Brit Flick Sweethearts: A Rom-Com With Spanking (5 page)

Read Brit Flick Sweethearts: A Rom-Com With Spanking Online

Authors: Samantha Hyde

Tags: #romantic comedy, #romantic erotica, #funny erotica, #sweet and sexy, #sweet and hot

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He was an
effeminate man from the high fashion magazine and quickly got down
to business.

“So tell me,
you two,” he said, taking his place on a straight back chair
sitting opposite Curt on the Chesterfield armchair and Doris on the
chaise lounge. “How long have you two lovebirds been an item?”

“Since we
worked together on Brick Face,” Curt smoothly replied.

“Was it love at
first sight?” the journalist asked.

something like that.”

Love? Is Curt
announcing to the world that he is in love with me?

Her head

Hey relax,
this is all a game to him, remember? He’s just working the press
for maximum publicity. God, he was beyond ruthless

robotically got through the interview and the subsequent
interviews. She answered what she thought they wanted to hear, and
by and large she thought she was doing OK.

That was until
the final interview for a trashy gossip magazine. The journalist, a
middle aged, overweight, plain woman in her forties took an
immediate dislike to her.

“So tell us,
Dahlia. Rumour has it that you had a rather wild past when you
first started out in modelling.”

Doris didn’t
know how best to reply. Yes, she knew Dahlia had gone off the rails
for a while there. Not that she had ever confided in Doris, but
Doris knew her better than anyone and it was obvious she had gotten
herself in deep with some pretty sleazy going ons.

“Whatever I did
in my past is just that. In the past.”

The woman threw
her a bright smile that was anything but kind.

necessarily dear. The thing is, now that you’re such a big star and
all, these things you’ve done have a habit of coming back and
biting you on the backside. When the press start showing an
interest in you, they start

Doris glanced
nervously over at Curt and saw he didn’t look happy one bit. His
face was stone still and there was a hard look in his eyes.

“Like I say, my
past is past.”

“My magazine
has found out some, ahem, rather salubrious information about you.
Like that porn film you made when you first started out under the
stage name,
Jenny Jet

Doris let out a
small gasp. She knew nothing about that. Stupid,
Dahlia. Before she had a chance to formulate a reply, the woman

“And rather
more recently, there was an incident in a nightclub involving an
overdose that resulted in you being rushed to hospital. My team has
photographic evidence of you snorting coke in the public toilets.
As well as engaging in sexual intercourse with a man and a woman.
At the same time. In the toilets.”

Inside Doris
shrunk in shame. OK, so it wasn’t her that had done those things
but right now it felt like she had.

She thought
that the night Dahlia had overdosed hadn’t got to the press. It had
happened a few days after the filming of Brick Face was complete,
and Dahlia was on a bender. After having her stomach pumped out at
the hospital, she had been admitted into rehab where she had been
for the past month. Jeremy had gone to herculean efforts to keep it
out of the press.

It would seem
that not even the mighty Jeremy could keep this one secret.

But if she
knows that, does she also know that Dahlia is in rehab and I’m her
stand in twin?

The thought
brought her out in cold sweat. Dahlia’s career would be in shatters
if it came out. She decided to bluff it out and see how much the
woman knew.

“I know I
shouldn’t have behaved that way, but I was letting my hair down
after filming. No harm came of it and it was a one off.”

“No harm came
of it? I thought you and Curt had got involved on the set of Brick
Face? Did you mind your girlfriend going out and having sex with
other people?” she asked Curt.

She doesn’t
seem to know that Dahlia went into rehab after that night. But even
so, she could be bluffing

“Dahlia and I
were not exclusive at that point. It was early days in our
relationship, a lot has changed since then.”

she thought with a sudden pang.
He doesn’t know the
full extent of Dahlia’s wild side

“You’re a very
understanding man, Curt Gunner. I’m not sure I would put up with
being treated in such a way.”

