Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) (20 page)

Read Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8)
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All four men stepped away at the same time and allowed their Mistress to approach the girl. “Delicious to watch,” she commended. She looked up at the audience, which responded with appreciative applause.

The girl looked up at the Domme with half-hooded eyes, her chest still rising and falling rapidly as she recovered.

“Was it all you had hoped for?” the Domme asked, tracing the end of the crop around the young woman’s breasts.

In a hoarse whisper, the girl replied, “Better…Mistress Luo.”

“Good,” she said soothingly.

Having watched the scene to completion, Brie decided to make her way to the bar, hoping to find Lea there—after a quick trip to the bathroom to rid herself of her soaked panties.

The Wolf Bares His Heart

he found not only Lea at the bar, but Mary as well. They were sitting together in an intense conversation. As Brie approached, she was startled to spot Faelan standing nearby, casually drinking a beer. Brie passed by him, wondering if he would cause a commotion. But, true to form, the Wolf completely ignored her.

Lea lifted her purse off the empty stool between the two as soon as she saw Brie. “Dang, girl, you finally made it!”

“Sorry, I was watching a scene with Boa and couldn’t pull myself away.”

Lea grinned. “Oh, that Boa is one fine sub. I’ve had the pleasure of his cock on several occasions. It’s like the first time every session because he’s so freaking huge.”

Mary interrupted, “Boa Shmoa. Let’s get back to talking about Master O.”

“Who?” Brie asked.

Lea looked at her in disbelief. “Haven’t you heard? Master O is in town tonight.”

Brie shrugged her shoulders, the name meaning nothing to her.

Mary explained, “He’s a world-renowned master of blood play…” When she saw that Brie was still clueless, she seemed irritated. “Seriously, you didn’t know he’s coming to tour the club tonight?”

Brie looked around and noticed the unusually high number of eligible subs parading about. “Is that the reason this place is so packed?”

“Ah…yeah!” Lea teased. “Subs from all over California have come tonight, hoping he’ll choose one of them to play out a scene.”

They quickly brought Brie up to speed. Apparently, Master O was from Eastern Africa and had traveled the world in order to refine his unique skills. Mary claimed his work with needles was unsurpassed. “You would not believe the artful displays he can create using human skin as his canvas.”

Even Lea, who wasn’t a fan of blood play, was excited. “I really want to see his work up close. What I’ve seen in photos is amazing, and don’t you just
his name?”

“What? Is it in reference to orgasms or something?” Brie asked.

“No, idiot,” Mary snapped. “The ‘O’ stands for type O blood.”

Brie laughed. “Aw… Well, that does make him sound a little more dangerous and less conceited.”

Lea handed her a drink before asking, “Would you let him scene with you if Sir allowed it?”

“No way. I hate needles. But I wouldn’t mind watching…I think.” She shuddered involuntarily.

Lea turned to Mary. “What about you?”

Mary rolled her eyes. “Do you even have to ask?”

Brie noticed that Faelan shifted uncomfortably behind Mary. Was it possible he was jealous of Mary’s stated interest in the visiting Dom?

“With so many subs to choose from, I wonder which one he’ll select. This is going to be fun!” Lea squealed.

Brie grinned at her best friend. “What? Are you hoping he’ll pick you?”

“Hey, I wouldn’t turn the man down if he asked, but I can’t say blood really turns me on, unlike some freaks I know,” Lea replied, looking straight at Mary.

Blonde Nemesis snorted. “I wear the ‘freak’ title gladly. I’m the only truly adventurous one in our little group, Lea the Lackluster.” She slapped Brie’s back. “Hey, I’ve got to pee. Watch my stuff.” She disappeared into the sea of people without looking back.

Faelan came up from behind and nonchalantly picked up Mary’s purse, setting it on the counter in front of him before taking her seat and ordering another beer. The bartender slid it across the counter, where it landed perfectly in Faelan’s open hand. He picked up the mug and took a long, hard stare at Brie before giving her a slight nod and tipping the mug to drink.

“So you’re acknowledging Brie all of a sudden,” Lea commented.

Faelan looked as if he were contemplating ignoring the question, but finally answered, “I’m moving forward.”

Brie held up her glass to Faelan. “I’m glad to hear it, Mr. Wallace.”

He glanced in the direction Mary had gone and stated, “People don’t give that woman the respect she deserves, but that’s about to change.”

Is Faelan actually being protective of Mary?
Brie couldn’t believe it. “I agree; she deserves to be treated better.”

He corrected, “What she deserves is for people to recognize the extraordinary woman she is and treat her accordingly.”

Lea smiled into her glass as she sipped her drink. “Okay…”

Faelan took a long draught of beer and slammed the mug on the counter. “Do you realize that she’s the only person since that car crash, all those fucking years ago, who actually cares about me as a man?”

Lea slammed her drink down, imitating him, and stated, “You have
of girls at your beck and call, Faelan.”

“I’m not talking about simple fucking, Lea,” he growled.

He turned to Brie and stared at her with those intense blue eyes. “After the accident, the boy’s family condemned me, and my family and friends have treated me with kid gloves ever since. I don’t need sympathy, damn it! What I needed was a taste of reality. Well, Mary is all about shooting you between the eyes with reality.”

Brie had to force herself not to smile. “That’s one way to put it.”

For some odd reason, Faelan seemed to be feeling unusually talkative. Brie gave Lea a little wink when he continued of his own accord, “She and I have struggled with demons from our pasts, believing if we could defeat them we would be free. But that isn’t how it works.”

