Breathless (7 page)

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Authors: Dakota Harrison

BOOK: Breathless
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“You know, Emma is—Ouch!” he started. Darby jabbed him hard in the ribs with her elbow and sent him a stern look that told him to shut up—now.

Mary took Emma’s hand again. “It’s how we do things around here. If someone needs help, we help them. You’re just going to have to get used to it.” She dropped her hand, picked up the empty salad bowl and walked into the house.

Emma plainly didn’t know what to say. She sent him an apologetic look. He smiled half-heartedly. It wasn’t her fault his mother and sister were such interfering women. He’d just have to take it up with them.

“Well, if they help me with anything, they’ll be paid for their time. And work. I’m not going to take advantage of them,” she said.

Darby laughed and winked at him. “Good luck with that,” she said and turned to follow her mother up the two steps into the kitchen.



Gabe eyed his mother over the kitchen counter. “I don’t have time to help Emma rebuild her house. I have a business to run, if you’ve forgotten.”

Mary Jameson flipped a hand at him, an instant dismissal of his words. Darby had the same irritating habit she’d picked up from their mother as a teenager. She’d done it initially to get under his skin, but it was so ingrained in them both now that he believed neither realized they were doing it.

“Don’t give me that. Yes, you’re busy, but you’re not so busy you can’t give help when it’s needed. Between you and your father, you should have things done within days. The girl needs strong hands, and you’re it.”

Annoyance washed through him, making his already tight muscles rigid. He’d been avoiding looking at Emma since he’d introduced her to the family and everyone at the barbeque, and Darby had whisked her away to sit outside.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. It won’t work. I’m not interested. Leave it at that.”

His mother’s pretty face tilted up to him, tipping to one side, innocence blazing from her dark-grey eyes. “I have no idea what you are referring to. I simply want you to help that nice young girl. It’s the neighborly thing to do.”

“I’m not her damned neighbor,” he muttered. He was being railroaded and had no idea how to get out of it without looking like a bastard, since his mother had already offered Emma his services.

Mary planted her hands on her hips and sent him
look. The one he’d hated so much growing up. It still had the desired effect.

His shoulders dropped, and he heaved out a sigh. “Fine. I’ll go by and check out what needs doing when I have time.”

His mom smiled her satisfaction at him. “Good. She’s expecting you later in the week.”

Gabe closed his eyes and scrubbed at his mouth. A small tic twitched beneath his fingers. His mother’s plans for him and Emma weren’t going to happen. He wasn’t playing that game, no matter how cute she was.

No matter how his blood surged when he remembered how she tasted.

He gazed out the kitchen door to the porch where his parents had set up that afternoon’s seating. Emma sat relaxed in one of the upholstered outdoor chairs that surrounded the table. A smile flashed across her face as she laughed at something someone opposite her said.

Gabe frowned, certain whatever it was couldn’t be that funny. The sound of deep male laughter joined hers.


He’d know that laugh anywhere. He and Ryan had been friends since kindergarten. Gabe’s eyes narrowed as he watched Emma raise her hand and tip it in a rocking motion. More laughter joined in.

What was that goofball going on about now?

“From that frown on your face, it wouldn’t be a long shot to say you’re not as unaffected as you’d like us all to believe, are you? Why don’t you—”

“No. Emma and I have already agreed on friendship. Neither of us wants anything else.” He gestured to the fridge sitting just outside the kitchen door. “I’m going to get a drink. Do you want anything?” Not waiting for an answer, he turned and took the steps in one stride, heading for the table where everyone seemed to be having such a good time.

Gabe grabbed a beer from the fridge and seated himself beside a grinning Ryan. He avoided eye contact with Darby. Most wouldn’t notice the slightly rigid set to Gabe’s shoulders, but she knew him too well. If she hadn’t already, she’d figure out quite fast that the kiss at Dan’s bar last night had most definitely had an effect. If she’d been taking any notice of his reactions today, she’d know it had rattled him.

He sighed. His mom getting him to agree to help with Emma’s renovations was one thing, but anything else would be impossible. He could be as stubborn as them when he wanted to be.

Gabe couldn’t help but smile as he looked around. Ryan had no such qualms. He liked Emma and wanted everyone to know it. Mind you, Ryan wasn’t shy when it came to what he wanted. He looked at his friend. He knew Darby had had a thing for Ryan years ago, but luckily she seemed to have gotten over it pretty quickly. It was a pity, because he’d love to see them both happy, but he wasn’t interested in seeing Darby get her heart broken by a player like Ryan—he wasn’t a keeper. He made no excuses for himself. What you saw was what you got. And what Ryan had, Gabe didn’t want anywhere near his sister.

Emma seemed flattered by the attention, but also a little bewildered.

Once again, Gabe wondered what could have brought her Emma halfway across the world, away from all family and friends. What had happened to make her think the only answer was to escape? Running never solved anything, and usually the problem—or problems—found you in the end.

Another reason not to get involved. He wouldn’t know what problems might come knocking when her past caught up with her. Some things were best left alone.

Chapter Eight

Emma stared at the gaping hole in what was supposed to be her bathroom wall.

Oh heck.

A small patch-up job she could handle, but this? She didn’t even have a clue where to start. Exposed pipes, brilliant with the shininess of new metal, gleamed at her from within the cavity.

At least she wouldn’t have any more busted pipes.

She sighed, daunted by the task in front of her. The whole wall had been removed to replace the rusted-out pipes Gabe had patched. Luckily the patch had lasted this long, almost a week later, long enough to get ahold of the plumber. Hank had just left, apologizing for not staying to help clean up. Being the only plumber in town, he’d had to fit her in, as it was.

