Breaking Leila (7 page)

Read Breaking Leila Online

Authors: Lucy V. Morgan

Tags: #womens fiction, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #ds, #contemporary romance

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He nodded.
“Spread her open with your fingers. Look at her.”

An electric
little shudder took me as she ran a finger over my slit.

“How does she
look?” Joseph said.

Isobel chewed
her bottom lip. “Shiny. Pink.” She teased my clit with the pad of
her thumb, and I moaned again.

“Sounds almost
as beautiful as you, baby.” He smiled.

She edged
further down the bed until I felt her breath between my thighs.

“Taste her.
Take your time,” he instructed. “Push your tongue into all the
little dips and along all the lines. Leave her clit...that comes
later.” His last words spilled over me in hot gushes, his eyes
searing. I was on the menu.

I’d be served

She spread me
again and began a slow assault.

Close, so close now.
Joseph knew, too. His smirk
grew as my belly quivered. I reached down and pulled Isobel up as
gently as I could. “You’re way too good at that...and it’s your
birthday. You should be first.” Charlotte’s etiquette. She’s such

We arranged
Isobel on her back with her slender thighs spread, her head on
Joseph’s chest and his hands working her nipples. I’d been right
about her pussy–a sundae shade of berry pink. The air around us
shuddered as she sighed with relief.

I blew along
the trail of tiny bites I’d left on her inner thigh. On the third
time, she shoved her hips up toward my mouth, groaning loudly.


“Be patient.
She’s only teasing,” Joseph murmured.

“Oh,” I
breathed. “She’s gorgeous down here, all neat and luscious.”

“No more,
please,” she whimpered.

She quivered on
my fingers, and the tremble spread to her thighs. I mewed around
her clit, sucked until she broke and came in writhing bursts. She
cried out as if I bit chunks out of her.

I pressed my
wet face into her belly as she calmed, bobbing up and down as she
took heaving breaths.

“What do you think, Leila? Is she ready for me now?” Joseph
toyed with her hair. The shadows lapped at him–even they wanted a
taste of the sweat–had anyone ever told this man

“I think she’s
never been more ready.” I kissed up Isobel’s belly and lingered at
her mouth, my hand still between her legs. “In fact...I might have
spoiled her.”

He laughed so
close that it poured straight over my ears.

We swapped
places, giggling as we bumped into each other in the near darkness.
I tucked my legs up so I could kiss Isobel and make her suck my
sticky fingers.

In my dirty
secret of a profession, I had seen many torrid things–but none so
erotic as Joseph fucking another woman. The way his brow dipped as
he scooped her legs over his one shoulder, how he caught my eye as
he made the first thrust. Isobel scratched down my arm as she was

I watched as he clutched her hips, his blond hair askew and
sticking to his damp forehead. Swallowed up in a
the one beneath him, he took each long stroke deep
, I wailed like Isobel as he
slammed her further up the mattress. If this didn’t end soon, his
name would rush out before I could bite back down on it.

I hated him for

withdrew, his cock tight in his fist. His first drops splashed
across Isobel’s belly and then they caught my breasts and my cheek,
the warm aroma smacking up into my nostrils.

resourceful,” Isobel said between breaths.

Oh Christ. Not even whores stoop to those

, Charlotte.

I looked up at Joseph and he nodded his
I slid down and lapped up his mess, rising to deposit it in
Isobel’s bruised mouth with a deep kiss. She hummed her delight as
she tasted him. Back on the pillows, I massaged the rest into my
nipples and watched as they nuzzled at each other the way satisfied
lovers do. I was jealous–I freely admit to that. Jealous,
trembling, and still slippery wet.

I normally
left at this point. The couple were absorbed in their wicked
endeavours and wanted to congratulate each other in privacy, to
reaffirm their passions with a languorous fuck. So I peeled my damp
body from the sheets and crept into the huge living area, blinking
in the bright light before I stumbled over to the glass doors.

The chill on
the breeze scraped me as I searched for my clothes. I found them in
a heap and took my time getting dressed–my limbs ached too much to

Still. I needed
a drink.

Inside, I could
hear Joseph and Isobel talking and laughing in the bedroom. Cold
water sloshed loudly into my glass and I winced at the hissing

Joseph had asked that I wait for him. God, I wanted to. Could
even see it play out. He would take me back to the balcony and
shove me against the wall, ordering me to stay
. His mouth would work up my thigh
until he rested my leg on his shoulder, lashed out with his tongue
as I tugged at his hair. When my knees were too weak, he’d push
inside me and then–

Ah, no. I couldn’t hang around. What would Isobel say if she
walked out now and saw me waiting? Job done, time to go home–this
etiquette. Charlotte had relished the hunt way too much

As I closed the
front door, a sigh erupted from the bedroom, and I knew they were
immersed in each other. It felt too soon to be wearing my knickers
again–the muscles there were taut in mourning. Then there was the
lie made corporeal. Isobel thought she had reclaimed her lover…she
didn’t know that he was mine, too.

Not that he
felt like mine, of course. Not that he should be. Why did the
little m-word turn my fists to silent fireworks?

I don’t know
what kind of skewed logic had got its claws in, but I hailed a cab
in one moment, and stood on Matt’s doorstep the next.

The doorbell chimed.
–I looked dishevelled, pink, and
probably reeked of sex. I’d barely rearranged my hair when the door
swung open, and a topless, younger version of Matt crackled bank
notes in his fist.

His eyes were
wide as the doorway. “Don’t think I ordered you.”

I blinked,

“I mean, I
ordered pizza,” he went on, “but if they’re going to send me, I’m not complaining.”

“Well, um,
thank you. I don’t suppose Matt’s here?”

