Brent Acuff - Undead Nation 01 (20 page)

BOOK: Brent Acuff - Undead Nation 01
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"Contact," came the call from up top. Alex was joined by Liam at the base of the ladder to confirm the nature of the approaching threat.

"How many?" Alex asked as his head cleared the roof top access.

"Don't know, sir. Can't see bodies, just a dust plume." The man behind the rifle scope was Trevor, a solid veteran of quite a few zombie attacks both here at the colony and outside the stronghold.

"What do you mean, 'a dust plume?'" Alex grabbed the binoculars that were held out to him by the second lookout, John. He pointed to the northwest horizon and Alex looked through the binoculars. "What the fuck is that?" he said to himself.

"What are you looking at?" Liam asked as he too joined the other men on the roof top.

Alex stepped to the side for Liam to get a better view and handed the binoculars to him. "See for yourself, and let me know what you think it is."

Liam looked in the direction that Alex was pointing. He pulled the binoculars away from his face with a surprised look. "Beats the hell out of me. Either it's a mess of zombies headed here or...shit I don't know." Liam gave Alex a puzzled look.

"Keep an eye on that," Alex told the roof top guards. "Call us when you can see anything that'll let us know what's coming." Alex clapped the men on the back and headed down the ladder. He and Liam stayed in the farmhouse close to the guard post just in case.

Another forty-five minutes passed before an excited call came down from above. "Contact, sir. We have contact. It's the army! It's the fucking army, sir." John could barely contain his excitement at the thought of seeing a military presence headed their way. With an unsure glance at one another, Alex and Liam scrambled up the stairs.

Sure enough, when Alex peered through the binoculars, a convoy of military vehicles was headed their direction. Alex passed the binoculars and waited for Liam to see what he had seen.

"What do you think?" Alex asked.

"Looks like a whole bunch of military trucks to me." He winked at Alex. "I'll be damned...the cavalry did come."

Alex winced at the joke and asked for the binoculars again. "I'm not sure about this, Liam. We need to keep our guard up and our eyes open."

"Oh come on," the second lookout spat. "It's the fucking army. We're actually saved now." Alex and Liam exchanged a glance and both knew exactly what the other was thinking.

"Come with me, man," Liam said, taking the mouthy lookout by the shoulder. "You need a break and Alex will take your place." A glare was sent at Alex from the man being removed and he was escorted down the stairs by Liam.

Before Liam's head completely disappeared below the roofline, Alex leaned close and whispered "Send up the fifty's and ammo. Get everyone ready, just in case." Liam nodded his agreement and sank from view

The camp burst into action almost immediately.


It took the convoy of trucks another two hours to reach the outskirts of New Hope. A total of twenty-two trucks in all accompanied the military convoy with a total of three hundred soldiers in all. Cheers rose up from the colonists which was quickly replaced with anger when Alex refused to open the perimeter wall to let the troops in.

"We can't just let everyone in," Alex argued. Sam and Charles were furious that their presumed saviors were not being given a warm welcome. Liam agreed with Alex. "We can't be sure that these guys are actual military or not. We've got to be sure before we let them into our safe area."

"You are unbelievable, Alex," Sam shouted. "These men are here to rescue us, and you are treating them like the enemy. Get off your high horse and let them in, I order you, as a member of the governing council to let them through!" 

"I second that vote..." Charles said.

"I don't," Liam said before his father could continue any further.

"It doesn't matter," Sam said. "The votes stand two in favor or allowing them in and one against. You have to let them in." Sam smiled at his obvious coup, daring either of the men to go against.

"No, Sam, we won't be letting them it. It does not matter if you have the votes or not. This is a security issue," and Alex paused to let the impact of those words set in, "and you yourself voted to give me complete control over the colony, its members and its resources when there was a security issue at stake. They will not enter here until we have confirmed who they are and what they want."

Sam fumed at this decision, knowing full well that there was absolutely nothing they could do about it. Charles stormed off in anger and Sam soon followed. "I think I just pissed them off," Alex said looking towards Liam.

