Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3) (41 page)

BOOK: Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3)
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“Umm, hey, so going back to that thing you said about making tonight memorable. You meant giving her flowers or something?”

“Yeah. Or something. Do you know her favorite type of flower? Roses. Those are good too.”

I thought back to when Blake picked her up for that date and she was more than thrilled to get flowers. Hell, she even did that weird thing of turning one of them upside down and pressed it in some book; which actually was a mini-fight of ours. Until she told me she’d never received flowers from a guy for a date. After her explanation, I understood why she saved one, but it actually made me feel like shit, because I hadn’t been the one to give her flowers first.

I was just about to go into my apartment and Matt into his when he added, “Hey, just make it special for her, that’s all. Any small gesture, they flip over that shit.” I nodded and continued to think about what the hell to do.

Matt was right and after thinking about it, I wanted it to be special for her. I mean, after everything she’s been through and all that we’ve been through together, a special evening would really make her happy.

With limited time, I knew I’d have to solicit some help. There was no doubt in my mind that the girls would be more than happy to help with tonight. I sent off a couple of texts, smiling to myself that this was actually a little fun for me too. The excitement of pulling this off and surprising Aub would be great. Not to mention, I thought of other ways of making it really special than just flowers. My creativity was flowing.

Chapter 28



I wasn’t sure why, but I was nervous about tonight. It was weird. We go out to dinner all the time, regardless if it’s with friends or not, and well, we live together. So why was I nervous about going on a “date” with Clark tonight to my company’s annual party? Maybe it was because we were dressing up? I was introducing him to my work friends that had heard about him non-stop for months on end. That had to be it. Whatever the reason was, I was nervous, anxious and excited all rolled up together.

“I wish I could see Clark’s face when he sees you in that dress.” Izzy chuckled as she sat back in her seat. We were indulging in our monthly spa day. I specifically asked for today since the party was tonight. Vanessa nodded her head in agreement and smiled. My stomach clenched in both excitement and nerves at the mention of tonight.

“Are you going to leave your hair down or put it up?”

“I’m going to leave it down with long curls. I like it when he runs his fingers through it,” I blurted out. By the looks on their faces, all my friends were still stunned that Clark and I were together. More so, that Clark had a girlfriend. It’s funny how little they actually knew about Clark. “Did you guys know that Clark’s glasses are fake?” Everyone exchanged glances and at first, I thought it was because they all were aware of that fact.

“They’re fake?” Izzy asked.

Vanessa nodded her head. “I knew. Matt told me how he uses that as a prop to get women.”

“He also cooks,” I added in. Again, more surprised faces. “He’s really not the guy everyone makes him out to be. Well, except for the sleeping around part.”

Mel leaned forward, laughter shown in her eyes as she teased, “I’m sorry. Are we talking about Clark?
Clark? Or did you meet up with some dream guy we didn’t know about yet?”

I shook my head. “I know. It’s odd. But yes,
Clark is a totally different animal behind closed doors,” I explained to them as I smiled. My cheeks were already hurting from smiling like an idiot about him.

“Oh, dear God,” Mel teased. “He’s drugged her. He’s slipped her some sort of weird never heard of drug that causes her to believe he’s actually a romantic, caring, giving sweet man. None of which exist in this universe.”

“Speak for yourself,” Vanessa chimed in. We knew all too well how Matt insists he’s never the romantic type, but comes up with his own surprises for her.

Izzy chuckled. “Mel, Flynn’s been working way too hard. Maybe after this project is finished, he’ll be that same guy you fell in love with.” Mel rolled her eyes.

“Back to Clark,” Mel insisted. “I want to know all there is about this mysterious guy who has the same name as your roommate,” she joked.

I laughed and then dreamily told them all about how sweet and caring he can be. The little notes he left for me around the apartment. The silly texts he sends me. The way he holds me at night. After I finished with a sigh, I laughed at everyone’s surprised faces.

“Wow,” Izzy exclaimed as she shook her head. “I just…who’d have ever thought that?”

“Not me!” Mel laughed.

“I’m really happy for you, Aubrey. Really. I’m glad he’s finally found someone like you to be with,” Izzy said with a smile.

“If he screws you over though, I’m going to beat the shit out of him,” Vanessa chimed in as she sat back. I knew she had her doubts about him. Hell, I think every one of these women thought the same. And as hard as it was to admit, I did too.




