Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) (36 page)

Read Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8)
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He took the pearls from her neck, rolling the beads over her body—first her right nipple and then her left, causing them to contract into tight buds for him. He trailed the beads down her torso, making Brie giggle with his feather-light touches.

Sir smiled as the pearls traveled southward and brushed against her femininity. She gasped, her clit already erect and hungry for his pleasure.

“Do you remember the night I was Khan?”

Brie nodded, smiling as she bit her lip in anticipation.

“Open your legs,” he commanded.

She could barely breathe as she spread her legs open and exposed her sex to him. Sir stared at her, admiring her mound without touching it. She loved being examined by his heated gaze. It made her feel beautiful.

Sir fingered her pussy, separating her outer lips, which were already moist with arousal. He placed the pearls on either side of her clit and pulled them taut. “You know what comes next…”

Brie moaned softly as he pulled the beads along, each pearl caressing her clit as it rolled by. She lifted her pelvis, wanting more when he had finished.

Sir spoiled her and repositioned the pearls to begin again. “Do you want to know what I see?”


“Your clit dances as I pull the strand down, and I am aware that each tiny movement is a jolt of pleasure for you. It’s erotic to watch.”

She turned her head to the side and bit down on the blanket, lifting her pelvis again in silent petition. He granted her wish and pulled them against her swollen clit one last time. Then he put the pearls to his lips as he gazed down at her and ran them across his tongue, tasting her.

“I have another use for pearls. Present your wrists to me.” Sir began binding her with the strand of pearls as if they were rope. It was not simply decoration. He bound her tightly so she could not break free.

“Put your hands above your head, Brie.”

She stared at him feeling vulnerable, naked and bound in the open like this. It was intoxicating.

Sir leaned over her and stated, “I told you that I would never marry.”

“I remember,” Brie replied, curious what had changed his mind.

“But I realized a simple truth after I collared you.” Sir traced the collar on her neck and asked, “Do you know the difference in commitment between having a collared submissive and a wife?”

She shook her head.

He smiled down at her. “There is none. Even though I meant it when I told people years ago I would never marry, I hadn’t met you yet.”

A warm tear rolled down her cheek when she admitted, “Being your wife…it means everything to me.”

He kissed her salty tear away. “It challenged me to grant your unspoken desire, but I am not a man to shy away from a worthy conquest. I had resisted the legal commitment because of my parents past, but the simple truth is I was already fully committed to you.” He leaned over her, his masculinity heightening all her senses. “The moment I locked that collar in place, our fates were sealed.”

She looked up at Sir, admiring his handsome face framed by the stars in the sky. “I love you, Thane.”

“I love you,” he answered, as he began unbuttoning his shirt. He stared down at her lustfully as he undressed, revealing his toned chest first. She loved that it was covered in dark hair. He unfastened his pants next, pulling them down slowly to show off his muscular thighs. The last piece of clothing to go were his briefs. Brie smiled when she saw his erect manhood, framed in dark pubic hair. The man looked magnificent naked.

Sir spread her legs and settled in between them. The head of his rigid cock pressed hard against her opening, demanding entrance.

Brie closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of her fiancé taking her slowly, a centimeter at a time.

“You are mine, Brie Bennett, spiritually and soon legally.”

“Body, heart and soul,” she murmured, sighing in pleasure as his cock slid in up to the hilt.

Sir cradled her face in his hands and demanded she open her eyes as he began rolling his hips. The depth of his penetration asserted his claim, but he was slow, gentle and loving in his taking of her.

He was her Master, but tonight he treated her as his goddess. Sir spent hours under the canvas of stars making love to her, exploring her body with his fingers, cock and tongue.

When she came, Sir whispered, “A lifetime to explore every facet of our love.”

Brie gazed up at the stars shining in the night sky and smiled.

And this is just the beginning, Sir…

Thank you for following Brie on her unique journey. Your enthusiasm and support have truly blessed this author’s heart.

~ Lady Red


ir’s involvement with the documentary caused his business to take a severe financial hit—a hit that would take years to recover from. Brie was shocked when he listed the number of clients he’d lost during a discussion with Master Anderson.

“Impressive,” Master Anderson commented, showing only amusement at the amount.

But Brie was devastated. “I feel horrible, Sir. I never thought my film would impact your business so negatively.”

