Breaking Her (Love is War #2) (41 page)

BOOK: Breaking Her (Love is War #2)
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I saw right through him.

I believed that he was dating that actress, and I believed he'd been invited here.
What I did not believe was that he hadn't known or suspected that I'd be here.

What I did not believe was that he hadn't come here for

"Did you bring your own car?" I asked him, my smile now mischievous bordering on malevolent.
"I rode with my date, so either he takes me home or someone else does."
I was daring him to tell me no.

I wanted,
to see if he even had it in him.

I wanted to
myself on that knowledge, to use the sharp finality of it to cut myself free.

But alas, he did not, which was why I would
be free.

He didn't even answer, just grabbed my wrist and started moving, leaving his date and mine to watch on in baffled affront.

We were in his car driving furiously away before I spoke again.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked him.

His eyes were wild, his hands clenching the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white.
"Does it matter?" he finally asked.

I touched a hand to his leg and his thigh muscle jerked in agitation.
"Take me somewhere outside.
Somewhere with a view.
I want to watch the sunset while you're inside of me."

I studied his face intently while I said it, saw him flinch then harden.
"I didn't come here for this," he uttered softly.

"Well, then you're a fool.
What did you come here for?"

His mouth twisted so bitterly that I had to look away.
"To see you.
Just to look at you and see if there was still any part of you left that I recognized."

My head snapped back and I leaned toward him, grabbing him crudely.
"I found something of
that I recognize.
The only part of you that I miss seems to be about the same."

He tore my hand off him, flinging it away.
"How could you?"
His voice was wretched with agony as he finally got to the point, to the ugly, rotten root of it all.
"How could you?"

I felt nothing but fury at his pain.
I was too wrapped up in my own.
"How could I?
How could I?
How could you?
How could you?

He was shaking his head, over and over.
"You don't understand.
You don't know anything."

"I know you were engaged to fucking Tiffany, and that's all I ever need to know for the rest of my fucking life.
You wanted to break me?
Well, you did it, and today is your lucky day, because now you get to fuck what's left.
Are you happy?"

His face was flushed, his eyes blinking so rapidly that I thought for a moment that he was going to cry.
How did it come to this?
How did
end up like

"If you don't know then nobody does, because you fucking brought us here."

"I know, angel," he whispered.
"But believe me, I am
If it makes you feel better, you can be sure that I will
be happy again."

It was something.
A few drops of cool water to dampen the inferno that lived inside of me.

He had thrown me away, but at least he could
move on from me, not completely.
He was no more capable of that than I was.

It wasn't long before he pulled the car deep onto the shoulder and put it in park.
He'd taken me to a spot that fit what I'd described.
He'd found me a nice view and a bit of privacy.
Despite his animosity, he'd accommodated me.

I thought it was a tell of how I still affected him.

It was enough, for the moment.

He didn't move, though, didn't even take his hands off the steering wheel.

It didn't matter.
I opened my door, stepped out of the car, slammed it shut, and walked around the front of it slowly, my movements sinuous, seductive.
I made my way to his side, leaning over the hood, bracing my hands as I leveled my gaze on him through the windshield.

I watched his gorgeous, sinister mouth as he shaped a curse and then my name, the sight making me smile.
Not a happy smile.
There was no joy to be found in this.
It was the opposite.

This was about killing anything inside of me that was capable of that emotion.
Stomping it to death under my vicious, spiteful heel, then grinding it unrecognizable with my sharpest stilettos.

It was nothing new.
I'd been at this for a while and doing a stand up job of it, if I did say so myself.

His door opened and the sound of his cursing matched the words his lips shaped.

It was music to my ears.

"I hope you brought condoms," I interrupted his rather creative diatribe, tone as abrasive as I could manage.
"You aren't getting inside of me without."

The cursing stopped, and his silence was somehow much more hostile than even that had been.

The last time we'd had each other, no protection had been necessary, and the significance was not lost on either of us.

The difference between then and now was more brutally apparent than ever, and if he thought his bitterness could match my own when it came to this,
, he had a lot to learn.

Finally he answered with a choked, "I brought some."

I flashed my teeth at him in my most sadistic/masochistic grin, "Well, then.
Wrap it up, lover.
I don't have all night."

He didn't even try to kiss me at first.
I was so relieved that I didn't question it.

Instead he moved behind me, and I braced my hands against the car as I listened to the bittersweet sounds of him getting us both ready.