It was finally time for my company party and excitement mixed with anxiousness crept up in waves for me. I walked out of my room, adjusting my bracelet as I started toward Clark’s room. “Hey Clark!” I called out not understanding why the clasp on my bracelet wasn’t closing.

“Ready and waiting,” he said as I looked up. I stopped mid-step and gawked at the sight before me. Clark in a tuxedo was nothing short of beautiful. He had removed his glasses, so his look was even more of a change. I swallowed as I stood there, gaping at him. A smug smirk formed as he turned around slowly allowing my eyes to caress his backside.

“I guess you’re happy?” He asked and chuckled.

Attempting to gather my thoughts, I nodded. He literally took my breath away. “You…yeah, I mean. You look really…the tux. It…fits well,” was all I could manage to blurt out. His gaze held mine as he started toward me and placed his hands on my waist.

“And you are
,” he whispered. “Reminds me of the night we first met. Only you have longer hair. And your dress is red this time. Damn, I really love red on you.” I smiled back, remembering first meeting him at Flynn and Mel’s wedding. It seemed like so long ago. We stood there for what seemed like a lifetime staring into each other’s eyes, neither of us saying a word. I wanted him to kiss me right then, but he wasn’t making any sort of move to do so.

The buzzer rang out, louder than what it usually seemed to be. Both of us chuckled as we broke our gaze to look toward the door as if it would open that very second. Clark dropped his hands from my waist, making me feel so empty. I had a huge urge to grab his hands and place them back on my waist, but didn’t.

“That’s probably the town car.” He told me as his head nodded toward the door. “I’d hate for you to have to walk down there in heels,” Clark said with a smirk.

“I…” I swallowed before continuing unable to form words because I was so taken aback by his thoughtfulness. “Thank you. That’s very sweet of you.” I grabbed my clutch from the table and started for the door. Clark held his elbow out to me and I smiled. Hooking my arm through his, I couldn’t help but wonder if he was up to something.

Or if this would actually be the one magical night I’ve always wanted with a man.


Magical was definitely the word to describe our entire evening. I floated on air as Clark dazzled everyone with charm I didn’t know he had. There were times where I thought for sure he’d blurt out one of his Clark-like comments, but he didn’t. He held them back, but I could see that glint in his eyes as if he were about to say something inappropriate.

The dinner served for the party was over the top, prepared by some of the hotel chain’s best chefs who were flown in from their restaurants all over the country. The music was a nice mix of top hits and some older music. Clark and I glided across the dance floor as if we were one. As if we’ve known each other all our lives. We mingled with my co-workers and joked as if we were a married couple.

It was truly everything I’ve ever wanted in an evening with a man and more. Clark surprised me with little things such as getting my drink for me, asking me to dance with him and just the way his hand was firmly placed on my lower back throughout most of the evening. That had to be my absolute favorite thing from the evening—that small gesture wasn’t done in a possessive manner, but more in a tender, loving way. 

“Thank you,” I whispered as we arrived back at our door. Clark had literally been the epitome of a gentleman the entire evening. I’d never had that with anyone. Ever. Nor would I have ever bet money I would ever get this with Clark.

The back of his hand skimmed against my cheek causing my eyes to flutter. His lips touched mine ever so softly. “You deserve it all and more,” he whispered. His mouth met mine and I swear fireworks exploded everywhere throughout my body. The way his lips caressed mine, firm but, oh so tender, left me completely breathless. As he pulled back, I managed to open my eyes to see him smiling down at me.

I swallowed, unsure if this is where it would all end. Maybe the entire evening was a dream. I skimmed the pad of my thumb along his soft full bottom lip. He pulled it into his mouth and sucked just enough to make my whole body strum with excitement. I felt his teeth as he bit down slightly before he grabbed my hand and placed a kiss in the center of my palm.

Before I knew it, Clark opened our door, pushing it wide so I could step in first. The dim lights seemed to dance on some sort of red on the floor as my eyes skimmed the room. A path of red rose petals leading to Clark’s bedroom were scattered on the floor.

Excited, I smiled up at him as I started to follow the path. The dining room table had a gorgeous centerpiece of pink and red roses and as I arrived at the doorway to Clark’s room, I noticed a bottle of champagne chilling with two glasses next to it. All on top of more rose petals.