He looked at her with compassion. “I always knew there’d be a significant cost, Brie. It’s an investment I was prepared to make. I realized it would obligate me to pursue clients outside the States to offset the losses.” When he saw her continued distress, he gestured for her to kneel beside him. “Unlike you—a girl who tends to make impulsive decisions based on her heart—I weigh the risks and act accordingly.”

She rested her head on his thigh. “I do admire how you calculate the costs, Sir. It’s as if you play a game of chess with life.”

Master Anderson laughed at the statement. “Yes, that’s exactly what you do, Thane.”

Sir sounded amused. “I’m not sure I care for the analogy, Brie. However, it
true that while you are constantly surprised by the aftermath of your decisions, I rarely am.”

“You’re very wise, Sir.”

“Tsk, tsk,” Sir said as a warning before lifting Brie over his knee, raising her skirt. “What did I say about that word?”

Brie struggled not to smile when she apologized. “I’m sorry, Sir. Not wise, definitely not wise. I meant knowledgeable.”

He smacked her hard on the ass. “Try again.”


“No.” He spanked her even harder.

“Intelligent! Intelligent!” she squeaked.

He rubbed his hand over her red ass. “Acceptable.” He put her skirt back down and returned her to her kneeling position.

Sir spoke to Master Anderson as if nothing had happened. “When will you be leaving?”

“By the end of the month. I already have a warehouse in mind. I plan to be there before renovations start.”

Sir chuckled. “I’m certain your neighbors are going to miss you.”

“It has been impossible. I tell you, ever since the documentary, the women won’t leave me alone. What started out as harmless flirtation has quickly turned into cougar wars. Best to leave before someone gets hurt.”

“Or shot.”

Master Anderson grinned smugly, but his smile fell when he saw the herb garden on the counter. “Thane, I gave you this garden to take care of.” He walked over and caressed the yellowing leaves. “They’re screaming for light. You can’t expect them to produce a pleasant flavor if you don’t give them the food they require.” Without asking, he moved an end table near the window and placed the small herb garden on it. “There. Now the plants will be happy, but you’ll have to water them more.”

Sir growled with irritation. “I never asked for a garden.”

“But you
care for it. Think of it as a part of me when I’m gone.”

“Great. Then I’ll be sure to flick the leaves and poke the roots every time I water,” Sir said sarcastically.

“As long as you water me, I’m okay with being flicked and poked.”

Brie giggled on Sir’s thigh.

Master Anderson glanced at his watch. “Unfortunately, as much fun as I’m having entertaining young Brie here, I can’t stay longer.”

Sir stroked Brie’s hair one last time before he got up to see his friend out. “I trust you’re still coming tonight.”

“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it.”

Brie was pleased to hear that Master Anderson would be there. She’d been looking forward to the huge party at the Training Center all week. It was going to be the biggest gathering to date. Sir said the film had been great for the Center, but the increased enrollment necessitated an expansion. A whole new wing was being built at the college to accommodate future classes. Everyone associated with the Center would be there to celebrate.

In honor of the event, Sir had purchased a special gown for her. “It only makes sense that the woman responsible for the expansion looks stunning for the party.”

The gown was a black, sequined seduction with a high, modest neckline in the front and a low back that exposed the barest peek of her brand. Sir seemed to find it highly erotic, and kept grazing his hand over her mark.

Before they left, he surprised her by removing the condor necklace. Brie protested, “But I love that, Sir.”

“Tonight you only wear your collar and this around your neck,” he replied, holding up her strand of pearls. He looped it once and let the length drape gracefully down her back.

“My goddess, my slut,” Sir murmured as he lightly bit her shoulder.

Oh, this was going to be a grand celebration indeed!

When they pulled up to the Training Center, Sir parked his Lotus in his old spot— reserved exclusively for the headmaster. Sir chuckled as he got out, stating, “Coen needs a little aggravation.”

They’d come early to help with set-up, but the commons area was already decorated with layers of black and iridescent pearl, giving an air of sophistication to the festivities.

Brie touched the hanging silks and cooed. “Wow, I love how elegant this looks, Sir. Very classy.”

“Class is a given with anything associated with Center,” he responded with a smirk.

It took a second before she got his joke and started laughing, but Headmaster Coen cut her merriment short when he entered.

“Very funny, Davis. Repark your car

“You can’t be serious.”

The headmaster responded angrily, “I assure you, I’m quite serious.”

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