Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series)
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When he entered the great
room, his parents looked his way and smiled. He knew their families would want them to wait until they were older to marry, so he’d discussed his plan with them prior to the party. Brett felt his heart rate increasing and felt heat spreading through his body. He went to the kitchen to get another beer and drank about half of one in a minute.

, there you are. Are you OK? You look a little hot. You should take your jacket off,” Hannah said.

“I will in a few minutes.” Brett took her hand.

“Come with me, shortcake. I should make a toast.”

Brett walked into the great room
with Hannah’s hand in his. He’d only given a toast one other time at his sister’s wedding. It wasn’t his thing, but he had a feeling he was going to be doing it often, being with a Mason.

“Everyone, I’
d like to give a toast. Hannah and I are very fortunate to have such supportive friends and family, so we want to thank you for coming to see our home, and we’re looking forward to entertaining here often.

Let’s toast to great times shared with family and friends … cheers.”

Everyone held up their drinks
as they said “cheers” loudly. Brett squeezed Hannah’s hand as sweat beaded on his forehead. After a minute, everyone became quiet and looked at him.

Brett turned to face Hannah and saw the
curiosity in her sparkling bluish green eyes as he began to speak.

“It’s no secret what we went through to get to where we are today.
A greater force brought us together, and I don’t want to spend one day of my life without you. I know we’re young, but if you’re willing, I would like us to make that promise to each other. Then when we’re older, I want to make it official.”

annah’s eyes widened as her body started to tremble.

Brett pulled the box out of his pocket and got down
on one knee. Everyone gasped including Hannah as she covered her mouth.

“Hannah Ray Mason, will you please
one day marry me, so I’ll have the privilege of loving and protecting you the rest of our lives?”

h’s head nodded yes as tears sprang from her eyes. She finally caught her breath.

“Yes, Brett. I
would love to one day marry you,” she said, grinning.

Hannah was practically
jumping up and down as Brett slid the beautiful ring on her finger. She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He closed his eyes and held her head to his chest, praying he’d never lose her.

All their
guests cheered, and the girls ran over to see the ring. Brett’s friends walked up to him and gave their congratulations.

“So, go ahead and give it to me. I c
an take it,” Brett said.

you’ve been through enough, so we’ll save the ball busting for the wedding,” Dylan said.

ryone seemed happy as they spent the rest of the party mingling.


Brett shut the door after his parents left. He turned around and walked over to Hannah. Lifting up her left hand, he gave it a soft kiss.

We’re alone, and this is why my family saw it best to stay at a hotel.”

hat was a good decision. You’re so getting lucky tonight,” she said, beaming up at him.

“Then we need to hurry and get this cute little
ass upstairs.” Brett swooped her up into his arms.

“Brett!” Hannah squealed. “What are you doing?”

“I’m taking you to bed, baby. I need to make love to my fiancé. Thank you for making me the happiest man ever,” he said softly, leaning his head against hers.

“I love you, Brett.
I feel bad because I know you paid a fortune for this ring.” She held her hand out to admire it.

Brett started walking through the house.

“Don’t, I’ve been saving the last three years to put a down payment on a place when I graduate, but I have a home, so I spent it on you.

I wanted you to have something from me, from money I earned. When I see it on your hand, I’ll be reminded of how hard I worked to give it to you, and I’ll also be reminded that in time, you’ll be my wife.”

Brett started up
the stairs toward their bedroom.

Hannah looked at him, her arms wrapped around his neck and legs dangling over his arm.

“Can we please get married the summer after I graduate? I can’t wait any longer. Oh, and I want two or three kids. Do you have a problem with that?”

Brett chuckled. “Surely you’ve figured out by now that I’m putty in your hands, Hannah. I’ll marry you on the date
of your choosing, and if you want two or three kids, then that’s the number we’ll try for.”

Brett stood her up by their bed.

“Now, I need to remove this dress, make love to you, and get you under those sheets, so you can spoon with me. I’m eager to wake up in the morning with a fiancé. I can’t think of a better way to start my day … or the rest of our lives. I love you, shortcake.”

