Brie Pleases her New Master (After Graduation, #1) (7 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #women's erotica, #50 shades, #red phoenix, #submissive training, #BDSM, #Brie Series, #bondage and disapline

BOOK: Brie Pleases her New Master (After Graduation, #1)
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Brie closed her eyes and purred inside as he fondled her breasts. Sir made her feel fiercely feminine and desirable. Her body responded to her Master, her loins longing for his cock, her nipples aching for his mouth’s attention. “Are you ready to play my game, téa?”

Her heart beat rapidly when she answered. “Yes, Master.”

Sir’s cell phone rang on the counter. Its unusual ring made Sir stir on the couch. “Lie on the Tantra chair and play with yourself while I take this.”

Brie kissed his hand reverently before she got up and walked to the red chair. She lay down and closed her eyes as she ran her fingers over her ever-wettening pussy. Just knowing Sir was going to play with her had her close to coming.

Sir’s smooth voice filtered through her naughty thoughts. “This is an unexpected surprise.” She opened her eyes and was startled to see a serious look on his face. “I understand. No, I am grateful for the information.”

He hung up and glanced over at her. “Change of plans. I’ll be leaving for a bit. Have dinner waiting for me when I return. I don’t care what you make.”

Brie stopped rubbing her clit and sat up. “Master?”

“An unexpected complication has come up. I need time to sort it out,” Sir stated as he exited through the front door.

She was worried for Sir. He had been so elated about his new client and now he was facing a serious setback. The fact Master had asked for dinner, knowing her cooking skills, meant that he was so distraught he didn’t care what he ingested.

Brie went to the kitchen and began her best attempt at baked chicken to go along with the salad she’d made. She googled how to cook breast meat so that it would not be so dry, a common problem whenever she cooked meat. While it baked, she set the table, smiling as she imagined them sitting together, eating her simple but lovingly made meal. She hoped that Sir still planned to introduce her to his game. It had been frustrating to have it end just as it was about to begin.

An hour later, Sir returned and joined her at the table. He still seemed lost in thought, but smiled when she placed the chicken in front of him. Sir asked her about her day again, as if he’d forgotten that they’d talked about it earlier.

Brie decided to entertain him with a conversation she’d had with an older customer who loved dogs—all kinds of dogs. She shared how the elderly gentleman had gotten out his wallet and shown her at least twenty different canines he’d had the privilege to own. She laughed. “It was as if he was showing me his grandchildren. It was sweet, Sir.”

Brie felt a pang of guilt at not mentioning her encounter with Todd. However, she’d noticed that he hardly touched his meal and didn’t want to add to his stress. Besides, there was no point in getting Faelan in trouble over nothing.

When Sir announced he was done, he ordered her to join him over at the couch once she was finished with the dishes. She glanced at him several times as she made quick work of the kitchen. Sir was entrenched in paperwork, poring over a presentation he was going to give the next day. He hardly noticed when she knelt at his feet.

Brie didn’t mind. It was an honor to watch him work and she felt doubly blessed when he shared his presentation with her before bed. Sir was an inspiring speaker, leaving her in no doubt why he was highly esteemed in the business community.

When he finished, she smiled. “If they follow your suggestions, Sir, there is no reason they shouldn’t see an immediate increase in production.”

“That is the key,” he replied. “It is one thing to be presented with what needs to be done and another thing entirely to follow through with those changes. My job is to motivate that change.”

She blushed. “I guess you do the same with businesses that you do with submissives.”

He did not reply as he gathered his papers and turned off his laptop. She expected to be ordered to pleasure him orally; in fact, she had been counting on it. Instead, he stated, “You have failed me tonight.” With that, he got up, turned off the lights and walked to his bedroom.

Brie’s heart jumped into her throat. He
about Todd’s visit at the tobacco shop! He’d been waiting all night for her to say something about it.

She closed her eyes, realizing that it must have been Mr. Reynolds on the phone earlier that evening. It was natural that he would want to inform his nephew about Faelan’s visit. She didn’t blame him. No, this was her own fault. In trying to spare everyone from unnecessary distress, she had managed to make things so much worse.

