Breaking the Ice (13 page)

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Authors: Mandy Baggot

BOOK: Breaking the Ice
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Well, I knew he was coming but I wasn’t fully aware of the reasons. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry your little head about. We’re very prosperous at the moment, very prosperous indeed. The ice show is really getting bums on seats,’ Dave responded, shifting about in his chair like a man feeling uncomfortable at being questioned.

What’s going on? I mean I see the figures, things didn’t seem that bad. I’m sure we’ve had worse years. The hall can’t close. What’s your plan? I’ll do anything I can to help,’ Samantha told him, leaning on the desk and looking straight at him almost pleadingly.

Calm down
mon petit souris
. There’s no use getting in a two and eight. Sometimes you just have to let things run their course. I’m sure all this will blow over,’ Dave spoke and he began leafing aimlessly through a pile of papers on his desk.

But Mr Radcliffe said only one hall can survive, there’s us and the Presbook Centre, oh and the playhouse. Do you think he’s counting the playhouse? We need to shake things up a bit, have a real drive at selling more tickets, some special offers perhaps. And we need a web page, perhaps online booking, everyone has that and…’ Samantha began, the words coming out at a hundred miles an hour.

Well actually Duck, that will be something to discuss with the new manager,’ Dave responded.

We could do meal deals in the restaurant and perhaps spruce up the menu - what did you say?’ Samantha asked, stopping abruptly and just staring blankly at her superior.

I have had a calling,’ Dave continued, a smile spreading across his podgy face.

What? I don’t understand,’ Samantha replied, her voice weakening, her conviction drifting away.

I am joining the auspicious Herald Cruises as the Director of Entertainments. Me! A director! I start next week and the first cruise is round the Aegean,’ Dave boasted, puffing out his chest as he always did when he thought he had said something earth shattering.

No,’ Samantha said, her bottom lip beginning to tremble as tears welled up in her eyes.

She could feel everything slipping away, the hall, her life.
Where would she go? What would she do? Who would feed Gobby?

Yes, isn’t it a wonderful opportunity for me? I’ll get to show my true potential at last. There will be no restrictions, no council budgets, no boundaries. I can be a maker or breaker of careers,’ Dave carried on, the inane smile not leaving his face.

But you can’t leave - we’re in crisis,’ Samantha managed to speak as the tears began to roll down her face.

There’s no such thing as a crisis in entertainment Samantha, you should know that. The show will always go on,’ Dave spoke, still smiling.

Samantha couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her life was turning into something that resembled a
Twin Peaks
episode. All it needed was a procession of dwarves. The world had gone mad, that was the only explanation. She needed to restore some sanity, somehow, reality needed to be gripped.

And then she was weeping. Her eyes had glazed over and all she could see was Dave’s fat, doughy face, still smiling. He didn’t care about the hall, perhaps he never had.

She stood up, using his desk for support and without saying another word she turned towards the door of his office.

Cheer up eh Duck? Still time for one more BOB before I leave,’ Dave told her.

And then he let out a hearty guffaw that turned her stomach.

With his
laughter echoing in her ears Samantha ran. She ran out of his office, through the foyer and out of the hall. She felt upset, scared and betrayed. She needed familiarity. She usually found that at the hall but not today, perhaps never again. She had to get home.

She ran down the main street, past commuters, past joggers, past women pushing buggies, past tramps and over friendly dogs, not noticing any of them. A million thoughts were spinning around in her brain. What was happening? What was she going to do?



She didn’t stop running until she was outside her front door. She
quickly let herself in with shaking hands, her heart racing and her forehead clammy. She needed to sit down, her head was aching. She walked through the hallway towards the kitchen and was just contemplating how her life couldn’t get any worse when she looked up. The sight before her stopped her in her tracks.

Cleo shrieked at the top of her voice, Samantha gasped and hurriedly turned away. Jeremy practically vaulted from the kitchen table picking up his trousers from the chair.

What are you doing home?! It’s only two!’ Cleo exclaimed as she hurriedly put her blouse over her head and tried to cover up her nakedness.

Since when did I have set times to come in and out of our house?’ Samantha questioned, still not daring to look back at the scene.

Since always. What’s happened? Has the Civic Hall burnt down or something? No, if it had you’d be there, in the thick of things, coordinating the recovery operation,’ Cleo spoke, trying to cover up her embarrassment.

Is that supposed to be a joke? What do you know? Who have you spoken to? Goodness, how long does it take you to put a pair of trousers on? I bet it didn’t take that long to get them off,’ Samantha said to Jeremy as she briefly turned back and caught sight of him in just his underwear.

Come on Jeremy, let’s go up to my bedroom,’ Cleo said, doing up the zip on her skirt and looking defiantly at Samantha.

Actually Cleo, I’d better get back to the office,’ Jeremy responded, his cheeks reddening as he caught Samantha’s eye.

What? I thought we were being rebellious and not going back this afternoon. You aren’t going to let my usually routine driven little sister ruin our plans are you?’ Cleo demanded to know.

No, don’t mind me. You carry on - hope I haven’t spoiled the mood,’ Samantha spoke sarcastically.

I’ll call you later – sorry,’ Jeremy said as he moved past Samantha and headed for the front door as fast as he could.

The front door closed and Cleo glared at Samantha. Samantha ignored the look and walked into the kitchen. Cleo had a death stare akin to Darth Vader and Samantha knew better than to join in the game. She began to fill the kettle with water.

Well thank you very much! Do you know how much persuading it took to get him to skive for an afternoon?’ Cleo told her.

