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Authors: Chloe Walsh

Break My Fall (32 page)

BOOK: Break My Fall
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Cam let out sigh, “I think I might have been wrong about you staying away from Kyle. He’s different with you Lee. He’s changing.”

I looked at her face; she looked deep in thought.

“In what way?” I asked.

Could it be possible that Kyle really was changing?

We hadn’t spoken in a month before last night, and I had missed him.

But I couldn’t keep riding this roller-coaster of passion and pain.

“I’m not sure how to explain it exactly, but he is different with you. It’s like you’ve woken up a part of him that has been missing with years.”

I pondered over her words.

Whether I had changed Kyle or not was irrelevant to the fact that he had perpetually changed me.

“I’m in love him Cam.”

“I know Lee.”




Chapter Thirty-one




We visited my father again.

Cam came in with me this time.

She wanted to see for herself the change in him.

“Camryn Frey,” Daddy said when Cam walked into the room ahead of me.

“Jimmy Bennett,” she responded coolly.

“Hello Delia,” he said addressing me.

“Hello,” I muttered.

I stayed further away from his bed today.

Daddy seemed more active and I was too afraid to get too close.

I guess old habits die hard.

“How have you been Camryn? What have you been doing with yourself?” Daddy asked, shifting his focus to Cam, who was towering above his bed.

“Oh you know Jimmy,” she said airily, “A little of this, a little of that, mostly taking care of the shell of a girl behind me.”

I cringed when spoke about me like that.

My father flinched.

“I gotta tell you, it was fun to see the horror scene of scars on her body. How’d you do it this time Jim? Your fist? Hmm no you are more creative than that. Maybe it was your belt, or the fire poker. Oh no wait, I forgot the tire iron was always a firm favorite of yours, wasn’t it?”

I gasped,

“Cam…” I started, but she interrupted me.

“No Lee, he needs to hear this.”

Cam turned her gaze on my father, “You could have killed her,” she spat, “Did you ever think about that? But I guess that never worried you, considering you killed her spirit years ago. And her name is Lee, so quit it the Delia crap. She’s not your wife and it’s not her fault that she’s dead. She was just an innocent baby and you laid all that blame on her. It’s not Lee’s fault your wife died in childbirth, and if you ever lay so much as look at her wrong again, I will personally rip your heart out and give a better reason than you already have to be laying in that bed. Are we clear Mr. Bennett?”

Daddy paled in the bed, nodding.

“I’m sorry, so sorry.”

Cam straightened her spine even further, “Now, I’ve spoken to your nurse and she tells me that you’ll be just fine in a few days. Tomorrow morning, I will be taking your daughter back to Colorado. If she chooses to visit with you before then, well that’s her choice,” She paused and looked back at me briefly, before facing my father once more.

“I personally think she should leave you here to rot, but I won’t argue with her if she wants to visit before then. But she won’t be staying here,” she said, flicking her ponytail off her shoulder.

She gave me a tight smile, and then left the room.

“I’m sorry Del… Lee.”

I looked at my father.

“Goodbye Daddy. Take care of yourself.”




Chapter Thirty-two 




Several hours and several bars later, we were well on our way to being wasted.

I was amazed that I had been served, I hadn’t been carded once.

“To closure,” Cam slurred as she clinked her shot glass against mine.

I giggled and we tipped back our drinks at the same time.

I could not feel my fingers or toes from the alcohol and I didn’t give a hoot.

I was feeling so liberated.

I was in awe of Cam and the way she had told my father what she thought.

I couldn’t believe she had done that for me.

I would be forever in her debt.

Therefore, when she had suggested we go clubbing, I had agreed.

I had put a nice jean skirt, blue camisole and cowboy boots on this morning, and Cam was her usual stylish self in a tight fitting lace shirt, and low hip hugging jeans, so we hadn’t needed to go home and get changed before hitting the bar.

Derek called Cam’s cell earlier on to check in and Cam told him we were going clubbing.

Needless to say, he was on the way.

I could not blame the poor guy.

Cam was strikingly beautiful.

I lost count of the amount of guys that approached us tonight.

“Whoo,” Cam screamed and I giggled.

“Dancing, we’re dancing now.”

Grabbing my hand, she led me to the packed dance floor, shaking her booty to the live band’s version of Luke Bryan’s Country Girl.

They were pretty good.

I tried to copy her moves but gave up quickly.

I was never going to look as good as she did, so I closed my eyes and gave myself up to the music, moving my body to my own timing.

I could feel the sweat trickling down my chest as I moved my body in time with the music.

Halfway through the song, Derek showed up in front of us, miming the words of the song to Cam, and she was a goner.

She scampered off with him, holding up her hand to me, as if to say ‘five minutes’.

I nodded happily, I was enjoying myself; blocking the past year out of my mind.

For the first time, I felt young and carefree.

I watched the band on stage as the lead singer finished his song and moved aside.

The female singer stepped up to the microphone and belted out her version of ‘Guys do it all the time.’

She was amazing and I swayed happily, shaking out my hair.

Two arms wrapped around my waist from behind me and I froze.

