Breaking the Ice (41 page)

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Authors: Mandy Baggot

BOOK: Breaking the Ice
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Gimme those, and I’ll take that,’ Jimmy spoke as he swiftly undid her money belt and relieved Samantha of the programmes.

As Jimmy skated to the side of the rink to ditch the money and the souvenir brochures she was left stranded with thousands of eyes on her and her alone. People were talking amongst themselves, wondering what was going on, pointing and looking slightly confused. Samantha
because she felt exactly the same way.

Jimmy came back to join her, still smiling. He took hold of one of Samantha’s hands and used the other one to take something out of his pocket. It was a blindfold.

What are you doing? Are you back in the show? What happened with your counsellor? There’s so much I want to know - can we go?’ Samantha started, moving uneasily on her skates.

Put this on,’ Jimmy told her, handing her the blindfold.

Samantha looked at what he had placed in her hand. She let out a scream and dropped it onto the ice.

Are you insane?! I can’t skate in front of anyone! And certainly not blindfolded! We did that once and it was CRAZY! I can barely skate with you watching without feeling like I’m going to vomit. Let’s just go and get some blackberry tea or something and we can talk and I can…’ Samantha started her body beginning to shake.

The crowd began a slow hand clap as they waited for something to happen. A few people shouted ‘Come on Jimmy’ and others nudged each other and stared at the scene being played out before them.

Sam, do you trust me?’ Jimmy asked her seriously.

He was looking at her intently, his brown eyes fixed on her face, his expression intense.

I can’t do this, in front of everyone,’ Samantha responded with a gulp of fear.

Do you trust me?’ Jimmy repeated, holding onto her hand.

Samantha looked away from him to the audience, the thousands of people all waiting for something to happen, waiting for
to do something. Her heart was hammering and her legs were turning to jelly. She looked back at Jimmy.

he replied with a definite nod.

Jimmy smiled, picked her blindfold off the floor and put it over her eyes. He then got a second blindfold out of his pocket and put it over his face. The sound from the audience was a combination of delight, horror and surprise. Some gasped, a few actually screamed.

Jimmy took hold of Samantha’s hands as they assumed their starting position and Samantha tried to swallow the pure terror that was threatening to consume her.



What’s she doing Jeremy? For Christ’s sake what is she doing?’ Cleo exclaimed hysterically as the music began.

I think she’s going to skate,’ Jeremy replied as he moved onto the edge of his seat to get a closer look.

Does Samantha skate professionally? Isn’t that Jimmy Lloyd on the ice with her?’ Connor enquired as he too moved to the edge of his seat and stared at the two people on the rink.

He’s holding her hand Jeremy, he’s holding her hand,’ Cleo stated unable to keep her eyes off her sister.



The haunting introduction of the music began, filling the arena with sound and, both blind, Samantha and Jimmy began the routine they had practiced and perfected alone in the small hours of the morning. Now they were performing it in front of thousands.

Samantha couldn’t see a thing, not even a glimmer from the spotlights. She was holding her breath so hard her chest was hurting, but despite that, she could sense Jimmy near her, feel his closeness. Her legs felt like lead and jelly all at the same time, yet somehow she was performing the steps he had taught her more accurately than she ever had before. She could feel the breeze they were creating as they moved around the ice and she could sense the expectation from the audience. They didn’t know what was coming next and they were probably still wondering what the manager of the Civic Hall was doing ice skating with Jimmy Lloyd. Then, as the song built to its first crescendo, Samantha knew what was coming. She felt Jimmy take hold of her and then in one swift move he rolled her up onto his shoulder into the crucifix hold. She could feel she was high in the air, being held by her underarms, almost flying, and the crowd were applauding and shouting their appreciation. Despite being blindfolded Samantha could almost see the faces of shock and surprise at someone un
, wearing a creased Civic Hall polo shirt and uniform trousers, being held aloft by Jimmy Lloyd.

She span around, catching hold of Jimmy’s hand, stepped backwards and turned, just as she had learnt. Her breathing was more controlled now and although she still felt fear, it was mixed with excitement and complete exhilaration. She was caught up in the moment, intoxicated by the music, thinking of nothing but Jimmy and how it felt to have him back.

She skated out backwards, balanced carefully and elegantly on one leg, stretching out the other behind her. She took a deep breath and waited. They had only done this move once before, not blindfolded, and Samantha had screamed the whole way through. But she knew this was what Jimmy wanted, this was the way to end the routine. And before she could think any more the waiting was over. She felt Jimmy take hold of her ankle, spin her sideways and she took her other leg off the ice as he began to flip her up and down in the move Dana would no longer perform with him. Her heart was banging against her chest and she could almost smell the ice. She felt air rush past her ear as she passed dangerously close to the rink and then she felt the coldness of the ice as Jimmy put her down onto it. She felt him slide down onto the floor next to her and then as the music ended he lifted her hand in the air with his.

The crowd erupted. There was cheering, whistling, screaming and non-stop applause that had Samantha reaching for her ears. She was breathing heavily, still shaking and she felt exhausted. She could feel Jimmy’s body close to hers, his breathing also rapid and then he picked her up under her arms and lifted her back into a standing position.

He took off her blindfold and then removed his own. The crowd were roaring their appreciation, people were stamping on the floor, banging anything they could to make the loudest noise possible. It was something Samantha had never experienced at the Civic Hall before and she had been part of it. She was smiling, she felt happier than she ever had, not caring she was standing in the middle of an arena being watched by thousands. She looked up at Jimmy. He was smiling down at her, looking at her like she was the most precious thing he had ever set eyes on.

