Brazen Seduction (5 page)

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Authors: Morgan Ashbury

BOOK: Brazen Seduction
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“She has a very pretty pussy,” Alan said.

“Yes, and a tasty one, too.” Richard agreed. Then he met her gaze in the mirror once more. “I hope you got a good night’s sleep last night, Molly. Because you won’t get much sleep tonight. Now, anything you’d like to say?”

Did he just toss her a challenge? Did he think she would cry uncle, say that stupid safe word, burst into tears?

She was a tougher woman than that.

The two men she hungered after for so long now looked at her naked body, promising to do all manner of delicious things to her. Did she have something to say?

“Hurry,” she whispered, “hurry so we can get started. Only please don’t get pulled over.”

Brazen Seduction


Chapter 4

Molly felt the heat of his gaze and met it unflinchingly in the rearview mirror. She thought of being so close to having what she’d dreamed of having for so long.

And then she saw it, a look that told her he finally understood just how badly she wanted him, how much she wanted them both.

“Does being chained up like that turn you on?” he asked.

Did it? Molly certainly felt horny. It occurred to her that if she hated what he’d done to her, she wouldn’t be.

“I think it does.”

Richard chuckled. “Maybe you’ll like it more when I strap you down in my basement and play with you. A little slap and tickle, among other things. Would you like it if I blindfolded you? If, while you’re blindfolded, Alan and I both played with you? Touched you?

Tasted you? Fucked you?”

“Mmm.” His words acted like a teasing caress against her nerve endings, making her all hot and tingly inside.

She caught Alan’s subtle movement, followed by Richard’s nod.

He turned around in the front seat so he could look at her.

“I love to be tied up. I like ropes, and I love it when Richard ties them tight. I love the feeling of being completely at his mercy.” Then he let his gaze wander down to her pussy. “I haven’t fucked a woman for a while. The first time I met you, Molly, I wanted to fuck you.” She wanted to smile when Alan slid a sly, sideways glance Richard’s way.

“You never told me that,” Richard said.

“Because I knew you wouldn’t like it.

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Molly recognized the street they’d turned onto. Richard’s brownstone stood two blocks down.

She wondered how he planned to get her into the house.

“What’s the matter?” Richard asked, one eyebrow raised. She thought she saw his lip turn up at the corner. She read a bit of merriment in his eyes and realized something about him she’d not known before. The man obviously loved to tease.

“Oh, nothing, really. I just wondered. How am I going to get inside your house?”

“Well, I planned to unchain you first.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

“Do you think I’ve damaged your legs, keeping them spread and raised like that for the last few minutes?”

“No, I don’t think so. They’re not even sore.” Molly reacted to his widening smile by giving him hers in return.

“Well then, I guess you’re going to walk through the front entrance, once the door is unlocked and open.”

“But I’m naked!”

“In that case, may I suggest you walk very quickly?” Molly had never seen that light-hearted, fun-filled smile before but she liked it. She liked it a lot.

Until she found out he wasn’t joking.

* * * *

“It’s nearly summer,” Richard said as he took Molly’s hand and led her up the stairs toward the master bedroom. “You can’t be that cold.”

“You try running, in the middle of the night, barefoot up to your neck, across a street and up a set of concrete steps.” The tone in Molly’s voice told Alan she wasn’t vexed at all. He smiled. He always enjoyed Richard’s playful side.

Richard laughed. “At least I sent Alan ahead to open the door.”
Brazen Seduction


“I wonder if any of your neighbors saw me.” Molly said.

“It’s after midnight,” Alan said. “If they did, they’ll think they were dreaming.” He watched Richard, watched the way the excitement lit his eyes, because he’d finally given himself permission to do what he’d secretly longed to do for a long time. He’d given himself permission to have Molly.

Alan knew since the moment he met her that Molly would be the one for them. Richard tried hard to keep the woman in the box labeled

“best friend’s baby sister,” but he knew the first time he saw them together that the man wanted her.