It disturbed her that Sir wasn’t even asking to hear her side of the story. Brie remained on the floor, feeling like an idiot. “Sir…” she called out.

He answered by shutting the door.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. It had been a terrible mistake not to say anything. She understood that now. All she wanted was to make things right with Sir. Whatever he demanded as punishment would be fine, as long as he could forgive her for the mistake.

Brie laid her head on the couch, feeling utterly bereft. She spent the night kneeling beside the couch in the dark, watching Sir’s bedroom door. She noted when the light finally went out and stared at the door all night long, praying the light would turn back on and he would come for her.

Sir did not.





Brie was on alert when she heard him stir in the morning. She heard the shower and a short time later his bedroom door opened. She waited with bated breath as he walked down the hallway to her. Sir was fully dressed in a business suit, his hair still slightly damp.

He did not waste time, coming directly to her and commanding, “Stand.”

With great difficulty, Brie urged her stiff limbs to support her wobbly legs. She dared not look him in the eye.

“Not speaking of the encounter with Wallace is the same as lying.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I did not mean to lie to you.”

“What possible reason would make you keep it from your Master? Do you respect me so little?”

She braved a look at him, wanting Sir to know her heart. “No, Master! I didn’t think it was important enough.”

“Anytime another Dom touches my sub, it is very much my business.”

She bowed her head. “I didn’t think of it that way, Master.”

“Do you have feelings for the boy? Is that why you covered it up?”

“No, Sir. I love you. I want no one else.”

His voice became deadly serious. “Know this, Brie.” For the first time, her name sounded distasteful on his lips. “I consider you talking to another Dom without my permission an act of betrayal on your part.”

The air left her lungs.

“I will not abide disloyalty.”

She could barely get the words out. “I understand, Master. I deeply regret my actions.”

“Any interaction with a Dom is worthy of my attention. A lie of omission is still a lie.”

She bowed on the ground before him. “I understand, Master. I will not lie to you again.”

“No, you will not. Look at me.” Brie looked up at his imposing stature, afraid and in awe of him. “I must know the real motivation behind your deception.”

She swallowed once, to force her throat to relax enough that she could speak. “I did not want Mr. Wallace to get in trouble, Master. I felt guilty that I caused him pain by choosing you, and I didn’t want to add to it by making you angry with him.”

“Foolish,” he growled. “Wallace is a grown man. He knows the protocol. If he chooses to ignore it, he
suffer the consequences.”

Her heart sank for Faelan. Instead of sparing Todd, she was certain she had made things much worse for him. “I understand, Master. I was wrong and deserve to be punished.”

“Yes, your willful disobedience must be addressed.”

As much as she hated being disciplined by Sir, she craved it, because it would put her right with him. Harmony with Master was all she wanted, and she would do anything to get it back.

“Get ready for work. You will spend the day out of contact with me. When you return home, I want you to remain fully dressed while you wait. I will dole out my correction tonight.”

Sir grabbed his key and left the apartment. Brie slowly pulled herself up off the floor and headed to the bathroom. Her sense of failure was so great, she could taste it in her mouth.

The day was a trial. Mr. Reynolds knew there was something wrong, but wisely chose not to get involved. Instead, he interviewed the owner’s family members applying for the job. Since there were four of them, it gave her boss some control over who would be working with him. Brie took care of the front, and spent the rest of the time taking inventory to keep her mind off her troubles.

It made for a long and terrible day. She dreaded going home to Sir, but longed to be in his good graces again. This would be her first punishment by her Master. Would he be like Ms. Clark, and use an instrument to bring pain? The thought frightened her, but she would willingly submit to his authority and endure it.

When she arrived home, she had to wait in the oppressive silence of the apartment. It was actually humiliating not to undress because it only highlighted the fact she was not pleasing to Sir. She knelt by the door and listened to the lonely ticking of the clock in the kitchen. Each tick accentuated the dread building in her heart.

