Brides of Alaska (8 page)

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Authors: Tracie; Peterson

BOOK: Brides of Alaska
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By the time the sun began to set, the weather had calmed, and the temperature had risen significantly. The silence left in the wake of the roaring wind was unsettling.

Julie bundled up against the cold and waved off her father's protests. “I'm just going outside to look things over. There's no wind, no snow, and I'd best get used to the elements. I have a job to report to in little over a week,” she said, more harshly than she'd intended.

Vern nodded. “I can't help worrying. I love you, Jewels.”

Julie's expression softened as she reached out to put a reassuring hand on Vern's arm. “I love you, too, Papa. Please don't worry. I was very foolish the other day. I realize my mistake, and I won't make it again.”

Vern embraced his daughter momentarily and then opened the back door for her. “Have fun,” he said. Julie knew it was his way of giving her his blessing and confidence.

Julie walked out into the darkness. She turned back and saw the cheery glow of light shining from the house. Out on the nursing trail, there would only be the lighted windows of strangers to look forward to. Was she doing the right thing? Was she really cut out for the solitary existence her job required?

“You're mighty deep in thought,” Sam said as he came from somewhere out of the blackness.

“I was just thinking about my work.”

“Apprehensive?” Sam questioned.

Julie looked rather quizzically at Sam. “How did you know?”

“Just something I felt.”

“Well,” Julie continued before Sam could get personal, “I'm sure everyone has second thoughts. I'm just settling mine, that's all. How about you? What brings you out tonight?”

“I just bought two new dogs from your father. We staked them out with my team this afternoon, and I was checking up on them. They fit right in,” Sam said as he moved closer to Julie. “I figure we'll leave sometime in the morning.”

“Oh, so soon?” Julie questioned.

“Disappointed?” Sam asked with a grin.

Julie moved away from Sam and noticed the sky. “Look!”

Overhead, the sky filled with pulsating light. Green, pink, and white lights streaked the night blackness, and the heavens exploded with northern lights.

“The aurora,” Sam said as he came to stand directly behind Julie.

“I'd nearly forgotten,” Julie said. She felt a trembling in her body at the nearness of Sam.

For a long time neither Julie nor Sam said a word. They watched the dancing lights as the colors faded, then radiated and grew brilliant again. The stillness of the windless night made the cold easily tolerated, but Sam moved closer to block the chill from Julie's back.

Julie decided she had to deal with Sam. He wasn't going to go away, and even though he planned to leave the next morning, it was necessary to tell him exactly where she stood.

“Sam,” Julie said as she turned to face him. She hadn't realized just how close he was. Sam reached out and quickly pulled Julie into his arms. “Wait just a minute,” Julie protested. “You can't keep doing this.”

“Oh yes, I can, and I intend to do it often after we're married,” Sam said, refusing to let Julie loose.

“Married? I'm not going to—” Her words fell into silence as Sam lowered his mouth to hers. Julie expected the same brief type of kiss Sam had given her in the kitchen, but instead his mouth was firmly fixed on hers in a deeply passionate kiss. Julie had set out to concentrate on not responding, but easily lost that thought as Sam aroused feelings inside her that Julie had never known existed. Giving in, Julie allowed Sam to pull her tightly to his chest as her arms went around his neck.

When Sam pulled back, Julie felt herself gasp for air. “You'll never stop feeling lonely until you give in to your heart and marry me. Remember, two are better than one,” Sam whispered.

“But, I prayed about working as a nurse. I know it's my destiny.” Julie forced the words from her muddled mind.

“And you are mine,” Sam said before silencing Julie's protests with his mouth.

Chapter 7

n the first day of November, Julie reported to Dr. Welch at the two-story Maynard-Columbus Hospital. The whitewashed clapboard building offered the most thorough medical help in northwestern Alaska and had seen more than its share of action.

After meeting with Dr. Welch for a few days, Julie's confidence returned. Dr. Welch was habitually happy. He was at his best when he was working in and around his patients, and his nurses enjoyed his vibrant love of life. Emily Morgan, training to take over as head nurse at the hospital, told Julie that it was Dr. Welch's devoted wife, Lula, who'd made the gray-haired doctor so content.

“You know,” Emily said as she showed Julie to a small office, “she married him right after his internship in Los Angeles. She's worked alongside him for many years.”

“Yes, I know,” Julie said as she slipped out of her parka. “I'm quite familiar with both the doctor and his wife. I was born in Nome.”

“I didn't know you were native to Alaska,” Emily said. “Oh, by the way, this is Nurse Seville,” she added as a rather plain-looking woman came into the office.

“Glad to meet you,” the woman said, extending her hand. “I'm Bertha.”

“It's nice to meet you as well,” Julie said and shook the woman's hand. “I'm Julie Eriksson.”

“Well, it's quite a challenge you've carved out for yourself. I've made calls with Dr. Welch to the nearest Eskimo settlements, and I've never really enjoyed the sled travel. Although I must say, Doc enjoys every bit of it. But you'll be out there on your own, driving your own team and facing the elements. I admire your spirit,” Bertha said honestly.

“Thank you,” Julie answered just as Dr. Welch entered the room.

“Are you ready to go?” he questioned as he took a seat behind a paper-laden desk.

“I sure am,” Julie responded. “I came to say good-bye and see if there were any last-minute instructions.”

“Take good care of your dogs,” Welch answered firmly. “Of course, take good care of yourself as well. Keep detailed records, and let me know if there's anything that needs my attention.”

“I will,” Julie promised and picked up her parka. “I'd best be on my way. My first stop is nearly two hours away.”