I glanced at his bed, which was completely made, for once, with a beautiful white comforter pulled back to reveal satin sheets. The bed was graced by more red rose petals. Tears sprang to my eyes that he did all this.
For me.

As I looked up at him through my teary eyes, I laughed. Clark had that glint in his eyes. It was the same look that had been there all night long. “Out with it,” I teased not able to hold back my laughter.

Exhaling, he laughed. “Now it’s time to pay the piper. I’m going to fuck you all night long.”

“I knew it! I knew you had some smart-ass thing to say on the tip of your tongue all night! You can’t hold it in!”

“Damn straight I can’t hold it in. I need to bury my cock in you. It took everything I had not to fuck you on that balcony. Especially in this dress.” One hand was on my breast while the other grabbed my ass as he pressed himself against me. “So fucking hot,” he whispered.

Clark’s body pressed against me as he pushed me to the bed. Anticipation surged through me as he shoved the hem of my dress up and ran his hands along my thigh highs.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You wore these things all night?” His words made me giggle, until he flipped me over and gripped my ass. I moaned as his hands spread my cheeks apart and lifted me off the bed. His mouth attacked my pussy through my panties as his fingers swirled around my clit.

My enjoyment was halted quickly when Clark pulled me back to standing. Hungry eyes devoured me as I stood there while he seemed to be debating what to do next. Considering this was Clark, I had no idea what was running through his mind. Especially since he’s never stopped so abruptly before.

“Are you okay?” I asked, unsure of what to do next. Not answering, he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he continued to debate while his eyes roamed over my body. It was actually just as thrilling to have to wait for him. My body continued to rev as thoughts of how he would take me next ran through my mind.

Slowly, he walked behind me, his fingers skimmed along my shoulders. Every touch from him now seemed to shoot intense need through me. When his fingers ran through my hair to sway it over my shoulder, a small groan escaped my lips. Again, his fingers barely touched me when he tugged at my zipper, pulling it down completely.

The straps of my dress were peeled away from my shoulders with such tenderness it made me breathless. The red silk material pooled at my feet and I melted into him when his lips touched my skin. His lips found their way to my neck while his hands skimmed over my body. Slow. Soft. Nothing like he had done just a moment ago.

The warmth he was showering on me was nothing like I’d ever received from a man. When his hand grazed over my breast before cupping it, I pushed back into him feeling his hard length along my backside. I wanted more, but he was making sure to go slow. Making sure to enjoy every inch of my body, even though he’s enjoyed it many times before tonight.

Soft lips ran over my skin and his hands roamed the same trail. I inhaled deeply when he faced me, almost searching my expression for…something. My lips parted to speak, but were quickly captured by his mouth in a soul-stealing kiss. It was long and sensuous, so unlike our usual kisses, which were always so sex driven. This was something else. This was heart-stopping; it took over every emotion in my body, almost driving me to tears from need. A need so deep it almost hurt.

Our passionate kiss lasted what seemed like forever and I would have had no problem letting it continue, except the immense need to be with him was almost overpowering me right now. Our mouths melted together as if they needed to become one as our hands roamed every portion of each other’s sensitive skin. The longing to be with him grew stronger, especially as he laid me down on the bed.

I felt something tickle my backside and when I reached for it, I felt the soft silk of a rose petal. I let out a small chuckle and Clark pulled back to stare at me in question. His eyes shone with concern before I held the petal up so he could see why I interrupted our kiss. He didn’t smile. Instead, he stared at my lips with longing and bent down to kiss me again.

I wasn’t sure when he had removed his jacket, but I began to fumble with the buttons on his shirt as his lips moved to my neck. His hands grazed against my cleavage, moving down to the lace of my bra. My breath hitched as his hand moved my strap down allowing him to cup my breast. Skimming my hard peak, a moan escaped my throat needing even more from him.

Pulling him closer to me with my hand on his back, I lifted my leg needing to feel his hard length on my sex. He sat up, still not smiling, his eyes serious with intent and my heart pounded just from his gaze. He removed his shirt quickly, followed by stripping off his pants, shoes, and socks. Staring at me a moment longer, I watched the bob of his Adams apple as he then lowered himself to me.

Panting, our lips found one another again as we went back to our hands skimming each other’s body. I pushed down his boxer briefs needing to touch the smooth silkiness of his hard length. He moaned out loud when I barely touched him. 

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