Emma sighed and lifted the broom, wiping the back of her hand across her cheek, intent on making some kind of progress before she asked Mr. Fletcher to deliver the drywall she’d ordered. Heaven knows how she would actually fix it herself, but she’d tackle that problem later.

Cheerful whistling from outside caught her attention. Grasping the broom, she stepped into the hall. Her front door stood open to catch the faint breeze. Emma stepped out onto her porch and squinted in the bright light.

“Mornin’, darlin’!” Ed Jameson called over his shoulder. “Ready? Lift!”

A huge sheet of drywall tilted off the bed of the pickup, then sat up vertically, moving slowly toward her, with Ed at the front.

Ed grinned up at her. Shock stopped her dead in the doorway. “You might want to move if you want this to stay in one piece.”

Nodding, Emma stepped to the side to make room. The huge slice of plasterboard moved past. When she turned to follow, she saw Gabe’s strong back.

“What’s going on? Why do you have my drywall?”

Gabe grumbled, “Thought that would be obvious.”

“Now, Gabe. Behave yourself. I talked to Hank earlier. He mentioned you’d ordered this from Fletcher’s, so we thought we’d go get it. We had some spare time today. Thought it was a perfect opportunity to install it for you. Can’t have you without a bathroom wall, now can we?” Ed’s voice echoed off her hallway walls.


The men set the heavy plasterboard down, leaning it up against the wall outside the bathroom. Ed turned to face her.

“But?” Gabe asked.

Emma fought to find the right words, coming up blank. She shrugged and lifted her hands. “Why?”

Ed let out a laugh and unhooked a tape measure from his belt and handed it to Gabe, who disappeared into her bathroom. “Because you’re family now, darlin’, and we look after family.”

Emma was so confused. “What are you talking about?”

Ed turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Darby has claimed you as her friend. That on its own is enough for me to claim you as a daughter. Then there’s Mary—she thinks you’re lovely. And Gabe?” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Even my boy don’t mind your company, so you’re family now.”

Gabe returned and hunkered down in front of the sheet of drywall, stretching the tape measure across it and marking with a pencil. Worn and faded denim jeans stretched tight across his firm thighs and butt. Emma jerked her eyes off the mouthwatering display to focus on his shoulders. That wasn’t much better.

Shoulders like his should be outlawed.

Gabe eyed her. His slight frown caught her off guard. “I should’ve warned you last week. If you take on one of us, you get the lot.”

Feeling slowly returned to Emma’s body, and her brain began to function. She bit hard on her lip to hold back the rising surge of happiness, guilt and pleasure that they felt this way. This small-town thing was so far out of her experience she didn’t know how to react.

“I don’t know what to say. I thought I’d have to find a carpenter or something to get this wall up.”

Gabe finished his measurements and turned to look at her. “Mom mentioned we’d help.”

Emma nodded. “Yes, she did. But I thought she was just being kind.”

Ed straightened up from watching Gabe. “In other words, you didn’t believe her? Now that’s just going to break her heart, that is.”

“No! I-I—”

“Dad!” Gabe shook his head and shrugged. “I’m sorry, Emma. He’s just messing with your head. One thing you’re going to learn real fast is that Dad here has a terrible sense of humor. He’s going to enjoy having someone new to mess with.”

Emma let out her held breath. “So I see. What can I do to help?”

Ed threw an arm around her shoulders. “I thought you’d never ask.”



Gabe glanced up at the woman who had invaded his dreams since the first night he’d seen her. She’d been a real trooper the whole time he and his father had been working, fetching all the necessary tools and buckets of plaster and glue they’d needed from the back of his truck. She’d even ignored his bad mood and less-than-enthusiastic conversation. He grimaced at his own surliness. It wasn’t her fault the others were trying to set them up.

Gabe ran a hand over the newly installed wall. The plasterboard was up and glued in place, all the edges sealed and sanded. In another couple of hours, you would never know there had been a gaping hole there.

A smear of plaster dust had mingled with sweat and trailed down Emma’s temple to her jaw. The sight of it had his stomach twisting and his thoughts turning to things best left alone.

How could he have such a reaction to her after one simple little kiss? It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t like they’d spent the night together. His body tightened with anticipation at the thought.

Whoa! Back down there, boy.

That was a place he didn’t want to go, not even in his thoughts. The only problem was—his brain wasn’t following orders. Her presence invaded his dreams every single night, taunting him and teasing him with the taste of her kiss, the feel of her mouth on his.

How was he supposed to sleep with her running around his head every night? Especially when it was so unwanted. He had no intention of leaving himself open to a woman again. Not after Sami had cheated on him and had acted like he should be able to ignore the fact that she only loved his bank account.

It still stung when he thought about it. Being told you had nothing to offer a woman other than a comfortable life cut deep. He didn’t consider himself a catch by any stretch of the imagination, but after spending over two years with her, he’d believed she loved him. More the fool him. And no woman, Emma included, would make a fool of him like that again.

The cell phone in his back pocket buzzed, catching his wandering attention. He pulled it out and answered. His mood soured further the longer he listened. He looked up, catching his father’s eye.

Stabbing a finger at the phone to end the call, he turned to Emma.

“Sorry, Emma, but I really have to go.” He looked at Ed. “Jezebel’s in trouble. The calf is breech.”

Ed placed his sanding block on the floor near his feet. “You may need some help. We’ll come pick up this mess as soon as it’s over, if that’s all right with you?”

Emma nodded at them, a bemused expression on her face. “Your cow is having a baby?”

His reaction to that comparison momentarily overrode his worry, and he let a small grin slip free. He didn’t have time to think about Emma or his mother’s yearning for grandkids. She’d have to pester Darby to find some guy, or Dan and Amy to have children.

“Yes, she’s having a baby. Come on, Dad.”

Chapter Nine

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