiled.

Sam jumped and wheeled into his arms grinning hugely, “Jase, you came.” then twined her arms around him and kissed him deep.

Sweeping her hair from her face once she let him up for air he smiled, “Yeah, well, you know… Pete, he was kinda beat and …” he ran his thumb across her knowing smile, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

“You had to work,” she stroked his stubble, “And you’re here now.”

“Why don’t you two go get Owens room set up, Bill and I’ll take care of this mess.” Sophie suggested with her husband nodding at her side.

Sam took turns curling herself into each of the Shiner’s arms one at a time, grateful for such wonderful people in her life.

Leading him up the stairs she asked, “You did bring your stuff here, right? You didn’t check in at the B&B or anything, right?” stopping abruptly at the top.

“Bag’s in the car,” he nodded, suddenly keen to the stiffness of her stance and the puzzled look on her face.

“S’up?” he asked at her side.

She shook her head, “Nothing, Sophie or Bill must’ve closed it.” she motioned to the door of the bedroom she was staying in, but a glance down the hall into the master bedroom and another at Owens showed both of those doors open.

With her hand on the knob Jase stopped her, shouldered his way in front of her and pulled his .38 from his ankle holster, “Stay behind me.”

“Jase,” she half scowled.
“Sam.” His tone was perfectly clear.
She moved behind him as he turned the knob, swinging the door open slowly, revealing inch by inch her ransacked room.
“Stay here,” he mouthed ducking inside to check the closet and the far side of the bed.

Even from the hallway she could see the room was in shambles, clothes lay strewn all over the floor and bed, and not just the ones she’d left there herself. Her weekend bag had been tossed, as had her purse which she’d left behind. Even the dresser and night table had been dumped even though she hadn’t put anything into them.

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