He came home just as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. The apartment was dark when Sir opened the door. He flicked on the light and walked past Brie, setting his key on the counter. She heard his retreating footsteps as he walked to his room.

Several minutes later, Sir returned and addressed her. His voice was detached and unemotional. “I will not touch you until your punishment is complete.”

Not to have his reassuring touch made this horrible moment all that harder, and a tear fell down her cheek.

“Why are you being corrected?”

“I failed to tell you of my interaction with Mr. Wallace, Master.”

“Why is that unacceptable?”

“No Dom is allowed to interact with me without your consent. My silence is the same as lying, Master.”

“Are you repentant?”

“Yes, Master.” A sob escaped her lips. “I am deeply sorry.”

“Then I shall correct your repentant heart,” he replied. Sir proceeded to place a ball gag in her mouth and secured it tightly around her head, being careful not to touch her with his hands. “The gag represents your willful silence.”

Her jaw stretched uncomfortably to accommodate the gag, and then the saliva began to build. She understood it was an appropriate instrument of punishment for her transgression.

“You acted like a disobedient child, therefore I shall treat you like one. Go to the kitchen and get the bag of rice.”

She quickly retrieved the rice and handed it over to him with her head bowed. She couldn’t imagine what he had in mind.

Sir took a handful of rice and spread it in a line on the floor. Then he took a second handful and covered the line with another layer. He handed the bag back to her. “Put it away and return to me.”

She did so with trepidation. What did the rice represent?

“Because you are unworthy to be naked before me, pull your pants up so that your knees are exposed.” She did so, watching with mortification as a long strand of saliva escaped her mouth and dribbled slowly to the floor when she bent over to roll up her jeans.

“I do not enjoy punishing you.”

She actually felt bad that her actions were forcing Sir to do this, and bowed her head lower in shame.

“Kneel on the rice with your weight resting on your knees.”

Brie knelt down slowly, positioning both knees on the hard little pellets. It didn’t become painful until she did as he commanded and put her full weight on her knees. She moaned in distress, the ball gag muffling her cry of discomfort.

“You will remain this way for twenty minutes.”

He went to the couch and began his work. She watched from the floor, trying to ignore the agony each tiny grain caused as it dug mercilessly into her knees. It seemed unreal that something so miniscule could cause such considerable pain.

As the clock ticked away the minutes, she tried to blink away the tears. Although it hurt, it was knowing she’d disappointed Sir that made the punishment truly unbearable. Thinking on it, she realized that not mentioning her encounter with Faelan was the same as putting the boy before Sir. It was glaringly clear to her now.

Being completely open and honest with Master was the only thing that mattered. How it affected others was not her concern. Brie accepted the pain as her obligation as a disobedient submissive. She would learn from it and would not let it happen again.

When the twenty minutes were up, Sir spoke to her again. “Get up and retrieve the broom and dustpan. Clean up your mess and then come stand before me.”

Brie could not stand up because of the debilitating pain, and was forced to roll to one side. She brushed off the rice still clinging to her skin and pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, rocking gently to comfort herself. Once the torturous ache had subsided enough for her to stand, she picked herself up and did his bidding before presenting herself before Master.

Sir put his work down and stood up, holding a small towel in his hand. He undid the ball gag, and cleaned up the copious amounts of spittle that came with it. Once she was presentable again, he spoke.

“Have you learned your lesson?”

“Yes, Master. I will not keep anything from you in the future.”

“Fine. You may undress, then.”

With stiff movements, she took off her clothes and laid them in a neat pile beside her.

Sir held out his hands to her. “It’s okay, téa. I forgive you.”

Brie broke out in a sob and fell into his arms. He picked her up and carried her to his bedroom, then laid her down on the bed. After he’d shed his clothes Sir joined her, gathering her into his protective embrace. She could not stop the tears as she cried against his chest. Sir allowed her to weep, holding her tight. Eventually he whispered, “Hush now, Brie. You are my good girl.”

There was no hot sex afterwards, no sexual games, just a Master holding his repentant submissive in the dark.

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