"Huh, you think?" Liam smirked back at Alex then turned to look at the awaiting convoy of military vehicles. "Guess we should go and figure out what they want, don't you think?"

"Guess so." Liam and Alex strode towards the only entrance into New Hope determined to get some answers about their new visitors.


Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Hill was none too happy about holding a meeting outside of a secure stronghold when there were a number of zombies in the area. Alex insisted.

"Lt. Colonel Jonathan Hill of the 102nd Expeditionary Force of the US Army. Just who am I speaking to?" Lt. Col. Hill used his most commanding voice, attempting to instill as much intimidation as possible in the colonists. Alex and Liam had been through too much to be intimidated by someone in a clean uniform.

"My name is Alex Kemp and this is Liam Beard. How can we help you?" Alex knew that his tone of voice was going to do nothing but infuriate the situation, but he could not stand the pompous air of this man. The colony of New Hope had survived for almost twelve weeks without help from anyone even claiming to be from the government, and they sure weren't going to just bow down to anyone at this point.

"Mr. Kemp, Mr. Beard," Lt. Col. Hill said, nodding to each of them as he spoke their names. "I have come on behalf of the United States Government in order to rescue any American citizens left alive after the hantavirus outbreak and am authorized to provide any assistance necessary to ensure the safety of those citizens." Lt. Col. Hill puffed out his chest as he spoke trying to convey his important to the two men standing in front of him. Alex and Liam still were not impressed.

Giving a sideways glance at Liam, Alex said, "Thank you very much for your kind offer, Lt. Col. Hill, but the colony of New Hope does not need rescuing. We've survived pretty well since the outbreak and feel that your services could probably be put to better use in another area." Alex crossed his arms and stared hard at the commander. "And, with all due respect sir, we all know that this is no hantavirus outbreak. If you really want us to believe and trust you, then I suggest we start with the truth. What can we here at New Hope do for you?" Alex forced a smile, but his voice carried the truth of his feelings. For some reason, Alex did not trust this man.

The commander chuckled softly and turned to wink at his NCO, Command Sergeant Major Matthew Cuzman. The NCO's face was stone still, not even cracking the slightest smile when his commanding officer turned toward him admiring the inside joke. "Gentlemen," the commander began, "I can see that we are dealing with true American patriots. Hardworking sons-a-bitches that won't let anything stop them. Although I would say that your hospitality needs a little refining." Hill reached into the breast pocket of his uniform shirt and pulled out a cigar. Without a word, he turned to his NCO who had already produced a flame from which to light the cigar. Hill turned to look over his shoulder as if noticing the agitated sounds of the approaching zombies for the first time.

"Tell you what, gentlemen. How about we go inside, just the three of us and we talk about just what is really happening out there? We just happen to make a pretty loud racket as we come through the countryside, and seem to have stirred up a whole hornet's nest. We go and talk, I'll have my NCO circle the wagons and take care of this little nuisance for you, and all of your...colonists, can have the first restful evening in a while." Lt. Col. Hill smiled a little too broadly. "What do you say, gentlemen?"

"We accept." The voice boomed from behind them as Sam came striding up the back of the berm, Charles in tow. "It is an absolute pleasure to meet you, sir. My name is Sam Ingram and I am a member of the governing council of this colony. This is Charles Beard, also a member." Each of them held out their hands to the Lt. Col. and smiled their brightest smiles.

"A pleasure to meet you, too," the commander said, taking each of their hands in turn and shaking it firmly. "Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Hill here, ready to relieve you." Sam and Charles looked as if they were ready to burst with joy over the sight of the commander standing on the wall of their makeshift defenses. "It seems as though there is a bit of difference in opinions here," Hill said as his eyes shifted between the four men.

"Mr. Kemp here is a little overprotective of us all here in the colony. And really who could blame him," Sam said. "We've had it pretty hard here..."

"I wouldn't necessarily say hard," Alex interrupted. "Considering what everyone else outside of these walls is having to deal with, I think we have it pretty good." Alex eyed Sam wishing that the man had stayed away and kept his mouth shut.

