Read Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles Online

Authors: Georgette St. Clair

Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles (12 page)

BOOK: Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles
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Chapter 13

“Take me,”
she said.


              Kristofer took her weight easily, wrapping her in his arms as she pounced and bore him back onto the bed, her fingers already going to the buttons of his shirt. He gave a low, appreciative moan as her mouth descended on his.


              She kissed him ravenously, their tongues tangling, and nipped at his lips in playful rebuke when he pulled away to take a deep, shuddering breath.


              “I want you in my mouth,” Caitlin moaned.


“Then we want the same thing.”


She sank to her knees before him.  She could see the eager bulge of his cock beneath his fly, and she palmed it aggressively, giving a little growl of triumph when he groaned and his eyes fluttered closed, his lips parted.


Then he opened his eyes and pulled her back up to her feet.


              “Take your clothes off. I want to see you,” he growled.


              As if hypnotized, she obeyed him, and by the time she’d discarded her panties he was naked too, his cock bobbing eagerly against his belly, a drop of pre-cum glistening on its tip. Caitlin licked her lips, eager to taste him.


Caitlin pulled impatiently at her clothes, wanting to be naked with that thick, hard length inside her right now – sooner than right now. She reveled in the sensation of his eyes on her body as she hurriedly removed her clothes. His half-hooded gaze lingered on her breasts, her belly, the curves of her hips and thighs, and he exuded a mixture of self-satisfaction and lust that only made her want him even more.


              She crawled onto the bed, allowing the anticipation to build as she ran her hands up his inner thighs, spreading his legs apart to give her better access to his shaft. She kissed the tip, then swirled her tongue around the head, gathering that pearly bead of pre-cum, and he gave a low, heartfelt groan. A heady sense of power swept over her, mixing with the lust that raged through her body to make her feel like some kind of ravenous goddess.


              She parted her lips and slid her mouth down over his cock, taking him as deeply as she could, hollowing her cheeks so she could suckle his turgid length, then withdrawing until the tip of him barely rested between her lips.


              Kristofer went still, quivering as he restrained himself from thrusting into her mouth. She felt his hands roughly grasping the back of her head, his fingers twisting into her hair.  He held her in place and groaned aloud. “You’re killing me.” His voice was harsh with desire.


              She took him in again, slowly, flicking her tongue at the sensitive ridge beneath his head, sucking him inch by delicious inch. He groaned again, a pained sound that told her he was barely holding on to the unravelling threads of his control. She would have grinned if her mouth hadn’t been full of his rock-hard, twitching cock.


              “Oh God, Caitlin, I want to be inside you.” The words came out punctuated by thick, heavy pants.


              He pulled himself out of her mouth, his cock shiny with her saliva, and she scrambled onto the bed. He rolled her over, face down, and thrust his knee between her thighs. She loved the way he claimed her, rough and tender at the same time.


              She was gratified by his labored breathing, the way he moaned as he slid inside her, pushing his thickness deep inside.


              Her thighs trembled as she he began to move, almost sliding out and then slamming back into her, so deep that they were meshed together like a single organism. The sweet burn of his thick cock as it parted her eager folds only added to the rising pleasure that washed through her from head to toe in a series of ecstatic waves as he pumped in to her.


              He reached around her to cup her breasts in his big palms, massaging the soft white flesh, teasing her nipples between his fingers until they stood up rosy and erect. At the same time he nuzzled her neck,


              Caitlin groaned and clutched at the blanket, pushing back against him. No matter how deep he drove into her, she wanted more.


              Kristofer flexed his hips in sweet counterpoint to her movements, hitting her clit with each stroke and driving her higher. Her breath stuttered in her chest and she froze for a glorious instant of unbearable sensation before his rolling movements sent her flying, crying out and pressing her face into the blanket to wring every last morsel of sensation from her orgasm.


              Kristofer didn’t give her a chance to recover. He slid out of her, rolled her onto her back, and hooked her thigh over his hip. Then he entered her again, thrusting into her still spasming channel with relentless determination. Over and over again he thrust into her limp,  willing body and she gasped with surprise as the sensation caught and kindled and she was coming again, almost sobbing with the intensity of the sensation as he rode her through the spasms until she was wrung out and exhausted and trembling with satisfaction.


              He paused, still inside her, gazing tenderly down into her face. She blinked at him, still addled with lust, as he ran his fingers tenderly down the side of her face. He ran his thumb over her lower lip, then leaned down to kiss her tenderly, slowly, taking his time and exploring her mouth with gentle thoroughness as though tasting a sweet and exotic fruit.


              Then he buried his face against her neck and he started to pump into her faster and harder, driving her into the mattress, gasping with each thrust. Caitlin clung to him, digging her fingers into his sweat-damp back, and when he sank his teeth into the soft skin of her throat, sending a bolt of pleasure-pain shooting through her, she moaned her orgasm as he froze and groaned, spilling himself inside her.


              They lay together for a long time, exhausted and sticky with sweat, Kristofer’s softening cock still twitching gently inside her. Her pussy ached pleasantly and the bite mark on her neck was sore. Kristofer lazily soothed it with his tongue and she clutched his thick curls in her hands, holding his head possessively against her and reveling in the warmth of his body and the musky masculine scent of him.

Chapter 14


Caitlin stood in front of the bathroom mirror, dabbing makeup on the bite marks on her neck. “It was the pheromones,” she informed Kristofer loftily as he strode out of the shower toweling his hair. “Chemicals took over my mind. I couldn’t help myself.”