“At least the weather's been good. Unseasonably so, if you ask me,” the veteran doctor replied. After nearly twenty years in Alaska, he spoke with authority.

“Well, remember me in your prayers,” Julie said as she pulled on her coat.

“That we will,” Nurse Emily replied.

Moving out on the open trail, Julie had plenty of time to think. Too much time. She'd been working for nearly six weeks, and during that time, she'd seen just about everything.

She'd delivered babies, set broken bones, stitched up wounds, and dealt with a multitude of other ailments. Overall, her experience had been a good one, but always there were the hours alone on the trail when the only thing she could think about was Sam.

How could one man affect a woman so much that she questioned her purpose in life? Ever since Sam had kissed her and told her he intended to marry her, Julie had been confused.

When Julie was younger and there had been only her mother's driving desire to see her daughter become a nurse, she'd felt certain of her destiny. But Sam was just as strong in maintaining that Julie was his destiny.

Julie stopped the dogs for a brief rest. There were only three to four hours of light a day as Christmas grew near. Usually she woke up in the darkness and moved out, only to spend the daylight hours inside a sod igloo, delivering a baby or tending to some other medical need. She was enjoying this rare opportunity to travel during the daylight hours.

Julie checked her compass and pulled out a small map from inside her parka. If everything went according to plan, she'd be in the next village within two hours. Carefully replacing the compass and map, Julie checked her dogs and took her place at the back of the sled.

“Let's go,” she called out, and the dogs immediately picked up a nice trotting pace.

Julie alternated running behind the sled and riding the runners. She'd gradually regained her muscular arms and running legs. Physically, she'd never felt better, but emotionally, she was drained.

“God, please help me,” she prayed. The winter sky's pale turquoise color was already giving way to the coming darkness. In the distance, Julie saw the telltale signs of a snowstorm. She called to the dogs to pick up the pace before turning her mind and soul back to God in prayer. “Lord, I don't understand why You sent Sam into my life at this time. I thought I knew what You wanted me to do, but how can I do that and care for a husband? And if You don't want Sam to be my husband, then why did You allow him to complicate things for me?” Julie realized how selfish her prayer sounded and fell silent.

She watched the frozen wasteland pass by her moving sled. The horizon stretched out forever, and yet, just ahead Julie would thrill to the light in the window of some thoughtful villager, and once again she'd be safe.

The dogs seemed to sense the end of the journey and hastened to the place where they would receive fresh tom cod and tallow.
They are smarter than human beings
, Julie thought.
They never press on in a storm when they know it's dangerous, and they're content to do their work and take their rest. If only I could be the same

Blackness fell long before Julie reached the small Eskimo village. She kept watch through the darkness as the dogs, confident of their trail, pressed on.

Visions of Sam filled her mind, and for a moment Julie allowed herself to wonder what it would be like to marry Lucky Sam Curtiss.

“Surely I'd have to give up my nursing,” Julie mused. “He would expect me to give him my undivided attention. And there would be the possibility of children. A man like Sam would probably want a dozen or more,” she added sarcastically. “But then, I hope to one day have a big family, too.

“Why did he have to come?” Julie yelled into the darkness. She hadn't noticed that they were nearly upon the village, and only when Dusty brought the team to a stop did Julie realize why.

“Good boy, Dusty. I was daydreaming again,” Julie said as she planted the snow hook.

A middle-aged Eskimo man appeared with his two sons. She recognized the man as George Nakoota. She had tended his youngest child during a bad bout of tonsillitis during her first visit to the village.

“There's warm food inside for you,” George said as he helped Julie unload her sled. “The boys and I will take care of the dogs.” Julie nodded and went inside. As long as the dogs were fed and bedded down, she could rest.

George's wife, Tanana, helped Julie out of her parka and mukluks. “George heard you coming from far off,” Tanana said as she placed the parka over a chair by the oilcan stove.

“I don't see how George can hear these things from so far away,” Julie said. “He's always saying that he can hear any storm or animal coming for fifty miles. Those are mighty perceptive ears.”

“George does not listen with his ears. He listens with his soul. George and the land are close, like old friends.”

“The soul can tell a person a great deal, if we choose to listen to it,” Julie agreed. “Have you thought about what I told you when I was here before?”

“I remember when your father used to visit with George and tell him about white man's God in heaven. George said it made nights pass faster with stories from your Bible.”

“But they're more than stories, Tanana.” Julie hoped her old friend wouldn't be offended by her boldness. “I know you're skeptical of the things that white folks bring to your people—the sickness and disease, the mining operations and such—but honestly, Tanana, God has a great deal of love for you and your people.”

“I know that,” Tanana agreed, “but He loves me in the Eskimo way.”

George came in, bringing the rest of Julie's gear. “Your dogs are looking good, Julie. You've been taking good care of them.”

“The people have all been so good to me,” Julie said as she sat down at the small crude table where Tanana was dishing up hot food. “They feed the dogs and me and always give us a warm place to sleep. I have no complaints.”

“Any trouble with animals?” George asked as he joined Julie at the table. “I noticed that Dusty looked a bit chewed-on.”

“He was,” Julie nodded. “You've got eyes that are every bit as good as your ears, George. He got into a fight with a village dog. The other dog looks worse, so we count it a victory for him. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him otherwise.”

George laughed. “You spoil him. He'll grow fat and lazy and never run fast, but I won't tell him.”

Julie stayed on in George's village for two days. She treated several bad colds and looked in on George's mother, who'd suffered from an infected wound on her hand. Julie was preparing to leave when George's oldest son came running.

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