Neither of them knew what to say. The crowd continued to clap, but they were oblivious to them now. Jimmy ran his hand down the side of Samantha’s face and then drew her towards him, kissing her deeply. A loud cheer went up from the audience as Samantha put her arms around his neck and held him close to her.



Tears were rolling down Cleo’s face, threatening to wash away every scrap of make
-up she had applied earlier.

God, what do you say to that? Did you know she could do that?’ Connor asked both Jeremy and Cleo as in front of them Samantha and Jimmy did a short lap round the ice to acknowledge their applause.

They were blindfolded. I mean, have you seen anyone do that before? Ever?’ Jeremy remarked to Cleo who was just staring at the ice, watching her sister.

I didn’t believe her,’ Cleo spoke quietly almost in a trance.

Did you know she could skate like that? I mean skating up and down selling programmes isn’t doing a professional routine with a blindfold on is it?’ Jeremy carried on, clapping along with the rest of the enthralled audience.

She told me about him. She told me she was in love with Jimmy Lloyd and I laughed at her.
at her Jeremy, and got mad and told her not to tell lies and make up stories. Look at them! Look at them together!’ Cleo told him tears still rolling down her face.

You weren’t to know - I mean how could you? She keeps herself to herself doesn’t she,’ Jeremy said, breaking from clapping and putting an arm around his girlfriend.

She felt she couldn’t rely on me, she knew I wouldn’t believe her. That’s why she said it was stupid camp-sounding Darren Jacobs. I’ve got to go and see her, excuse me,’ Cleo announced and she got up and hurried past Connor and the other people who were standing up in their row.



Samantha’s face was glowing as
she and Jimmy left the ice, still holding hands.

You were amazing! You did the move Sam! I just sensed you were going to do it, I knew you trusted me!’ Jimmy exclaimed excitedly as the pair of them joyfully held on to each other.

This has been the craziest night of my life! I just performed in front of thousands of people! Me! Samantha Smith, the girl who’s scared of her own shadow,’ Samantha remarked, trying to control her laughter.

God, you don’t know how good it is to see you again,’ Jimmy responded, stopping her and just looking at her as he held her hand.

I didn’t think I would ever see you again, after what I said. I’m such an idiot and I’m so sorry,’ Samantha spoke, looking back at him.

I knew you didn’t mean it, you were just scared that’s all. I was scared too, but it didn’t take me long away to realise that it’s OK to be scared and admitting it just makes you even stronger,’ Jimmy said sincerely.

How did things go? In America, in - the place,’ Samantha asked him cautiously.

You can say “rehab” - it isn’t a dirty word you know,’ Jimmy replied.

I know, I’m sorry - I just…’ Samantha began.

It went really well, which is why I’m back. And I don’t want to waste another minute talking to you in this walkway. Let’s go somewhere where we can talk properly - on our own,’ Jimmy spoke, noticing that the skating entourage were preparing to begin the show and making their way back and forth along the corridor.

OK,’ Samantha agreed, smiling at him ‘but I have to find my shoes!’

Sam,’ Cleo called as she appeared from the door leading to the foyer.

Samantha turned around to face her sister and immediately saw that Cleo’s face was awash with tears and her make up was almost all gone. She had never seen her look so upset. Not since Miles Jones.

Shall I go and find your shoes?’ Jimmy offered.

Yes, thanks, they’re under the spare seat at the end of row B,’ Samantha directed not taking her eyes from Cleo.

OK, I won’t be long,’ Jimmy replied and he kissed Samantha’s cheek before making his way back towards the auditorium.

hey were left alone in the corridor, just looking at each other, neither knowing what to do. Cleo’s expression was
but Samantha could tell the cogs were whirring and her eyes were still full of tears. Samantha didn’t know what to say or do, she just stood still, her mouth dry, her stomach contracting. And then, suddenly, Cleo rushed towards her throwing her arms around her and enveloping her in a bear hug. The comforting smell of Joop! and hairspray filled Samantha’s nostrils as she hugged Cleo back.

She could feel her sister shaking as she cried openly on her shoulder. And then Cleo pulled herself away to look at Samantha.

Sam, I don’t know what to say - I am so sorry,’ Cleo spoke tears running down her face.

What for?’ Samantha asked her.

For not believing you, about Jimmy,’ Cleo said her cheeks reddening with shame as she said the words.

Oh Cleo, it doesn’t matter! I think if you’d told me the same thing I wouldn’t have believed you either. Well no, I would have believed you because you are you and you could get anyone. I mean if you were me and you had told me, if I was you - if that makes any sense,’ Samantha babbled.

Absolutely none and it’s no excuse for letting you down when you really needed someone. I’ve been preoccupied with myself as usual, I should’ve taken more notice of you,’ Cleo continued.

I’m not a little girl any more. And you didn’t know what was going on because I hid it from you, not because you didn’t take any notice,’ Samantha insisted.

Oh Sam, you looked amazing out there on the ice!’ Cleo exclaimed, hugging her sister again.

Oh I wouldn’t say that, I almost fell on my face and I was terrified,’ Samantha responded her eyes bright, her face lit up.

You look different tonight,’ Cleo spoke.

No name badge,’ Samantha said, indicating the bare patch on her top where it should have been.

No, I don’t think it’s that. I don’t know what it is but you just look different, all grown up all of a sudden and so - beautiful,’ Cleo remarked, smiling at Samantha.

It’s Jimmy. He came back for me. Apparently I
enough,’ Samantha replied happily.











Twenty Eight


I think Dana looks more comfortable with Andrei,’ Jimmy remarked as he watched the skating.

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