End Notes


Thank you for reading
Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 series, Book 2)
The Mermaid and Her King
will be released September 2013. I’m also looking forward to sharing
Dylan and Taylor (Soul Mates 101 series, Book 3)
due to be released October 2013. If you haven’t read
A Week for Love to Bloom
, the first book in the
Soul Mates 101 series
, please check it out!

For the latest release information, teasers and discussions follow me on the web at


An Excerpt from Dylan and Taylor
(Soul Mates 101 series, Book 3)

Author Scarlet Wolfe




“Sorry, Dylan, but I told you four o’clock, and I meant it,” Bob says.

I impatiently tap my foot on the floor as I look at the clock on the wall of the electrical company I work for as an apprentice.

“Bob, we’re dead. That’s three more flippin’ hours.”

Why have I wished college away? In about five months I’m going to have to do this shit full-time.

“Yes, and we could get a call before then. Look, I have too much paperwork to do. If someone calls, you’re going on the run,” Bob says as he sifts through invoices on his desk.

“I’d like to go on a run right out of here,” I mumble as I dig my phone out of my pocket to call Brett.

“Brett, it’s Dylan.”

“Hey, man, what’s up?”

“My boss won’t let me out of here until four, so have Hannah send me the address, and I’ll drive down when I get off work.”

“Can do, my friend.”

He’s always in too good of a mood.

“I know Hannah’s great and all, but I don’t know how you’re still this chipper after living with her for four months.”

“It’s love, man and a lot of sex.”

“Douche bag, total douche bag.”

“If you’d stop nailing and bailing, you’d be having lots of sex, too.” Brett laughs loudly.

“Like I’ve told you every other time you’ve given me shit about this, when I find the right girl
, I will.”

“Like I believe that, man. Hannah wants to talk to you.”

“Hannah, what’s up?”

“Are you riding with us?”

“No, I just told Brett I’ll have to ride down this evening.”

how much do you love me?”

I instantly hear Brett in the background telling her not to ask that. He’s still so fucking jealous.

“Why? What do you want?”

“I need a huge favor. Can you give Taylor a ride here?”

“That would be a big fat no. I don’t love you that much.”

“Please, Dylan. She can’t come otherwise.”

“And that’s a bad thing? I thought I was having a break through with her at your housewarming party, but then she added chains to that wall of hers. I’m tired of Taylor acting like us guys are beneath her. She’s not like the rest of you girls.”

“I know you still like her, Dylan. She’s sweet. She just hasn’t shown you yet. I’m hoping she’ll lighten up if she spends this much time with all of us.”

“I do like her, but I’ve been trying for months to get over that damn woman, so I don’t need to be trapped in a car with her for almost four hours.”

“She planned to ride with us, but she can’t leave early, either. You both have to come at the same time, so please, please, please, Dylan? Do it for me, not for her. I’m renting an Escalade for you to drive, so you can’t tell me no.”

“You’re renting us a car?”

I can never tell Hannah no. I try, but it’s useless. She’s too sweet.

“Dammit, fine. What do I have to do?”

“I’ll text you her address and the address for where we’re staying. Just tell the guard at the gate tha
t you’re there to pick up Taylor.”

“You owe me for this. She better not ruin our week.”

“You’re the best, Dylan.”



I can’t believe I agreed to ride with Dylan. He drives me insane. No guy deserves to be that hot. I’ll have to spend almost a week trying not to ogle
him every minute he’s near me. I just know it’s bullshit under all that charm of his.

the last man I should trust. I can’t even begin to imagine the number of girls that have dropped their panties for him, and if I hadn’t already wised up to the ways of men, I’d probably fall for his shit, too. This isn’t going to work. While packing my suitcase, I decide I have to call Hannah.

“Hello,” she says.

“Hannah, I can’t do this. I’ll just rent a car.”

“No, y
ou need to ride with Dylan. It isn’t safe for you to drive all that way by yourself.”

Hannah, I’ve lived in New York City. I think I’m capable.”

“I already rented the vehicle, and Dylan’s probably already on his way to your house.”