Curt suddenly
got to his feet, making both women jump. “I think this interview is

The woman
looked startled. “I haven’t finished yet.”

“But we have.
Good day to you. Come on Dahlia, let’s get some lunch.”

They left the
woman in the room, staring after them open mouthed.

“Darling! How
did it go?” Jeremy said as soon as they entered the hallway.

She was saved
from answering when Curt piped up.

“We’re taking
the rest of the day off. There are things me and Dahlia need to

For a moment
Jeremy looked scared.

“The journalist
has found out about when I was rushed to hospital
for a few
after that incident in the nightclub with the drugs and
the couple.”

God, could she
be any more obvious? Why not drop him a big, side-long wink and say
‘the night she was in the hospital for a few hours and
go to rehab…’

“What else has
she dug up?” Jeremy asked.

“The porn
movie,” she replied, glaring at him as she said it, hoping that he
picked up on the whole,
you should have told me
look of
recrimination in her eyes.

The overweight
journalist appeared in the door, silencing whatever reply Jeremy
was about to come up with.

“Come on let’s
go,” Curt said, steering her away by her elbow.

Jeremy looked
as though he was about to tell her to wait, that he hadn’t finished
with her yet, but had decided that the need to appease the irate
journalist was greater.

Or bribed,
Doris thought.

“I’ll call you,
don’t stray too far,” Jeremy called to their departing figures.


Curt led Dahlia
away from the bitch of a journalist and her ugly little agent that
was always guarding her, reminding him of an angry little bulldog.
He was mad. No, scrap mad, he was
. If he hadn’t of
been so blinded by his rage he might of realised the true nature of
his emotion.


It didn’t help
that she looked so amazingly ravishing today, like a 1950’s
starlet. All he wanted to do was rip off her neat little outfit and
fuck her senseless.

Almighty woman. Why didn’t you tell me you’d done a porno when you
were starting out?”

“Because I
didn’t think it was any of your business.”

“What possessed
you to partake in a God damn threesome in a public fucking

“OK, so not my
finest moment I’ll admit. But again, I didn’t think it was any of
your business. We weren’t a couple now were we? It’s my life, I was
free to fuck whomever I liked.”

Not for the
first time, he thought how the word ‘fucked’ sat so uneasily on her
lips. She was such a bundle of contradictions, he just couldn’t
work her out. And
Since when was her speech so
grammatically correct? Dahlia came from the, ‘and she was like, and
I was like,’ school of speech.

Maybe the fact
that he couldn’t work her out was part of the attraction. He had
certainly never felt such a strong sense of possession over a
woman. God help him, he wanted to punish her for being so free and
easy. He wanted to break her, he wanted to bring her to her knees,
he wanted to ruin her for anyone else so it would always be
name on her lips, his touch that she craved. The thought
of anyone else touching her made him feel sick. It
him, and again, the strength of his own emotions frightened

“You need to be
taught a lesson young lady. We’re going up to my room. Right

She gasped, the
most endearing blush suffusing her face and chest.

“No, we’re not.
I already told you, we can’t get involved if we’re going to work on
another film together.”

“If you want to
work on another film with me, namely
film that will
concrete your place in Hollywood, then you will get involved with
me any way I deem fit.”


“There’re no
flies on you, are there?”

He steered her
towards the lift and he felt her tense up.

“No, Curt.”

“You had a
threesome in a fucking toilet mere days after you’d been with me,
and now you’re putting on the prim and proper and act? Please.
Spare me. You’re not a very good actress at the best of times.”

“If I’m so
rubbish, then why do you want me to star in your film?”

“Because you’re
the most mesmerising woman I’ve ever met, and I couldn’t imagine
anyone else in the role.”

Wow. Where had
that come from?

When it came to
all things Dahlia, who knew? Such thoughts made him even crosser
and he marched her more assertively over to the lift.

“Get in.”

The lift doors
shut behind them, sealing their fates.