For that matter, Alan wanted her on first sight, too.

At the moment, she seemed a bit off balance. Everyone who lived a variation of the lifestyle he and Richard lived did things differently.

There existed within the lifestyle a measure of individuality, much as could be found in the way different people practiced their religion or politics, in the way they approached their jobs or, hell, even wore a scarf.

To Alan’s way of thinking, the right way was the way that worked best for you.

He looked at Richard and said, “Molly’s confused.” Richard nodded. “I know.”

Alan nearly laughed. He could see Molly wanted to say something about being spoken about when she stood right there. He guessed it was a measure of her need and desire that she kept her mouth shut. It wasn’t hard to figure out that she feared saying the wrong thing and sparking Richard’s temper.

Very astute of her

His lover would never hurt her or any woman. His lover would never hurt him. But he
show her the door. Richard did have a fierce temper.

They walked through the large bedroom into the bathroom beyond. Alan appreciated Molly’s gasp of pleasure as she took in the enormous room.


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The master bath was a hedonist’s paradise. Decorated in black and gold marble, it sparkled in the soft lighting recessed into the ceiling.

Alan recalled the first time he’d stepped into this room. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He’d never seen such a large shower.

Equipped with two shower heads on each end—two above the head and two aimed just below waist level—one could be pelted with water at varying speeds and intensities or covered in a fine mist, depending upon the setting. When Richard and he showered together they didn’t take up all the space. Thoughts of the three of them showering together got him hotter than he already was looking at Molly’s totally naked, totally fabulous body.

The regular tub easily accommodated two people and being situated next to the shower meant one could soak in a hot bath and then rinse off under an abundance of rain.

As if that weren’t luxury enough, Richard installed a spa. Alan could see this feature held Molly’s attention above all else. They’d never tested the theory, but Richard said the manufacturer claimed it could hold six comfortably.

Richard spun on his heel and faced them. Though Molly now stood between them, it was Alan’s eyes his master sought.

“Alan, strip and then undress me.”

“Yes, Master.”

Alan didn’t need a lot of direction. He knew how to please Richard. Sometimes his master surprised him, and he felt blessed because of it. But mostly, he relied on his instincts and on his love for Richard to guide him.

His master’s bidding on Molly had been just such a surprise.

Jumping the dollar value all the way to fifty thousand told Alan just how very much Richard wanted to keep this glorious redhead out of the hands of Bacchus and all to himself.

Alan peeled the clothes from his body, taking the time to fold them and set them on the dressing table just inside the bathroom door.

Naked but for his collar, he walked over to his master.

Brazen Seduction


He liked that both Richard and Molly stared at his cock. He was hard and ready and wanted nothing more than to give and receive pleasure with them both.

They’d shared a woman before, he and his master, but this time it felt different.

Alan approached Richard, eager for the mutual pleasuring to begin.

“From behind,” Richard said.

Alan stood behind Richard and slipped his arms around him. His hands caressed on their way to open the buttons of Richard’s shirt.

Beginning at the top he unfastened every one.

“I don’t want you to be confused, Molly, so if you have any questions, ask away,” Richard said softly. “Alan lives here with me.

So will you—when you’ve earned that right. I take great pride in and pleasure from my position as Master of this household.” Alan reached around and opened the buttons on Richard’s cuffs.

Then, very gently, he peeled the shirt from his body. Unable to resist, Alan placed a couple of gentle kisses on Richard’s naked shoulders.

The hitch in his master’s breathing shot a zing of arousal through Alan, straight at his cock. Words couldn’t express how gratified he felt knowing he could so easily affect such a strong and vibrant man as his master.

“You like being the boss?” Molly’s tone said she wanted to understand.

“I do. I like being the boss, and I get absolutely turned on when I have my lovers on their knees, when they obey whatever I tell them to do instantly and without hesitation. That kind of devotion comes with time and trust.”

“So it’s not a power trip?”