“Ugh. I can’t believe I have to be in a car with him for that long.”

“When are you going to see how great he is?”


“Taylor, you said you’d try to get along better with the guys. You promised.”

I sigh. “OK, sorry. I’ll try harder.”

“That’s my girl. We’re making good time, so I think we’ll be there in a little over an hour. We’re going to have a blast this week, so I’ll see you tonight.”

My sister walks into the room as I’m hanging up.

“Can I please go?” Tory asks.

“No way. I never get time like this with my friends. I’ll feel like I have to babysit you the whole time.”

“Sis, I’m almost eighteen. I don’t need babysitting.”

I love Tory, but I’m jealous of her social skills. She gets along with others almost too well. If she goes, she’ll make me appear even more anti-social.

“You can’t go. It’s going to be stressful enough dealing with Dylan.”

“How bad can he really be?”

I stop what I’m doing and look at her. “He’s dangerously charming.”

“That’s hot.”

“You’re going to be in so much trouble when you start college, Tory. Help me finish packing.”



I pull up at Tylor’s mansion around five in the evening. How the hell is her house bigger than Hannah’s? Before knocking on the door, I take a deep breath. I’m certain the next several hours will be hell if not the whole week.

Hannah’s parents own a monstrous cabin in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The town butts up to
the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Hannah and Brett invited our whole group of friends to stay there with them for five nights over our winter break from classes.

It’s been in the works for a couple of months, and all nine of us have been pumped about it. Actually, Taylor makes ten, but she’s probably dreading it. I don’t think that girl even knows the meaning of fun.

A middle aged lady opens the door.

“Hello, I’m Brenda, Taylor’s mom. Come on in.”

“Hi, ma’am, I’m Dylan. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Please call me Brenda. Taylor should be down in a minute. Please take care of my girl for me, and tell Ms.
Hannah to come see me soon. I need to get a look at that engagement ring of hers and meet her fiancé.”

“OK, will do, and I’ll do my best to get Taylor there in one piece,” I say, smiling.

If I don’t throw her out of the vehicle first. I can’t help but notice how attractive Brenda is. She has blonde hair and a great figure. I imagine she has the money to keep herself looking good indefinitely. I guess Taylor got her dark hair from her dad.

This mansion is immaculate, and the foyer alone is bigger than my living room. What do these people do to make so much dough?

I hear Taylor speaking loudly to another female as they both come around the corner. Taylor appears hurried and out of breath. She gives her mom and me a warm smile, and I’m taken aback by her friendly demeanor.

“Wow, who are you?” the girl with Taylor asks.

“I’m Dylan,” I say, grinning. This has to be a sister. She’s hot like Taylor, but she has golden blonde hair.

“I’m Tory, Taylor’s younger sister, but I’ll be legal in just a few months,” she says all flirty.

“Taylor, why didn’t you tell me how hot Dylan is?” Tory asks, not taking her eyes off of me.

Oh, this is going to be fun. I grin and look at Taylor.

“Yeah, Taylor, why didn’t you tell Tory how hot I am?”

Taylor rolls her eyes. “Sorry, it never crossed my mind.”

A response I’d expect from her.

that was cruel. Is she always this ruthless?” I ask, pointing my thumb toward Taylor.

Brenda pats me on the shoulder.

“You’re so funny and cute. You need to come over for dinner sometime.”

Thank you, Brenda. I’d love to come for dinner.”

Tory stands up on her tiptoes and claps.

“Yayee, I can’t wait.”

This chick has some energy.
I glance to Taylor and see that her eyes are as big as silver dollars. I’m loving every minute of this.

“We need to leave. We’re already getting there late,” she says.

Her suitcase is by the door, and she has a large purse over her shoulder. Taylor gives her mom a hug.

“Bye, Mom. I’ll text you when we get there.”

I pick up her suitcase.

You don’t have to carry it,” she says, reaching for it.

I quickly pull it away and look her in the eyes.

“Yes, I do.”

I turn my attention back to her mom and sister. “It was nice m
eeting you both.” I flash them a big grin before I go out the door.

BOOK: Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series)
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