Break Me (Taken Series Book 2) (6 page)

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Authors: Whitney Cannavina

BOOK: Break Me (Taken Series Book 2)
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              I hear a creak come from the second floor and I peer up out of the corner of my eyes without actually moving my head in the direction of my sights. I don’t see anyone but that doesn’t mean that there is nobody there.

              “Come on. Let’s get you back to your room. I have no need for you the rest of the night. You’re lucky that nobody offered me anything worth value to me.” I guide Sierra up the stairs with my hand on her ass as we head to her room. Instead of making it obvious that I know about the intruder I decide to play it as if nothing is amiss. I keep an eye out looking for the intruder without being obvious.

“Stay in your room and lock your door if you don’t want any wandering guests barging in and taking what they want from you.” I kiss her lightly on the cheek then open her door for her to step into her room. As soon as she is on the other side of her door, I close it without another word and wait to hear the lock. Without fail I hear the click of the lock before I make my way back to my bedroom.

I have all the doors locked but obviously whoever this intruder is has managed to get into one of the bedrooms. I decide to start with my room because it would be easier to enter and escape from for the intruder. I pull my key out of my pocket and unlock my door. Throwing it open I flip the switch quickly and glance around finding no one inside my chambers. I check my bathroom then my closet before looking under my bed finding nothing. Just as I turn to leave I notice the curtains that hang above the doors that head to my balcony are moving slightly from the wind. The thing is, I left the doors to my balcony closed and now they are open slightly. Striding quickly over to the doors I throw them open before looking over the side of the railing. Just when I think it was possibly a mistake on my part I glance up and notice two men making a run for it towards the outer property where they most likely came in at. I have no doubt why they are here. Either they were hoping to get Sierra alone or they were hoping to get me alone. Either way they fucked up. I will be watching for them now. I may not know who they are or what they look like but I know they will be back. And when they come back I will be ready for them.

“Caught you, fuckers.”

























Chapter 4




I hope that tonight Jeremy will show mercy on me and keep me for himself. As much as I know it’s wrong to want him I know for a fact that I won’t want anyone else. Besides, Jeremy has started to embed himself in my heart without great effort on my part to stop him. It pisses me off. I know it’s wrong but for some reason I can’t stop it. He’s beaten me, raped me and given me to others to do the same so why is it that my heart is slowly thawing for him? Don’t get me wrong, I still fight it with everything I have because I know it’s just a side effect of being his captive but somehow he still has found a way to break down my walls. Maybe it’s those times where he is kind to me; buying me gifts, making me dinner, complimenting me or maybe it’s when he cuddles with me on the couch as we watch my girly movies. I hate it that he seems so genuine with his feelings but I know they’re not real.

When I snapped at him today I knew it was a mistake. No matter how much of my heart he’s managed to capture I make sure he doesn’t know it. I’ve learned to mask these unnatural feelings with sarcasm and attitude and he’s none the wiser. The problem with the way I’m handling my feelings though, seems to be making him contemplate selling me and if that were to happen who knows what kind of person will own me and what I will have to endure. I’m sure these men are a lot worse to their possessions then Jeremy is with me.

I find myself walking the party on Jeremy’s arm as he tries to find the right offer to lend me out for the night. I dread having to be passed around to these disgusting men so I try my best to cozy up to Jeremy by being more affectionate than normal. He seems to notice but doesn’t comment as he shoots me a smile every now and then. It still doesn’t stop him from listening to the men give their ridiculous offers to bed me for the night. I’m disgusted by what these men are willing to offer. Money, women, drugs, and promises to only buy from him but Jeremy seems disinterested with each and every offer and I am feeling grateful.

The men have no concept of privacy as they have girls riding them in their seats, bent over the tables fucking them from behind or having their cocks sucked all while having a conversation with other men as if none of this is happening. It’s disgusting and I feel like I need a shower to wash off the sex that’s permeated the air and stuck to my skin. There are men having sex, watching others have sex, and talking about sex. I want to plug my ears and close my eyes just to escape it all but I can’t and the men eye fucking me cause me to cringe inside as I try to hide it with a smile. I’m supposed to play nice or I may end up in the middle of an orgy that I don’t want to be a part of as punishment.

“Jeremy, your party is spectacular. If these are the appetizers I can’t wait to see what the main course will be.”  A tall, dark man with cold black eyes slaps Jeremy on the shoulder with a sleazy smile on his lips.

“Thank you Omar. I hope the ladies have taken care of you. Whatever you want or need just let one of them know and they’ll take care of it for you.” Jeremy pulls me tighter to him by my waist while I try my hardest not to lose my shit over his guests idea of a good party.

“Hmm. Well I have already taken a liking to two of your beauties but I haven’t had the pleasure of this creature. What say you let me have a few moments with her?” I stiffen hoping Jeremy doesn’t make me go with this vile man.

“What are you offering? I don’t normally share but I’d be willing for the right price.” I pray that this man doesn’t offer something Jeremy is willing to take.

“Ah. A business man in everything I see. Ok. I’ll offer ten and a year?” What the hell does he mean by that? A year with me?

“I’ll think about it. That’s the best offer all night.” Shit, shit, shit.

“If it’s the best offer than why don’t you agree? You won’t get anything better.” Jeremy rubs his jaw thinking it over while I wait impatiently to hear his answer. The man stares at me with a salacious smile, licking his lips with hunger in his eyes as he peruses my body. I start to shake trying to hold it together. I have a feeling if I am given to this man for however long that I will not make it out unscathed.