Sam backtracked as quickly as he could. "Well, I guess if you want to put it that way. But things still haven't been easy. We've dealt with numerous attacks on this colony, some even from the living and we've been able to repel them all."

"Shut up, Sam," Alex remarked under his breath.

"What? We've done well considering that we've got nothing more that a few business men and farmers, none with any military training..."

"Shut up, Sam." This time Alex did not even try to be discreet. He was furious with the man, not just for belching out their strategic weaknesses and assets, but for not having a clue to realize what he was giving away.

The commander chuckled again. "Boys, boys. I can understand completely both of your views. You just want," and the commander indicated Alex with a wave of his cigar, "to keep all those under your protection safe from the unknown. And you," the commander now indicated Sam, "just want someone with the discipline, training, and firepower to step in and do it right. Gentlemen, I'm a military man through and through. I can understand both of your wants." At this, Lt. Col. Hill put a hand on Sam's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Why don't we all go inside and talk it over. My men out here will take care of those monsters that are about to come calling at your door and I promise not a one will set foot here in your walls until we've sorted this all out. Sound good to everyone?" The commander looked to everyone in their little circle waiting for them all to agree.

"I vote no," Alex said, stone faced and unmoving.

"Sam and I say yes, and since you don't get a vote..." Charles began.

"I have strategic command of this stronghold. My command overturns yours." Alex fixed Charles with a glare that could have killed. Liam stepped in front of Alex, breaking the stare.

"Maybe we should just go in and talk," Liam said quietly. "What harm could it do? Really?" Liam searched his friends eyes, hoping that he had made a difference in his mind.

"When you let the wolves into the sheep's pen, even just one..." Alex remarked.

"We need help from someone, and maybe this is it. Maybe not, but we should at least sit down and talk it through." Liam's eyes were pleading. He too wanted someone to step in and take over.

"You're going to regret this," Alex told his friend. "Before the night is over, I promise you, you'll regret this."


Promises, promises, promises. That was all that Alex heard from commander and they all sounded too good to be true. The colonists were promised the protection of the American military with all the food and amenities that they had been used to before the outbreak and more. Not one request was made of the colonists, not one requirement, other than to let the military convoy in the perimeter walls to set up a secure base of operations. It was Christmas morning and they were all kids.

Alex stood away from the rest of the group, arms folded and eyes burning a hole through the lieutenant colonel. Sam and Charles could not wait to head outside and open the gates; fortunately Liam was a little more skeptical.

"I'm not sure I understand everything here, colonel," Liam began.

"That's lieutenant colonel," Hill corrected.

"Excuse me, lieutenant colonel," Liam groaned. "What you are telling us is that, we just have to open the gates, you'll come in and we are done? We don't have to do anything else. That's it?" Liam looked doubtful of everything the commander had said. "This all sounds too good to be true, to me."

"And me," Alex spoke up from the corner of the room. "But then again, I've said that from the very beginning, haven't I?"

"Gentlemen, the American government understands completely the great distress and sacrifices that its citizens have made in these times, and wish to not burden those citizens any further. You have done your country a great service. Let us do the rest."

Pops of gunfire began outside the farmhouse, most likely from the military as it began engaging the zombies that had been alerted to the colony when the military convoy rolled in. All talking stopped in the room for a moment as the members of the colony tensed in response to the gunfire. Another chuckle from the lieutenant colonel.

"Gentlemen, it is obvious that you have suffered a terrible tragedy over these last few weeks." The commanders smile broadened, a little too much. "Let the army take care of this for you."

Gunfire continued outside, becoming heavier by the second. Heavier and closer, and soon accompanied by screams. Alex and Liam's eyes met and each man raced to see what was happening outside. Before either of them could reach the door, it exploded inwards, slamming into Liam and throwing him backwards. Alex stopped immediately, the barrel of a Browning .45 High Power denting the center of his forehead. Command Sergeant Major Matthew Cuzman stared down the sites of the pistol at Alex.

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