No, but I can imagine you had a lot of fun getting him to agree,’ Samantha responded, putting the kettle on to boil.

If you were coming home early you could have rung or something,’ Cleo continued, watching Samantha get two cups ready for tea.

It wasn’t anticipated, nor was it anticipated that you would be shagging on the kitchen table at two o’ clock in the afternoon. I mean Cleo, we have to eat off this. And anyway - you should be - you should be - at work too!’ Samantha replied.

And then she burst into tears. All the emotions of the day overwhelming her and making her break down again. She felt like a wreck. She had spent practically the whole day crying. Her face was beginning to feel damp, crumpled and prune like, like a grieving
extra. She bawled, sobbed and shook and Cleo rushed over to her, enveloping her in a perfumey hug.

What’s the matter? It isn’t Darren is it? If he gave you his number with no intention of taking you out on a date then I will kill him,’ Cleo spoke sternly as she hugged her sister.

Samantha just continued to cry, unable to stop herself.

Sam, tell me what’s wrong. I’m imagining the worst here. Has something happened to Mum or Dad? Are you OK? Are you ill? God, look at your nose, is it something to do with that? It doesn’t look right at all,’ Cleo said, making a face as she stared at the swelling.

It’s the worst, the very worst,’ Samantha managed to mumble into Cleo’s shoulder as she held her.

Oh God, Sam just tell me. I’m freaking out here,’ Cleo exclaimed in fright.

The Civic Hall might close. I just found out today. Oh God, what am I going to do?’ Samantha spoke, lifting her head and stepping slightly away from her sister’s embrace.

Cleo looked at her momentarily and then she pushed her away with a hiss.

What?! Is that all?! I thought you had some terminal disease or something, or that Mum and Dad had died in some horrific motorway pile up or that Darren had dumped you before you’ve even been out with him. I suppose I should’ve guessed it was something to do with that flaming place. You don’t go anywhere else or do anything else,’ Cleo blasted, furious at her sibling.

This is serious! We had a visit from the council today and there might only be room for one entertainments centre. One! What if they close us down?’ Samantha questioned, her eyes wide, hoping for support from her sister.

Oh so what if they do? I only go there because you get staff discount and let’s be honest - it doesn’t really attract the greatest acts - the ice show and that
Jimmy Lloyd are the only exception,’ Cleo responded bluntly.

Cleo, we went there as kids to see all the pantomimes. Mum and Dad used to go to all the shows there, you had your thirteenth birthday party in one of the conference rooms. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?’ Samantha asked her.

Things change and time and people move on. The place is outdated and the people that go there are past their best. It’s stuck in a time warp in acts and furnishings and the food in the restaurant sucks. I’d say it was an open and shut case that it needs tearing down. Maybe they’ll put something decent in its place, like a big Primark,’ Cleo told her, making herself a cup of tea.

How can you say that?’ Samantha asked, her heart bursting with fear and panic.

Because it’s the truth and I think you should start looking for another job and try getting a life, because when the hall closes, gone are all your excuses for avoiding the real world,’ Cleo told her.

Samantha stood stunned. Her sister had never been so harsh with her before. She was unable to respond, her voice choked. She just stood and watched, like she was having an out of body experience, as Cleo calmly made herself a cup of tea. Without uttering another word her sister turned and left Samantha alone in the kitchen, with the table soiled in bodily fluids.













Her uniform was creased. It was the only time in all the
years she had worked at the Civic Hall that she had ever gone to work with an
uniform. What was worse still was that she didn’t actually care. Imagine, going to work at your favourite place and not caring that you looked like a vagrant.

What’s more, Samantha’s nose had now turned a reddish purple. It had started to ache when the water hit it in the shower but now it was bruised and swollen and twice its normal size. Gobby had also ambushed her on the way in, covered her in hair and dribbled on her un-ironed trousers. Those things and the agony she felt at the possible closure of her beloved Civic Hall, made the evening ahead seem practically unbearable. She didn’t want to be there, everything felt insecure and uncertain. She had forced a smile on her face when selling programmes but her heart just wasn’t in it like it should be. Now she was stood in her position at one of the rear fire doors as the ice show played out before her.

Two skaters had just performed to a piece from
Guys & Dolls
and now it was Jimmy and Dana taking to the ice to perform to ‘All that Jazz’ from
. It was one of Samantha’s favourite routines because it was fast paced and full of lifts and difficult moves. She couldn’t deny that Dana was an excellent skater and she was envious of her ability.

was so graceful and Jimmy held her above his head like she weighed nothing. She probably would if she didn’t have so much hair. She was the same build as Posh Spice but with Ginger’s colouring.

And then suddenly, as they turned immediately in front of her, Jimmy went to lift Dana above his head and she seemed to hesitate. As she was elevated she fell forward and came crashing down onto the ice. There was a thud, sequins were shed and the whole audience gasped.

Samantha put her hands to her mouth in shock. But then, as quickly as she had fallen, she was back up on her feet to continue the routine. Samantha watched as they caught up with the timing of the music and ended the performance as smoothly as if the fall had never occurred.

The audience applauded graciously and the partnering smiled and waved as usual, but as they turned to leave the ice Samantha could see that Dana’s expression was thunderous.

None of the crowd seemed to be concerned by the mishap and they began applauding the next group of ice skaters which was an ensemble, doing a song from

Samantha was thankful the rest of the performances went without a hitch. The last thing the Civic Hall needed was for people to stop coming to the ice show, it was its popularity that was holding the hall together.

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