Briannas Prophecy (26 page)

Read Briannas Prophecy Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Briannas Prophecy
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She won’t care that I’m not from
?” Brianna sniffed.

Niklas smiled, held her to him. “She will only care that I have finally found my
. The most important thing to her is my marriage and the possibility of grandchildren in the near future.”

Brianna’s smile wobbled a bit. “She does have that.”


* * * *


“Then you agree to have my children?” He appeared to be holding his breath. Apparently, children were a bit more important to him than he let on. The action endeared him to her. She knew if she said no, he would readily agree although it was obvious he desperately wanted children.

“Only our children,
. But I would not force you to bear even one, if you do not wish to.”

Brianna looked at him and nodded. “I agree, Niklas. I will bear your children. Quite possibly in the very near future.” Her eyes were wide, searching.

Niklas stilled, his face unreadable. He paused, his hand stopped in midair as he reached toward her hair.

She nervously licked her lips, wished she knew what he was thinking, but this time his thoughts were his own. This mind bond thing was pretty cool, but it definitely wasn’t very reliable.

He tilted his head and continued to stare at her. His eyes grew bright and he blinked, clearing his throat several times. “Are you saying that you are— That we are going to—” When comprehension dawned, his grin was blinding.

Brianna blinked. He was happy? His smile was beautiful.
was beautiful. She’d often wondered if he could get more handsome. Well, apparently he could.

Niklas rushed to her side, picked her up in his arms and twirled her around the room.

Ooh, Boy! He was ecstatic. She began to feel sick and held her hand over her mouth. If he didn’t stop soon, she was going to embarrass herself. She looked down and had the ridiculous thought that the carpet wasn’t green.

Niklas caught her last thought and stopped twirling her immediately. Only it was too late.

I’m going to be sick!
She didn’t dare open her mouth.

He rushed her to the bathroom. They reached the basin just in time.

“Somehow, I don’t think being pregnant is going to be any fun at all.” She leaned over the sink for several moments before she rinsed her mouth and stood. Niklas helped her clean up, took her to the bed, and called Sarcha.

Sarcha arrived with his medical supplies. He looked around confused. “Is there a problem, Your Highness?” It was apparent that neither one of them was seriously ill. He obviously wondered why he had been summoned. He looked around the room once more, blinking owlishly.

Nothing seemed to rattle the doctor. Brianna would bet everything she owned that Sarcha’s hair could catch on fire, and he would simply walk to a sink and stick his head under the faucet. She could even picture him saying.
My hair is on fire? Big deal, it just needs a little water…
The thought made her want to giggle, but she coughed instead. Somehow, she didn’t think either of them would appreciate humor now. This felt like it was going to turn into a big deal. Good grief, she hoped they didn’t start treating her like some porcelain doll or something.

“Brianna needs a complete physical, Sarcha. She hasn’t been feeling well for the last few…” Niklas shot her an inquiring look.


Niklas raised an eyebrow, giving her that look she’d seen him use on others when he felt he should have been informed of something. It was a look she’d seen him direct at members of the crew often over the last months.

“A few weeks?”

Brianna gave him a sheepish look and shrugged. “I thought it was nerves. You have to admit I
been under quite a bit of stress lately. To tell the truth, I didn’t think much of it at first. At least not until everyone started talking about heirs. Then I realized that must be what has been wrong with me.”

Sarcha began his examination, looked into her eyes. He took her pulse, normal things that surprised her. She didn’t expect him to take her pulse.

How else would we know if we were alive?
Niklas was laughing at her now. He knew she had no experience with aliens to speak of.


More advanced life forms. Does that make you feel better?
She felt like sticking her tongue out at him.

He gave her a smoldering look.
I like your tongue.
He smiled slowly.
I can think of lots of interesting things that involve the use of that particular part of your anatomy.

Brianna looked away and blushed. That just wasn’t fair.

“How have you been feeling, Highness?” Sarcha asked. His eyes were on hers now. With the examination paused, the doctor was exercising his bedside manner. He frowned a bit, reached out and touched her forehead. “Your color is up, have you been feeling feverish?”

She shot Niklas a dirty look before she turned back to the doctor. “I’ve been really tired and sick to my stomach. I’ve been having a hard time keeping things down when I eat.”

“Um hmm… Have you, ah, missed your cycle?”

Brianna blushed again. “Yes, I have.”

Sarcha pulled a small square box from his kit and held it over her stomach. He smiled. “I am honored to be the first to congratulate you both.” He turned and smiled at Niklas.

“We’re pregnant?” she squeaked. She’d hardly dared hope. Although she’d known Niklas so short a time, she knew this was right. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and bear his children—even though he could be an overbearing, anal-retentive jerk sometimes.

“Yes, Highness, you are.” He looked at the results of the remarkable test he’d given her. Sarcha nodded. “By my calculations, you are three months along.”

“Three months?” they said in unison.

Sarcha smiled again. He gave them both an understanding look. “I would guess it happened at your bonding.”

Niklas grinned.

Brianna frowned. “You’re looking awfully proud of yourself.” She looked at Sarcha. “You’d think he was the first man to get a woman pregnant or something,” she said dryly. The doctor looked up at her and smiled.