The rustle of my dress as he pushed it up to my waist.
The whisper of my panties coming down.
A zipper being undone, the crinkle of a foil wrapper, the snap of a rubber rolling into place.

I squirmed as I listened, but didn't move to help.
I didn't want to look at him.
Feeling him would be more than enough.
Too much, on its own.

He seemed to agree, butting up against my entrance with no foreplay at all.


I was wet enough for him to ease inside of me.
Just the idea of this hate sex did that to me.

Still, the size and suddenness of him was almost painful at first.

I welcomed the discomfort, leaning down to press my cheek hard against the hot metal of his car as he invaded me.
I hadn't wanted this to feel
That was not the point of

He pressed a hand to the small of my back as he started to move heavily, his breath ragged as he pounded his rage straight into me with succinct, brutal thrusts.

The brutality I welcomed.
Every savage plunge in and out, every jarring contact of my hipbones against heated metal, every rough slide of my nipples against my thin dress as they rubbed into the hood of the car, my cheekbone digging in until I was sure it would bruise, my nails scoring into his perfect paint job with enough zeal to break them.

All of it only added to my perverse pleasure in the damaging exchange.

Hate sex at its finest.

Unfortunately, it was stimulating enough to get me off and fast.
I told myself it was the booze that'd primed me so quickly for it, but of course I knew better.

I tried to hold back, bit my lip and tensed up, but each forceful plunge in, every perfect drag out, all of the sounds he was making, the helpless moans escaping him with every desperate movement, were too much for me.

I came, fast and sudden, letting out an anguished cry.

He cursed, thrusting harder, faster, again, again, again, and started to come, calling out my name as though he had the right.

After, I just lay there for the longest time, eyes wide open, staring out at the night with Dante draped heavily against my back, still inside of me, his mouth close to my ear.

I listened to the familiar pants of his breath as they went from jagged and wild to soft and even while we slowly recovered from the destructive encounter.

Eventually he spoke, "You didn't even look at the sunset.
You kept your head down the entire time."

I shuddered.
The bastard's casual, almost amused tone got to me.

His release had helped him get his temper in hand, which had
been the point.

"Get off of me," I snarled at him.

He didn't listen.
Instead he brushed my hair to the side and started kissing my neck, his lips tender, devastating, as they began to move down to my nape, then along my shoulder.

"Time's up, lover," I made my tremulous voice as hard as I could manage.
"I need to get back to my

He didn't like that.
In fact, he stiffened and straightened, sliding out of me with a decisive swiftness that made me gasp.

His rage was back, which had been my intent.

I wanted, expected,
him to get off me then, to go away, to never touch me again.

But of course that was not what he did.
Not even close.

His big, strong, familiar, despised hands turned me over onto my back.

As my torso was exposed, my body instinctively started to curl in on itself.

He wasn't having it.
He pinned my shoulders, moving his hips between my thighs before I could muster up the energy to maneuver away.

His chest pressed to my breasts right as his lips took mine.

My hands, of their own volition, began to tug at his tie, seeking skin even while I gasped out a ragged, "Don't kiss me."

, I almost said, almost
for that one small mercy.

But it would have been pointless, precious pride spent for nothing, because there was no mercy in him, not today.

He kissed me with the same fevered longing that he always had.
The same despairing hope.

The same passionate reverence.

Like nothing had changed.
Like we hadn't destroyed each other and
with determined, spiteful abandon since our last parting.

I let him have me again, and this time it was, much, much worse.

More than fucking or release.
More than hate sex.

More than masochism or revenge.

It was the give and take that only occurs when the heart is involved.

When the heart isn't yours to give, because it already belongs to someone else.

Because it always fucking did.

I barely got his tie off, his shirt open, as he tugged the scant top of my dress down, dragging the thin straps off my shoulders.

He took me face to face, mouth to mouth, bare chest to bare chest.

It was smoother this time.
With more finesse.
This was not merely him consuming me.
It was not just his body partaking of mine.
This time he seduced as much as he owned.

It lasted longer.
And felt better.

There was more pleasure to be had within his expert, knowing touch.

There was more delight to endure under his relentless, familiar body.

There was more torment to suffer from his unstoppable, merciless lips.

The first time had been more than enough to mess with my head for the foreseeable future, but the second time ruined me.


If I'd built up any believable delusions that I could move forward from this, from him, he'd just blown them all to little, twitching, unrecoverable bits.

Was there some piece of my heart left intact inside of my miserable chest before that encounter?

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