“No, it’s a sexual arousal trip. Pure and simple. And that kind of obeisance, that kind of servitude that I want from you comes during love play only. I’m in charge here. I run the household and make the

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decisions, yes. But the on-your-knees-do-as-you’re-told moments are for moments like now. When we’re naked and needy.” Alan kept undressing Richard as the man spoke, knowing the kind of touches his master craved as foreplay. He gave those now, brushing his face against Richard’s back, dipping his thumbs under the waist band of his dress slacks as he reached around to unbuckle his belt and undo his pants. Richard’s cock sprang free already hard and Alan shivered in pleasure as he stroked the hot head of it with his thumbs.

“Finish it,” Richard said.

Oh, Richard was hot tonight and Alan wanted his share of that heat. He wanted to watch his master fuck Molly and finally allow himself the pleasure Alan knew he’d craved for so long. He did as his master commanded, and in mere moments, Richard stood gloriously naked.

He stayed at Richard’s back, caressing his shoulders. When Richard turned his head to kiss his hand, Alan knew he’d read his master’s mood right.

They would show Molly that they were a couple, a couple who chose her to join them.

“Molly, come here.”

Alan’s heart thudded with the knowledge that Molly liked seeing him touching their master. The expression in her eyes softened as Alan kissed and caressed Richard, and she wore the signs of her growing pleasure. Her eyes wide, her breathing ragged, and her nipples beaded into firm little points, Molly did as ordered and approached.

* * * *

He looked hot. They both did. Molly wondered how long it would take her to come. She took the two steps necessary to bring her to Richard.

Brazen Seduction


“Hello, Molly,” he whispered, just before he put his arms around her, gathered her in, and laid his lips on hers.


The sensation of his mouth, hot and wet, his tongue, sleek and sultry, fanned the flames of her arousal at the same time they filled her heart with joy.

He pulled her closer. Hesitant, she laid her hands on his chest, moved them slowly upward, needing to twine them around his neck.

Richard’s murmur of approval thrilled her. She wanted to please him more than she wanted to draw her next breath. She wanted to immerse herself so completely in these two men that no one would ever be able to separate them or tell where one of them ended and the other began.

His heat seared her, warmed her breasts and made liquid pool in her pussy. She swirled her tongue, tasting his, tasting him, and let her hands play in his hair.

Alan took her right hand, kissed her palm, bit it, and then licked it.

She groaned and brushed her sex against Richard’s, the convulsion of her hips bringing such heat and pleasure, she did it again.

“Stop,” Richard said.

She could feel his cock pulsing, knew he was close. She buried her face against his chest, clamping her inner muscles, using every ounce of will she possessed to obey him.


“Yes, Master. I’ll get it.”

Get it?
She sensed the other man moving away but he didn’t go far. He returned in seconds. He got down on his knees beside them, as if he would nudge his way into the midst of them. The tear of the package and then…
oh, God

Alan’s hands slid between them, stroking her slit, finding her clit even as she felt as well as heard the glide of the condom onto

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Richard’s cock. Then Alan brought his master’s cock to her and rubbed it against her slit.

“Hold on.” Richard lifted her, took two steps, sat her on the wide bathroom counter, and thrust his cock into her, hard and fast and deep.

So good

Her groan and the tilting of her hips were the only communication she could manage. She clung to Richard, wrapping arms and legs around him. Her body shook with the impact of each thrust, and she moved just a little, just to rub her clit against the hair that nested his cock.

Molly came in a rush of pleasure so intense, every muscle in her body quivered, then turned to liquid honey. Every ounce of strength flowed out of her body with her release.

Richard held her fast, held her harder, as she relinquished all control. Electric, titanic, the orgasm continued to sizzle her sex and flutter her flesh.

“Yes.” Richard buried his face in the corner of her neck as he slammed into her a final time. He held himself deep inside her and she felt his latex covered cock pressed against her cervix, felt the pulsating rhythm of his ejaculation, and knew one quick flash of regret that his seed would find no home within her.

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