              “Really? I suppose pheromones are responsible for you indecently assaulting me yet again, in my own bed, an hour ago, eight hours after moonrise? That’s the story that you’re sticking with?” Kristofer smirked.

              “Yes, it is.” She surveyed her reflection.  She’d done a pretty good job; the evidence of their lovemaking was mostly concealed.

              “Well, in that case, pheromones probably want you to have sex with me again.”

              She stifled a giggle. “Kristofer, you are a werewolf and I am not. You can keep going forever, apparently. My poor human body needs to rest and recuperate.” It was true; she felt as if she’d run a marathon. She ached and throbbed all over. But she was grinning as she said it.

              “So all is well between us now?” he asked her, falling back into his formal European phrasing. He had that lazy, confident smile stretching across his face, but behind his words she heard a hint of tension. A hint of fear, even. Her answer meant the world to him, she suddenly realized, with a sharp pang.

She wished that she could give him the answer that he wanted to hear…but she also didn’t want to lie to him. At least any more than she already had.

As she hesitated, she saw concern cloud his features.

“Isn’t it?” he asked.

She winced. “It’s…Kristofer, we can’t ever really be completely good as long as the land issue is unresolved.”

“I could sit down and talk to your family. And the offer to hire them still stands,” he said.

“They’re not going to change their position on that.”

His face fell, and she felt a dull cloud of gloom descend on her.  If she could stay here, she would. She couldn’t deny that fact any longer. She wanted to be with him, to be his bride, to have his children…he’d make an amazing father. She could see it in the look on his face every time a wolf cub ran by.  But in a couple of weeks, the full moon would be there, and they’d be married, and the next day she’d have to reject him and go home. She was really starting to wish that Paige had never discovered that particular loophole.

“I should go,” she said.

As she headed for the door, he called after her “Caitlin?”

She hesitated, turning back.  “Yes?”

“Your friendship with Twyla…is it important to you?”

“That’s an odd question.” She raised an eyebrow. “You somehow disapprove of her?”

“No, not at all. The point that Taddeus made…about the mixing of the clans. I don’t need to tell you that we’re a very tradition bound species. And there have been some complaints, again, from Taddeus’s crew who are the more tradition bound members of the pack. Sometimes it’s just-”

“Good God, Kristofer, really?” she interrupted indignantly. She’d really have expected better from him. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go have some coffee and maybe do a little baking with my
Twyla, before I head over to do the wedding planning.” Exasperated, she headed back to her room.

A short while later, as she stood outside waiting for Frank to fetch a limousine to take her to Twyla’s house, her phone rang.  It was the mayor, and he was furious. The oozing charm was gone from his voice, which had turned harsh and ugly. “You cannot remove my daughter from the wedding planning. It is a public insult, and everyone will want to know why she’s no longer involved.  Put her back, or you’ll never see the deed again.”

“Not my call,” she said coldly. “Kristofer doesn’t want her on the property after she snuck in to his room last night and threw herself at him.”

“She was invited to his room,” Mayor Klinghoffer said sullenly, but his voice lacked conviction.

“He invited her, and then he immediately had the guards remove her? Think about how ridiculous that sounds.” She glanced around to make sure nobody was in earshot.  “If you don’t give me the deed, I’ll tell everyone that you stole it, and I’ll play the recording of you confessing it.  And I’ll tell everyone how his guards were forced to haul her out of his bedroom, naked.  There’s video security in the house, by the way.” There wasn’t, but there was no way the mayor would know that.

There was a moment of dead silence.

“You’d better play damned nice for the cameras,” the mayor said finally, and she heard a click as he cut off the connection.

As he did, Frank pulled up in front of her, and she climbed in to the limo.  An idea was forming in her head, a way that she might be able to do some good in the limited time that she had left here with the Verhold Pack.

Lottie and Paige were already there when she arrived. Alberto had kept his word and was being extremely generous with Lottie’s time off. With all the publicity that he’d gotten, he’d raised his prices and was booked a year in advance. He’d been able to hire additional office staff.

As she and Frank walked in to the small cottage, the scent of freshly baked pie enveloped her.  “We’re here!” she called, heading for the kitchen. Paige, Twyla and Lottie were gathered around the small kitchen island.

“She’s an amazing chef. Look at these little things!” Lottie said excitedly, holding out a pan of miniature apple pies in little ceramic pans. “I can’t believe that you’re not allowed to work as a chef,” she added to Twyla. “It’s ridiculous.”

              “I’d never really thought about it until Caitlin mentioned it,” Twyla said. “I mean, I never even thought about the possibility.”

              Caitlin glanced at Frank. “Can you wait outside? There’s mini pies in it for you.”

              He nodded, and stepped outside, shutting the door behind him.

              “Not much of a talker, is he?” Lottie observed.

              “No, but he’s an all right guy.  Listen, I have an idea,” Caitlin announced. “If you’re willing to take a risk.”

              “Risk is my middle name,” Twyla said.

              “Really?” Lottie looked up, interested.

              Twyla tittered behind her hand. “No, my middle name is Lee. Although I like the sound of Risk. Maybe if I have a daughter I’ll give her that as a middle name. All right, tell me your idea.”

              As Caitlin spelled it out, Twyla’s eyes grew wider and wider, and Paige and Lottie nodded appreciatively.

              Caitlin’s phone chirped in her purse as she was finishing up.  Her heart sank when she saw it was her Aunt Maggie’s number. Her family only seemed to call with bad news these days. 

“I’m sorry, Caitlin, but I don’t think it’s a false alarm this time,” Maggie said desperately. “We haven’t been able to find your mother for hours.”

BOOK: Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles
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