“I’ll tell you what. Let me make my rounds and check that everyone is here for the auction so we can get started. I will let you know.”

“Don’t make me wait too long or the offer is off the table.” The man says seriously before walking away to a group of buyers talking near by.

“What did he mean with his offer? Am I to go to him for a year?” I’m scared that I’ll be passed off to this man. I know I will not survive it.

“Don’t worry. I won’t take is offer. You’re with me for now. If it was anyone else I would take the offer but he is a man with…peculiar taste. You would be returned to me ruined.” I gasp not wanting to know anymore and feeling grateful he didn’t take the mans offer. I nod my head and try to tune out the rest of the party as we make our rounds.

              After Jeremy has made sure all his guests arrived and are thoroughly pleasured he decides it’s time for the auction. The hardest part of the night is the auction. Just the fact that I have to stand by and watch as women and children are auctioned off to men that want to do despicable things to them instead of being at home with their loved ones makes me feel as if I am a failure. I am failing at saving them by helping them escape. I always wondered how anyone could just stand there and watch as women and children are raped, beaten and sold without even trying to help them but I understand now why that is. If I were to try to help them not only would I get beaten and raped as punishment but they would be punished as well. There are so many things someone can do to torture as punishment and in these situations; the children will be the first to be punished by torture.

              Just imagine what you think would be considered torture and multiply how bad you think it is by a thousand. That’s what it’s like for these innocents. The torture that they go through is a thousand time’s worse than you could ever imagine. Torture by gang rape or sodomy with an object and sometimes the object is made to cause more pain. I cringe knowing that there have been women and children sodomized with razor blades and knives. That is just a small part of what they can do but it is the worst torture that these monsters give out. They rip these people from the inside out and they make the others watch. It makes me sick and even though I haven’t actually seen torture that extreme done, I have heard these men talk of such torture and I couldn’t be the reason that these innocent people have this happen to them.

              If I found a way to help them escape then they wouldn’t have to go through any of the events that are about to take place but if I can’t even find a way to escape for myself how can I find a way for them? I’m scared, not for me but for them. If I fail then they will get the worst punishment imaginable and I can’t be the reason for that. I don’t think I would have been able to help all of them to escape anyhow because Jeremy has too many guards at all the exits.

              Instead I stand here and watch them being ushered in one by one and bid on like cattle. They’re not cattle they are people. People with feelings, families, and lives waiting for them to come back to. I have to watch them stand there confused and lost not knowing what horrors are to come for them. The kids are the hardest to watch. Not only are they confused but they are scared. You can see it in their eyes as the tears fall. They just want their parents. They should be with their parents playing, being kids and being taken care of with love and affection. They shouldn’t have to see and discover the horrors of the world so young. They don’t even understand what it is that they should be scared of.

              I can’t watch as this continues so I leave to stand by the stairs and cry. It’s all I can do because I can’t save them and I feel as if I am the worst person in the world. If I was looking from the outside in and saw someone in my position letting this happen I would consider them a horrible person but actually living this, I can see why so many people turn away. It’s not just their livelihood at stake but those that they try to help and everyone else around them that is innocent. Nobody wants to be responsible for someone else’s pain.

              This is the moment I realize I want nothing more than to kill myself or kill Jeremy. Right now I have no feelings for him other than hatred so the moment he waltz’s up to me pulling me into his embrace it takes everything I have not to cringe and show him just how much I hate him in this moment.



3 Months Earlier


              As I snuggle closer to the corner of the couch watching one of my favorite movies, Taken, where Liam Neeson kicks ass to save his daughter from the scum who took her and brought her into the sex trafficking world, I realize it is fitting of my situation. The problem is I don’t have a Liam Neeson willing to fight and kill to find me and save me. I only have a man who was willing to fight and kill to take me. But I can’t fret over that now. This is my life and I have decided to make the most of it. Maybe it won’t be so bad. Jeremy seems to be a very attentive boyfriend as long as I don’t fuck up. He spoils me like I’ve never been before. Every day he brings me home a new outfit, shoes, flowers, candy, my favorite food, jewelry; the list goes on, and it’s not just about what he buys me. There are the moments where his gaze on me is not just carnal but seeming full of love and passion. I feel special and cared for.

              Last night we cuddled up together on this very couch I am on now watching a documentary of a student/teacher relationship that happened years ago now, where the teacher had been caught sleeping with her student and wound up pregnant. She went to jail and when she got out, her and the same students got back together, married, and live happily ever after. It was disturbing just as much as it was sweet. To risk your entire life and wellbeing to be with the one you love even if society deems it wrong. It reminded me of my current situation. I felt like maybe this is why Jeremy never confronted me before about his feelings or obsession; however, you want to look at it. He would lose all he ever worked for just to be with me. That’s why he took me and kept me. He somehow knew I was it for him. Maybe that’s my problem. I haven’t felt like he was it for me. Would I have felt differently if he had approached me instead? Would I have given him a chance or just brushed him off? I guess I’ll never know.

              Having been in love with Forrest it is hard to tell if I would have reacted differently if the situation had been different. I contemplate what I knew of him before everything happened and I realized that he was always kind to me and everyone else. He was also very good looking and smart. If I take away, all that he has done in this private business of his I would say he was a great catch. Any woman would be proud to have him at their side.

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