Breaking Skin (43 page)

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Authors: Debra Doxer

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BOOK: Breaking Skin
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hank you to the talented individuals who take the raw material I give them and transform it into a final product that goes above and beyond my original vision. They are Pam Berehulke at Bulletproof Editing, Julie Ann Titus at JT Formatting, and Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations. I count myself lucky to have these professionals lending their considerable skills to my latest project.

As always, thank you to my family for putting up with my radio silence when I’m working on a book. I couldn’t do this without your understanding and support.

Publishing a book is not for the faint of heart. It takes faith, thick skin, and just enough audacity to hit the Publish button. I wouldn’t be brave enough to do this again and again without the encouragement of a few key people. For your kind words and camaraderie, thank you to Bianca Smith, Rachel Blaufeld, and once again, Pam Berehulke.

Thank you to my readers! I jump between genres and I have a strange aversion to perfectly happy endings, but when I write, I follow my heart. Oftentimes it feels like the rest of me is only along for the ride. Thank you for taking this ride with me.


hen I started writing this book, I assumed chronic traumatic encephalopathy
was a well-known risk and a possible consequence of certain sports accepted by both players and professional sports leagues. To my surprise, that is not the case. While doing my research, I discovered that CTE continues to be a volatile and controversial topic, especially as it relates to youth sports and the future of professional sports.

If you have a child currently playing or considering playing a sport that carries the risk of repetitive head injuries, it’s worthwhile to educate yourself about the potential dangers.


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Books by Debra Doxer


Contemporary Romance

Breaking Skin

Play of Light


Paranormal Romance

Keep You from Harm
(Remedy #1)

To Have and to Harm
(Remedy #2)


Young Adult

Like Candy
(Candy #1)

Sweet Liar
(Candy #2)

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