Faelan suddenly had Brie’s attention. He wasn’t spewing some frivolous bullshit just to be heard—he was speaking from the heart. She met his gaze, transfixed. “How does it work?”

“You have to accept it and then let it go. You can’t keep going back to revisit the pain.” He took a long drink to let that simple truth sink in.

Brie was moved by his words. “Yes, you’re right…”

Faelan put his beer down and looked at them both. “I killed a boy. It was my fault. I can’t change it. Mary helped me see that I had imprisoned myself in that guilt and grown used to the pain.” He closed his eyes and groaned. “That was where my true weakness was, in allowing myself to accept the pain to the point where I refused to let go.”

He opened those hypnotic blue eyes and stared into Brie’s with a soulful gaze that took her breath away. “I will never be that weak again.”

She ran a finger along the rim of her glass, at a loss for words. “That is profound, Mr. Wallace.”

Faelan addressed Lea. “Who could have guessed that seeing Brie tied up while jogging on the beach would mark the beginning of my re-entry into humanity?”

Lea shrugged. “It’s crazy, the turns life takes…”

“Now I am determined to help Mary face that same truth. She has to let go of the pain she clings to. She thinks of it as her shield against the world, but in reality it’s killing her.”

Brie suddenly understood how perfect Faelan was for Mary. Only someone who had suffered deeply would have the authority to bring her through it. “I’m grateful she found you, Mr. Wallace.”

He ignored her compliment. “I need you to support Mary. Do not let her down.”

“Of course,” Brie answered easily.

But Faelan was quick to add, “Even when she bites back…and she will.”

Both girls had suffered Mary’s backlashes in the past, but Brie appreciated the reminder. She assured him, “Through thick and thin, Mr. Wallace.”

He lifted his glass and clinked it against both of theirs. “Do not fail her.”

Tono came to collect Lea for the scene they would be performing together. He glanced at Faelan and asked Brie, “Is everything fine here?”

Brie smiled to reassure him. “Couldn’t be better.”

Faelan stood up and handed Mary’s purse to Brie. “No problems here, old man.” He left them and moved over to a group of fawning submissives.

Lea grabbed Tono’s arm and squeezed it. “Can’t wait for tonight’s scene!”

Tono put his hand lightly on Brie’s shoulder. “You know where to find me, should you need anything.”

“Yes, Tono. Thank you. I think I’ll hang with Mary for a bit longer.”

Lea turned to Brie as they were leaving and whispered, “He promised to spank me this scene!”

Brie had to admit she was jealous, especially when all she could do was observe other people all night. Several subs descended on Lea’s seat and fought over it, filling the space instantly. Brie guarded Mary’s stool fiercely until she finally showed up.

“What took so long, Blondie?”

“Hey, I can’t help it if Doms keep stopping to talk to me. I’m not allowed to be rude to them, now, am I?” she said with a self-satisfied smirk.


“I’m telling you, Brie. You’re missing out.”

Brie didn’t want another lecture about being collared, so she changed the subject. “So what are your plans tonight?”

Blonde Nemesis answered with a cocky tilt of her chin, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Why do you have to be such a pain?”

“Haven’t you always touted that we should be true to our hearts? Well, I
don’t want to tell you, so suck on that.”

Brie groaned.
Why do I even try?
She suddenly heard frantic whispering all around her.

Mary stood up and announced, “He’s here.” She moved forward, trying to get a better look at the man. Brie got up to follow her, but couldn’t stay close because of the crush of females. She satisfied her curiosity by watching the tall, midnight-skinned African from afar.

He studied each sub as he made his way through the crowd, stopping at every alcove to take in the scene but moving on abruptly, obviously on the prowl.

Even Brie felt a sexual attraction as he approached. He caught her eye, glanced briefly at the collar around her neck and moved on without pausing.

She let her breath out once he’d passed by. To scene with a man as imposing as Master O would challenge any sub, but the fact his expertise involved blood took it to an entirely different level.

The Haven did not allow blood play on its premises. Whichever sub was chosen tonight would be required to leave with Master O. Although that was normally frowned upon by the club, the Dom’s experience and reputation allowed him to circumvent standard protocol as long as he procured a willing sub—and there were
who were willing.

It did not come as a surprise to Brie when Master O eventually approached Mary. Brie could feel the collective tension of the subs around her. They deeply resented his choice.

“Your name?” he asked in a dark, velvety voice.

Mary looked up and smiled, obviously pleased she had been the one chosen. She answered demurely, “It’s Mary, Master O.”

“I would like to scene privately with you…Mary.” His voice dropped to a low growl when he spoke her name. The timbre of his voice had even Brie quivering.

Mary batted her eyelashes at the Dom, before bowing low in respect. Brie knew what a cherished dream this was—to experience blood play performed by a famed Master of the sport. That was why it came as a complete shock when Mary answered, “I am honored, Master O, but I fear I must decline tonight.” She gave him a coy smile, one that invited the chase.

Brie heard a gasp from one of the other subs.

The Dom appeared equally stunned. He looked Mary up and down reproachfully. “Ah, my mistake. You are unworthy of such an invitation.” He turned his back on her, and began studying a group of girls nearby. Eventually, he picked a curvaceous sub with platinum hair to accompany him out of the club.

After Master O had left, a band of spiteful subs encircled Mary.

Brie heard one hiss, “You don’t belong here. You pretend to be a submissive, reeling them in with your looks, but you’re really just a fucked-up piece of white trash. He figured it out quickly enough though, didn’t he? They all do…”

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