“Pah. Figures.”
He stood aside and ushered me into the hall. “I’m Toby, by the

“It’s nice to
meet you, Toby.” Did I have lip gloss around my mouth? Why hadn’t I
checked? “I’m a work friend of Matt’s.”

He led me to a
sitting room where television licked at the walls in the dark. Matt
sprawled over a corner group sofa, as topless as his brother and
nursing a bucket of ice cream.

He jumped as he
noticed me. “Leila. What the fuck are you doing here? Is there an
emergency at the office?”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that...” My cheeks were seared in
embarrassment. I’d only ever visited him to drop off work stuff,
and suddenly, the fact that we weren’t this casual loomed, painful
and huge. Why

The doorbell
rang and Toby disappeared into the hall.

“I just wanted
to talk to you, is all.”

“Oh.” Matt sat
up to pat the space beside him. “Sit down, then?”

I picked my way
over the stacks of files, textbooks and computer games.

“Sorry about
the mess, by the way,” he said. “If you’d have called, I could have
cleaned up–”

“It’s okay.” I
smiled weakly. “Sorry for imposing on you like this.”

“No, it’s okay.

Toby stumbled
through again, pizza box in hand. “I’ll leave you two to it,” he
muttered, closing a door behind him.

There would
have been an awkward silence, had it not been punctured by the

“Want some ice
cream?” Matt said finally, offering me the carton.

I squinted at
it. “What flavour?”

“Ginger and
lemon. I’m very cultured, as you can see.” He gestured to the
surrounding room, littered with men’s magazines and empty beer

“Looks like
it’s been a good night. Did I interrupt a mother’s meeting?”

“Just some
brotherly bonding.”

I took the
spoon from the ice cream bucket and licked it, tipping my head. His
wide eyes followed. “It’s good.”

“Yep. So...what
have you been doing tonight?”

“Um.” I tore my
gaze from his muscled belly, trying to ignore the v-shaped slope
that led to his cock. “I’ve been out for dinner with some

“Must have been
somewhere nice, you being dressed up like that.”

I shrugged.
“Yeah, it was okay.”

“You look

“Oh.” I broke
into a flushed smile. “Thank you.”

“And you’re
looking particularly fine tonight, Matthew,” he said, sighing
wistfully. “Why, thank you Leila. That’s nice of you to say.”

I swatted at
him. “Shut up, arse. You know you look good.”

“Do I?” He
slumped, pushing his belly out. “And here I was, going for hobo

I laughed.

He watched my
mouth, studied the way my lips moved. Contemplated kissing me,

“So to what do
I owe this little visit? Don’t suppose you changed your mind about
my offer?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I
want to talk to you, I

He reached over
and stroked the hair away from my face. It was such a genuine
gesture that my resolve melted like the ice cream. Then his breath
mingled with mine, he sucked my bottom lip, his long eyelashes
brushed my cheeks. I whimpered as the cold spoon fell into my

“Who needs to
talk?” he said gruffly. “Talk is just…boring...”

I let him peel
my jacket away, arched my back, hands empty, breasts swollen
against his chest. I was desperate for release now, so comforted by
his desire–I wanted to give myself to somebody interested in only
me. No rules, no limits. No games. If I felt more for him than I
expected…well, I could ignore that, couldn’t I? The thrill of it began.

“You changed
your mind, then?” he asked.

I bit his
nipple and he jumped. “Yes.”

“I’m thinking
my stylish abode was a factor.”

I kissed his
grinning mouth. “It’s the chemistry textbooks. I love a man who
knows his way around the...periodic table.”

“I would tell
you they were Toby’s,” he mumbled, “but I’m not in the mood to
share you.”

The phone in my
jacket pocket gave a tinny squeal, and Matt pulled away.

“You want to
get that?”

“Not right now,

He started to
fetch it out himself. “This late, could be important–oh.” He
scowled at the name that flashed on the screen. “You want to tell
me why Joseph is calling you at this distinctly un-businesslike

Fuck, fuck,

“I don’t know,”
I lied.

“I don’t
believe you,” he said quietly.

My voicemail
announced its arrival with a chime. I didn’t know what to tell him
so I sat awkwardly, wringing my hands.

“Well, only one
way to find out.”

“Matt!” I
shrieked as he dialled my voicemail.

He clicked on
the speakerphone and Joseph’s voice poured out of the receiver:

“Where did you
go, sweetheart? I thought you were waiting. She’s all tucked up in
bed now and I’m sat here, so hard for you...”

I snatched the
phone away and switched it off, my cheeks burning.

“How stupid do
you think I am?” Matt snapped. “Seriously, what the fuck do you
think you’re doing?”

threatened, my pulse jumped. I’d done many questionable things this
past year but I’d never felt as cheap as I did in that moment.

“I can

“I don’t want to hear it. It’s fucked.” He sprang up. “I
think you should do me the courtesy of leaving, Leila.” He didn’t
let the door hit your arse on the way out,
but it was more or less

“I have to work
for him now,” I said weakly. “I had to agree, so I can keep my

“What do you
mean? He’s blackmailing you?”

“Yes. No. Not
exactly.” I stood to look him in the eye–I owed him that much. “I
might as well tell you anyway. I’ve got nothing to lose, right? My
parents are totally in the shit with their business. I nearly
didn’t find out soon enough and I’ve been earning money so the bank
doesn’t take everything.” I waited for his reaction for three
bloated seconds.

He folded his
arms, wouldn’t look at me.

“When you hired
me, I had three jobs left before I’d earned enough to take care of
things,” I went on. “Joseph said I had to do them with him if I
wanted to stay with the company.”

“I guess you
really do,” he said, his tone bitter.

I shrugged. “He
could make things very hard for me, if he wanted to.”

“Judging by that voicemail, things are
for you already.”

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