By the time
they reached his room, Doris was trembling from head to toe.

Why am I
letting him bully me like this?

Because you’ve
never been so attracted to a man before in your entire life.

it’s not true

But when he
pushed her into the room and kicked the door shut behind them, it
was the only truth that existed for her.

“Get undressed.
You need to be taught how to behave.”

Doris found
that her breath hitched in her throat when she tried to speak.
Unconsciously her hand flew up to her throat and she edged away
from him.

“I told you
sweetheart, I ain’t falling for the act. Take off your

I’m doing this
for you, Dahlia.

Although in
truth, she knew she wasn’t. She was undressing for this man of her
own free will.

And that
realisation scared her more than anything.

First off she
unbuttoned the high ruffle neck, Victorian style blouse, her
fingers trembling as she did so.

What she was
wearing was far from her usual look. The drastically side parted,
lightly waved hair, the red lipstick and high waisted black pencil
skirt… Usually she wore jeans and baggy jumpers to keep warm in her
cold little cottage.

She shrugged
off the blouse. Beneath it she wore a thick, sturdy looking black
bra, a deliberate style choice of the woman that had dressed her so
that her bra showed through the blouse to prevent it from looking

“Oh, come on,”
he drawled. “This is the woman that has starred in a porno and
likes to fuck in toilets.”

A lump formed
in her throat. Yes, she was wildly attracted to him, but he
couldn’t be more off the mark about her if he tried.

A newfound
resolve hardened in her heart. She had to get Dahlia that film
role, no matter what. As far as Dahlia was concerned, it would be
something worth living for and she would be less likely to get
sucked back into drugs.

With that in
mind she unzipped the tight, knee length skirt, and stepped out of
it. She wore plain black knickers to match the bra and high heeled
black shoes. Nothing else.

The way Curt
was looking at her was making her insides twist into knots. Pure,
unadulterated lust shone from his pale blue eyes, making them gleam
with a devilish light.

“You’re so
beautiful,” he said in a thick voice coated in desire. “I don’t
want you to ever take drugs again, do you understand me? You
mustn’t do that to yourself, I’ve seen the sweet girl behind the
façade, I don’t want you ever cheating yourself out of the life you
deserve. Promise me you’ll never touch drugs again.”

“I promise,”
she replied honestly.

“Good. Now take
off your underwear, leave on the shoes, and lie on the bed with
your legs open.”

His indecent
proposal had her blushing in hot shame. Getting her backside
spanked was one thing, but displaying herself to him like that? She
who had only ever had sex in the dark in the missionary

Uh uh. No way.
She couldn’t. It just wasn’t

But then, she
didn’t know what was anymore. The bra went first, and she felt the
heaviness of her breasts spill out. The knickers quickly followed
and on trembling legs she made her way over to the bed.

She lay on her
back, as instructed, her heart beating wildly and every inch of her

But she
couldn’t bring herself to open her legs. She kept her thighs
clamped together, conscious that her pussy wasn’t waxed like the
kind he was undoubtedly used to.

“Open your
legs,” he said softly, insistently. “I need to see you.”

Closing her
eyes and whimpering slightly, she opened her trembling thighs. The
air felt cool against the wet hotness of her arousal and that
shamed her further.

“Open your
eyes. Don’t hide from me. No more hiding from who you really are.
You don’t need drugs to cocoon yourself with sexual confidence.
Everything you thought you knew about sex, forget it. Everything
you’ve experienced before has been fake. Even that first time with
me was fake. No more putting on an act. No more acting how you
think men want you to act, because believe me, you couldn’t be more
wrong. Tell me what you feel now.”

His words were
hypnotic, soothing.

Arousal,” she answered honestly, unthinkingly.

“I will make
baby girl. Pleasure such as you have never known.
The exquisite ecstasy of pleasure and pain hanging in the balance.
I have so much to show you. You have so much to learn.”

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