My body stiffened and shook with fear.

“Easy princess”

Kyle’s voice drifted into my ear.

I slumped against him with relief as his grip tightened around my body protectively.

He might be a jackass, but he was my jackass.

Maybe that was the drink talking, wait did I say that out loud?

He chuckled into my ear.

Yep I had said that aloud.

“I missed you.” I whispered.

“Even though I’m a jackass?”

He laughed quietly as he pushed his body against mine.

I pressed into him as we swayed to the music.

“You’re my jackass.”

There was a group of women dancing beside us who were blatantly leering at Kyle.

But I was enjoying myself too much to feel annoyed.

I actually felt pretty damn good.

Kyle wanted to dance with me, was ignoring their suggestive looks.

I closed my eyes, savoring the moment.

I grinded my butt against him, and felt his hardness straining against his jeans.

“Keep it up princess; see where it gets you.”

Feeling bold, I reached up and ran my hand through his hair, pulling his face closer to mine.

“Back in your bed?” I asked and kissed his jaw.

He spun me around to face him, and pulled me flush against him.

“Mine is the only fucking bed you’re gonna be in,” he warned.

I nodded, biting my lip in anticipation.

He growled deep in his throat, and my panties were instantly drenched.

“You’re ruining me Lee, you know that don’t you? You’ve fucking ruined me.”

I was not sure what he meant, but when he kissed me so hungrily, I knew it couldn’t be a bad thing.

I pulled back from him, breathless.

His eyes were black pools of desire.

I knew what he wanted; I wanted it just as badly, more than my next breath.

It should have unsettled me how I could give myself wholly and completely to a man, who a few months ago was a stranger, but it did not.

I felt an invisible pull towards him, time was no measure to the depth of un-quenching passion I felt for him.

“Take me home Kyle,” I said.

I flushed slightly from my boldness, “I need to feel you inside me again.”

His fingers dug into my waist, and he smiled that adorable dimpled grin.

“You feeling needy princess?” he teased, his eyes gleaming.

I pressed myself against him, gripping the waistband of his jeans with one hand, and with the other I did something I had never done before; I cupped his manhood.

I didn’t know what to do with it once it was in my hand, so I squeezed gently.

He thickened even more in my palm, and hissed a sharp breath.

“Don’t make fun of me Kyle,” I whispered, “I need to feel you inside me, right now.”

All traces of humor on his face evaporated, he looked at me with lust, and raw primal desire.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and leaned up to his cheek and whispered, “Don’t make me beg.”

Those words seemed to be his undoing.

He lowered his mouth and kissed me roughly, then grabbed my hand and dragged me off the dance floor.

Shuffling towards the back of the club, Kyle pushed me out through an emergency door, to a side ally.

He looked around before slamming me against the building wall.

I was breathless as his hands slipped under my skirt to my panties.

He tugged each side and they came away in his hands.

I panted, totally turned on by the move.

He slipped them into the back pocket as he unbuttoned his jeans.

His black shirt was sticking to his hard, broad chest.

He sheathed himself, and then kissed me hard, biting and sucking on my lip, so hard I tasted the coppery flavor of blood in my mouth.

“You wanna get fucked princess, you’re gonna get fucked,” he growled, pushing my skirt around my waist.

He lifted me up.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered.

I did, locking my ankles around his waist.

I felt him press against my entrance, and I waited for the pain.

It never came.

He plunged himself into me, and all I felt was the raw primal urge to rock against him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he punished me with thrust after hard thrust.

I whimpered, fire igniting inside me, quickening at a rapid pace.

“God you’re so fucking tight,” he groaned, and then in a much softer tone he asked, “Are you sore?”

I was, in a deliciously full way.

“Yes, but please Kyle don’t stop,” I cried, racing to my release.

“You’re pussy was made for me baby.”

My eyes rolled and my head fell back.

I was so close…

”Only me princess, your pussy is mine. You got it?” he growled.

I trembled, nodding, “Yes.”

He stilled, and I cried out in frustration.

I was on the brink and he stopped.

“Kyle,” I begged, bucking against him.

He pressed his forehead to mine, panting.

“Say it baby and I’ll let you come.”

I was ready to combust.

I screamed in frustration, “It’s yours Kyle, I’m all yours, my pussy, me, you own me.”

He shuddered and kissed me fiercely, “Damn straight your mine.”

Rolling his hips, he thrust into me so hard I fell over the edge, crying out his name as he continued to pump me relentlessly.

Kyle’s phone rang, causing him to freeze inside me.

He cursed loudly, and lowered me to the ground, pulled my skirt down, jerking away from me.

I stood there frozen, ice in my veins.

I watched him removed the condom and toss it away before buttoning his jeans and answering his phone.

“You have the information I need?” he asked into the phone.

I watched as he nodded; his attention completely on the person on the other side of the phone.

I couldn’t hear the conversation and I didn’t want to.

He shoved his phone back in his pocket, he gazed up at me, “Do you need me to take you home?”

It was obvious from his sudden change of mood that he wanted to do anything but give me a ride home.

BOOK: Break My Fall
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