Sarcha gathered his things together. His testing device beeped, drawing his attention. His smile grew wider. He turned back to Niklas.

“Your mother will be
pleased. I must remember to congratulate her on the impending arrival of her grandchildren.”

“Twins?” Brianna cried. This was unbelievable. “I’m having twins?” Her face was a mask of shock.

Sarcha shook his head. “Triplets, two boys and a girl. Again, congratulations, Majesties.” Sarcha bowed, then left during the stunned silence.

Brianna burst into tears, and Niklas was still in a state of shock, a smile firmly planted on his face.


“Is that all you can say?” Brianna cried. “You never told me how many children you wanted. How many are too many, Niklas?” Brianna sobbed. She was going to get fat,

Niklas sat on the bed next to her and pulled her into his embrace. “Such silly things you think,
.” He kissed the top of her head.


* * * *


“I will be honored to watch you grow heavy with my child. Children,” he amended. “You will only grow more beautiful as their lives grow within you.” He reached down, covering her still flat stomach with his hand. He rocked her gently as the sobs subsided to little hiccups.

Niklas held her until her body went limp with exhaustion and her eyes drifted closed. Still he held her. He sat on the bed holding his life in his arms and thanked the Gods that he found her.








Chapter Seventeen



With the initial shock over, Brianna was forced to come to terms with the fact that in just six short months she would be the mother of three. “Triplets?” She laid her hand over her stomach.

Niklas assured her that he was thrilled to know triplets were on the way. “
, how could I not be pleased to know that we have been blessed so well, so soon?”

“Just what the hell is
supposed to mean?” Brianna shouted, tears in her eyes. “You think three is too many, don’t you? Oh God! I’m going to get so fat,” she rolled away from him, sobbing.

Nervous, Niklas ran a hand through his hair. This was untried ground for him. He had no idea how to handle a hysterical pregnant woman. “I said no such thing,
. I merely said we have been blessed.”

She sat up and wiped her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be such a baby. I know it makes you uncomfortable.” She gave him a weak smile. “You’re always so in control of everything. I know it must pain you to not know what to do with me when I get so emotional.”

Niklas sat facing her. He leaned forward and framed her face with his hands and brushed her tears away with his thumbs. “Why would you think you disappoint me,
You could never do that.” He kissed her softly on the forehead.


* * * *


She wrapped her arms around him, her hands resting against his firm muscular back. “I hope not. I do love you. I wouldn’t want anything to come between us. Ever.”

“I would have nothing between us as well,

Brianna held him tighter and reveled in the warmth of his embrace. “Would you just hold me for now, Niklas?”

“I would hold you forever,
,” he replied, rocking her in his arms.

She heard the soft strains of a song. It was beautiful, although she didn’t understand the words, and comforting. She drifted toward sleep in Niklas’s arms, listening to him sing in his language. He had such a beautiful voice. It was a shame she didn’t understand the words he sang so well.

“Tonight I will give you a language disc to listen to. It is time for you to learn the language of your people.”

“Yes, Niklas,” she whispered. “Niklas?”

“Yes, Brianna?”

“I love you,
Mi Daru
.” She tilted her head back. Even half asleep, there was no mistaking what she wanted.


* * * *


Niklas grinned and placed a kiss on her puckered lips. “Rest,
, while I hold you safe in my arms.” His answer was a soft snore. Niklas bowed his head and prayed. He again thanked the Gods for bringing them together. He wondered what wonderful thing he had done in his life to deserve her.

Never had he thought to find one such as she and bring her home from so far away. He stared down at her as she slept, loving the way her eyelashes formed dark gold crescents on her cheeks. He continued to watch her as she slept, thanking all that was good that he had found her, that she was his

Her charm, wit, and sense of humor would be legendary on
. His
could make a weeping woman laugh and a grieving man smile without even trying. He blinked as the moisture in his eyes threatened to overflow. He hadn’t shed a tear since reaching manhood, yet they threatened to come now. He smiled down at Brianna. He had his
to thank for that. She had awakened his slumbering heart. She had taken an empty shell of a man and taught him to love. Even if she couldn’t manage to save their world, she had already saved him. That had to mean something.

Niklas scratched Killer behind the ears as he bent his head toward hers, his lips brushing her hair as he inhaled deeply. He took in the sweet scent that was his Brianna. She always smelled sweet, like berries. He would be forever grateful for her, his beautiful gift from the Gods.


* * * *


Brianna slept comfortably in his arms, more so than she had in the last few weeks. She woke after an hour, feeling refreshed and hungry.

Niklas surprised her by suggesting an evening alone in their quarters. He even replicated a pizza for the occasion.

“I thought I would never see another pizza again,” she cried, snatching up a slice. She crammed half a slice in her mouth as if she’d been starving. Reaching down, she tossed Killer a piece of pepperoni as he danced around her feet.

Niklas smiled, pleased. He would have replicated more Earth foods for her, had he known she would react this way. She ate more tonight than he’d seen her eat at any one time in the last three months on board. He wondered if her eating habits had contributed to her weight loss. Before, he had attributed her failing appetite to her being upset over being abducted, then her pregnancy. Perhaps she didn’t find
food enjoyable. The thought never occurred to him that she might have been missing the culinary delights of her world. He would have to change that.

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